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February 20, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-20

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r4 <aiim.
.Our Special Line of.. THE FILIPINO GUEST lie sitoke vers flatteringly over the A LARGE SQUAD
repinnt which1 has been tenieret hint
Foregn ad Dmestc iii oiverthe contry and estioialy the
adDnetcA Prominent Native Lawyer Visits heary amanner with which the law Many Candidates For Baseball
Foreigneiedhnthre ndh
AB ISHis Young Friends. in the tlllt -ievi in ee ille Honors-New.Gen Tiinig
FA R SUniversity spa~ke iihghs t wris of pie of the Oti oc
lOtielilan Uiiversity iand tbe dvam- Oti oc
ages ofereil to sttiilets. Whle liere'
F OR SPRING tenor La 1larla, who visited the Ung- e wtan lieinest of tro. Fr ee. Te exceptionally strong baeball
r ity at few drays go is a tery liter- selidulne which hs eei arranged, and
esing personage, and tleitr ief aounn Bad Coasting Accident tie propets of at hl e eastern tit,
has ai rived and is al'- giveii-in the IDaily yeseriay only iiei- w i a visilzt some of the mnot ro-
ranged for inspeetion. i ioieil his visit eee iiiillid lut give Sile eooim i adsii sre-iei mmieote a oael u
We have the largest as- thit.Iterview wiciih-lble raided a staff 1 1 eisgtis .Iimm Illi-tisall tart ito alliig ot all baseball
so(inti-h vio oiisl oiimeit later. le lpos 05seasies m-doe XihaS-ii fMmc tilisigists lionc lee whoishae ever
soiin-nte iy fA dre L t ca~alo ui ey tplelisliipeirtsoilitiy anhul ked1(11handled the sihere amd ae willimg to
sliioliii leire. sa vasot severelyin
gnqito- freelyi-suT iuimig his peolie andl ue ieyug wsp ig a ronupe I, for Iiplire o ie the vrsity
th b titprspct w tih rybeor Opiirit1itbhbs p the ot-iMisN- eam.diii -liii itta iiisgiven blow al lre
W ~~ILD141)g e.. Mis tNliieo so i iiiiltiteot loisessos iiIlrI the m ~*~T)v~ tose f tfloewuis tnwho haiereigis-
6 " "." v i onli eiiliislil ui-i. lons -onuumo s- No on ca iex linii red as a-iplauts o a tlaeothi le
log E. XW ashington St. Ieii i veriy duldib lyleas le iha li- o, o s eoi tetra:
ooiio-loho litii ti~oi~iiooiiii oiiii buOs v it ai el o wlu elu b i of M i I-l-ot .i.llotluou. I ow
soav iiii 0ii nlt i 10105 a lhi otoii o f i- ios II Ms C atci heroo -N". il -I.IL Kin o;, laweng
5pi w mu., of)is h tt i isa ieooa h tiuti S a i o ii- 111h-:tlvoix . K1). , M lltl v .,0
bas ittlegslw r i Ottl era. Muile -h
\VktRLI-LtJI( 01 iin110 o 1f 1 il ongis 1I00 lut iie ll uodOi' aii ooaii io Cro 00000, : isCAl. '004 it Lie-4
s e tgo hs efirst visithto : o -u i Oh ediouho'Chuhiig -lutoho1e..tiI) Mabthewhsl 'ou
l rei " I aatev to i s cih alil ont oh Invhthsioi t o ti o: am O'(eC l. '4i nt. De-4lo
-dle ___ a_-- C tool-o chaoos ofolthe atie Still
* itl o e rn t Soki 0000ixo lu th e uuyo0I I I 00hul o itd to
AT tts, rp aoito h 0e vworl. Ths is Injuries Not Setiouts vyolk, IMaso;SWt I OS sou n r i0:;odet
Iyscod visit oo hhoo hunheluStats __Mid_ tolandol Cito; 1 1000ow ron, nioroot
ohl1 m a sou-oouletingoo1 (oy \0000 101 huht, Cleveslonio et -C oules tintiu atiout
,juuN-'r } -riuuoltth oo. s hlooobeo.o-". 04 Oi. i 0ii 4ob l iDeuoil 1 I l v 11 0 law,0-
W I PD E 'Sa o 1 00001 hbolgl 0oc ullhy00000000 foiuuhe .Cm ror i tho raotin ~ oti I 0 -ilIohoi l o o
- e or I ou-u-ualtos t. os 01 ouungh oohobo- h 0-o ii 'ol oI0 00y-som l i nott i h 10 1-o-uoo-tn toutto i'0 d los,
P H R A Y lye aihvhic ooooorhimLsooneooobta 00ii iivviasIou lAiO 00Oot h iotu Il it 01000. It OS '0 Ioumb,
IOU KN W.her t gm o r o ti ng simply0000000000 auotiwe ndoi 000(iiiolhaio to ios;ieg o I- u 100 lsoL100 -etallo . la,
ola n 0 il Ohlio- oil is yl et vuui - co o r t00 o't bori nj risar.n t on ( i (,II l e, iou i - 0 IL vv--hCoooio 00 00-
at a IJN I'I f li 0'oo~tllo helias 0got o 0 00i uiu'ioo i'toto-udieldi i 'oo O h st l~r Inb - 1o
G O D oo-oi -000 i ioi o0001sehl iiolit.oh ou 0000 000vii tooi oo nuo harbti I i-or:I-Oshot' 00 so b-
co dto si l he Iri' us l0-liouuhs lielthwNo bo-il o-i-tuiou 0000 lii lounvcnooslo i
i-oh L U N C H- No i titoh' 100000 boo oe, oob ftotie boo'
hisi boosboibob oioittootio is o-oti lithut 010 m obo ii 00' 00 t sawy r. 'li aw
R 1-. ,ol~, 3 5 S Stte Sree. bos 0000 0-0' ho uoo Olo besOoo0o~ i-i'l 0000'. oisrestlil ohi-t0 on lo'oiliimy000h s1 l-ohbetl00 los
A______________________________ - 00a o socsi al ubiig bho l-'iblo .l oo shuoh o'0 ur 00000s thson ioo i0r 000 Iacih 00 0- liooss o Io- 10 1 0 0is h t, 0''lw 04 -i
o discover tit(, best met-holod'for the0 1 , o t
000000Lo 000-0-00 soohon i a lou' ile, oor i --ill.ooW .1 l t ub p re o 0 lbis,
ou 0000 wlling00the0 'ibo-iu iob i0tos O eoMeig fW bstsoct vII Ilob: 1-. 0Ch ttir '1)1ou i,
00-ilbo-00olrbot onl10000eoaosy nn(t10 bsbotills1000-molr0nin,000- ittlohwayh
00tile0000'. Jol0 0000 ie tl .: . Mil~l o bo s',
nia 00oiher is ii iso000tospeedy00e000a-0u0-In
N O0000 0tit 000(u e.5 uooiooo b ito-il fotlt0 o 000 oo-oob 0I0 ooooo. o toloI ob 1.P0it -Ea ll Cool oho. Mola -
L I E00E ill 0-lt vvi0-0-is ts t ei o s ar xr e r louoooo-uo ooio. o ho it oh l 0 (N lob i. i r . 'o l aol s'. ,t
lrobtens algooy tha000000pu-ledtoilo here.'Atlo' oodoD ; D 1> . I e iooOm . 00 oo'Ulaw ,
In ll ju 0-00Lc "ni Il) s penMetin o Westr o cIi etyOl l.o1- loo'o h ui:o' 1 ( bob os. iltbi.'0I l aw , 11.
~ - j, no5et0000 i y for1 0000 0 o o- supofllo liiui t booo lo 00001 05 000000 '000tit 1awete Ii.td
CTrow brd ge'OsO E f lou anl 0000 ida oianbtloutsoo. u - ii t .hbaoo.noag 000 ooo--I i ei t:- 01al.k0 tilol imsonlo bo
0000 oi oooiuu0 00000 s bo-o a00- utoabooldno'oo'o'oo oo--oh oo hoh-bi o lit. Deroit: bLo ely. 02hobo . osi1lo-ol
0' 00 b~.lstaso' nltoutsbot as p iu lo t e sou l f oloiooou-i n ooooooiuoo lo oitook d-al t s l ii- I 000 tto (). ~ slooO -0i o'o
00 00 00ls ocloo ol000 o oob'' ooas l lo tohoool'looo 0--ill I i ~ o osa Il e 0 u00 A0-10 . :00 e i o t 2 lob w.nolo fiot'.
lin on000 h,0110lobt of in 1000l~lal oo-eb li vw. i 00000 bo ltiurl , pit foom uo ,
00000 01xboil'iii hu tyinomavelb oill 0000 hoe 0 -a- d 00000)tlls oi. lo. lou ouolhos 000
ofvii I o iit'io'ooo ou u o'Iibo ou oot: o tuhe.oo '0 7 lit. Donoo o li .;o
Q U+ 'S iI to oos it" v i-ouon 00e1-000 oto'.nh t i i dlI a iti nle (to fhha tl t i l umo'ou 0 001ho loioomubol 01-:0-00
J ~t~ 'v1l wis t te ntin t orer.ylat . il (. ad .) bonog h1.Illsdeo-oUsom.ImLyt (;rynd thoto 000'-t
LAW OF REAL PROPERTY j ot ooilbl dined withsotob bo 100tOt.heouto 'omolCht sooo'mbeohuhC m-moi'b sm hox oi'tl
. +ho.f.oM.. o oi.-oil E4m'F ncmufogu'en of u c 0th gury;1( l aQin of thu- 1iofusboogootmo a .Ol uger n 000 II i cl emiob ooo t'so'' 0Oo so ~o oi
l l ihe mtot tt o' lob to l ''b 0 t l oete r c lib' boo is pa ing t io ot t.(thisuut h011.mo- ,em' lytho )1'002 siovoo'a cmi 001 h io- o-Ioally
Tabular Aalysis t I s h Ohea io' meofsoo of ilol' otot-e ooolmou. 1- 'ttt boios tuye'aoobr.Im' M tt lo io0511wuho l ll t too Ottoo- ooC
[a mouth Oto-to o'osb. Tho-1- btot-ito-moo so-mt ion'o1oruto Sp'rl-lolulol t e ool' h rtsit ooms
0 th ilt' hil 011- uotottl b core0we itt l li s nd (.'it -Oh-bo'Ol1'. lt'Iiuo l ilitl m fot tlmtw sot will preveno-itohoito'
± li~ptloomom' o loriuis om i-s'i oooo'y lom 'bami. 00hou r. e t 's mtunt ul 25itim oo mut oom' ihe 101000- i' 0100 10' obel(ol -suo
ft A rm w rk o h t at li lu'o fm'texvur somlat miolo-tlog toiie l' houlu'011-. li itu tQth snig iui ' l li til u pi lou' hmembu-oo sevieu-o io tune-Ol hit yearuimlIi
BY ohtedeco d ook ofviiraul m cu'uonittll-luos ioss Aoslu - o f themllnnloc emn t somotok IIoooia'mut-ho oha'nd o1 1 ou ooPisher mowaso thet
4 . W Bl c st cs C oa n d esr a n tare s itIhou ooomlmo'fbt h uhre st ul of tis ole, tmntes sto' i t i C. loFiu om leols imugs olimit to lsoo Sihons p' oor tOhm it elteo m s~tl'ut
± ~~ ~ whcveae o elpo 1 imo Imo''wotiosob.fomls >oomioiIothen et t0 hey avei) ouusemo's ioooobobmgfol' l rosmuothu' eir oions mum
F et.o ml shooul I'Wl iouvt e uasa pouout 2300 y ___II Ikh,3%t__e______ spiit- d tIme 1^ ibu1500sthere are io' canidaghtefo
'' mulmion o au t, bm-s um t miLulu< ioo'rout i ze, ho h P 11 iii'doftdmmw25-, ii0to- o luigfor i t hices ome iiiiiw matlls mai y h
A Draen rk Hu ths sarn:t h isprfessosomeClts'tle ao to.'nter of elu-mitymm to'-iesttymelmrhm ieut m sl bi uiomii. mmii heh oveasr e shutout
* Iksn y udg ment t i ha u tlitt iamndlhtios odayu('Iso slh 0u oeui ta st o he Clulingsmb ut lo : Clufis io)a l'other'othsmeuae i i lig oen
whic ex ele t o e a pworkoit thellna. C it iois Tr00 demilsiu C1 fmouncil tuu,0 ic00sonebmshe.iste ooktig, formuhonorstbtsideuseo leu-' ii om
S a e stdid iu pro i oftheu'istustOo. 101000e ihae isitom i ilto'35bm ThieIprospectsosmglooge Iveryoubmrigohtsuoor
in connection with lack- -I:lt live ycurs. 'fhere is gouing to be 1880he ledmtou to establish tie Amei--

+ invsolvinug time title to tandms Anmol hi all of tin' staLrtiuug of this ptmh~imatilu 5o cal sosiely Thrsmday eveusing at 7:30
XW arr B oktore probmhihoibly it mill 17os sosen after siv Mr. Kibbee, the nombher of Fin- in thclu o-er leottore room of tiemedi
:62 ; - '; : thbe usew-ournnts have been e tAmbishied mush unewsp-apers has increased mansy cal Iniling ll.C. I. Whthes' of Lan-
_______________ b____ efore they wnill be settled'" fold.slng will speak.

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