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February 20, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-20

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4. N. Wild Co.
11 South State Street
If You
Base Ball
or mitt, or in fact if
you are going to
buy anything in the
way of Base Ball
goods, youll find
the largest st o ck
and the best selec-
tion at
iThe Stueolts' Booksor
Money Loaned
5)o Watches, Ditiotto.Lain titosli.
or otiens rtsoal Propet'y
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargain; in Watches, lDiamods
Office at rsidenc 331 E, Liberty St5
Ann Arbor.
(lorsS o 1:3a. m. I to 3:30 andi to~
9 pt.

THE M JVICHi ISAN DAILY. Uncte is strngh; this imoto ciiibi
ap hr< o lcsolitin oary all
Enterd as tind clain to erni tithiie An n citfy (Ilistiloil . lTh ' s asni is
d.-\Abci' piiofsiiier.ripe' for is appliaionitoth omateriof
---snior lciils].. fasitiyeasr lthe cseniors
Pishdiodiil uiy (Sicifays excepted) duing s
the colege yearnat n at Wshigtnnof alldeprtment iri s imatssd tieir rcoi-
stert. fell phote 892, Homte phne 76. tri loton ito a fsindIfor tflipt ililijli-
-__ .--..... n hrn I.of heU inclchoc'rthis d iar
Mlainagisng Edior-Arthur C. Pound I hr iiumanfs iruudlncrrto rivrrt
Bfusiniess Maagr-C. E. Winsead. to thefler ust diom of iparae depari
- - mental memoscrials 'I cla s hlae a-
EfifTOOS. radyfc irfrriithiirircroiir, a paiiinig
cris.......Daid F. Stevenson f roic sr lmlii rr anii Iotierr lass
Athlietics......Robert H. Cnyy cvflo shi.
FIxcfaicgi ...r.. Gleai)). Brndley W\Vc sfa I ifsed theciciiiil rl ci hab
I Musi cildIDramua..Panl S. Mowrer Itydsitoldifohll owieIdibyu7.Initsli
\Vsicisos IEdilor,.louise VnVorlis s tirrt is iis implfosil liiiiibu
iliTiil[irSTAF=F. ltie iii lgituti lIi f ille o ter sniosr
Geoirge A. Osorn J. Earl Ogle. Jr lss iontitls iiioint cn stillIbe ffrcrid.
IHarold C. Smith 'Is liDaiiiisiledI terifiinkithat as
ASSOCIATE EDTuOS. ci al iiii f i lls' iworhi is% llileati f
Wiliam A. Mlhern FloydI H. Jones aniniidua if giftinecrsrsariyiniiferiir.
henr'iirF.Srhultelflcassif emria i fis pulrhasedifofr ll
time. By iiiitrture 'genertis f CsI
lsgeiiiitiiillflidgsti0i7. If sireioiifil
Chaunscesy Bcher George 11. IHoar ep isli iuli isou immr y'son firecipusi
A. F- Riitrhie I11. John Wambcold w tl1 c frit'fifiiifisiiworfy isi-
J.hV. PMcCandless Guy P. Bliss innil iof isit'liiilt. Pis'ssutfr siss
IfiraiiiS Coidy illiam F. Grdolph this canbe s't'iiuiiifiis b y auid
If r R. \Vilis LIeionarid C. Reid f. i f f il ot litt~gpuri'pse ito
Crl R., Moore Mlfihi i itsnbeipt isill,- i'furhs'eurac
BtUSINtiSS STAFF o h nc lboie
iltnst . AVurc IHarry Iili H ii is'il s'taemen sithii fointl iwill lnot
Cal If, Adamitindun ivesial fa'iirisii thei'campuis.
T ee is.a ieelingti 'lisiipsudenssithati
RAfES: u2.o per yenr, or $2.00otifpaid int e li o lmii5 crlilipwaini so1 e iii -
adance. urc'frfm' thii sif dentiiii ly'ii t h ash los
Addrets:CGRAS. iE. Vt'N''FAt, Bus~iness is lpliiiiind h litinkuuifuuifswho iis'm-
Manager, 220 S. 12th St. Phone 707 L. 11br sfac iied 'iitf nltiilsi siars'nt lyiif
Oice Hours 230 tu i:30 and 630 lii 730 sitint o iilt tfiridelao f tiis, . U u
P. M0. Dily.i f is ls i , ci i''s''iiif i
Addrenss ARTHiUiRC. POUND, Mnagig ed ine dtoiInpollthIs iaictp'sitith i i
Editor, 715 Monre.
Ofice flnurs 2 to 3 P. ft. Daialy, btfre it NPWe .'iintisi lifeling, for
iEcept Snday.thlionslshis ills'oft irbrgtvso,
(i ,I(ottus of Pis itlfie Eitrt:0utiill1':10 andf stiltill ifitidil slit's sisitoisces'
sailly ;e l l ei l' i C,tu t itii'sit ' i ealietdI luttheif is no dh nyisgu t h ei
sitt ifs f iyrs sriicisic
1 elemoniii mositissosftens ailsraiesf fi
5 ssi~~~ sriica''i-Icillist foii'itiir liihse t'iriiuiss
I dlii oda -GERGE11 HBAR. Uionll s l s ithai'ttesion ist
to o slivt ivtoo s iisf ir Iwa ',suots i
Ifiiti isilss Iict r f. liis tat' t sss'id'ftacy . Io s fl t udenty. fisidyit
\\ 1I)\1S~rA, h~fRARY oi107.; sisilfo futsfrtshIts'ointiosihifasil-'
s irs iof tse I isut tskeep' its miiisu'
CALEI'NDAR. ii sitcit ofii tesiatilutnustnf.'iilit
hil tI 'y A H Cmll in cf ow , ro liro h othI i s Ifl fsiago fist' no' t yeti
Int~rlac bskebal: glaw s s ftisisi sth li insct ue, bspt tisi ar
sit ittict'; it 11sf. sN.'s lois ntsroscuhoataslgime
h c.21s i 1 iP sid f r egen'sc metis.s's I fir s oftiau.comb it'ld memoi l.IT he sr
is1 liiilP tutu tillsdIsis t' f'nis'Lunioma hae b n at faut in ot i
ccrsity ;rod Scoch of Nftlicli. li s''tinke ig tslit isfstib d oe ls
Iis' Nflitusii'al Iill iiirm fssii t s f inanicei's ss; e tinifthiis
Fh 2 fude' ast' iriiss' a t niissisnsst hcen 1isithurtful tlitis cas.it'
iSarahi 'sCa self f \sps'f Hall, iiin t e But at fie sltim he reiitis itibtio t
fir'nsiif ibe'rsaid niit lus h. ofef :1 ills
CPs .'. '1 1I s f ii N sYoGrk, hetlmtir'iss' utistmen1; tlirt'critics'swousil
is .'its cii% 1-1a1 ssl r asps~is p'5 f ti'tift I et hefir las~ t to ts lmiiii' th'i'
,If late epstltsiusstnc. t as notsfhrou'hsaipei
stiultsif cu li l Aalts Ii Nhuliutitti's siet it s isl ut i beas5.uss'of a e
1'rha ac i Granges'rs listrP mifLIck f tiethaft ti r
ts cerli I.ti-N We ts sir sticonv in t tait il'iiior'i
Feh I~~an ''. "N~rs S fI. ll i rs s sss s's'old \i e st ls'slthe i fic'erlt''s
Ni sli 4 10i-IfgstilaIl kis f i Itlttftitpt isill 1be siimade i ca soon as possibil, ant
siftserrt liltdIUPive rsiy 1Hflls scostud firbe fls 't. . \leantillictil e lt
tuft ; 'cloo:ba d . . A sir ls s s ws' till sscie wisatitheyu i if
st1"0 htetosri iniu utu itlre NMi'iaiumen'i

tha tspt n In07 tld ts cmpus grei.
We,'holiftoisee it'hem joitninfg i a
wortyu itmoriatl, andilostuco'necteiuinrsl
ism si kitufthelion. ut
Basktbifall as asctlleg p orIntuctader a
MIifis iishiga uis latsinight, iwhistithe
c5cstisson p Ituluauisi ciuslyi Wateirtant
gynium iut itIti littst itchae always ii-
trs'r'iits p arutilarly whntithey cotu-
bi'cttealthy exercis for le player adi
'xiinisipesteirtinment ifor setaors.
p.111gameIil makehsiuimo're'friensitlswithi
uvrpt's' ti ameps ons tihescheiduei.
Sovitt''Sotis.-TlhiiAlNhauhiti's iin"
te i f iat fidinne lt' tiinight,bit the
,nets werelii'n'ttu ti'5''i'iu withiopts
ar- lii Iact', ty wseuit niiiimsi.
Btltldithie uibiddtn 'uelstsiscar,
lirthIis scentitipgtnsglsci. forithey lhlpd
iithm f s's t this good tiiigs tandt''se-
patd oinug thuir horsesses tuuosit-
istrils to\t'efi:ur hlutic ss c it ill'
in its recen't victoisry ver PMr Sut.
9eews this' gttatitde' f s'sery stuent.
fhe ts' hili' a5socitionutuis ntsc lippn
coplinjst 15o. so NIr. IBrownu's gp1-i
rn i is I isiblifs ttfpfrciatedt .
ffI$S '55 tfshNAMllFN' I,
I mp 1t.ttm FIs .l5 '11118 PEIiK
'fit's' c iilhstisiuflbeaei lietig f
fir C'he -anduhf ec'kursclishFridty
+fsito t 2 o'cocinMcii rlilfanhflal.
''i1ills' Cumetung isinecssary it oulrde
is fifty tff therimausintitup eus'sof th
fib' rsesnt turnamtilsi. PWhatifuss
ami,'arc' Iitaftr this metusingp will
Its fplace utifithis'eularuftw'eusyrfmetingtt
'u, Pit s t'sa ftr o n
Ihi ou, siussusdeifdeh'sthis'akupuetl
of tetso teisamc s ors'frcs'uuthis'cl.
Eachsitm till1cosislt iofthus'fis's'pla'-
er; hitshiss us deuthe estrecrd
Mastils'2hoth stus sill psi irsDtrit
toi 515 thisIDesrsoitiChss s 1dCf'hekrs
.11) ss f pulls.s:Asriscis as
co uiplt1 us ifs thisNotuImcssserun
Cheiss atusheck'f s clu'bsif, al'thughi
Newellh I. haths,'of Dltriti, this
ches isantusheckrss's'champuuu~ionsof ich-lr
stillhi w ill ll agustcof thetcl uthi
uwsiksa.'uuou I i ayti ternu oornuhe It siff
gis ilt anfexhibistinisf thue fitsefpoitis it.
thus gatuzs. IIssiffltpsy it uuuorf
patti isbliuudfoldeds's andiIthusntwillfpshy' a
finstir'ilts wihutheis' fosffldtff.
('lU ifSllAP'FINAl5
Thhgrs'sktl hamlsiipionship foru
s itrstuff he isfsddthis sfternioon
t sabuit upsittttubhtwen thu sen-
io itsnd unutior tslut s Ie fur e utit' gius
ati;:t; ani proisefuto'uelushrl con-~
itesh as theusntiossrutill is cosidstefrsd
situ'n uund thise sirs lost lstchyears
ifhlilmttinshuf is situnly otitpsitt. 'Te
niumerltulofith i nnuingiuteais itssilit'e
e'ngravesu onsaIsitu veuriftosing h chili fosnitedu
his WrihrtfKayus& Pit
sl it 'this aetuil r I h illsk tufflsuhi'its
ifoes tiltoor 'sbtsbaltuilltak t

)rnttglitig Itt~sruttetts
Labtoraltry Accessores
ltngitteers Supplies
1 Everything for the Second
Excelletnt Seleriott in
Law.,hMedical, Literary and
The Bookstore That's Never
$2.75 nor
)'oun wi rsainhus uoin ucpari
stunthatsit i s e It'tvaluceer
Leather Ones, Too
Ntfinse mire sn than takig
51st-ft iplusthtse otupeenig-
th'Tupmake goadtus dtals atd rt-
cotrd pluhteat erents.
7Call 1096-J, Night or Day
1n0it fessdayd I illmake fpor
traitssand pgrotf up iture-night
or day--i a nesttesw operating
fKttdaks rnd Suplites
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capfta stock, $000. . Surptu ', W,000o
Rtesouces, t.'.,0,00
A General Banking Beefsne Transated
UaircoltsuCha. E. ffscok. Fes.;5 W. ft
Hinan Vicue Pes.siAl. J liitti Serf ii
,~Spainjfg StNC
For aCeaA~aogtze of
Spalding Athletic Goods
Mtetnttinihat sportson uet'eitest n d s t
ask for attlistt cleestd stiuuofspis.
rhe Spanldtrtg Athletcic Librar-y
Tet hsttonsttvetry 'tlilutssueso o.csper
tofp. Send fde Cotmpilet'fist
Mail Order Dpt
126 Nattau St. New Yrk. 149 WatahAveChicot

'Text Book Se wand
Drawing Instruments
1I, i wtsEttts g.Mcdicah atnd Literary LexI Books >
A~~~ ) F)s isI, t 1% ft ilit P,-'ts TAlets. Note Bsoks, ete.
Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing
Instruments and Supplies.
S, e this Genuine Richter ''loosi-Bown" set. Sec 1,
Sisecial U. of M. sets.
Rem.-mber, Every instrument is sold under abstolute guar-
antee. We protect you.
The store of the Studenits, r)fl the Sttlettls forthte Stutdetnts

You are needed on the
Pacific Coast. Do you
wish a higher salary
and a better chance for
Do you need a change
of climate and an op-
portunity to s ee t he
wonders of the Great
West? Write at once to
The Pacific Coast Teachers


Gov. A. B. Cummnins of Iowa Feb. 20
Leland T,. P.iers Feb. 25
Lecture will begin promptly at 8 o'clock.

I, _________!_____ ,__


Phone 598

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