THE MICHIGAN DAILY New Sprilig Woolells 1907 4. N. Wild Co. 11 South State Street If You Need a Base Ball Glove or mitt, or in fact if you are going to buy anything in the way of Base Ball goods, youll find the largest st o ck and the best selec- tion at SHE EHAN & CO.' iThe Stueolts' Booksor Money Loaned 5)o Watches, Ditiotto.Lain titosli. or otiens rtsoal Propet'y Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargain; in Watches, lDiamods Office at rsidenc 331 E, Liberty St5 Ann Arbor. (lorsS o 1:3a. m. I to 3:30 andi to~ 9 pt. JOSEPHI . WATTS THE M JVICHi ISAN DAILY. Uncte is strngh; this imoto ciiibi ap hr< o lcsolitin oary all Enterd as tind clain to erni tithiie An n citfy (Ilistiloil . lTh ' s asni is d.-\Abci' piiofsiiier.ripe' for is appliaionitoth omateriof ---snior lciils].. fasitiyeasr lthe cseniors Pishdiodiil uiy (Sicifays excepted) duing s the colege yearnat n at Wshigtnnof alldeprtment iri s imatssd tieir rcoi- stert. fell phote 892, Homte phne 76. tri loton ito a fsindIfor tflipt ililijli- -__ .--..... n hrn I.of heU inclchoc'rthis d iar Mlainagisng Edior-Arthur C. Pound I hr iiumanfs iruudlncrrto rivrrt Bfusiniess Maagr-C. E. Winsead. to thefler ust diom of iparae depari - - mental memoscrials 'I cla s hlae a- EfifTOOS. radyfc irfrriithiirircroiir, a paiiinig cris.......Daid F. Stevenson f roic sr lmlii rr anii Iotierr lass Athlietics......Robert H. Cnyy cvflo shi. FIxcfaicgi ...r.. Gleai)). Brndley W\Vc sfa I ifsed theciciiiil rl ci hab I Musi cildIDramua..Panl S. Mowrer Itydsitoldifohll owieIdibyu7.Initsli \Vsicisos IEdilor,.louise VnVorlis s tirrt is iis implfosil liiiiibu iliTiil[irSTAF=F. ltie iii lgituti lIi f ille o ter sniosr Geoirge A. Osorn J. Earl Ogle. Jr lss iontitls iiioint cn stillIbe ffrcrid. IHarold C. Smith 'Is liDaiiiisiledI terifiinkithat as ASSOCIATE EDTuOS. ci al iiii f i lls' iworhi is% llileati f Wiliam A. Mlhern FloydI H. Jones aniniidua if giftinecrsrsariyiniiferiir. henr'iirF.Srhultelflcassif emria i fis pulrhasedifofr ll time. By iiiitrture 'genertis f CsI lsgeiiiitiiillflidgsti0i7. If sireioiifil Chaunscesy Bcher George 11. IHoar ep isli iuli isou immr y'son firecipusi A. F- Riitrhie I11. John Wambcold w tl1 c frit'fifiiifisiiworfy isi- J.hV. PMcCandless Guy P. Bliss innil iof isit'liiilt. Pis'ssutfr siss IfiraiiiS Coidy illiam F. Grdolph this canbe s't'iiuiiifiis b y auid If r R. \Vilis LIeionarid C. Reid f. i f f il ot litt~gpuri'pse ito Crl R., Moore Mlfihi i itsnbeipt isill,- i'furhs'eurac BtUSINtiSS STAFF o h nc lboie iltnst . AVurc IHarry Iili H ii is'il s'taemen sithii fointl iwill lnot Cal If, Adamitindun ivesial fa'iirisii thei'campuis. T ee is.a ieelingti 'lisiipsudenssithati RAfES: u2.o per yenr, or $2.00otifpaid int e li o lmii5 crlilipwaini so1 e iii - adance. urc'frfm' thii sif dentiiii ly'ii t h ash los Addrets:CGRAS. iE. Vt'N''FAt, Bus~iness is lpliiiiind h litinkuuifuuifswho iis'm- Manager, 220 S. 12th St. Phone 707 L. 11br sfac iied 'iitf nltiilsi siars'nt lyiif Oice Hours 230 tu i:30 and 630 lii 730 sitint o iilt tfiridelao f tiis, . U u P. M0. Dily.i f is ls i , ci i''s''iiif i Addrenss ARTHiUiRC. POUND, Mnagig ed ine dtoiInpollthIs iaictp'sitith i i Editor, 715 Monre. Ofice flnurs 2 to 3 P. ft. Daialy, btfre it NPWe .'iintisi lifeling, for iEcept Snday.thlionslshis ills'oft irbrgtvso, (i ,I(ottus of Pis itlfie Eitrt:0utiill1':10 andf stiltill ifitidil slit's sisitoisces' sailly ;e l l ei l' i C,tu t itii'sit ' i ealietdI luttheif is no dh nyisgu t h ei sitt ifs f iyrs sriicisic 1 elemoniii mositissosftens ailsraiesf fi 5 ssi~~~ sriica''i-Icillist foii'itiir liihse t'iriiuiss I dlii oda -GERGE11 HBAR. Uionll s l s ithai'ttesion ist to o slivt ivtoo s iisf ir Iwa ',suots i Ifiiti isilss Iict r f. liis tat' t sss'id'ftacy . Io s fl t udenty. fisidyit \\ 1I)\1S~rA, h~fRARY oi107.; sisilfo futsfrtshIts'ointiosihifasil-' s irs iof tse I isut tskeep' its miiisu' CALEI'NDAR. ii sitcit ofii tesiatilutnustnf.'iilit hil tI 'y A H Cmll in cf ow , ro liro h othI i s Ifl fsiago fist' no' t yeti Int~rlac bskebal: glaw s s ftisisi sth li insct ue, bspt tisi ar sit ittict'; it 11sf. sN.'s lois ntsroscuhoataslgime h c.21s i 1 iP sid f r egen'sc metis.s's I fir s oftiau.comb it'ld memoi l.IT he sr is1 liiilP tutu tillsdIsis t' f'nis'Lunioma hae b n at faut in ot i ccrsity ;rod Scoch of Nftlicli. li s''tinke ig tslit isfstib d oe ls Iis' Nflitusii'al Iill iiirm fssii t s f inanicei's ss; e tinifthiis Fh 2 fude' ast' iriiss' a t niissisnsst hcen 1isithurtful tlitis' iSarahi 'sCa self f \sps'f Hall, iiin t e But at fie sltim he reiitis itibtio t fir'nsiif ibe'rsaid niit lus h. ofef :1 ills CPs .'. '1 1I s f ii N sYoGrk, hetlmtir'iss' utistmen1; tlirt'critics'swousil is .'its cii% 1-1a1 ssl r asps~is p'5 f ti'tift I et hefir las~ t to ts lmiiii' th'i' ,If late epstltsiusstnc. t as notsfhrou'hsaipei stiultsif cu li l Aalts Ii Nhuliutitti's siet it s isl ut i beas5.uss'of a e 1'rha ac i Granges'rs listrP mifLIck f tiethaft ti r ts cerli I.ti-N We ts sir sticonv in t tait il'iiior'i Feh I~~an ''. "N~rs S fI. ll i rs s sss s's'old \i e st ls'slthe i fic'erlt''s Ni sli 4 10i-IfgstilaIl kis f i Itlttftitpt isill 1be siimade i ca soon as possibil, ant siftserrt liltdIUPive rsiy 1Hflls scostud firbe fls 't. . \leantillictil e lt tuft ; 'cloo:ba d . . A sir ls s s ws' till sscie wisatitheyu i if st1"0 htetosri iniu utu itlre NMi'iaiumen'i tha tspt n In07 tld ts cmpus grei. We,'holiftoisee it'hem joitninfg i a wortyu itmoriatl, andilostuco'necteiuinrsl ism si kitufthelion. ut Basktbifall as asctlleg p orIntuctader a MIifis iishiga uis latsinight, iwhistithe c5cstisson p Ituluauisi ciuslyi Wateirtant gynium iut itIti littst itchae always ii- trs'r'iits p arutilarly whntithey cotu- bi'cttealthy exercis for le player adi 'xiinisipesteirtinment ifor setaors. p.111gameIil makehsiuimo're'friensitlswithi uvrpt's' ti ameps ons tihescheiduei. Sovitt''Sotis.-TlhiiAlNhauhiti's iin" te i f iat fidinne lt' tiinight,bit the ,nets werelii'n'ttu ti'5''i'iu withiopts ar- lii Iact', ty wseuit niiiimsi. Btltldithie uibiddtn 'uelstsiscar, lirthIis scentitipgtnsglsci. forithey lhlpd iithm f s's t this good tiiigs tandt''se- patd oinug thuir horsesses tuuosit- istrils to\t'efi:ur hlutic ss c it ill' in its recen't victoisry ver PMr Sut. 9eews this' gttatitde' f s'sery stuent. fhe ts' hili' a5socitionutuis ntsc lippn coplinjst 15o. so NIr. IBrownu's gp1-i rn i is I isiblifs ttfpfrciatedt . ffI$S '55 tfshNAMllFN' I, I mp 1t.ttm FIs .l5 '11118 PEIiK 'fit's' c iilhstisiuflbeaei lietig f fir C'he -anduhf ec'kursclishFridty +fsito t 2 o'cocinMcii rlilfanhflal. ''i1ills' Cumetung isinecssary it oulrde is fifty tff therimausintitup eus'sof th fib' rsesnt turnamtilsi. PWhatifuss ami,'arc' Iitaftr this metusingp will Its fplace utifithis'eularuftw'eusyrfmetingtt 'u, Pit s t'sa ftr o n Ihi ou, siussusdeifdeh'sthis'akupuetl of tetso teisamc s ors'frcs'uuthis'cl. Eachsitm till1cosislt iofthus'fis's'pla'- er; hitshiss us deuthe estrecrd Mastils'2hoth stus sill psi irsDtrit toi 515 thisIDesrsoitiChss s 1dCf'hekrs .11) ss f pulls.s:Asriscis as co uiplt1 us ifs thisNotuImcssserun Cheiss atusheck'f s clu'bsif, al'thughi lintthiiiregard. Newellh I. haths,'of Dltriti, this ches isantusheckrss's'champuuu~ionsof ich-lr stillhi w ill ll agustcof thetcl uthi uwsiksa.'uuou I i ayti ternu oornuhe It siff gis ilt anfexhibistinisf thue fitsefpoitis it. thus gatuzs. IIssiffltpsy it uuuorf patti isbliuudfoldeds's andiIthusntwillfpshy' a finstir'ilts wihutheis' fosffldtff. ('lU ifSllAP'FINAl5 IfSKE'BL.t, ;ANI~f,'lODAY Thhgrs'sktl hamlsiipionship foru s itrstuff he isfsddthis sfternioon t sabuit upsittttubhtwen thu sen- io itsnd unutior tslut s Ie fur e utit' gius ati;:t; ani proisefuto'uelushrl con-~ itesh as theusntiossrutill is cosidstefrsd situ'n uund thise sirs lost lstchyears ifhlilmttinshuf is situnly otitpsitt. 'Te niumerltulofith i nnuingiuteais itssilit'e e'ngravesu onsaIsitu veuriftosing h chili fosnitedu his WrihrtfKayus& Pit sl it 'this aetuil r I h illsk tufflsuhi'its ifoes tiltoor 'sbtsbaltuilltak t TEXTBOOKS )rnttglitig Itt~sruttetts Labtoraltry Accessores ltngitteers Supplies atd 1 Everything for the Second Semester Excelletnt Seleriott in SECOND=HAND Law.,hMedical, Literary and Engineering TEXTBOOKS WAIIR'S The Bookstore That's Never LYNDON PHOTOG RAP HER $2.75 nor FOR A MICHIGAN SEAL )'oun wi rsainhus uoin ucpari stunthatsit i s e It'tvaluceer olfered. SOME NEW POSTAL CARDS Leather Ones, Too Ntfinse mire sn than takig 51st-ft iplusthtse otupeenig- th'Tupmake goadtus dtals atd rt- cotrd pluhteat erents. 7Call 1096-J, Night or Day 1n0it fessdayd I illmake fpor traitssand pgrotf up iture-night or day--i a nesttesw operating LYNDON 719 NORTH UNI- fKttdaks rnd Suplites The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capfta stock, $000. . Surptu ', W,000o Rtesouces, t.'.,0,00 A General Banking Beefsne Transated UaircoltsuCha. E. ffscok. Fes.;5 W. ft Hinan Vicue Pes.siAl. J liitti Serf ii 419t0SEND YOUR NAME ___ ,~Spainjfg StNC For aCeaA~aogtze of Spalding Athletic Goods Mtetnttinihat sportson uet'eitest n d s t ask for attlistt cleestd stiuuofspis. rhe Spanldtrtg Athletcic Librar-y Tet hsttonsttvetry 'tlilutssueso o.csper tofp. Send fde Cotmpilet'fist Mail Order Dpt A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nattau St. New Yrk. 149 WatahAveChicot 'Text Book Se wand Drawing Instruments 1I, i wtsEttts g.Mcdicah atnd Literary LexI Books > A~~~ ) F)s isI, t 1% ft ilit P,-'ts TAlets. Note Bsoks, ete. WE ARE SOIJE AGE.NTS Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing Instruments and Supplies. S, e this Genuine Richter ''loosi-Bown" set. Sec 1, Sisecial U. of M. sets. Rem.-mber, Every instrument is sold under abstolute guar- antee. We protect you. At THIS COwOP The store of the Studenits, r)fl the Sttlettls forthte Stutdetnts TEACHERS You are needed on the Pacific Coast. Do you wish a higher salary and a better chance for edvancement? Do you need a change of climate and an op- portunity to s ee t he wonders of the Great West? Write at once to The Pacific Coast Teachers Agency 164 EL 48th St., PORTLAND, OREGON . ...: STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Gov. A. B. Cummnins of Iowa Feb. 20 Leland T,. P.iers Feb. 25 Lecture will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. I, _________!_____ ,__ 1)1Washngon [ RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 598