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August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Vol. LXXXIX, No. 63-S I e1ia Daiy Friday, August 10, 1979 Sixteen Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Two named as 'U' presidential contenders By JULIE ENGEBRECHT Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) Patricia Harris and Indiana University (IU) Vice- President Robert O'Neil both were considered for the University presidency, several sources said this week. O'Neil was among the candidates interviewed for the post, according to the ...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily Energy costs fuel wholesale price rise b Continued From Pagey increase continues for 12 months, the this will increase in the present quar- Although the price of food at price of fuel oil will more than double ter. wholesale remained unchanged from by mid-1980. Gasoline, meanwhile, rose President Carter's economic ad- June to July, the spurt in fuel costs by 3.9 per cent. visers admit there is ...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…Black English plan draws local support By ADRIENNE LYONS applies only to Martin Luther King, Jr. Local observers of the Black English Elementary School, which is near the issue appear to favor the plan presen- Green Rd. housing project. ted to the Ann Arbor Board of "What I'd like to see is King teachers Education Wednesday night. The plan, coupled with teachers of schools of ordered by a federal district judge, is similar racial composition (...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily ichigan Daiy Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1. 48109 Student search role limited Vol. LXXXIX, No. 63-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan AATA needs cuts to persevere W HEN A TRANSPORTATION system cannot support itself despite substantial state and federal support, services must be reduced and users must com...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 10, 1979-Page 5 4SSETS UP 400 PER CENT SINCE 1972: Foreign banks penetrating U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) - Foreign anks have rapidly penetrated the Jnited States since late 1972, increasing ssets here by 400 per cent and expan- ing their share of domestic deposits ix-fold, the U.S. comptroller general says. The dramatic increase in foreign ank activity was most pronounced in 977 and 1978 when 112 new offices pened...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily MICHIGAN TO BE HIT HARDER THAN NATION 'U' economists forecast mild recession (Continued from Page 1) per cent at the end of this year, and 7.1 per cent by fourth quarter 1980. BUT THE BASE inflation rate is likely to remain unchanged, according to the forecast. Large oil and food price increases pushed the inflation rate for consumer goods into double figures in the first half of 1979, but mor...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily--Friday, August 10, 1979-Page 7 Reaction to AATA service plan varied By SARA ANSPACII the passes will be issued. Low-income Community members with special in- passengers will have to receive cer- terests in public transportation ex- tification from one of several social pressed diverse opinions yesterday on service agencies every six months to be fare hikes and service revisions ap- eligible for the discount, Debbie John- pr...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily GOV'TMA Y GUARANTEE LOANS TO NO. 3 AUTO FIRM UAW rejects Chrysler wage-freeze plan From Wire Reports The government and the United Auto Workers Union (UAW) yesterday rejected key portions of Chrysler Corp's scheme to return to financial health, but both said they are willing to consider ways to save the company. In Washington, Treasury Secretary William Miller ruled out the $1 billion in direc...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 10, 1979-Page 9 Shootings leave three agents dead EL CENTRO, Calif. (AP) - A social three FBI agents were fatally shot in but declined to elaborate. worker left a suicide note with his one day. Maloney had just resigned from a estranged wife yesterday that said, The social worker, James Maloney, position with the Comprehensive Em- "Many would denounce this action," 30, of nearby Holtville, left the note with ...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily DAILY CLASSIFIEDS FOR SA LE SOFA BE. $65 00 (irl s bike. $256 Inexpensive miscellaneous furnture, tape recorder. $1000 663 7868 68011 CRT Terminal and Accoustic Coupler Excellent condition $900, or best offer. 663-482. persistently. 36B011 COUCOI(live slip cover included, $25.00 Painted wooden rocker.$.10.00 995-0651. 64811 GARAGE SALE! Corner of Ifermitage and Wallingford. Sunday, August 12...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday August 10, 1979-Page 11 CLASSIFIED STUDY TELLS OF FOREIGN SPIES IN U.S FBI to investigate leaking of draft report WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI has been ordered to investigate the leaking of a classified Senate draft report in- dicating that spies from five friendly nations operated on U.S soil to silence critics of their governments, it was disclosed yesterday. The draft report prepared by the Senate Foreign Relations C...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily hanians clash over TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Religious zealots clashed yesterday with thousands of demonstrators opposed to the government's controversial new press law. Islamic revolutionary guar- ds fired their weapons into the air to disperse them. Elsewhere, Iranian workers released unharmed three Americans and 14 other foreigners who work for a U.S. construction firm after holding them hostage...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 13

…Israeli adio: U.S. stance on Palestine nassuring From the Assoctd Press JERUSALEM-Israel radio said yesterday that President Carter failed Wednesday to quiet Israeli fears that the United States might approve changes in United Nations Resolutin 242-changes that would e detrimental to Israel. The sketchy radio report, which Israeli officials refused to confirm, was the first with any details of the Wed- nesday meeting at the White House between...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily Panel gives N.H. go-ahead for first primary From UPI The Democratic Compliance Review Commission, bypasing the party's new reform rules, voted yesterday to let New Hampshire hold its first-in-the- nation 1980 presidential primary on schedule. Meanwhile, state House Speaker Bobby Crim, one of President Carter's earliest Michigan supporters in 1976, said yesterday he probably would sup- port Se...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 10, 1979-Page 15 LA OWNER BROUGHT MAJORS WEST Baseball pioneer O'Malley dead LOS ANGELES (AP) - Walter O'Malley, one of baseball's most powerful owners whose 1958 move from Brooklyn with the Dodgers began the westward expansion of pro sports, died yesterday of heart failure. He was 75. O'Malley had been ill for some time and had been hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., since June 28. He died ...…

August 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 63) • Page Image 16

…Page 16--Friday, August 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily Lueky Tigers win a thriller from Texas By MARK BOROWSKI Special tothe Daily DETROIT-The model leadoff batter is one who gets on base and starts the offense rolling for his baseball team. And Tiger manager Sparky Ander- son, a mentor of the fundamentals of the game, surely couldn't complain about the way his leadoff men perfor- med in Detroit's 3-2 victory over the Texas Rangers last night a...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…+ " Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 62-S m ichigan D IL hursday August 10, 1978 Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents 12 Pages Democrats give Milliken 'Fftz' A News Analysis . traditionally claimed in the general in 1969 when George Romney was support as well. election by Republicans. named secretary of Housing and Urban The millionaire Milliken will not be Milliken, who twice squeaked back into MILLIKEN takes Fitzgerald's chal- Development - is running scared, ab...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Thursday, August 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily Strike suts N.Y. papers NEW YORK (AP) - A pressmen's union called a strike last night against The New York Times, the Daily News and the New York Post, and the city's three major newspapers immediately closed. The strike was called after the newspapers posted unilateral new working conditions in the pressrooms. The two sides had failed to reach agreement on a new contract to replace one that...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…Unti mothe piness compl worst baby i is noth This parent Holder series childr' Holder on a p basis.. The Michigan Daily-Thursday, August 10, 1978-Page 3 Parents of sick kids get advice By ELIZABETH SLOWIK response since its inception six months justing. At first, they think it'll be a five to ii couples, and includes several it her baby's birth, the new ago. normal 'delivery. Suddenly the baby is professional social workers, according r expec...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Thursday, August 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily michigan DAI LY Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 Vol. L.XXXVIII, No. 62-S News Phone: 764-0552 Thursday, August 10, 1978 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Officials must put stop to poisoning HE PBB issue has taken a bit of a rest over the last few months as state residents seem to have had their fill of the catastrophy a...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

…TO SKATEBOARD AFICIANADOS, tneir sport is more than just a passing fad. At right, Sloane Chen, proud owner of five boards, demonstrates his talents on the Diag. At center and below, John Seals practices one of his favorite stun- ts - jumping from the steps of the Graduate Library and sailing onto the Diag. 0 Daily Photos by JOHN KNOX They've flipped over skateboarding craze By R. J. SMITH the boards and related equipment, and "It takes a cert...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Thursday, August 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily A MOVING DUETA TSTRA TFORD: Sheldon Rosen's'Virginia Woolf' By CHRISTOPHER POTTER Special tothe Daily STRATFORD, Ont.-Ned and Jack, a new work by Canadian playwright Sheldon Rosen, is one of the major current offerings of Stratford's Third Stage Theatre-an arena-style theatre Ned and Jack By Sheldon Rosen StratfordFestival Theatre ................... Jack Wetherall ... Alan Scarfe Directed ...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 7

…Car see: pro yea A Det a d of IV cou the It rep: sine whe stil pre. T sev ter Wa: whe ma billi for t H his not H The Michigan Daily-Thursday, August 10, 1978-Page 7 Carter holds hope for cities' funds WASHINGTON (AP) - President proposal to funnel an additional $1 made substantial progress" toward a unemployment stayed over 5 percent, ter told 13 mayors yesterday that he - billion a year to cities with high unem- Senate compromise on the $1 b...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Thursday, August 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily T 'IMPI1 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Must sell before August 19th-Vinyl covered chairs, a couch, three refrigerators, a freezer Prices negotiable. Call Joyce at 668-8467. 72BO12 BACKPACK, excellent condition, $30. Mountain tent with fly, $30. Both,$50. Must sell. 663-330. nB811 F OR RE N T SANS SOUCI- Large one and two bedroom furnished apartments availabale for fall occupancy. Apartment includes hea...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 9

…Daily Classifieds (Continuedfrom Pages) BUSINESS SE RVICES HOUSECLEANING-Expertly done by U-M gradu- ate student. Workable schedule. References if required. Call973-2586. dJ TYPING-Student papers, fast and cheap. Maggie, 994-3974. 06Jt MUSICA L MDSE., R ADIOS, R EPA IRS USED SLINGERLAND DRUN SET-5 piece. Calf Larry,761-9431. pcXtc USED GIBSON SG-Old pick ups. Call Don, 71- 9431. cXtc USED BRINKERHOFF baby grand piano, $950. Apollo Music Center...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Thursday August 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily Trow bridge wins GOP state Senate primary (Continued from Page 1) started pouring in. They really pushed me over the top," he said. Trowbridge claims he walked for 47 straight days to "meet the people" and said he visited 5,636 homes. COLBURN, a former Mayor Pro Tem, said he was very pleased with his showing, especially because "we spent less money than many of the other can- didates. "For a ...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Doily-Thursday, August 10, 1978-Page 11 CAUTHI sports of the By The Associated Press NEW YORK-Billy Martin said yesterday that controversial slugger Reggie Jackson was the main reason he resigned as manager of the New York Yankees and refused to retract his statement that Jackson is a "born liar." At the same time, Martin disclosed that he was contacted about managing "two or three" other teams and said his health "is good enou...…

August 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Thursday, August 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily Past 'M' stars enshrined here By ALAN FLANGER They came for Michigan. They ate for Michigan, drank for Michigan, clapped and cheered for Michigan, and paid $50 in order to perform all of the above acts for Michigan. They came to Cridier Arena last night, over 300 of them, to pay tribute to the first six inductees in- stalled into the newly created Michigan Athletic Hall of Honor. And they d...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ... Vol. LXXXVi1, No. 62-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 10, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Israel won't accept PLO JERUSALEM (P) - Prime Minister Menahem Begin said last night the Palestine Libera- tion Organization (PLO) "nev- er will be a partner" in Middle East peace talks. Publicly declaring what they told U. S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance privately, Israeli leaders said they would exer- cise their veto ...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY . Wednesday, August 14, 1971 Pae woTH MCHGA DILVWdnsdyAuus-1. 97 Blumenthal urges stronger gas tax WASHINGTON (A)) - Treas- ury Secretary W. Michael Blu- menthal urged the Senate yes- terday to strengthen the gas guzzler car tax passed by the House. But he onoosed adding further cash and tax incen- tives for energy companies to the President's energy plan. "We need to keen the pres- sure on gas guzzling automo...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…Page Three Wednesday, August 10; 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Calm, cool weather aids fire fighters By The Associated Press A second day of cooler, calm weather helped fire fighters yes- terday as they struggled against a plague of forest fires in Cali- fornia's timberland and tried to save a coastal watershed from the biggest one. But the break may hove come to) late in some areas, and fed- erat forest fire officials based in Idaho said it seo...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…NYC has will-to-live through crises Ily T. 1. AlMAN - Terrwi: bomb hi ish s and sensational, unsolved nmrders: htn:kouts, with thou- sands trapped in cl 'rtors and subways; mass tastings inflicOg the coup de grace on dying slim; setgy heat waves with temperstres o 11)4 in the shade - this is New York tCitr's summer of discon- tent. New Yfrk', critics always have pre- dicted this supernova of a city would collapse inward on itself, becoming a ...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 10, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Wensdy. Agst1, 97.H.MCIGNDL..g Fv Federal funds help upgrade city homes (Cottnued from Page1) Administration, through Hous- half," he noted. "The Building ing and' Urban Development Department has been put on Secretary Juanita Kreps, has notice and they haven't been devised a new formula for fed- pushing people on code viola- eral revenue sharing that heav- tions until the program g...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…Page Six ! t""I t 1V1 I k-" I UA IN UP11 L Y Nednescl ay, August i U, IV i7 ABA supports grand jury system reforms CUICAGO 4; - Over oppo- sition from Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell, the nation's largest law- yers' group voted on yesterday to support reforms in the na- tion's grand jury system - incliding allowing witnesses to bring attorneys with them when they face the jury. The American Bar Associa- tion (ABA), at its annual sum- mer meeting,...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, August 10, 1917 t rit mvu i - IAIN L/t\i LY raoge deverl Canal agreement near Demonstration marks PANAMA CITY () - Pana- sianian and U. S. nisgotiators worked yesterday to put the finishing touches on an agree- ment in principle to give Pana- ma control of the Panama Ca- nal. President Carter mean- iw hile urged congressmen to hold off criticism until they ee the pact. U. S. negotiators Ellsworth Bunker and Sol Linowitz re- sume...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday; August 10, 1977 SSAVING THEY'RE ALL IN FOR RENT ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT-Fur- nished-ar three-weeks-September 3-25. References reouired ! 971-4191 evenings. Medford Rd. on bus 1 e. 610812 ROOM-$135/month, kitchen, bath, utilities included. Stay 9 days freel 868-7343, 882-5259. 54812 MARRIED COUPLE-Five rooms plusS bath in older house, close to cam- pus, hospital, downtown. Unfurnish- ed, off-street wa'kin...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 9

…wednesdav. August 10. 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Nine ~Ah~And~A v Anni~t 10 1 77 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -~age Nine i 11 DISCOVER ANEW AtXir irl w - I ,..,,.., FRIDAY, SEPT. 9 ON CAMPUS IEVIERYWHIERE! , entertainment campus/ community/ national coverage Sunday magazine~ TV guide sports/features/editorials morning delivery 6 days a week, Tues. - Sun. before8 a.m. to your door or dorm then call 764-0560 for your s ubc ription fail-w...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 10, 197-1 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, Atagust 10, 1977 Jaworski wants Kora news leaks plugeged C AHIA G0 t - Leon fa- worski said yesterday that those concerned about Sooth Korean influence peddling in Congres= should stop rocking the boat' with speculation and leaks to the news media. IlJawoi rki, counsel to h Iouse Ethics Committee, totd a Rotary Club luncheon thst some reports ab...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 11

…Wednesday, August 10, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY * Page Eleven Morris bolsters Tiger staff By DAVE RENBARGER Special To The Daily DETROIT-Jack Morris needs a nickname. Maybe that would change his luck. After all, the latest addition to the young Tiger starting rota- tion will be trying to follow in the colossal footsteps of a couple of other Bengals who faired - pretty well in their freshman campaigns-a. k. a. "The Bird". and "The Rose." WIT...…

August 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 62) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 10, 1977 Tigers split doubleheader By PAUL CAMPBELL and DON MacLACIILAN Special To The Daily DETROIT-Itd was supposed to be a public display of the Detroit Tigers' hopes for the future-their young pitchers. Young Dave Rozema did his part, stifling Milwaukee on five hits in the first game of a twi- night doubleheader for a 4-2 Tiger victory. THEN RALPH Iliouk, cele- brating his 58th birthday,...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXVI, No. 64-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 10, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Belle buffets East Coast Hurricane thrashes Jersey, nears N.Y. NEW YORK W)-Hurricane Belle sent giant waves crashing over Atlantic City'y famed boardwalk last night, then swept to- ward a landfall on eastern Long Island. Most of the New York metropolitan area's 18 million residents 'appeared destined to escape the full fury of the hurri...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 10, 1976 Police ki two in 8, African clash JUIIANNESHUiG;, South Af- rica ' - Police shot and killed two blacks yesterday in clashes with hands of rampaging youths in Alexandra and other black townships around .ohannesburg. The youths burned schools, stoned vehicles and tried to stop workers from getting to their jobs. The deaths were confirmed by police. ALL EXITS from Alexandra, which borders ...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…Tuesday, August 10, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Three Ford, Reagan foces clash KANSAS CITY, Mo. ' - Anxious to Six of the seven subcommittee chair- test their strength, supporters of Ron- men who had been designated by Ray. aId Reagan skirmished repeatedly yes- a ord supporter, were elected when terday with backers of President Ford the panels met But the seventh, Rep. and set the stage for clashes that ap- sitsio Conte of Massachusetts, l...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…To shake a Republican's hand By JIM TOBIN A" WHAT CONSERVATIVES we are at the Daily. Reactionaries we are. There is no or- ganized group on campus with a more formal code of conser-ing the old, of cursing the new. But sve get confused. We call the new the old and main- tain that we, the old, are the new. Our ancestors started the whole program ten years ago, and they really were the new. They were angry about civil rights and American inter- ...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday, August 10,_197f THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Jury finds Harrises guilty (Continued from Page ) prejudicial remark. However, the judge ordered a hearing for today to probe further whether any of the jurors were tainted by prejudice. In an unusual move, the jur- ors themselves sent word they wanted to remain sequestered at a hotel overnight and the judge granted the request. They made the unique suggestion af- ter the judge ordered...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…& Page Six Tuesday, August 10, 1976 Arts & Entertainm ent THE MICHIGAN DAILY TABLE TALK Ken Parsigian "NO, NO, NO," I heard Bruce say as I approached the bar at the club. "It's true that technical expertise is important in bridge," he continued, "but psychological expertise is of at least equal importance. In rubber bridge, anyway." "Take yourself," he said to Jeff, who had been listening the whole time "You bid perfectly. You never bid yours...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, August 10, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tuesday, August 10, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY LE LADIES' SPORT CASUALS LGAL P ADS Choce of styles i "*8-1/2 xofl..sizes 5',tolO0 YOUR CHOICE. 2 0 8c OUR REG. $13.4 School Sp.s Dept. Shoce Dept. 1 .STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY U MLM, 11 1 UI 4,U l 1KIU1U 4FOR ILUSTRATIVE PURPOSES' 4WALNUT 4FINISHED 'fy BOOKCASE 4lamitnate treated to SAVYE $10 resist scratches, 4alcohol, & st...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 8

…rage Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 10, 1 976 SR cww Uncontracted! WORDS 1 2 3 0101 15 2.30 305 11 15 1 40 2 80 370 1690 165 3 30 435 21 -25 190 380 5 00 2630 215 4 30 5 65 3135 2 40 480 6 30 3640 2 65 5 30 695 41 -45 290 5 80 7 60 46-50 3 15 630 8 25 INCHES 1 315 6 30 825 2 565 1130 1475 3 815 16 30 215 4 10 65 21 30 27 90 5 1315 2630 3440 N B-Ech roo of chorocter, HVhesoed awords aoes this icldei telohc- 10 lines aiols 1 inch F...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 9

… Tuesday, August 10, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page ;Nine p Q j 9 thejob doneJ (Coritinued from Page 8) LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Airdale, wire hail' terrier. Black body, brown head, ears and lega. Med. aize female. Recently cut hair.,No 'collar. Call 995-9715. dA*l2 LOST A BLACK PATENT LEATHER W AL- LET with tiny gold studs. Last seen in the Michigan Daily office. If found, PLEASE return, no ques- clone asked. My identification cards, license a...…

August 10, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 64) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 10, 197 PogeTen THE MICI-UGAN &ARY Tisesduy, Au~i*st 10, 1976 swees r0.s Hto 1t.6 per cent Hurricane Belle DE loIT ne(UII)-Michigan's crawling out of its two-year- ing July because they have been uine mployment rate swelled to long recession, unable to find seasonal work. sls E a t Cst 10.6 per cent in July - the Nationally, unemployment rose These persons are no longer second straight monthly in...…

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