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August 10, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-10

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Page Three

Wednesday, August 10; 1977


Calm, cool weather aids

fire fighters
By The Associated Press
A second day of cooler, calm
weather helped fire fighters yes-
terday as they struggled against
a plague of forest fires in Cali-
fornia's timberland and tried to
save a coastal watershed from
the biggest one.
But the break may hove come
to) late in some areas, and fed-
erat forest fire officials based
in Idaho said it seould not last
CREWS WITH fires under
control were resting in anticipa-
tion of new ones, and more fire
fighters from the East were be-
in; brought to the West.
Officials were predicting new
lightning storms in the next
week or 10 days-the kind of
storm that has already sparked
hmndreds of fires throughout the
drought-parched West.
Thirty-four more crews were
en route from the East and
Southeast to California to join
some 10,000 fire fighters already
on the lines.
THE FEDERAL officials said
fire fighters had brought under
control nearly 4,000 fires which
have burned 350,000 acres in the
West since July 25. The figures
do not include Alaska, where
about 1.5 million acres burned
in remote areas in the past

in California
And it was not over. The best
hope was that fires nose burning
could be brought under control
before a new wave breaks out.
Two new fires broke out Mon-
day night or early yesterday,
including a 400-acre blare in
northsvestern Colorado, 120 miles
nosrtheast ssf Grand Jtitction,
that was threatening natural gas
welts in the area, ('rev's shat
off the wells to lessen the chance
of esiltosions.
THE OThER fire, believed
caused by arson, broke out 25
mile; southeast of San Bernar-
dino, Calif., in the San Bernar-
dino National Forest. It had
charred 1,000 acres of brush and
scrub timber.
Already, enough watershed
had been lost in the biggest fire,
at Los Padres National Forest
near Big Sur, to raise a danger
of future flooding. Officials said
that blaze had grown to 87,000
acres but by yesterday had been
30 per cent contained. They
could not say when it would be
"They had it, lost it and now
they've got it back again," said
Barbara Rowe of the California
Department of Forestry. "We've
got good weather today so things
are looking a bit better."

Coal miners may
end wilctstr'ike
CHARLESTON, W. Va. (A- Prodded by union officials, sev-
eral thousand coal miners returned to work yesterday in what was
seen as a possible break in a six week old wildcat strike by up to
70,000 dissidents protesting health benefit cutbacks.
There was no complete estimate on the number of miners
who returned to their jobs in southern West Virginia's United
Mine Workers (UMW) District 29, the union's second largest dis-
trict. A spokesperson at district headquarters said a majority of
the mines in the district were working.
NEARLY ALL MINES in West Virginia District 31 and 17
remained shut down. And nearly 10,000 miners remained off the
job in Kentucky's District 30.
Local union presidents in otrict 17 - the largest district-
met here yesterday, but Vice President Cecil Roberts said the
two hour session did not resolve anything. The presidents were
scheduled to meet again today.
IT WAS SUCH a meeting in district 29 Monday that apparent-
ly brought about the return to sork there.
Consolidation Coal said about one-sixth of its work force was
back to work in District 29, and a spokesman for Eastern Asso-
ciated Coal Co. said its men were steadily returning to work.
The walkout began in mid-lane after UMW President Arnold
Miller announced cutbacks in miners' union medical benefits. He
said the fund which normally covers all hispital bills was so
depleted that miners would h ave to begin paying some of the
costs themselves.
One unidentified District 17 miner said yesterday he was
confident that the local presidents would vote to return to 'work,
but he said it could take up unti! Sunday to get the rank and file
members back on the job.

This State St. beggar graciously accepts a handout from generous Diane Scorsone.
Witnesses detil 'Sonof eSam'1
NEW YORK (M)--Police released a new composite sketch
of the 44-caliber killer known as "Son of Sam" yesterday,
based, they said, on "a much better description of him than
' " k before."
At first glance, the drawing appeared to bear little re-
mblance to four earlier sketches released by police, but
Chief of Detectives John Keenan said there were similarities,
THE NEW SKETCH depicts th killer with a long, tapered
face. Keenan said they could not characterize the man by
3> ' nationality, but said he is white.
The police flyer describes the killer as 25 to 32 years old,
with an athletic build, clean shaven with dark, almond-shaped
eyes, dark wavy hair, high cheek bones and a sensuous
month. He stands 5 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 9 and weighs 165
to 175 pounds, he said.
The new description was pieced together after the gun-
man fatally shot Stacy Moskowitz last July 31 as she sat in a
parked car in a lovers' lane in Brooklyn with Robert Violante.
VIOLANTE, WHO lost one eye and most of the sight in the
second, was told for the first time on Sunday both that he
was threatened with blindness and that Stacy had died.
"You know," said his father, Pat Violante, "this boy he
never once cried. We talked a lot about manhood and daout
being tough. But he never once cried . . .
"Then I told him about Stacy. You know. I had to tell
him. He finally got emotional and he looked tip and said,
'Dad, why?'"
"Some of the people who provided the de sription were
not under sures, as victims," the detective sid. tHe said
.'previous witnesses saw the killer "only briefly and were
"1tder great strain."
The police flyer ,hows a profile as well a ' front view o(
the face of the man who calls himself "Son of Sam." le has
fatally shut six persons and wounded seven others, mostly
cl uples seated in cars, in little more than a year.
The drawing will be circulated in all 50 states, he said,
icluding Florida, where an airline stewardess said a pas-
. ~ - s nger who professed to be Son of Sam got off a plane at
' - Fort Lauderdale last June 26. She has not seen the new sketch
? vow , M "7,' 9 yet, Keenan said, but identified the previous drawing: as
looking like the man.

£.t n fs m ni now slide through life together" instead of telling
A Cuesion Tsemantics the groom to kiss the bride. Christine Rea and
There is a difference, you know, between the Dennis Boyle of St. Petersburg, Florida exchanged
masseurs masseuses and "massage therapists" and wedding vows, jumped on a mat and slid 350 feet
the American Massage and Therapy Association down a winding waterslide together. The minister,
wants to make it perfectly clear.mMassage parlor who is affiliated with the Mother Earth Church,
operators are "the other faction" and give the hesitated a moment, peeled off shoes and socks
profession a bad reputation, says association west- and followed the wedding party down the slide.
ern district chairman Darold Harsook. Harsook Said the bride following the sunrise wedding, "Wed-
and other professional massage therapists are lobby- ding guests usually don't enjoy the actual cere-
ing for national licensing requirements for persons mony, but this way everyone could enjoy the wed-
who give massages so the public can distinguish ding."
those who are in the business for "scientific and,
ethical" motives from 'those others.' Just down a
little to the left please. Yes, that's it. Happenings
In slipperiness and wetness .. everybody gets to spend the day doing ex-
Maybe the minister should have said "You may actly as they please. There's about as much go-

log on here as there is at the Fairbanks, Alaska
Nude Sunbathing Club in January, Nothing. Life
does liven up a bit tonight as Dr. Jester Hair-
ston, renowned composer, choral conductor and
actor speaks on the different aspects of his musi-
cal career at 8 p.m. in the Cady Room of the
Stearns Building on North Campus.
On the Outside
Well, it looks like the weather has thrown in
the towel, so to speak, as the suosmer draws
to a close. Today you'll probably need a towel,
as our weather predicter predicts thundershow-
ers and more thundershowers. The high, however
will be a comfortably warm 80, tonight's temp will
be in the low 60s. Expect more of the same

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