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August 10, 1977 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-10

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Wednesday, August 10, 1977


Page Five

Wensdy. Agst1, 97.H.MCIGNDL..g Fv

Federal funds help upgrade city homes

(Cottnued from Page1) Administration, through Hous-
half," he noted. "The Building ing and' Urban Development
Department has been put on Secretary Juanita Kreps, has
notice and they haven't been devised a new formula for fed-
pushing people on code viola- eral revenue sharing that heav-
tions until the program gets off ily weighs funds to larger cities,
the ground, like Detroit.
Because we currently have The Housing Rehabilitation
B50 applications, I don't think progran seeks to achieve hous-
A's a just thing to do to peo- vide forge compliance and pro-
ple. to tell them there's money of substandard housing in cer-
there, when we still haven't tain designated sections of the
cleared the backlog," Tillman city. Those sections are called
sain. the Community Development
Another problem affecting Area, which is roughly bounded
the Community Development by Stadium on the south, State
Housing Rehabilitation Pro- St. on the east, Fuller and Sun-
gram as well as all of the oth- set on the north, and Seventh on
er Community Development the west. Exceptions to this
proects is the dwindling supply block have been made to in-
of CDBG funds from Washing- clude outlying "pockets of pov-
ton. The city received $2.4 mil- erty" and publie housing areas.
lion in CDBG funds for the first The program hopes to achieve
two years of the program, but the rehabilitation of substand-
this year the total dropped to ard housing through a financial
$2.38 million. Next year, the assistance program of loans
figure will be $1.9 million, with and grants to low and moderate
similar declines anticipated for income families who are own-
the fifth and sixth years. ers of one or two family resi-
IN ADDITION, THE Carter dences.

THERE ARE three types of
financial assistance presently
available to eligible homeown-
* Grants, up to $7,500, for
howeowners with very low in-
* Deferred payment loans,
which are paid back at the
time the owner transfers the
title and bear no interest. This
loan is available to elderly
homeowners who have very
low incomes.
* Low interest loans, which
carry a three per cent interest
rate at a 20 year term of pay-
ment, for low income howeown-
ers. At this rate and term, the
homeowner would pay $5.55 per
month for each $1,000 borrow-
ed. Traditional home improve-
ment loans from commercial
lending institutions can cost up
to $13.14 per month for each
$1,000 borrowed.
In addition, moderate interest
loans, which carry between six
and seven per cent interest,
may be available to homeown-
ers with moderate incomes by-

the end of this year.
Besides helping homeowners
bring their residences up to par
with city code specifications,
the loans and grants can be
used to put the property in good
and maintainable condition with
necessary facilities in working
order. The money can be used
to install building equipment
such as smoke detectors or
garbage disposals, for energy
conservation measures, exter-
ior painting, landscaping and
site repairs, improvements for
the physically. handicapped,
building permits and related
fees and loan processing costs.
UP TO 40 PER cent of the
loan and grant amount may
also be spent on general im-
provements items such as en-
largements, additions, remod-
eling or renovations.
Program applicants are first
screened to see if they meet
minimum qualifications for the
program - if they reside in
the CDBG target area and if
their income meets require-

ments set forth by BUD. Re-
cently, exceptions have been
made to provide rehabilitation
assistance to homeowners who
qualify financially for loans or
grants, but live outside the tar-
get area. Councilperson Louis
Belcher (R.-Fifth Ward) af-
fected this change by sponsor-
ing a resolution at a recent
City Council meeting.
Although most of the rehabili-
tation work is done by private
constractors, Tillman said
some exceptions can be made
to allow the individual home-
owners to do the work.
"We call it sweat equity,"
explained Tillman. "Some peo-
pie have their own skills, and
although it takes more of our
time, we try to work as closely
to these homeowners as possi-
ble, because it stretches out
Sweat equity has recently
been -productive in New York
City, where housing rehabili-
tations have been carried out
by inner city residents. This
development has been monitor-
ed by housing experts nation-
wide who consider such efforts
a means of developing a sense
of purpose and community in
peonle who have had difficulty
achieving these goals in the
This game is
always ready
at the

can v
ly sir

Report says workers unhappy with jobs
W YORK (p)-More Ameri- of current clerical employes are they may be working less, enjoy- "TOO OFTEN employes are a
w o r k e r a are dissatisfied unhappy with the work they do. met-it would seem-is down." neglected corporate resource,"
their jobs now than at any Figures for clerical workers be- Among the other finds of the said O'Neill. "Not only are your
in the past 25 years, ac- tween 1952 and 1959 showed only poll, released here at an em- employes important to the day-
ng to a survey released 24 per cent of those workers ploye-employer relations semi- to-day functioning and future
rday. were unhappy. narr were: growth of your company, but
e poll, which has questioned ACCORDING to the current . The number of manage- your employes can play a very
oyes of 159 companies year- poll by the Opinion Research ment employes perceiving im- useful role as company ambas-
ace 1952, found 32 per cent Corp. of Princeton, N.J., 38 per provement in their 'companies sadors in their communities.
cent of the employes paid on an has been steadily decreasing
hourly basis dislike their jobs, over the last 17 years. "But first you must under-
p up from the 31 per cent tallied * Only 17 per cent of clerical stand y o u r employes - their
i on t pes when the survey began. and hourly employes and 45 per needs, expectations, knowledge,
But there is a large gap be- cent of managers currently feel misconceptions. Only then, will
tween the feelings of 6,500 man- that employes are dealt with you be ina position totmaximize
agers and 62,000 workers at fairly. their productivity oth on nd
ager level s in businesses For " L th third of hour= off the job.

* ~
to Natilonal
Nixon's presidential tapes and
papers left the White House
complex yesterday on the third
anniversary of his resignation.'
They had been boxed and
readied for shipment d u r i n g
Nixon's last days in office, but
court orders and battles over
their possession kept them in a
basement room of the Execu-
tive Office Building, next door
to the White House.
THE SUPREME Court ended
the fight six weeks ago by
awarding custody to the govern-
ment. So, instead of being sent
to Richard Nixon, San Clemente,
Calif., the materials were truck-
ed 10 blocks down Pennsylvania
Avenue to the National Ar-
Included in i h e shipments
were papers of Nixon and his
senior advisers, Nixon's national
security files and the tapes,
Less sensitive Nixon materials
-administrative fi 1 e s, public
opinion mail, audio-visual rec-
ords and gifts-were transferred
to the Government Services Ad-
ministration (GSA) facility at
Suitland, Md., more than a year
ARCHIVISTS will begin imme-
diately to sort through the mate-
rials to determine which will be
made public under the law up-
held June 28 by the Supreme
Court. Papers and tapes involv-
ing Watergate will be processed
If no further law snits inter=
ene, the GSA estimates the
first portions of the materials
will be available to researchers
in a year.

instance, 91 per cent of the
managers surveyed said they
were satisfied with their work.
That percentage has stayed
relatively constant since 1952.
According to Harry O'Neill,
executive vice president of Opin-
ion Research, "over the years,
the conditions of work that are
most obvious to the casual ob-
server have improved: shorter
hours, better pay, better bene-
"YOU WOULD think that peo-
-ple are working less and should
be enjoying it more. But while

w ess an one-tnr or tu
ly employes and one-third of
clerical employes believe that
their company does a good job
of letting them know what's go-
ing on in the firm.
* Sixty-nine per cent of man-
agers, 66. per cent of clerical
workers and 50 per cent of hour-
ly workers rate their pay satis-
factory. All percentages are well
above previous ratings.
Almost half the adult women
in the United States are in the
labor force now, as opposed to
less than a third in 1947.

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