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August 10, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-10

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Tuesday, August 10, 1976


Poge Three

Ford, Reagan foces clash
KANSAS CITY, Mo. ' - Anxious to Six of the seven subcommittee chair-
test their strength, supporters of Ron- men who had been designated by Ray.
aId Reagan skirmished repeatedly yes- a ord supporter, were elected when
terday with backers of President Ford the panels met But the seventh, Rep.
and set the stage for clashes that ap- sitsio Conte of Massachusetts, lost the
Wired certain to upset the hopes of chairmanshio of the Human Rights and
1or abhroniOus ReiUb- tesnisi}itities S u b c o m m i t t e e
.an National Convention. to Chrles Pickering of Mississippi, who
had been a Inra n Pormrtp bi~ t

With the first session of the convers-
tion still a week away, it was a time
of intense maneuvering, of shifting and
feinting by backers of Reagan and Ford.
THE REAGAN forces ousted a Ford
delegate from the chairmanship of a
key platform subcommittee that will
deal with such issues as school busing
and abortion.
In a separate move, Reagan campaign
director John Sears surprised a meet-
ing of the party rules committee by urg-
ing it to force Ford to name his choice
for a running mate before the balloting
begins for the presidential nomination.
The panel rejected Sears' proposal by
a voice vote. But the Reagan aide is
expected to bring it up before the con-
vention rules committee, where the for-
mer California governor has more sup-
SEARS ALSO threatened to carry the
fight to the convention floor.
Two weeks ago, Reagan announced
that, if nominated, he would choose Sen.
Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania, a
liberal, as his running mate. Ford has
said he doesn't intend to announce his
choice until after he is nominated.
Reagan forces moved quickly to break
what they regarded as the President's
hold on key convention posts.
WHILE REAGAN'S manager disclaim-
ed any part in the move, his supporters
on the platform committee succeeded at
an organizational meeting Sunday in
stripping Gov. Robert Ray of Iowa, of
his power to appoint subcommittee
chairmen. The committee's vote was
42 to 39.
situ .r ,aWnuChc aw
After the deluge
The Enchanted Village, a new amuse-
ment park in Bueana Park, Calif., re-
cently cancelled a promotional attraction
- a 40-foot trailer shaped like an ark
and containing several pairs of animals
- because of heavy rains.
In the ring
University Regent Gerald Dunn yes-
terday announced he will make a bid
for renomination at the State Democrat-
ic Convention to be held in Detroit Au-
gust 28. and 29. Dunn who was elected
in 1968, will be emphasizing the Univer-
sity's commitment to enrolling and grad-
uating more women and minority stu-
Happenings .
.. are not to be found today so study
for an exam or better yet go for a
Weather or not
Mostly sunny skies will dominate the
weather as the temperature reaches the-
low to mid 80's. Winds will be South
to southwest at 5-15 m.p.h. Chance of
rain will be near zego.

si itct d to uncommitted after Reagan
desi,-ssated Schweiker as his ruining
mate. -

RPy is oie of those sounded out by
White House aides to determine if they
would accept the vice presidential nomii
STtI..L another potential for a divisive
ml-sst cold be challenges to the seating
o d'legnts from North Carolina, Ar-
s nds New Jersey.
\lenswhile. Ford administration offic-
mit' led by Vice President Nelson Rocke-
feller appeared before the platform com-
mitte- to oraise Ford policies and fore-
s-ci diss-ter should the Democrats vin
is 55'ss''mber,
A ion g the witnesses who followed the
administration officials was Bishop
Jams'-s Malone of the United States Cath-
tli" Conference, who called for support
of a constitttional amendment !to out-
l v ibortion.
Risoin Malone said Supreme Court
d's-is;ns striking down state laws out-
1'iwing ahortions early in pregnancy
meant that human life prior to birth can
he destroyed for virtually any reason."
In his attempt to force Ford to name
his choice for vice president, Sears told
the party rules committee "the dele-
gates do have the right to know the-
whole ticket in advance"

JOHN SEARS, Ronald Reagan's campaign manager, urges the Republican
rules committee to require President Ford to name his vice-presidential choke
before the August 16th conventiew. Standing besides Sears is Lore Smith,
Reagan campaign attorney.

GOP blasts Wheeler plan

Las'tnight M a y o r Albert Wheeler's
plan for an Ann Arbor Human Services
Department was finally presented to City
Council only to meet brick-wall resistance
from the Republican majority.
The p r o p o s a 1, which Wheeler an-
nounced as a compromise between his
position and that of Mayor Pro Tem
Louis Belcher (R-Fifth Ward), was
drawn u ly City Administrator Sylves-
ter Murray. It provides for a pooling of
already-existing programs and th cre-
ation of several new ones under four
divisional groupings:
* A Community Resources Division,
largely responsible for informational and
social activities such as crisis interven-
tion and community liason;
* A Manpower Division, to incorporate
the present Comprehensive Employment
and Training Agency (CETA) program of
public service employment and job train-
* A Community Development Division,
to deal largely with physical activities
such as housing rehabilitation covered
under the present Community Develop-
ment Block Grant (CDBG) program, and
. A Human Rights Division, to over-
see enforcement of city anti-discrimina-
tion ordinances and provide landlord/
tenant services.
WHEELER outlined what he felt were
the three areas of contention in the plan,
but was obviously unprepared for the flat
refusal which greeted him almost im-
"When we first started talking about
this, we have been consistently against
the concept of a Human Service Depart-
ment," said Council member Robert
Henry (R-Third Ward).

This was no political squabble, Henry
added hastily; it was a deep philosophi-
cal chasm separating Republicans from
Democrats. "We feel that city money
should be spent' to benefit the largest
number of people-not special or limited
groups of people," he said.
WHAT THE Republicans had in mind,
it developed, was to pull together the
existing CETA and CDBG programs,
which are federally funded, to cut down
on administrative and personnel costs.
Henry called Wheeler's proposal "a
garbage dump" and charged it would
result in "an administrative nightmade."
"We simply are not going to buy it," he
told Wheeler. "And that's that.""

The argument ultimately- came te rest
on the exact amount of added cost which
the program would ental. How many
extra employes would have to be hire4'
Henry wanted to know. How much more
money would have to be spent'
MURRAY admitted he didn't have any
figures readily at hand, but promised to
provide them to Council as soon as they
were available.
In the meantime, though, things don't
look bright for Wheeler's envisioned Hu-
man Services Department. Council mem-
ber Liz Keogh (H-First Ward) believes
if anything does emerge from the tangle
of ideology it is liable to be pretty wel

Union set for remodeling

The Michigan Union, for several years
a recipient of face lifts and patchwork,
will undergo the final phase of a re-
modeling program later this year with
funds made available by the University
Board of Regents.
The Board last Friday allotted $334,000
for the consolidation of all student ser-
vices in the Union as well as construction
of additional meeting quarters on the
first floor of the 56-year-old, red brick
THE MAJOR remodeling- effort con-
sists of the relocation of the Student
Mental Health Clinic, now housed in the
Health Service facility, to the third
floor of the Union, where a vast array
of student services is now located.

"My personal feeling is that it is a
desirable arrangement for the students
to know they can go to the third floor
of the Union and get anything they
need from student services," said Stan
Welts, general manager of the building.
To make room for the clinic, according
to Wells, the Office of Ethics and Re-
ligion will be moved from the third floor
to new quarters on the ground level. The
vacated space will then be gutted, and
refurbished with partitions to provide a
series of counselling rooms ideal for
"face-to-face" meetings.
THE UNION'S third floor became a
haven of student-geared services and
counselling offices in 1970, when Vice
President for Student Services lHesnry
See UNION, Page 10

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