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August 10, 1979 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1979-08-10

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 10, 1979-Page 9
Shootings leave three agents dead

EL CENTRO, Calif. (AP) - A social three FBI agents were fatally shot in but declined to elaborate.
worker left a suicide note with his one day. Maloney had just resigned from a
estranged wife yesterday that said, The social worker, James Maloney, position with the Comprehensive Em-
"Many would denounce this action," 30, of nearby Holtville, left the note with ployment Training Act, a federally fun-
then walked into an FBI office with a his estranged wife, Esther, before ded job program, said co-worker
concealed shotgun and killed two agen- going to the bureau at a shopping center Sharon Smart.
ts and himself, the FBI said. in this desert town 100 miles east of San Local police said Maloney was a
A few hours earlier in Cleveland, FBI Diego where he opened fire with a .12- member of the Mexican American
Special Agent Johnnie Oliver was shot gauge shotgun, agents said. Political Association, a political action
to death in a public housing project as "He had a 12-gauge shotgun. He shot group, and was active in leftist groups.
he tried to arrest Melvin Bay Guyon, 19, both the FBI agents and then apparen- Young identified the dead agents as
a fugitive wanted in Illinois. The FBI tly turned the gun on himself," said James Robert Porter, 44, a senior
said it was seeking Guyon in the Roger Young, special agent in charge agent, and Charles C. Elmore, 34.
shooting. of the San Diego FBI office. DR. JOHN COMPTON, director of
IN WASHINGTON, Attorney General YOUNG DECLINED to speculate on Mental Health Services for Imperial
Griffin Bell said through a spokesper- a motive or what connection Maloney County, said the 1/2-page note warned
son that he was "very distressed" by may have had with the agents. Young that "many will denounce this action."
the three killings. It was the first time did say the FBI "had been aware of Compton received the note after
Maloney and some of his activities," Maloney's estranged wife turned it over
Eclipse Jazz moves from CUAC to
Young after the switch, "just to get it
i Continued from Page 17* things were getting better," he said. "A out in the open," according to Ceisler.
Neither Eclipse nor UAC members trend started." out in e rope a ng eiler
intend to fight the administration over Young blamed the deficit on Eclipse's app is in Europe and unavailable for
the split. "We're living with the move," program scheduling last year, when a BUT UAC personnel are feeling the
said Grant. "We don't feel extremely series of concerts sponsored by the impact of the new situation. "We lose
threatened . . . Moving seems group immediately followed the Ann the identification with Eclipse," Ceisler
ridiculous,"he added. Arbor Jazz Festival, another Eclipse said. "Whenever they did anything, it
But, Grant continued, "I don't want presentation. had the UAC logo." Ceisler added,
to make MEO sound insensitive." DIRECTOR OF the Office of Student however, that she did not expect any
YOUNG CITED several reasons for Development and Interim Director of
Eclipse's split with UAC. "MEO has the Michigan Union Suzanne Young Hasskell Wexler's
always been administratively accoun- said she believes the staff turnover
table for Eclipse. It's better for them," each year made students forget Eclip- MEDIUM
she said. "Eclipse has its own se's history, which, in turn, caused un- The first feature length film by awar
programs. It can carry its own weight. certainty surrounding the jazz group's Wexler ("Bound for Glory") who alsov
"The size the Eclipse shows status, takes place at the Democratic Nationa
"ThameasburenonUAC"seades . Youghsicameraman in the "cool" medium of tel
became a burden on UAC," she added. Young said Eclipse always has been violence and politics while covering the.
"It occurred to me after a while that the "a segment of MEO" since Eclipse's FORSTER.
relationship with UAC wasn't inception in 1975. The organization was sat: CASABLANCA (
profitable." formed as a vehicle for students who Sun: SANTA FE TRA
"One of the problems is that I felt the wanted to become involved in the con-
group began to go adrift. It's part of a cert production field.
complicated system. (A group) can At that time, Young said, she was CINEMA GUILD
become alienated quickly," Young MEO's director and worked closely
said, adding that she hoped to keep with Eclipse's coordinators.
Eclipse "in touch with the system in But 1971 brought personnel changes.
which they work." Young stepped into her current TeAnAbrrii
BUTGRANT explained that although position,sKaren Young (who isrnot 1B AnniArborFif #Oopemr
MEO May have believed Eclipse was related to Suzanne Young) took over as Friday, A
not working closely enough with it, "we MEO's director, and Eclipse got new INVASION Of THE
were moving closer to them anyway." coordinators.
Woelkers agreed with Grant. "When SUZANNE YOUNG stressed that (Don Siegel, 1956)
it came to major concerts, we always Eclipse originally was intended to han- gigantic pods reproduce and replace t
die small shows, which would tie it to town, sapping them of their independei
worked through MEO anyway." this film is the perfect metaphor for
Grant added, "(The change) will hurt UAC, while leaving bigger productions "One of the few authentic science fiction
UAC more than anything. Being to the professional MEO. But it has
associated with MEO will move us far- grown, both in numbers and in INVADERS F
ther away from student organizations." professionalism, in its four-year life. (William Cameron Menzies, 1953)
MOST PEOPLE connected with Although MEO notified Eclipse about It's a nightmare come true. The Martian
UAC, MEO, and Eclipse agreed that the the change in late May after the split ing human slaves and are turning peo
original relationshi between UAC and was finalized, UAC did not find out until one A little boy is the only witness at
orgialrlaioshpbewenUd adused a vivid imagination, spacing out t
Eclipse was unclear. UAC's Day ex- several days later that it would lose one vas and saving a strong kicker for the fit
plained that Eclipse was a committee of its larger cmmittees, which, as Day Tomorrow: THE MA
of both UAC and MEO, as well as being called it, a major change for us." THE ADVENTURES$
a separate entity, thus confusing its Woelkers and UAC Personnel Vice WesupportProtectioniststocol395
status. President Gina Ceisler both said UAC
"Through the years, that (relation- President Jeff Yapp talked to Karen
ship) got lost," Young said. "Eclipse:'
didn't know why it had to deal with 1 I
She added that Eclipse's members 5 Forery Fifth FoSI.761-9700 *EES
began to "play both sides of the street.
If they couldn't get what they want The history of one of the most RUN!
from mom (MEO), they'd go to dad extraordinary rock groups ever to
(UAC). They booked shows under the hit the scene.
think part of the decision to give MEO
more control over Eclipse was influen-
ced by Eclipse's financial setbacks last
year, which are mentioned in the
group's promotional brochure.
Although Grant refused to divulge the
amount of money Eclipse lost, Suzanne
Young estimated the group was $20,000 Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, 6:00-8:00-10:00
in the red by the end of Fall term, a sum Adults $1.50 til 6:30 (or capacity)
she termed "a hefty defitit" iw. s.- <.< a so-:to-n

to a friend at the mental health depar-
tment after the shooting.
"I read the note and brought it to the
police," Compton said.
"They said something to the effect
that, 'This does it.' They were im-
pressed with the fact that it spoke to the
issues as they saw them." Compton
said the FBI and police had asked him
to "keep my mouth shut" about the rest
of the note.
The FBI said 23 other agents have
died in the line of duty since 1908. Most
recently, two agents died in August,
1977, when their surveillance plane
crashed in Minnesota. In June, 1975,
two FBI agents were fatally shot during
an investigation at the Pine Ridge In-
dian reservation in South Dakota.
ME 0
problems, because UAC will be larger
this year than ever, even without Eclip-
se. Financially, Ceisler said, while
UAC no longer will be sharing in Eclip-
se's profitable ventures, neither will it
share in any Eclipse losses.
Karen Young said she sympathized
with UAC's sense of loss, even though
she contends UAC did not have a real
hold on Eclipse.


d-winning cinematographer Haskell
wrote and filmed this movie which
I Convention in Chicago in 1968. A
evision finds himself in the midst of
convention-turned riot. With ROBERT
Bogart & Bergman)
IL (Free at 8 only)
7:30a9:30 $1.50


five Presents t.MLB- $1.50
ugust 10
7& 10:20-MLB 3
he residents of a Southern California
ice and emotions. Chillingly dramatic,
the political paranoias of the fifties.
classics."-Andrew Sarris.
8:40 only-MLB 3
s have secretly landed, started amass-
ple into programmed zombies one by
nd no one believes him. "Menzies has
he dramatic punches at effective inter-
nish."-Hollywood Reporter.



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