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August 10, 1977 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-10

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Page Twelve


Wednesday, August 10, 1977

Tigers split doubleheader

Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Itd was supposed
to be a public display of the
Detroit Tigers' hopes for the
future-their young pitchers.
Young Dave Rozema did his
part, stifling Milwaukee on five
hits in the first game of a twi-
night doubleheader for a 4-2
Tiger victory.
THEN RALPH Iliouk, cele-
brating his 58th birthday, turn-
ed to young Bob Sykes. That's
young Sykes, as in near no-hit-
ter and great promise.
Sure enough, Detroit jumped
to a 2-0 lead in the first inn-
ing and looked like it might ac-
complish it's first doubleheader
sweep of the season.
But the Milwaukee veterans
had different plans. They rack-
ed Sykes and three other Tiger
hurlers for a total of 14 hits
to salvage a split with a 6-4

STEVE BRVE, who is said to
shave every day, blasted two
hor runs. Jim Wohlford, Don
Money, and Cecil Cooper had
nine hits among them.
Which is not to say the Tigers
did not make things exciting.
Down 6-3 in the eighth, Tito
Fuentes and Rusty Staub strok-
ed consecutive doubles to short-
en the deficit to 6-4. Starter Bill
Tracers was yanked in favor of
bullpen ace Bob McClure, but
the lefty walked Steve Kemp
on five pitches.
Then Jason Thompson, who
had hit the ball hard all night,
and had a first game homer to
show for it, worked McClure to
a 3-0 count. But, just as the
seats started to resound with
the fans' rallying cry, Thomp-
son lined out to Bryye- in cen-
ter, and McClure fanned Mick-
ey Stanley and Bob 9dams to
preserve the win.
Rozema's first game effort,

which raised his record to 12-4,
marked the 7th straight com-
plete game for the rookie
HIS CONTROL of his sinking
pitches was superb, and the
Tiger outfielders collected only
two putouts.
THOMPSON o p e n e d t h e
assault with his 20th round-trip-
per of the year into the right-
field upper deck. Before Slaton
had time to recover, Ben Ogli-
vie doubled, and John Wocken-
fuss singled. The Bengal catcher
advanced to second on Jim
Wynn's perfect throw to the
plate, which held Oglivie at
third base.
Brewer manager Alex Gram-
mas decided he had seen enough
and replaced Slaton with Mc-
Clare, who hadn't allowed an
earned run in his last seven ap
The Brewer reliefer fanned
pinch-hitter Aurelio Rodriguez,
but allowed the eventual winning

run to score on Tom Veryzer's
sacrifice fly to right. Wynn
again made a fine throw to the
plate-but too late to nail the
sliding Oglivie.
RON LeFLORE secured Roze
ma's victory when he sliced a
double down the right field line
to score Woekenfuss with the
final Tiger rally.
LeFlore was the hitting star
of the first game--going 3 for 4
-and scored Detroit's first run
in the opening inning on a Rusty
Staub sacrifice fly. He also
added his 25th stolen base of
the year.
A determined band of dissi-
dent fans showed their dis-
pleasure with the Tigers' disap-
pointing showing so far in 1977.
Late in the second game they
unfurled a banner which pro-
claimed "Houk must go" in
yard-high letters. They then led
the fans in the left field seats in
a chant- of their new slogan.

ABC apologizes or goo

By The Associated Press
(IIICAO - The American
Broadcosting Co. has apologie-
ed to the family of a 12-year-old
hoc nho learned he was suffer-
ing from tone cancer only when
it was announced on Monday
Night Baseball-
"It ws ione of those terribly
unforttinate things," a network
spokesman said.
Scott Crull, 12, of Calumet
City, Ill., learned of his con-
dition Monday night when
sportscaster Keith Jackson
announced on the baseball
broadcast that Chicago Cubs
outfielder Bobby Murcer
had promised to hit a home
run for the bedridden youth in
a game against the Pitts-
burgh Pirates,
Murcer said later that he had
made no such promise but had
called the youngster to cheer
him up.
"It's not right," the boy's
father, Dwight Crull, 50, said
yesterday afternoon. "We had
tried to keen it from him and
did keep it from him for three
years. It's especially terrible
since the doctors tell us that
the little guy has only a month
or a month and a half. All we
can do now is keep him on
medicine and keep him quiet
and try to relieve the pain."
He said his son "sad been

quieted with tranquilizers after
learning of his cancer.
At first, Scott did not tell
his parents he had learned tfie
nature of his affliction. His
mother had said late Monday
that she thought the boy had
missed the reference to can-
cer in the broadcast and
asked the news media not to
mention the disease.
The ABC spokesman said that
after Murcer hit two home runs
against the Pirates, Jackson re-
ceived a note from Cubs sta-
tistician Jim lDravidavitch say-
ing that Murcer had promised
in the television conversation to
hit a home run and that the boy
was suffering from bone can-
"We were working under the
assumption that if the Cubs
gave us the note the boy knew,"
the spokesman said. "We as-
sume that if the club gives us
something like this) the club
has checked it out.'
Late baseball
Milwaukee 6, Detroit 4 (2nd game)
Baltimore 3, Cleveland 1
Toronto 6, Minnesota 2
Chicago 4, PittsburghI
New York 4, St. Louis I
San Francisco 4, Houston 3

First game
.b r r
Yot ss 4 a 0
Johua. cf 4 0 t 0
Cooper lb 4 2 1 i
Wynn rf a . 4 a
Monyltf 0 0 0 0
Wohlford II C t 1 1
MMllen 1lIti 1 0a0a
Banado3b 0 1 1
Quirkdh 3 0 o ai
Sakata2b C0 0 0
TiJohnoso 21, 1 0 0o11
More e 3C0 ii
Total 30 2 5 2
alt r It b
L1eFiore cf 4 1 3t
Fuentes 2b 3 0 1
Staubdh 3 0 0 1
KemplIf 3 00 it
Tliompsnii.1, 4 I1 t
ogtivierf 3 110
Wokenfuss e 1 10
Maikowkilb 2 0 0s
A Rodriguez 3b 1 0 0i I
Veryzer ss 2 0 a0
'ftal 28 4 t 4
Milwaukee 0O0 0lO100s-
Detroit lOOOOO3x-
DP-Detroit 1. LO-Miwaukee :,
ietroit 4. 2-Cooper, Bando, Ogii-
vie, Le~ioce. tIC-Coo pee 1)
Thimpso (0). 5-LeFire, wit
ford. S-Bando. S-Staub, Veryser,
I II B ER Bli s
Saton (L, 8-11) 6 6 4 3 2(
Mi-Curee C 1 0 0) 0 1'
lissewat(W,12-4i 95 2 C2 1 4
PIE-Moore. T-2:04.
Second game
ab yr Iit4 bi
Wynn dh - 4 1b
Money I 4 2 0
Cooper it a f 3 i
Brando 3h 0 Q 0
55ili id irf 1 4
Haney c 0 1
ah n r r I b
Lelore Cf 1 1 0
Fuentes bc 4 12
sveer 2 410 1
'Staabsdh C4 4 21
Kemp if 1 0 0a 0
Thompson I 0 l, 0 i
M Stanley rf 3 1
TrAams CW.-4iC 12 1 41
A odriguz 3 4 it0
Veryzer ss 4 0 0 0
Tota 33 4 1
Milwkee 0 1 2 1 2 0
Dtyort - 10 1 0 0 1(-
E-Kemp DP-Miwaukee 1. LO
-Niwaukee n, Detroit 6. 'P-
Wohlford, F u e n t e s. Staub. HR-
Fuentes (4), Adams (1), Brye s(7)
sB-Wyynn. s-Brye.
Travers (W, 4- > 7 7 4 4 2
thClure 2am p a mol
Grilti (L, 1e) 1% 2h 1 1
ailler 2 4 2 2 ea
aI -McClure 5. HBPBy ha er
(Kemp). T-2:28. A-18,99.
(Continued from Page 11)
parogse s, Mark Fidryc anf
The comparisons between th
three hurlers are numerous
partially because all three fi
the same physical mold - tal
and lanky. If Morris continue
to pitch wel, he'll be hearin
about the comparisons more an
"It can't be anything but a
compiment to even be com
pared to a guy like Firych af
ter what he did last summer. 1
played with Rosie last summe
(tMontomery adlare,
lot just watchng him. Its SOW'
thing to be hoored-these gys
are doing so wel," he said.

..'- - 5\ "-.'5"-i<. ^ ' . ' * "a; r5. : ' C sv''
Major League Standings
'a. . .. . .. .. . :.; '. a".+ .+ N .";}y r ir 0

W L Pe.. GB
Boston 64 43 .598 -
Baltimore 62 47 .569 3
New York 60 49 .550 5
Detroit 50 59 .459 15
Milwaukee 49 64 .434 18
Cleveland 46 61 .430 18
Toronto 38 70 .352 26%
Chicago 04 44 .593 -
Minnesota 65 47 .580 1
Texas 62 47 .569 2(
Kansas City 61 41 .565 3
California 54 54 .500 10
Seattle 48 65 .435 181
Oakland 42 68 .382 23
Late games nt included
Yesterday's result
Detroit 4, Milwaukee 2 (1st game) -
Today's games -
Milwaukee (Augustine, 10-19) at
Detroit (Morris, 0-0), 8 p.m.
Seattle (Pole, 7-7) at Baltimore
(May, 11-9), 1:30 p.m.
California (Tanana, 13-3) at -Bos-
ton (Tiant, 8-7), 7:30 p.m. -"- -
Gaklnd (Blue, 10-13) at New York
(Guildry, 0-4} 2 p.- -
Cleveland Garland, S-12) at Chi.-
cago (WoodA 5-4), :30p.m.
Kansc City 1L.5, 1 1-5) at.

East ,
Eas L Pet GBa
Philadelphia 64 44 .593 -
Chicago 63 46 .578 0l
Pittsburgh 63 '48 .568 2Y2
St. Louis 62 50 .554 4 -
Montreal 52 59 .468 131
New York 46 62 .426 18
Los Angeles -s8 43 .613 -
Cincinnati 55 55 .500 12%
Houston 52 06 .464 16Y
San Francisco 50 61 .450 18
San Diego 49 67 .42 21 your eyes, Prez
Atlanta 40 St .367 27f
Late games not included
Yesterday's result President Carter cleanly fields a grounder during a softbal
Ian Diego 5, Montreat 3
Today'snrames game in Plains, Georgia yesterday. The President pitched for the
St. Louis (Underwood, 6-) at New White House .team and gave up 17 runs, but his brother Billy gave
York (Swan, 7-6), 2 p.m.
Montreal (Rogers, 12-8 and Alcala, up 19 runs, pitching for the news media lteam as Carter's team'
3-6) at ;Philadelphia (Christensen,
0-5 and Lonboerg, 5.3), 2, 5:30 p.m. finally won after losing the first two contests.
Chicago (-Bonham, 10-10) at Pitts-
burgh (Candelaria, 11-4), 3:30 pam.. Rumors circulated among the players that Carter would not
- Atlanta (Capra, 2-8 and P. NIekro, . -
11-13) at San Diego (t. Jones, 4-s leave Plains until his team was victorious. He smiled when an
and Sawyer, 5-) 2 .ps. pg#ested'that if'tho reporers continued their win-
Angeles (Rhoden, 12-7),.10:30 p.m.- aing streak, the 'Pesident would remain In Plains until Cbrlstm s:
Houston (Richard, 10-0) at. - San
u {c ( -lothenz- -a}- 1:80 ' -! But-after thega aneCarieesai d:"Weoeg ohk-4mwreow.'.-

ALL RIGHT, that sounds Wel
and good, but we still need
nickname for the kid. What dl
you say, Jack?
"Wl," M r ris grine~l
"some of the - guys have be
trying to give me ' Finey
from 'Morris -the {at,' yOl
know. I was 'The Big Cat'bad
in schodl. I don't kno it i
-gonna stiCklo hr oot"

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