Page Ten
Wednesday, August 10, 197-1
Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, Atagust 10, 1977
wants Kora
news leaks
C AHIA G0 t - Leon fa-
worski said yesterday that
those concerned about Sooth
Korean influence peddling in
Congres= should stop rocking
the boat' with speculation and
leaks to the news media.
IlJawoi rki, counsel to h
Iouse Ethics Committee, totd
a Rotary Club luncheon thst
some reports about the accept
ance of favors by congressimen
may have been based on "hear-
say, idle and perhaps malicms
to know the truths come forth
and tell them to the official in,
vestigators," Jaworski said
"There is time enough to find
out what the facts are and in-
iP then we should not be rock-
AP Photo ing the boat."
The former Watergate spe-
cial prosecutor said, "We do not
and Orca know the full scope of the in-
ch gar. volvements at this point, or
how many individuals it may
reach. We do not know whether
0the wrongdoing involved pri-
marily ethical misconduct."
0Jaworski was named counsel
to the committee after charges
surfaced that its investigation
ccept our of influence peddling in Con-
full agree- gress by South Korean business-
te minister man Park Tong Sun was pro-
ceeding too slowly.
'the people AFTER ADDRESSING the
oslem. The Rotarians. Jaworski told news-
ined Hindu men he did not want to criticize
n Indonesia anyone in specific for "rocking
cianist. The the boat" but added that he had
ion guaran- "read references in the press"
gion. to speculation that the Ko-
rean scandal could be "bigger
fire deaths than Watergate."
says the In- Asked whether the Watergate
n Institute. investigation would have been
tely 57 per launched in the first place with
ated deaths out leaks to the news media
es occurred Jaworski said, "I have no way
of knowing."
Something's fishy
Fourteen-year-old Felix Talabock of Metairie, Louisiana made a catch that would make Jaws flinch, Moby Dick quiver,
the killer whale shiver in his shiny scales. It wasn't an overgrown Flipper or an alligator that Felix crocked, just a 52-in
Israel refuses to accept PL
uCootinutId from Pass i
course that will not include the
means for assuring your secur-
ity," he said.
Vance told a news conference
in Saudi Arabia earlier in the
day that PLO acceptance of
Resolution 242 would in his
judgment, "revoke" its char-
ter, but Mayan disagreed at a
news conference here.
DAYAN SAID, "I don't think
the acceptance, if there will be
an acceptance, without any re-
servation by the PLO of 242
means automatically abolition
of the PLO's charter."
The hero of the 1967 Middle
East war said Israel is "ready
to cotopromise on some points"
and "to find ways to live to-
gether with the Arabs in the
West Bank and in the Gaza
But he said only Israel and
the Arabs can make peace, in-
dicating Israel would not ac-
cept a solution dictated by the
United States or other outsiders.
DAYAN SAID the PLO is not
eligible to participate in the
Geneva conference because the
conference is limited to coun-
tries and not "parties." He
said Jordan already speaks for
the Palestinians but Israel
would not object to including
Palestinian Arabs in the Jor-
dan delegation, so long as they
were not PLO members.
There are increasing indica-
tions the Carter administration
is edging closer to the Arab po-
sition on several points. Vance
has had "indirect contact"
through Arab countries with the
PLO, and he agreed with the
Arabs it would be good to re-
solve some substantive issues
before a peace conference.
President Carter has said
PLO acceptance of Resolution
242 might "open an avenue"
for Yasir Arafat's organization
to join the peace conference.
ALL THIS has caused anxie-
ty in this country, but Dayan
underscored Begin's detertoin-
ation to stand firm.
IHe said that at the moment
he did not detect "any tendency
of the United States that the
PLO should take part in the
Geneva peace conference."
"I haven't heard of that,"
Dayan said. "But should there
be such a position we shall op-
pose it."
el's opposition to any "foreign
power" taking over the terri-
tory on the West Bank of the
Jordan River that the Israelis
occupied in the 1967 war.
Asked if this position applied
to Jordan, the former general
said: "Yes, it does."
However, he said, Israel is
prepared to negotiate at Gene-
va without preconditions. He
said Israel was prepared even
to listen to Arab claims to the
Old City of Jerusalem, the sec-
tor crammed with holy places
of Judaism, Islam and Chris-
tianity that the Jews have vow-
ed to keep.
Vance's arrival was marked
by tightened surveillance
against terrorist attacks. Three
hours before his arrival police
dismantled a bomb hidden in a
Tel Aviv supermarket, but no
other incidents were reported.
T h e difficulties awaiting
Vance were foreshadowed by a
joke with which Dayan greeted
the secretary at planeside:
"Whenever you a
views, we will be in
ment with you," th
Ninety per cent of
of Indonesia are M
Balinese have rema
and most Chinese i
are Buddhist - Confu
Indonesian constitut
tees freedom of reli
The majority of
occur in the home,E
surance Informatior
In 1974, approximat
cent of all .fire-relz
in the United State
in residences.
Bomb blast precedes
royal Visit
(continued from Page 1)
The blast came after the
Provos killed a British soldier
in Belfast to avenge 16-year-old
Paul McWilliam, shot dead
three hours earlier by troopers
who claimed he was throwing
gasoline bombs.
in a statement telephoned to a
Belfast newspaper that one of
their sharpshooters killed the
soldier "because his regiment
was responsible for the murder
of young Paul McWilliam." The
IRA claimed the youth was shot
in the back.
The killings raised the known
death toll from eight years of
violence to 1,774. The fatalities
climaxed 12 hours of gunbat-
ties, hijacking and rioting by
IRA sympathizers.
Protestants have threatened
to retaliate if the IRA tries to
disrupt the royal visit or make
any direct attack on the queen.
to be a "black flag" protest
march planned for Wednesday
by Sinn Fein, the IRA's politi-
cal front, through the turbulent
to Ireland
Catholic quarter of Falls Road
to Belfast City Hall.
A Protestant paramilitary
organization, the Ulster De-
fense Association, had planned
a countermarch but called it off
yesterday because of "the
stress on the security forces."
A spokesman said: "The
UDA now leaves the matter of
showing their loyalty to ier
Majesty to the individual."
by Catholics opposed to British
rule are scheduled in other
parts of he province, also
known as Ulster.
The queen's visit, in addition
to being an unfortunate remind-
er of the bloody past, falls be-
tween two of the most inflarn-
matory dates on the Northern
Ireland calendar.
These are yesterday's sithb
anniversary of Britain's nOw
abandoned policy of internuent
without trial of suspected ter-
rorists, and Aug. 12, the day
Protestants march throughb
Londonderry to celebrate eir
religion's supremacy.
It was this traditionally pro-
vocative parade that helped
- touch off the sectarian cooflict
in 1969.
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