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April 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…Sensational Sprint By Breidenbach Wins Drake Mile Relay Mehl Captures Featured Mile Race At Penn Defeats Fenske, Venzke In 4:25.8; Seven New Relay Records Are Set PHILADELPHIA, April 27.-OP)-- The featured special mile went in dog-trot time, but the thousands of other athletes in the final day's competition of the 46th annual Penn Relays today took up the slack by placing the record output on a mass production basis. Before 32,000 spectators...…

April 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNDAY, APRIL 28; 19401 Jean Giraudouix; Propaganda For Peace?.. AST 8PtUNC during the LDriatai Season here Philip Merivale staged Jean Giraudoux's play, "No War In Troy!" It was a rather incoherent, insipid protest against war, but beneath its heavy lines could be dis- cerned the fact that Giraudoux hated war with all his heart. Today Giraudoux is France's Minister of Propaganda. He has turned from writing plays like "Amph...…

April 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…Schoolmasters Health Camp clo A ua Helps C6,000 Conclave Here In 19 Years (Continued from Page 1) Nineteen years ago Lewis C. Rei- - Asserting that science courses must mann, '16, and Thomas S. Evans, be made to fit the more practical general secretary of the Student needs of youth as consumers, Mr. Christian Association at the time, Floyd I. Leib of Lincoln Consolidat- conceived a vision of a summer camp ed School, Ypsilanti, set the keynote ...…

April 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tea For Senior Women To Be Held Thursday At League Scroll To Plan Annual Event For Alumnae Dancing Will Be Featured At 'Futurauza'; Council Members To Hostess Members of Scroll, senior women'sz honorary society, are in charge of arrangements for "Futurama", the annual tea sponsored by the Alum- nae Council which will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday in the League Ballroom, Anne Hawley, '40, pr...…

April 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

…SUNAYAPRIL 28, 1940 Michigan Men Are Satirized By Freshmen 'Heavenly Daze' Answers Accusations Of Unio Opera In Floor Show "Michigan men are like Ann Ar- bor weather: just one big drip aftei the other," was the thesis of the Jordan Hall telephone operator in "Five Out of Five," floorshow skit at "Heavenly Daze" Friday evening Answering the quips of the Mich- igan Union Opera; freshman women satirized their male co-students at the annual presen...…

April 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

…THE MEi CHf IGr A N D_0A I ,y IN^V ^PRIL , 1510 I Richest Ore Lies Unused PhiBeta appa Democratie Essentials In Brazil, James Says V 111i Exmiiwd lily Seminar __N icolsoi Speak _ _ i (Special to the Daily) WASHINGTON, D.C., April 27.-- Thirteen billion tons of iron ore, some of it the richest in the world lie unexploited on anything but a small scale in Brazil, Prof. Preston E. James, University of Michigan geographer, said last night in...…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

… Weather Rain and cloudy today; warmer tomorrow. Y 41P Dattg Editorial Forty-Eight Tariff Was . I VOL. L. No. 130 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Neutral Ship Sunk By German U-Boat Inside British Net French Admit Explosion Aboard Destroyer; 100 Dead, Italians Report Russian Ship Held By British In China (By Associated Press) Warfare on the high seas and in the air blazed into new fury Thurs- day w...…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…ALI, Detroit AluIni Sponsor Dinner For Students Michigan Club Entertaniis Campus Leaders; Faculty Members Also Attend The University of Michigan Club of Detroit entertained eight Univer- sity students yesterday at its annual Campus Leaders Dinner, held in the University Club. Student guests were Thomas B. Adams, '40, president of the Inter- fraternity Council; Warren Breiden- bach, '41, star quarter-miler; Ismail R. Khalidi, Grad., of the ...…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940 THE MIC HIG .&N Sillr PAOR TTMV% THE mn .i C.h'A. N >1.' 6 t.R f. FAG?! TITIk?!! Wrestlers Leave For National sWho. * Five Michig Matmen E Collegiate ,i Meet At Illinois 100-Yard Freestyle Heads List Of Saturday'sSwimming Eveits TwoW f over itto ..Seek~ 1A ti~~)tlI 1101tor°s IN THIS CORNER By MEL FINEBERG- . ... Prognosticating... THE swimmers may think that sit- ting up in a day coach is tedious ...…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…, . , = , v-... R . .. n . : .frw ..~ F 2,14 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise cred...…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

… .gy ~-..,^r."1 - -- .-- . . Z . S . r ;.+uZ~ _+h . .r : tec . , ., r... ,- ., . _.. .z.: _ v .i A~E ~ Slide Rule Ball Guests Named By Committee Eleanor Rakestraw, '43, Chooses Pink Taffeta' For Traditional Dance Guests for the eleventh annual1 Slide Rule Ball, to e held from 9l p.m. to 1 a.m. Fridy in the maint ballroom of the Union, were an- nounced yesterday by Ganson Tag-f gart, '40E, co-chairman of publicity.s J. Anderson Ashburn, '4...…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY T'1IUSAY, MA ItI128, 1910 Fuel Engineers To Study Heat, Ene rgyOutput. At"ca4inleie, i tdustrial Coal ExperIs ConVelle here For Meeliig April 22 Speeches Planned Industrial and academic leaders in the study of coal utilization will dis- cuss mutual problems when the Twenty-fifth Fuel Engineering Con- ference of Appalachian Coals Inc. meets here jointly with the Fourth Annual Coal Utilization Institute sponsored...…

February 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…Weather Continued Cloudy; Moderate Snow Today I- LL lit igau uaittj Humanitarian For Polish Edi W. VOL. L. No. 105 Z-33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, Feb. 28, 1940 PRICE FIV i Raging Water Drives 3,000 From Homes In Californlia 1 i Union Opera Premiere Today Renews Glories, Feminized All-Male Cast In 'Four Out Of Will Ridicule Coeds In Musical Show Five' Cloudbursts And Melting Snow Swell Streams Of Northern Sections ...…

February 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…StIE ll i icf lN M Lessor beams I Talk Here Centrifuges 5- tg Eanployed By University Since 1888, Recalls Presidents i 1 Glamor Girl Rbel s 'echniques Of Producing High Rotational Speeds Is Lecture Topic M onday High speed centrifuges will be dis- ussed by Prof. J. W. Beams of the niversity of Virginia at 8 p.m. Mon- ay in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-' gn Building in the third series of. cientific lectures sponsored here by he society o...…

February 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI;AN DAILY 1 Talking Over Their Change Of Jobs Natalors Set For Ducking IN THIS CORNER By MEL FINEBERG_ _ e Confpssion _they start to boo me at home .r r T rug then RIG BAD MAN John (Sonia) Mari- ucci has a lot of funny ideas. Not only does he have funny ideas about how to play hockey but he also has funny ideas about football and sports in general. We had a long talk with Big Bad Man John (Sonia) Mariucci at the Union desk, un...…

February 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…;:_ ANTf L4Y ,f :_I - _ dilted and managed by students of te University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stu1dent, Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and-Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of...…

February 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 105) • Page Image 5

…18 Freshmen To Be Honored ByPanhellenic Sorority Pledge Scholars To Be Present Saturday At Luncheon In League Freshman pledges receiving the highest grades in their respective pledge classes will be honored at a luncheon at 12:15 p.m. Saturday in the Kalamazoo room of the League. The 18 freshman who will attend the luncheon include: Barbara Mac- Laughlin, Alpha Chi Omega; Louisa Pfretzchner, Alpha Delta Pi; Janet Lewin, Alpha'Epsilon Phi; Mary...…

February 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ids 1 And Ends In The News DAIILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TR Inspects Canal Zone ib, 27.-(P)-President Roosevelt id today that doubling'the presenta mber of planes and guns defend- g the Panama Canal was necessaryI the long range defense of the al link between the Atlantic and1 cific. rance Mobilizes Farmers PARIS, Feb. 27.-(P)- France to- y requisitioned the services of her 100,000 farmers who will be held their lands by ...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… Weather Light Snows. 5 k0iau 4:3"ttg Editorial Lend-Lease Bi1 Feeds Amendments Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1941 Z-323 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PRICE FIVE CENTS Ruthven Defines National Defense Role Of Colleges Indiana Beats Michigan) In Thrilling Tilt, 41-37 Schools Should Perform Every 'Direct Service' Possible,_Report Says Bui...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…Weather Not quite so cold today with posi1ble snow tomorrow, 4kr 4ift Elattii Editorial AnnAnd The People . VOL. L. No. 92 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 28, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Reports Claim Russians Flee As Finn Army, Repulses Drive. Russian Offensive North Of Ladoga Is Thought Broken;__Supplies Lost Finns Show Strong Mobile Def enseg By WADE WERNER HELSINKI, JaI. 27. -(A)- The beaten fragments of four Soviet divi- sions, o...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANTUARY 28, 1941 Vox Pop' Awards Many Prizes, Broadcasts From Odd Places Ann Arbor N< ews President's Report Describes New University Developments Student Exchange For Books To Be A U 1 L Skiers Sweep Three Firsts Here Is In Today's Summary By A. P. BLAUSTEIN "Vox Pop," noted radio quiz show, which will be broadcast at 7:30 p.m. Thursday from the Union Ballroom, has gathered during the past nine years...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JAN. 28, - a II Manuscripts Entered By 62 in Ilopwoods Increased Interest Shown In Freshman Contest; Spring Deadline April 17, Freshmen interest in the Hopwood contest increased this year as 62 con- testants submitted 70 manuscripts to the judges Friday, signifying an in-1 crease of 13 contestants and 17 manu- scripts over those turned in last year. Sixteen entries were marked up in the fiction division as again...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN IL PACE Tlipffv THE MICHIGAN DAIlY PAI~ THRTP . W.Ny Idiana Five Outlasts Wolverines''Iron Men' To Win 41-37 Intramural Angles By Gene Gribbroek John Cory, Sigma Chi basketball star, cracked the Intramural indi- vidual scoring record last week as he tossed in 12 buckets in a regular 20- minute tilt to lead his "A" squad to a 52-9 win over Pi Lambda Phi. Cory's mark bettered that set by Sigma Al- pha Epsilon's Hensley in Fe...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…TUt MICHI -r. ' . All'y Alumni To Re-eive TappingOn Tour T. Hawley Tapping, general secre- tary of the Alumni Association, will leave his office here Wednesday for a tour of eastern alumni groups. He will show motion pictures of the Michigan-Ohio State football game Thursday to the University of Michi- gan Club of Schenectady. 'Gity -Flint's' Odyssey Ens ASShe Finally Comes Home Bowling BHiiards Sno o ke r GAN RECREATION 525 East Liberty ...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHITGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUTARYV29. 1941 . ..t --.i .~i 1 I .---/ 1 ll i11-. 1- Iu~ s ... a ii tr . 4'd1lY 1. .V C1. 1:f' l Deficit Spending And Inflation Are Analyzed By Prof. Smithies The Road Back Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Assoc...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…_____________ °THiE ;M ICHItP7AN,. IDiAILY UTi?-A., 1 4i' MICHIGAN DAILY r> .. W.1 I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Stsion. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 89) • Page Image 5

… N JANUARY 28, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DILY PAGE TTIT .. ...... .. _ ..... .............. . .. _. . ..... _........ _ . .. . . ....... ...........,...... ..... . .................. ... . .. " A s i a. 1 League Opens Scholarships I 3r' HIGH TIME! To Petitioners Junior Women May Submit Applications For McCormick Awards Today Through Friday ' Junior women interested in apply- ing for one of the three $100 Ethel McCormick scholarships offered ...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Prof. Aigler Declares Chicago Will Nort Withdrcw From Big 'en student fight fans who will be seek- pound division Leon. Coquiette of ing a few moments, relaxation from glint, has entered the 160-pound their books during the examination division; Frank Butter of Oak Park, period, are promised real action by ill., and Phil Conley of Jackson are Capt. Courtney Burlingame, in charge entered at 145 pounds; Johnny Rieg- of the ...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

…six THE MICHIGAN DAILY -i , lv\ i-,WV 641 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i - ---3 (Continued from Page 4) 2003 A.H. Gaiss, Broadent, Ebelke. 301 U.H. Wahr. 203 U.H. Nordmeyer. 201 U.H. Reichart. 306 U.H. Eaton. German 32. D H.H. All sections. Doctoral Examination for Charles Henry Mann, Jr., M.D., Hygiene and Public 'Health; Thesis: "Sixty Years of Smallpox in Michigan, 1849-1909," today at 4:00 p.m., in Room 2, Waterman Gymnasium. Chairman...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 6

…Tr'HE MICHIIGAN D~AILY airman John Harwood And Mary Abendroth To Lead -i Flop at tne wolverine Cafeteria. expressed the appreciation of Con- Table service will be substituted for I gress for the cooperative efforts of the usual "cafeteria style" used by the Wolverine in making its facilities the Wolverine. A special menu has available for independent men for been planned at $1.50 per couple and the J-Hoo breakfast. FOR & j jg gfffg 4 \' CAL...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women Offered Opportunity To Realize Cram-Session Vows' By CLARA LENFESTEY tem this fall, that no tutoring would During the League's first effort at be given after Christmas vacation,! sponsoring a tutorial system for wo- and we will do so again this spring men on campus, thirty-five women when we make the ruling that all clamored for help in languages, poli- tutoring will stop two or three weeks tical science and the begin...…

January 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 92) • Page Image 8

…, __ _ a --, -- In Sf Administr ing are ble public servi gram offere lege and thi Social Adm ate school. Aimed pr engineering agerial pos Hoad of th ment expla outlined is 'rining of plant supe municipal e The curr. its first off especially w ig of engi tions where trative tech] nical knowl site. The n offered in sor Hoad re recent incr municipal, c ments fore with the la personnel a The first riculum clo outlined for 1Tgineerin~i fPlanAims ...…

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