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April 28, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-28

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Sensational Sprint By Breidenbach Wins Drake Mile


Mehl Captures
Featured Mile
Race At Penn
Defeats Fenske, Venzke
In 4:25.8; Seven New
Relay Records Are Set
The featured special mile went in
dog-trot time, but the thousands of
other athletes in the final day's
competition of the 46th annual Penn
Relays today took up the slack by
placing the record output on a mass
production basis.
Before 32,000 spectators, the high
school and college youths accounted
for seven new meet marks, including
the one set yesterday and another
broken twice today, and tied still
another meet record.
Walter Mehl of Wisconsin won
over Chuck Fenske and Gene Ven-
zke in the special mile in 4:25.8, the
only excitement being provided in
the last 220 yards as the trio made
a concerted dash for the tape after
loping around casually for three
and one-half laps. Mehl finished
about two yards in front of Fenske,
with Venzke another two yards back.
Large Alfred Blozis of George-
town had started the record breaking
orgy yesterday by putting the shot
55 feet 5 3/8 inches to displace the
mark of 52 feet 9 1/4 inches set by
William Watson of Michigan last
Ralph Ross of Army hoisted him-
self over the bar at 14 feet 2 3/8
inches to better the meet pole vault
record of 14 feet 1%/2 inches set by
Keith Brown of Yale in 1935.
North Texas State's team ran the
college 880 relay in 1:25.4 to better
the meet mark of 1:25.9 set by Pitts-
burgh last year.
The Yale 880 yard shuttle hurdle
team ran a preliminary heat in
1:00.9 and thefinalin 1:00.8 to
better the meet mark of 1:01.2 set
by Virginia in 1938.
A Fordham team ran the class
"B" one mile college relay event
in 3:18.2. The old record of 3:19.3
was. set by Maryland last year.
In The Majors
Cleveland .... 100 010 011-4 10 1
Detroit .......100 001 00x-2 7 1

Wolverine Juniors - . -

Lyle Bond, junior right-hander,
is the second Michigan hurler this
season to turn in a four-hit per-1
formance, which yesterday held
Indiana in cheek to set the stageI
for the Wolverines' two-run ninth
inning rally that beat the Hoosiers,
Varsity Golf Coach
Place the feet about twelve inches
apart with toes out a little on a
line parallel to the direction line.
Keep the weight well on the heels,
and make the initial motion of sit-
ting down, bending at the waist so
that the arms can move freely in
front of the body when hanging
straight down from the shoulders.
Keep the back straight and the
head arid neck in the same relation
to the upper trunk as when stand-
ing. Relax all muscles. Never think
of distance. Think of swinging the
club as a weight. Make the straight
left arm control this action. See
that the weight is on the heels
throughout the swing.
(All Rights Reserved)
DiMaggio's Return
Is Postponed Again
WASHINGTON, April 27.--()-
Joe DiMaggio's hopes of returning
to the New York Yankee lineup with-
in a few days were given a jolt today
following an examination of his right
knee injured in a pre-season exhibi-
tion game with the Brooklyn Dod-
"All I know," said Joe, "is that I
can't run and the doctor told me,
not to try until the leg felt per-
fectly O.K. I was getting worried
so I decided to find out just what
was the matter. It may be some
time before I return to action."
Dr. Bennett, however, said the
1939 American League batting
champion was well on the way to

Don Canham ... In Sports Limelight
Is Victorious
In High Jump
Varsity's Two-Mile Team
Finally Trips Hoosiers;
Lose Four-Mile Relay
(Continued from Page 1)
fcur-mile relay, however, and the
Hoosiers placed the first blot of
the record of this year's Michigan
team. Karl Wisner opened up a lead
for the Wolverines, but Jack Dob-
son, after retaining it through most
of his stretch, faded in the last 220
to come in thirty years in the rear.
Ed Barrett ran a beautiful mile to
hand the baton to Capt. Ralph
Schwarzkopf in first place. Schwarz-
kopf and Kane ran shoulder to
shoulder until the last 50 yards when Warren Breideubach jmior
Kane came out around the Wolver-
ine leader to win by five yards. quater-miler, staged a story-book
finish to the Drake mile relay yes-
Canham Outleaps Boydston terday when he took over the ba-
Canham met and conquered the ton on the anchor leg with a 10-
most serious threat to his claim to yard deficit and with a brilliant
the title of the nation's best college performance of "clutch" running
high-jumper when he outleaped edged out Louisiana's Frank
sophomore Don Boydston of Okla- Church.
homa A. & M. who had previously
jumped over six feet eight inches.
Canham won the meet at six feet Hawkeyes Nip Badgers,
four and three-fourths inches, and I e
went another inch, just one-fourth 4 To 3, I Ten Innings
inch short of the Drake record, but
failed in an attempt at the record. MADISON, Wis., April 27.-(P)-
Cochran, Indiana's international Iowa made a sweep of its Big Ten
400-meter hurdle champion and Big conference baseball series with the
Ten Indoor 440 king, easily won the University of Wisconsin by scoring
quarter-mile hurdle race today, win- a 4 to 3 tenth inning victory in the
ning by four yards over Michigan's second game today. The Badgers
Stan Kelley. Cochran was onlyone- were routed 5 to 0 yesterday.
tenth second off the Carnival record Sore:rue o0ysedy
of :53.4.Score:
Hurdle Team Fifth Iowa .......000 000 201 1-4 3 2
The only other Wolverine team Wisconsin . .010 000 020 0-3 11 8
which figured in the day's events Stastny, Ilohenhorst, Haub and
was the shuttle hurdle team which Welp; Saxer and Cunningham, Will-
finished fifth behind Texas' record- ding.
tying quartet, Louisiana State, Illi -_________________
nois and Marquette. ond in two relays, third in one,
* * * and fifth in another. The Wolver-
The final tabulation showed Mich- ines won two individual events, and
iian had won three relays, run sec- took one second.
Veteran Eleven Defeats Frosh
In Scrimmage Session, 20-13
By GENE GRIBBROEK Frutig had recovered a fumble on an
A "Blue" team, composed chiefly attempted quick kick by Wise.
of varsity veteran and reserve grid- The losers started things off early
in the game when Kresja inter-
ders, outscored an all-freshman cepted Call's pass on the Blue 45
"White" team, 20-13, yesterday as and carried it to the 25 before Call
Coach Fritz Crisler put his spring forced him out of bounds. A bad
football squad through a two-hour pass from center Bud Schwayder
scrimmage session. About 50 players put the Whites back to the 43 on the
saw action in the first workout of next play, but a pass from Wise to
the year on the stadium turf. Phil Sharpe brought it back to the
The frosh, scoring first, held a 17. Windle took it to the three two
13-7 lead at the half, but bowed to plays later, and Wise scored around
a quick break by end Ed. Frutig and left end. Rudy Sengel converted.
a drive led by Norm Call and Jim Frutig started the Blue drive that
Grissen in the third and last per- tied the score when he blocked Wise's
iod, which gave the Blues the de- kick on the 45, and the Blues recov-
cision, ered on the 50. With Grissen doing
Frutig Intercepts Pass most of the ball-carrying, Call the
Frutig's score came after about passing, and Bob Flora and Bob In-
two minutes of the third quarter, galls blocking beautifully, the vet-
when he intercepted a shovel pass erans marched to the score, Call tak-
from freshman Cliff Wise off re- ing it over off right tackle from the
ceiver Bob Kresja's chest and ran three. Mezow converted.
25 ard toscoe.Bill 1'lzow con The Whites went into their short-
25 yards to score, lived lead after Elmer Madar ended
a Blue threat by knocking down Ar-
The Blues clinched the game on nold Salvatore's pass on his own
Grissen's touchdown from the five, nine. Then a drive featured by a
This was set up after the latter had Fred Dawley to Madar passing com-
teamed with Call to take the ball bination took the ball to the four,
into White territory, Call had booted from where Dawley scored. His kick
one that was batted outside by end was not good.
Harlin Fraumann on the three, and Frosh Impress Crisler
Th wnr of Friit at end and

I '

Boston......210 000 000-3 7
Philadelphia ...000 010 70x-8 9
New York...'.....100 000 010-2 5
Washington .. 020 000 01x-3 9
St. Louis ...... 010 111 200-6 10
Chicago .......200 000 000-2 10



Brooklyn ......100 100 200-4 10 3
New York .... 000 100 000-1 8 2
Philadelphia .. 000 100 202-5 10 1
Boston .......010 120 000-4 16 1
Chicago . .......000 013 000-4 8 2
St. Louis ......000 000 000 --0 7 2
Pittsburgh .... 000 000 000-0 3 0
Cincinnati .... 000 020 10x-3 8 1

Now is the time to improve your tennis
game by giving the old racket a restringing.
MOE will replace those old strings with





An amazing value-thefull size
jar of Barbara Gould Cleansing
Cream at half price. Get several
jars today because this exquisite
cream goes back to its regular
price immediately after the sale.
HIM. U. S.Pm c.
#17 JAR $1




Prices range from $2 to $8.
For your benefit: 24-Hour Service
All rackets strung by MACHINE-



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