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February 28, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-28

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dilted and managed by students of te University of
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Humanitarian Aid
Tor P(ish Educators*...
HE Koseiuszko Foundation is not
having its annual "Night in Po-
land" Ball and Pageant this year. The reason
is, of course, that such festivities would be out
of place now, with Poland invaded and the plight
of her people desperate. But the Kosciuszko
Foundation this year is doing something far
more necessary-it is attempting to find the
means of subsistence for more than 2,000 Polish
professors, now in dire need as a result of the
forced closing of almost 30 institutions of higher
~Vthbthe Closing of these olileges and univer-
sies' by the ifvades, about 200 professors were
cilnped in Nazi concentration camps. The i'est
are, scattered abbut Poland and Europe. Some
have not been heard from.
E EFFECT of this tieup of Polish university
life and general cultural conditions is the
neessar'y abandonment of the Foundation's 14-
yelar-bod program of exchiaige professorships and
sehoarships between Polish and American Uni-
versities. In 14 years, the Foundation has spon-
soi' d the exchan geof 165 students, lecturers
and professors and has granted in scholarships
and stipnds $119,590.55. Until that time when
the Uniei'sities of Poland are freely permitted
to reopen, this ambitious program, beneficial to,
both the United States and Poland, will have
to be abandoned.
But even mote important than this enforced
bl1ickout of scholarship in-Poland is the tragedy
through which the professors who taught there
are now trying to live. With no opportunity to
earn a living in Poland and with exchange lec-
tureships with the United States perforce sus-
pended, these professors are in urgent need of
funds for the bare necessities 'of life. If the
scholars and the culture of Poland are to "be
saved for another day, immediate aid must be
sent them.
HE FOUNDATION, besides attempting to
place a limited 'number of Polish professors
in American._colleges and universities, is sending
aid to these men through representatives 'of the
Connission for Polish Relief. The Foundation
needs much more money for this purpose than
it now has. It asks for aid from those Americans
interested in education and humanity.
-rAlvin Sarasohn

of "M lnis needed to relieve croded pou' -
tion in the mother country."
Another fact: Of all Germany's overseas trade
at the outbreak of the last war, the trade with
her various colonies represented less than one
percent. Surely Germany cannot protest that
her home commercial interests have suffered
because of the loss of German colonies.
Also-a glance at the list of German colonies
will show that they could not possibly supply
the Fatherland with any important raw ma-
terials. So German Industry, vital to national
prosperity, could have suffered no serious let-
down due to lack of raw materials from the col-
ALL IN ALL, Germany simply could not make
her colonies pay. For many years before the
last, war, the Fatherland literally poured money
into them, with the evident expectation of get-
ting it back sometime, somehow. She never did.
Germany had only spotty success in governing
her colonies. She administered them scientific-
ally well, building many good roads, for exam-
ple ,and keeping the colonies in good physical
shape. But there was a glaring deficiency in
another phase of administration.
It might be supposed that, although Germany
herself was not deriving benefit from her col-
onles, she was at least governing them in such
a way as to consider the best interests of the
indigenous population. The opposite, however,
was the actual case. In an era of notoriously
poor government of . colonies throughout the
world, (and especially of those in Africa) Ger-
many had the doubtful ristinction of having the
poorest relations with the natives of its colonies..
LL these facts would seem to make German
protests in regard to colonies look rather silly,
and they certainly answer current German argu-
ments for the return of their "worldly posses-
sions." Most of these arguments are merely
irredentist propaganda, appearing under the
name of righteous indignation.
Howard A. Goldman
Hfitler's Fiht
For Divine Right...
S ATURDAY NIGtT in Munich, on
the twentieth anniversary of Na-
tional Socialism, Mr. Hitler delivered another of
his masterful orations. As might be expected, it
was a virorous panegyric of all that has been
accomplished under the Third Reich and under
its great leader, Mr. Hitler. He proclaimed the
bond of friendship which united Germany and
Russia, declared that Germany is impregnable,
and, of course, cheered on the warring erman
nation with the battle cry, break "the terror of
the plutocracies."
But all that is more or less part of a routine
which he has gone through in every address
he has given in the last year or two. What made
Saturday's speech almost charming was the
complete naivete with which the Fuehrer placed
his trust in "the hand of Providence." "This
hand," he orated, "held me back from the terri-
ble death which lurked for me in a Tavern last
November. This hand of Providence will lead
us on the victorious path through this war."
'There is a God, he cried passionately, who has
created people 'with equal rights and it is this
" d n Wom ye must have faith." Briefly, he
d6elared that with providence and a trop of
Anigels pulling for it the German side is a sure
mven in the bloodiest months of his seven
years' rule, Hitler has held fast to his faith in
God and divine Providence. Even when he broke
the Con ordat of 1933 and war reported to have
killed or sent into exile hundreds of German
priests, Hitler held his trust in Providence. When
he made Germany safe for Hitler by system-
atically purging the country of all his political
enemies, he held his trust in Providence. When
he went into the war last September he crossed
his fingers and put his roll on Providence.
It is wonderful that Providence has not yet
betrayed'Hitlers tremendous trust. Mr. Goering
or Mr. Goebbels should have warned the Fuehrer
that the patience of Providence may be wearing
thin, or someday he may 'be surprised. Mr.
fIitler, it would appear, is a good hearted soul
unaware of a few facts which should be known
to him.
No one, certainly, could misconstrue Hitler's

declaration of faith a political trick to make
the Germans tighten their belts because it is
the Will of God that they destroy the plutoc-
racies.Mr. Hitler is interested in justice and
right, and he has thrown his heart and soul to-
gether with the lives of sixty million Germans
into a battle to preserve justice and right in the
world. Providence cannot desert him.
- Gerald Burns
Bermuda Dispute,
A troublesome controversy is adroitly settled
by Pan-American Airways' announcement that
its trans-Atlantic Clipper will skip the Bermuda
stop after March 15. Thus, the line itself elim-
inates the possibility of censorship and seizure
of mail from this country by the British author-
ities. The State Department is relieved of an
annoying issue, and the discussion in Congress,
about stopping the service by Government man-
date, will come to an end.
Though the decision, on the face of the facts,
is the air line's alone, there would seem to be
little doubt that it acted in response to a nudge
from the State Department, in order to rescue
Government authorities from a dilemma. There
is evidence to this effect in the fact that the
Navy Department is cooperating by stationing
two vessels in mid-Atlantic to make weather
reports and thus aid the Clipper on its longer
flight direct to Horta in the Azores.
The inviolability of mails, as guaranteed in The
Hague convention, collided head-on in this dis-
pute with Britain's measures to enforce contra-
band control. The Bermuda episode, of course,

fy Ernest MIeyer
This week is being observed as "Negro History
Week." Sponsored by the' Association for the
Study of Negro Life and History, the celebration
has been designed to "bring to the attention of
the public the achievements of the Negro In
helping to build our democracy, and to develop
respect and toleance based on understanding."
The obser'ane of Negro History Week has
been marked by eents both scheduled and un-
scheduled. The scheduled events received but
scant attention in the press. the unscheduled
events made the front pages.
Included in the latter was a demoistration of
respect and tolerance staged by 250 citizens of
the free and enlightened State of Maryland.
These 250 titizens brake into a jail at Snow
Hill, Md., and seized a Negro woman and her
daughter suspected of complicity in the murder
of a white farmer. Twenty-five State policemen
fought the mob and saved the mother and child
from lynching. This page from the recorded
events of a Negro History Week is a black page,
as an old and familiar page, with fear as a
Fortunately, not all the pages in the record
of the week are black. Whitest, most hopeful
and most significant entry of them all was the
Supreme Court decision saving the lives of four
young Florida Negroes accused of murder and
cracking under the brutality of a protracted
day-and-night third degree.
This also was an unscheduled event of Negro
History Week, and it made history, for Negroes
and whites alike, for all the voiceless and weak
who since time's beginnings have been step-
children of justice.
Here, indeed, is a bold addenda to the Eman-
cipation Proclamation, a blow at police thuggery
which too often has made a jest of the conipt
of equality before the law. The Supreme Court
decision alone made this year's Negro History
Week magnificent and memorable.
On The Popular Front...
Professor Knudson is of course right in saying
that "Maseillaise" was made in 1937; I took
this for granted. I had intended to treat the
film as an expression of the fallacies of Popular
Frontism, but saw no sense in flaying a dead
horse. However, since the issue has been raised,
I should like to point out that though Professor
'Knudson and I object to the Popular Front, we
do so for different reasons.
The Popular Front in France was the political
expression of two demands. On the one hand,
it represented one of the periodic upsurges of
republican sentiment so characteristic of democ-
racies; it attempted, by liberal legislatiton, not-
ably the forty hour week to make concrete And
real for greater numbers of people the promises
of the Revolution which to this day still remain
unfulfilled. On the other hand, it was intended
to show that the French people were united
and ready to defend the nation against fascist
But these two trends are incompatible: the
first leads to socialism, the second to national-
ism. The tragedy of the situation was that those
on the left who should have known better either
did not foresee or refused to do anything about

the fact that you cannot arouse one nation to
hatred for another without ultimately leading
both into war. The left, which was the first
to raise the slogan that the greatest enemy of
the French peole was not their own bourgeoisie
but Hitler, abandoned the class struggle and in
that abandonment allowed the bourgeoisie to
return to power after it had temporarily re-
treated during the crisis. In the end, the workers
'were first stripped of all their gains and then
placed in the trenches, all in the name of French
It is this false patriotism which I thought
vitiated the film, for it is the same false patriot-
ism which betrayed the people in the first World
War. World War II is being fought on the same
basis; apparently the only way in which you can
protect your democracy is to surrender it at
home and then go out and kill your neighbors.
After you've killed off half your neighbors and
they've killed off half your friends, you sit down
and establish world wide peace. Isn't it high
time we all faced the fact that so long as the
major countries of the world remain rival capi-
talistic imperialisms, no peace is possible, Clar-
ence Streit to the contrary notwithstanding?
I suppose that Professor Knudson's reference
to my gross ignorance of the French nation
means that I don't know that the war is pop-
ular. During a war, war is popular of course;
in fact, it's unhealthy to think otherwise. I
should like to suggest that the popularity of the
war is partly due to the irresponsibility of those
who told the French people that when the fate
of the French nation was at stake it was imr-
polite to carry on the class conflict and that the

SOME short while ago, it was called
to your attention in this space
that your contributions, whatever
they might be. would be most grate-
fully accepted. So, if you have a
poem that has been in your drawer
since the 8th grade, or if you have
some little anecdote you think might
be of reader value, send. it in. Mr. Q.
will be quite happy.
, * *

6y lMlrtywQ.

Pinning it Dow
A soft-speaking
Freshman co-ed
A meager
On dates-it is said.
Had knowledge
Of college
Amazingly weak
For her dancing
Was prancing
On other men's feet.
She was dull
As a lull
And impossibly shy
And her plexus
On sex was
Consistently high
Her clothes
Would oppose
All the latest of st Le
And the place
That was face
Not a man could beguile
One day
It was Sunday
The girls heard her wail
Why the hell
Won't you tell
Why Ican't get a male?
That night with
The light off
A voice from above
The good word
On how to get love.
What token
Was spoken
The girl will not say
But she's changed
And arranged
A remarkable way.
Now that
This "frau"
Is a charming young babe
Today we'll
Survey all
The progress she's made.
She's painted
And tainted
Holds beer like a well
She cusses
And fusses
And men thinks she's swell
She's catty
And batty
A bit dissipated
There's seldom
A night when
The girl isn't dated.
She moans
And she groans
And regrets all her sin
And fellows-
She's got my
Fraternity pin!--
- Alvin L. Ur
* * *



WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 1940 1
VOL. L. No. 105
To All Faculty Members:
1. Life Annuities or life insurance
either or both may be purchased by1
members of the faculties from the
Teachers Insurance and Annuity As-
sociation of America and premiums
for either life Annuity or life Insur-
ance, or both, may be deducated at1
the written request of the policy-1
holder from the monthly payroll of
the University, and yin such cases willd
be remitted directly by the Univer-
sity, on the monthly basis. The
secretary's office has on file blank
applications for annuity policies, or
life insurance policies, and rate books,
for the convenience of members of
the University staff desiring to make
use of them.r
2. The Regents at their meeting of
January, 1919 agreed that any miem'-
ber of the Faculties entering the serv-
ice of the University since Nov. V,
1915, may purchase an Annuity froin
the above-named Association, toward
the cost of which the Regents wold
make an equal contribution up to
five per cent of his annual salary
not in excess of $5,000, thus, within
the limit of five per cent of the salary,1
doubling the amount of the Annuity
3. The purchase of an Annuity
under the conditions mentioned in
(2) above is made a condition of em-
ployment in the ease of all members
of the Faculties, except instructors,
whose term of Faculty service does
not antedate the University year
1919-1920. With instructors of less
than three years' standing the pur-
chase of an Annuity is optional.
4. Persons who have becomne mem-
bers of the faculties since Nov. 17,
1915 and previous to the year 1919-
1920 have the option of purchasingi
annuities under the University's con-
tributory plan.
5. Any person in the employ of the
University may at his own cost pur-
chase annuities from the association
or any of the class of faculty mem-
bers mentioned above may purchase
annuities at his own 'cost In addition
to those mentioned above. The Uni-
versity itself, however, will contribute
to the expense of such purchase of
annuities only as indicated in sections
2, 3 and 4 above.
6. Any person i the empley of the
University, either as a faculty mem-
ber or otherwise, unless debarred by
his medical examination may, at his
own expense, purchase life insurance
from the Teachers Insurance and An-
nuity Association at its rate. All life
insurance premiums are borne by the
individual himself. The University
makes no contribution to ward life
insurance and has nothing to do with
the life insurance feature except that
it will if desired by the insured, de-
duct premiums monthly and remit
the same to the association.
7. The University accounting of-
fices will as a matter of accommoda-
tion to members of the faculties or
employes of the University, who de-
sire to pay either annuity premiums
or insurance premiums monthly, de-
ductsuch premiums from the pay-
roll in monthly installments, In the
case of the so-called "academic roll"
months of July, August, September,
and October will be deducted from
the double payroll of June 30. While
the accounting offices do not solicit


Faculty, College of Ei
There will be a meeti
Faculty today at 4:15
Room 348, West Engineerir
Agenda: Recommendati
Committee on Coordir
Teaching; Revision of FL
on petition in discipline
routine business.


this work, still it will be cheerfull
assumed where desired.
8. The University has no ar
rangements with any insurance or
ganization except the Teachers In
surance and Annuity Association o
America and contributions will nc
be made by the University nor ca
premium payments be deducted ex
cept in the case of annuity or insur
ance policies of this association.
9. The general administration (
the annuity and insurance busines
has been placed in the hands of Sec
retary of the University by the Re
Please communicate with the ur
dersigned if you have not complie
with the specific requirements a
stated in (3) above.
Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't See

r rules
s: and



A Group Of Men
The magazine, .Banta's Greek Ex-
change, lister of great names who
were fraternity or sorority members
during college days. The issue, Jan-
uary, 1940. The page, 52. The fra-
ternity in question, let it go, it doesn't
really matter what fraternity it was,
and if you who read this want the
details for rushing next fall, look it
up yourselves.
it's nothing but a picture. Just a
group of boys in summer clothes,
holding paddles, staring with grim
faces at the camera. Intelligent
faces. Look at the picture.
The caption reads: "Members of
--'attending the summer ses-
sion at Purdue University found an
intruder in their house on July 13
and applied the paddle, then turned
him over to the police, who say they
found articles from another frater-
nity house in his pocket. The victim,
leaning on chair at right, appears"
to be very much downcast about the
whole matter."
Any fraternity man can tell you
that a paddle even in the good clean
fun of pledge-active relpjtionships
can hurt, can leave bruise marks,
can shake a tough guy until his
breath comes hard, and he finds it
hard to talk. Good clean fun, that
is. But the boys in the picture look
At Michigan 5tate College some
of the husky, right-thinking lads
threw strikers into the Red Cedar
They have a song about the Red
Cedar also. It is a very nice song
It isn't always fraternity men. Who
would want or dare to say that?
"-Now the trouble with Hitler is
that he persecutes the people of-'
Or Mussolini. Or kick in with you:
dough to help poor little ,'inland
standing off the bully with teeth
gritting. Let's all get behind this
fellows. And maybe the Dean's of-
fice will-. Joe Stalin? Well, we'
certainly like to get our hands, may

Students, College of ifterature,
ene, A nd the Ats. No course may
e elected for credit after the end of
he third week. Saturday, March 2,
s therefore the last date on which
lections may be approved. The will-
ngness of an individual instructor to
dmit a student later does not affect
he operation of this rule.
E. A. Wailter
Students, College of Literature,
cience, and the Arts: Elections
:ards filed after the end of the first
veek of the semester may be accept-
d by the Registrar's Office only if
hey are approved by Assistant Dean
Valter. Students who fail to file
,heir election blanks by the close of
;he third week, even though they
ave registered and have attended
lasses unofficially Wll foifeit their
Wrivilege of continuing in the Col.
ege for the semester. If such stu-
ents have paid any tuition fees,
sistant Dean Walter will issue a
vithdrawal card for them.
School , of Education Students,
changes of Elections: No course may
e elected for credit after Saturday,
varch 2. Students must report all
hanges of elections at the Regis-
afr's Office, Robin '4, University Hall.
WIembership in a class does not cease
Ior begih until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arange-
nents made with the instructors are
not official changes.
Preliminaries for the Uniersity
frator al Contest will be held Fri-
ay, March 22, at 4:00 p.m. in Room
003 A.H. Those interested should
consult a member of the Staff of
the Department of Speech.
Louis M. Etch
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
There will be available in the Depart-
ment of Aeronautical Engineering two
Frank P. Sheehan Scholarships and
probably three assstantships, for the
year 1940-41. These scholarshiips and
assstantships are, in general, re-
stricted to upperclassmn and grad-
uate students, and the selection is
miade very largely on the basis of
scholastic standing. Applications for
these positions will be received up to
March 15, 1940. Students wishing to
make application should address them
tW Prossor E. A. Stalker, B-47 East
Eiigineeriig Building, and should give
a brief statement of their qualifica-
tions and experience in regar"d to
their scholastic work and any outside
experience they may have, had. A
statement should also be made giving
their plans for further study in Aero-
nautical En ginleering. Applictions
may be made for both the scholar-
ships and the assistantships.
Teaching Candidates interested in
taking examinations to be held for
licenses in the Public (Colored) Day
Elementary, Vocational, Junior and
Senior High Schools of the District
of Columbia, should make applica-
tion to the Board of Exaineris, Divi-
sion X-XIII, Prinklin Administration
Building, Washington, D.C. Eami-
nations for Secondary School teachers
will be given March 26 and 27, 1940,
and for Elementary School teichers
on June 10, 11, and 12, 1940. Appli-
cations should be submitted at least
ten days prior to date of exatnipa-
tions. Prereqisite Eligibility Require-
Secondary Schools: 24 semester
hours in education, and either Bach-
elor's or Master's degree. Not over
45 years of age.
Elementary Schools: 40 semester
hours in education. Bachelor's de-
ee. Not over 40 years of age.
Candidates must be citizens of the
Unitet States. Further information,
may be obtained at the Unifersity
Bureau of Appointments and eecu-
pational Information, 201 Maso Hall.
The University Bureau of Al oint-
eifts a Ociatoti al inA orm-



and upright, to act as a knight would
act, like Launcelot, or whatever that
guy's narne was, would have acted.
To enter tournaments. To, fight for
the name of a fair lady. Preferably
a member of the Hoopla Hoopla
Hoopla house. They're a grand
bunch. To joust, to jest, to dance.
"The victim - appears to be very
match downcast about the whole

German Colonies:
Of WhatU*se? ..

R ETURN our colonies! That's only
one of the many rallying cries
around which German nationalists have grown
within the past two decades, but it's an impor-
tant one. Loss of German colonies at the Peace
of Paris, With its accompanying loss of prestige,
'gave Hitler bne of his best opportunities to play
up to "Fatherland pride" in his quest for power.
Just what are these colonies about which 'all
the clamor revolves? It would take much more
than a glance at a world map to even find them:
German East Africa-noW Tanganyika-a gr'ass-
land only a 'part of which can support white
population; German Southwest Africa, a semi-
arid land of little comiercial importance; a part
of the tropical East Indian Island of New Gui-


Hello Morty:
How about printing a decent pic-'
ture of the Men's Glee Club?l
The person who chose to print1
from the block the other day ought
to be given A B, B S, and the thirdi
degree. If it isn't the printer's fault,1
then damn the photographer and
start over again. Silver King could
risk offering dollars for the positive3
identification of any person in the
back row.
So far as I know, I have no per-
sonal interest in any member of the,
club but I would like to see them all
get justice. A. W
-A. W. Heck
* * *
President Ruthven wrote " ... . it
is contrary to democratic principles
arbitrarily to deny training to our
young people, .... .
Paul Chandler quotes" .... prin-
ciples to arbitrarily deny . . "
It is a fact that the split infinitive
is gaining prestige but it is not yet
so well established that you can with
impunity take what is correctly writ-
ten and translate it into the vernac-
ular. You can edit the words of an
assistant professor but you ought not
to make the president appear to say

- Mae

" * *

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