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March 28, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-28

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
$Subsriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4,00; Apy mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
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Morton L. Linder
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Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ain Vicary
Mel Fineberg

Editrial Staff
Business Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
. Paul H. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

Business Manager . .+
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Women's Advertising Manager
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""" "

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Tariff Walls . .
W HEREVER you go these days you see
gaily patriotic placards claiming,
"It's Yoir America," and plegding for coopera-
tion in this gargantuan task of conducting a
census. The signs are part of the administra-
tion's defense against charges of straw-clutching
rtepublicans that the questions which the cen-
sus-takers will ask will make them veritable
Peeping Toms.
Thus far it has been a pretty successful cam-
paign. Senator Tbey and his cohorts have
been made to appear somewhat ridiculous, com-
pletely out of touch with the cooperative spirit
in which the census was conceived. It is a
propaganda program that is bearing fruit.
When we see the national government gain
its ends by such simple gamuts as red, white and
blue placards appealing to common sense, we
wonder to what other purposes, to what better
purposes, these campaigns might be employed.
A specific "educational" drive that might prove
effective at present is one against interstate
tariff walls, which grow more formidable with
each session of a legislature.
HJj11lE existence of these barriers has been pub-
licized rather frequently. It has been pointed
out that a five-ton truck traveling from Alabama
to South Carolina has to pay a tax of $400 in
Alabama, $400 in Georgia and $300 in South
Carolina, or some $1,100 for the trip. Many
editorials (outside of Arizona) have expressed
shok at the fact that in Arizona an itinerant
merchant trucker has to pay a license fee
of $200 for each county in which he seeks to
sell his wares. It is well known that there are
dairy laws, oleomargerine laws, livestock, egg
and general food laws, nursery stock laws, liquor
laws, state use taxes and general 'preference
laws, all combining to make a bewildering maze
of red tape.
It seems probable that a vigorous campaign
could work wonders in wrecking these barriers,
since they' are founded on a misconception.
They subscribe to the view that localities can,
without harm to themselves and to the whole
economy, preserve their commercial self-suffi-
ciency, that they can prosper by restricting
trade to their immediate borders.
As a consequence, America is walled into a
labyrinth of trade compartments, each clinging
greedily to whatever commerce its enterprises
can foster. Regions, states, even counties seek
to hide their trade from other areas for fear
that if they permit an exchange they will get
the worst of the bargain. It is the protective
tariff carried to its nadir.
r E reasoning is obviously fallacious. Even
the localities adhering with clingstone ob-
stinacy to their commercial provincialism admit
that there is little rime or reason in their ac-
tions. They plead exigency, however-plead that
the squeeze of the depression forces them to
so jealously husband whatever business they
Iave. In small sections one can see the tan-
gible, visible result of spending, can observe how
to "buy Michigan goods" or to "buy Washtenaw
County goods" helps these localities. But when
one's business is submitted to the uncertain
currents of trade with more remote markets,
there can be no guarantee that the beneficial
results will come back in direct and tangible
form to Michigan or Washtenaw County.
This outlook may be excusable from a short-
run view. It is a relief policy just as made-work

hivestigatlon Of
hidusitfiaid Accidents
ACCIDENTS in industry as well as
accidents in any phase of life don't
"just happen"; they are due to some specific
cause or causes. In many cases the circum-
stances that bring about catastrophes could be
remedied with a little intelligent planning.
Compulsory safety measures coupled with a
systematic system of inspection would be a
long step forward in the fight to reduce "acci-
dents" in industry.
The recent disaster at the Willow Grove Coal
Mine near Bellaire, Ohio, took a toll of 69 lives.
The Willow Grove Mine was considered as the
Hanna Coal Company's "safest" by officials.
It was said to have been equipped with the latest
air-conditioning safeguards and was reputed
to have been one of the most modern mines in
PREVIOUS to the mine explosion at Barkley,I
West Virginia, on January 10 which cost
91 lives the Bureau of Mines did not make pub-
lic its findings after a disaster. Secretary of
Interior Harold Ickes called a halt to the "dark
lantern" practice at that time. A new opinion
rendered by the solicitor of his department
stated that the Bureau could be permitted to
publicize the results of its inspections. A review
of the findings in the Barkley report was pub-
lished in the current issue of the "United Mine
Workers' Journal," the publication of the
UlWA-CIO. The report revealed definite evi-
dence of negligence on the part of the oper-
ators. The airing of the causes of mine calam-
ities is a progressive step. A more important
factor is yet to be considered. Regular mine
inspections might have saved the lives of the
91 men who perished in that West Virginia
The Neely-Keller Bill was introduced in Con-I
gress at the request of the United Mine Workers
of America. It proposes to provide the Bureau
of Mines with the power of authority to inves-
tigate mines despite objections on the part of
the owners. The Bill passed the Senate with
only one dissenting vote. It is now stalled in
the sub-committee of the Mines and Mining
Committee of the House headed by Representa-
tive Andrew Somers. The National Coal Asso-
ciation is actively lobbying for the operators
against the bill.
Pressure for action on the Neely-Keller Bill
exerted on Repreesntative Somers will aid in
defeating the machinations of the professional
lobbyists. The lives of hundreds of miners de-
pends on the passage of this sorely needed
legislation. The greed of a few individuals
should not obstruct a measure intended to aid
the welfare of many.
--mMarvin Lerner
BEFORE going into last night's pleasant do-
ings at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, I should
like to attempt to atone, in some measure, for
the unfortunate effect of the conclusion to last
Saturday's review of "The Gentle People." The
point I was making was at best a tenuous one,
and rather than have it construed to mean that
this column is opposed to the production of
student-written plays, I would prefer to with-
d-aw it entirely. On the contrary, there are far
too few student-written plays given, and such
will be the case as long as Play Production has
its eye upon the box office rather than upon the
encouragement and training of student play-
wrights and student actors. The University of
Michigan drama department needs, not only a
modern laboratory theater, but also a policy
that is capable of using such facilities to the
fullest advantage. If the reaction which that
statement brought forth can be used to any
advantage by those who are working for a new
dispensation, I shall feel much more than recom-
pensed for any of the opprobrium that has
fallen to my lot. Anything this column can do
to help, it will do.
I feel sure that the members of the cast of
"The Critic" and Ann Arbor playgoers will for-

give me for having taken so much space in dis-
cussing what is the prime concern of everyone
in the University interested in the theater as a
living and growing medium. "The Critic" was
a complete success, and really deserves a longer
display of its many excellencies. Richard Sher-
idan's burlesque of the heroic drama of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries seems to
have retained most of the appeal that it must
have had for the playgoers who had immediate
knowledge of the highflown absurdities of that
"genre." Although the heroic drama itself is
gone, much of the flavor lingers on in Holly-
wood, and many of the theatrical abuses that
Sheridan satirized are unfortunately still a part
of the modern theater. (All of which is a
lengthy way of saying that there were few dull
moments in last night's performance.)
AFTER an occasionally slow first act, primar-
ily concerned with the detailing ct the the-
atrical "mores" of the eighteenth century, the
play plunges full tilt into a presentation of the
mock heroic tragedy, and from this point on
Director William Halstead and an excellent cast
seldom allowed the audience a solemn moment.
The second act is an actor's dream, a triumph
in pure ham. Although I hesitate to point the
moral, when bad acting is at a premium it is
extremely difficult to distinguish the intentional
from the unintentional.
James Moll, in the part of Puff, the reformed
critic and now playwright, displayed more of the
considerable comic gift that he used to such
good advantage in last year's production of
"Two Gentlmen of Verona." In one of the few
parts that required restraint, he never once lost
the. light touch. Hugh, Norton, as Sneer, gave
an etr'emey finished nerformance. He is now n


AST TIME we were talking about the drama



situation locally. Unfortunately, the last
couple of paragraphs got lost in the shuffle
and so what you read was the illustrative ma-
terial, not the conclusion. But it seems, from
Charles Leavay's letter, elsewhere on this page,
that the point did come through: we need an'
experimental theatre which will present regular
productions of student-written dramas. And
there is no question but that these productions
would (or shall we say will) be tremendously
popular with both students and Ann Arbor au-
diences . . .
TODAY'S representative of the American cul-
tural scene is none other than Commander
Alfred Lawson, creator of LAWSONOMY (Copy-
right 1922). The Commander evidently gets his
title from the Direct Credits Society, which ,
has Generals, Drum Corps, and everything.
Lawsontis a true eclectic; in his organ, The
Benefactor (maybe they've been dropping it on
your doorstep too), you will find every variety
of crackpottery that has ever been foisted on
an always gullible public. For Direct Credits
is not concerned solely with the Abolition of
Interest and the Abolition of the Crafty Finan-
ciers. It is also intetested in Better Babies,
Equaeverpoise, Penetrability, and Lawsonomy.
At this point things begin to get a little
confusing. Let's clear them up by saying that
Lawsonomy seems to be the generic term which
includes Equaeverpoise, Penetrability, and all
the rest of the old malarkey.; An average issue
of the Benefactor includes a list of the principles
of Lawsonomy, a speech by Alfred Lawson, and
a list of Truth Books, put out by the Humanity
Publishing Co. in Detroit (all the books are by
Alfred Lawson). First, then, the principles. The
Commander prefers to call them Infinitisms,
or Truths For All Time: Lawsonomy Is Know-
ledge of God's Laws. God Does Not Change
His Laws for Anybody. IT IS DANGEROUS
Act Without a RE-ACT. God Permits Inactive
Creatures To Perish.
The last Infinitism serves as an explanation
for the 1700 diseases which afflict the human
race. Thus cancer and blindness, among other
things, are caused by inactivity and laziness.
They can be avoided by living a clean life
according to the principles of Lawsonomy. So
on page three of Volume 2, Number 11 of the
Benefactor you will find a page of pictures en-
titled THE NEW SPECIES. There are photos
of nine babies on the page; all the babies come
of parents who are at least Generals. One
baby's parents are Major Generals, and this
baby "Takes cold baths daily and subsists on
raw vegetables aid fruits. Very strong for his
age and is afraid of neither man nor beast. Age
6 months. Another infant "enjoys the distinc-
tion of having for parents two Direct Credits
Generals and is the descendant of grandparents
who are also Direct Credits Generals. He came
to life from parents and gra.ndparents, none of
whom smoke, gamble, dance, drink intoxicating
liquors, nor eat the flesh of dead animals.
(Evidently it's OK if you eat 'em alive.) His
mother worked steadily and took cold baths
right to the day he was born.. . . Note the extra-
ordinary head and intelligent expression of the
face. Age three months."
THE Lawson speeches explain all about Law-
sonomy, physics, finance and the aviation in-
dustry. It appears that the Commander spent
twenty years building up the aviation industry.
He knows all about education too. "When one
studies the contents of my books MANLIFE,
CREATION and LAWSONOMY and learns the
principles of PENETRABILITY as I have so
plainly outlined them, all problems theoretically
concocted in connection with Physics will fade
away like ghosts in haunted houses. Students
of schools and colleges should not waste their
time filling their heads with out-of-date rub-
hish which the professors call Physics unless
they want to spend half of their lives trying to
replace it with PENETRABILITY subsequently.
Why not study LAWSONOMY first and then
force the professors to clean out their theoretical
cobwebs .,,
You can see that the man knows his stuff.
In fact, Gulliver ranks hii right up with Dr.
Schafer of the Master Metaphysicians. If you
want to know more about the Commander and
Lawsonomy, you can buy Lawsonomy in three

volumes, priced at two dollars apiece. You can
buy Penetrability (a non-technical book showing
the fundamental principles of Physics which
any child should understand) for three dollars.
Jeto I

Since its enactment in 1935, theE
Wagner Act, or National Labor Rela-
tions Act, has been the target of
criticism from various pressure
groups-all over the country. Most of
these critics have been pro-employer,
as labor's only suggestions have been
counter-reactions to the anti-labor
proposals. Further examination of
the workings of the Act and the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board it cre-
ated proves that they have resulted
in aid to labor, and so the law has
accomplished a part of its purpose.
The pro-employer groups have found
no way to circumvent the Act and
all of "the important amendments
they have advocated would weaken
the power of the Board in a man-
ner detrimental to labor's interests.
The foremost proposals are: to
split the functions of the Board; to
change the structure of the Board;
to remove power from the Board to
decide the appropriate bargaining
unit; and the creation of a standard
of behavior that labor would be
forced to observe. Every one of these
changes would destroy sufficient
strength of the Act to make it lose
its significance as a labor ally.
Proposal Has Two Divisions
The proposal to split the functions
of the Board has two divisions, one
to have a federal circuit court per-
form the judicial function in labor
disputes under the Act or give the
courts greater power to overrule the
Board's finding of facts and the sec-
and to create a separate administra-
tor to initiate and conduct cases
before the Board, which would then
sit only as a court,
Transferring the judicial function
to the courts would remove the bene-
fits of an efficient administration
from the Act, for the federal courts.
with their already overcrowded doc-
kets, would be unable to pass on
these cases within a reasonable
length of time. Litigation in general
would be delayed and decisions in
labor controversies would be given
so late as to lose all force and neces-
sity. The ironic feature is that the
same men who criticize the Board for
being slow are supporting this
amendment which would mean a
virtual stoppage of the progress of
the Board. According to Edwin
Smith, member of the Board, the1

cause for this criticism will be re-
moved within the next six months, as
he pointed out in a recent speech at
Harvard that injunctions held up
proceedings so completely that the
Act was actually not applied until
April, 1937.
False Impression Given
Appointment of a separate admin-
istrator gives the false impression of
a more democratic administration,
implying that the NLRA is unique
in our government, with its combin-
ations of functions. Charles G. Ross,
Washington commentator for the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch, dispelled the
importance of such accusations when
he demonstrated that the procedures
under the Act are the same as those
under the Securities and Exchange
Act, the Interstate Commerce Act,
and the Federal Trade Commission
Act. He described the procedure as
a "new development the growing
complexities of government have
called into being." While he admitted
that such an administration calls
for stricter vigilance on the part of
Congress toprevent the misuse of
powers, he said that this necessity
should not call for the striking from
the Board powers that "are essen-
tial to efficient working of a regu-
latory agency of this character."
The proposed alteration in struc-
ture of the Board is prompted, for
the most part, by a dislike for the
present liberal personnel of the
Board. Senators Burke, Holman, and
Barden, among others, have suggest-
ed that a non-neutral three, five.
or nine-man board be set up. In the
process the pro-employer groups
hope to achieve a Board that is less
favorable to the Act than the present
membership. Also they hope to safe-
guard against control by any liberal
in the future.
Destructive Plans Involved
Subsidiary to the third proposal'
to change the power of the Board to
decide the appropriate unit for col-
lective bargaining are many plans
that would result in the destruction
of all meaning in the clauses which'
tend to bring peace to organized
labor. The principal issue to be de-
cided in this discussion is whether
an industrial unit shall be at the
mercy of one small but strategically-
placed craft unit in a plant. A small
craft unit, in case of a strike, could'
i prevent the action of the majority

from becoming effective by refus-
ing to cooperate with the other
striking unions, as the AFL has been
known to do when trying to break
a CIO strike. For instance, if this
group were the power workelp, the
strike of all the other workers could
be nullified by the refusal of the
power workers to walk out. Sanction
of such splits inside labor halts the
trend toward unity of organized la-
Another anti-labor move is the
one put forth by the American Bar
Association and the United States
Chamber of Commerce which would
create employe unfair labor prac-
tices or standards of conduct to
which employes and unions must
adhere to qualify for the benefits
of the Act. On the surface, such an
idea sounds fair enough, but the
actuality ties labor and the unions
so completely that they could scarce-
ly work without violating one of the
so-called "unfair labor practices."
The NAM, for example, lists nine
criteria by which a strike might be
called "illegal," and so an unfair
labor practice. With the setting up
of ambiguous unfair labor practices,
labor would lose any advantage gain-
ed throught the passage of the Wag-
ner Act.
Incorporate Opponents' Suggestions
The Smith Committee, whose pro-
posals are now before Congress, in-
corporate all these suggestions made
by anti-labor opponents of the Act.
They are evidently not the result of
a fair investigation of the workings
of the Act, and would, as Ross ex-
presses it, "leave labor smarting un-
der a sense of injustice and exacer-
bate the relations of labor and cap-
ital-a condition from which labor,
capital and the whole public would
No one would say that the Wagner
Act is perfect as, it stands, but the
Board has not been given sufficient
opportunity to clear its docket nor
have the results of its decisions been
complete enough to warrant all the
adverse criticism from employers'
groups. Before any amendments to
the Act are made, first consideration
should be whether the purpose of
the Act will not be lost by their
passage, making the National Labor
Relations Act merely a labor act
with a well-sounding name, but with
no real power to help labor.


VOL. L. No. 130
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: The sixth regular meet-
ing of the Faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts for
the academic session of 1939-19401
will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall,
April 1, 1940, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the several commit-
tees, instead of being read orally at
the meeting, haveibeendprepared in
advance and are included with this
call to the meeting. They should be
retained in your files as part of the
minutes of the April meeting.
Edward H. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of March 4, 1940 (pp.
612-618), which were distributed by
campus mail.
2. Consideration of the reports
submitted with the call to the meet-
ing: a, Executive Committee, pre-
pared by Professor J. W. Bradshaw.
b. University Council, prepared by
Professor H. C. Carver. c. Executive
Board of the Graduate School, pre-
pared by Professor L. I. Bredvold. d.
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs, prepared by Profes-
sor Campbell Bonner.
Since the last meeting of the Facul-
ty the Deans' Conference has not met.
Hence no report can be submitted
with the call for the Faculty meeting.
The Conference will meet, however,
on Wednesday, March 27, and a ver-
bal report on that meeting will be
3. Concentration regulations.
4. Evaluation of faculty services.
5. New business.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examinations.
Last date for filing application will
be April 6:
Cook C1, salary range $95-110.
Cook B, salary range $105-125.
Cook A2, salary range, $115-135.
Institution Dental Hygienist B, sal-
ary range $105-125.
Institution X-Ray Laboratory
Technician B, salary range $105-125.
Institution Power and Maintenance

Superinendent II, salary range $200-
Complete announcements on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
aind 2-4.
Sons and Daughters of Rotarians:
The Ann Arbor Club wishes to get
in touch with all students at the
University who are sons or daughters
of Rotarians. It will appreciate it
greatly if such students, and particu-
larly those who are on the campus for
the first time this year will send their
own names, their fathers' names, their
Ann Arbor addresses, and' their home
addresses promptly to Mr. George
E. Lewis, Secretary, Ann Arbor Ro-
tary Club, c/o Detroit Edison Com-
pany, Ann Arbor.
Students who plan to enter the
slopwood Contests should read the
rules of the contests before the Spring

R. W. Cowden


Physical Education for Women:
Registration for the outdoor season
will be held in Barbour Gymnasium
on Friday, March 29, from 8:30 to}
12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00, and on Satur-
day, March 30, from 8:30 to 12:00.
Military Ball Banquet Tickets: The
cost of military ball banquet tickets
may be deducted from the April com-
mutation checks. Tickets may be ob-
tained any afternoon at the ROTC
Organ Recital: Chester Alan Tuc-
ker, organist, of Richmond, Virginia,
will give a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music, on the
Frieze Memorial Organ, in Hill Audi-,
torium, Friday afternoon, March 29,
at 4:15 o'clock. The general public
is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Photographs of Finnish
architecture, by Ernst L. Schaible,
'37A, Booth Traveling Fellow in Arch-
itecture in 1938. Architectural cor-
ridor, ground floor cases, through
April 5. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday. The public is invited.
Exhibit: Rubbings from Han Tombs
showing Legends and Life of the
Chinese in the 2nd Century A.D.
South Gallery, Alumni Memorial
Hall; 8:30-5:00 one week only, end-

9, in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. The public is cordial-
y invited.
Mr. Louis Untermeyer's Schednti:
Thursday, March 28, 4:15 p.m. "In-
formal discussion. (New Rhythms in
Music). East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
The eighth in the series of Naval
Reserve Lectures being given for
senior students in Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering will be held
today at 4:00 p.m., in Room 336 West
Engineering Building.
Lecturer: Commander H. B. Wallin
(cc), U.S.N.
Subject: "New Construction."
Rev. Owen Geer, the final speaker
on the League for Industrial Democ-
racy Lecture series sponsored by the
University of Michigan Liberal Action
Club, will speak on "The Rights and
Responsibilities of Labor," tonight at
8:00 in the Natural Science Auditor-
Seniors are invited to a lecture on
"Techniques for Securing a Position,"
by Mrs. Roxie A. Firth of the Bureau
of Appointments and Ocupational In-
formation, in the Grand Rapids Room
of the Michigan League at 7:30 to-
Today's Events
R.O.T.C.: All freshman R.O.T.q.
students taking M.S. 2 will assemble in
time to see the moving picture on
Military Mapping in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium starting at 7:25 to-
night. Reserve Officers are invited
to attend.
Seminar in Oriental Religions: "Is-
lam" will be discussed by Mr- Ismail
R. Khalidi at the fifth meeting of the
Seminar, Lane Hall, 7:30 tonight.
All interested students are welcome.
Phi Tau Alpha: Meeting will be
held tonight at 7:30 in the Rack-
ham Building. Prof. Bruno Meinecke
will lecture on "Music Among the
Romans" in the West Lecture Room
(illustrated). Refreshmenst will fol-
low in the West Conference Room.
All members urged to be present.
Sigma Eta Chi will meet toriglht
at 7:30 at Pilgrim Hall for rehearsal.
Ann Arbor Independent meeting
today at 4:15 p.m. in the League.
Election of officers.
Pi Lambda Theta: The tea for ini-
f- m il a haltni 2 .q>n n.4n

To the Editor:
Young Gulliver

struck a very significant note

in his column of Tuesday. It is one of his best
Michigan has been and will continue to be
very productive of young playwrights. Actually,
I think, they're playwrights before they arrive,
and Michigan develops them. They come be-
cause they are offered a great deal.

dall to give student-written plays an
opportunity to get on the boards..
They're reaching out to something
You've got something here. I'd

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