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April 09, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 9, 1985 - Page 7 I I Records The Elvis Brothers - Adventure Time (Portrait/ CBS) A jumpy grit-in-teeth boy pop group of the sort that popped onto vinyl en masse during the first great post-Elvis Costello Wave (Knack, Romantics, etc.), the Elvis Brothers are surprising and pleasant as a throwback to those days of wavin' yore (which were, ad- mittedly, only five or so years back). Although they're probably...…

April 09, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 150) • Page Image 8

…6 Page 8- The Miehigan Daily - Tuesday, April 9, 1985 LOST-KEYCHAIN with several keys in central campus area. Call 662-6627. Reward. 01A0409 CAMPUS HOUSE- furn. group of 4-5, W/D, $735+ utilities yr. lease Sept.-Aug. 971-3513 18C0414 CAMPUS -6 bdrm., den, 3 baths, living rm., large kitchen, microwave, free laundry, lots of parking, no pets. $1100 + util., Guaranteed 50% sublet. May-May lease. 663-5861. , cCtc UNFURNISHED 2 BEDROOM apartment...…

April 09, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 150) • Page Image 9

…Softball vs. Detroit Tomorrow, 3:30 p.m. SPORTS Baseball vs. Wayne State Today, 3:00 p.m. Ray Fisher Stadium The Michigan Daily 'V arsit~y joiamouu Tuesday, April 9, 1985 Page 9 IN SEARCH OF THE BLACK BELT Tae Kwon Do needs determination By HOWARD SOLOMON The key to most teams' success is teamwork: the way in which everyone works together as a whole. Although every team has its individual stars, com- patibility and cooperation are imp...…

April 09, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 150) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 9, 1985 Batsmen split with Indiana BARB'S *1 -U- By BRAD MORGAN and MIKE REDSTONE In a weekend of baseball extended to three days because of rain, snow, and several other weather phenomena, Michigan split four games with a tough and hungry Indiana squad. Because of the foul weather on Satur- day and Sunday, the last two-and-a-half Col1d weekend brings M'nine to 18-4 clip games were played in ...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…Ninety- Three Years of Editorial Freedom tic Sir 43UU 1I aI Alternate Cloudy with a chance of rain today; high in the upper 40s. i r ic # Vol. XCIII, No. 150 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, April 9, 1983 Ten Cents Eight Pages 22-hour sit-in ends; demands not met By NEIL CHASE and BILL SPINDLE After sitting in the provost's office for 22 hours to protest the lack of democracy in the University's...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…01 Page 2-Saturday, April 9, 1983-The Michigan Daily Student, publication board tells :R e ents to divest The Board for Student Publications, the financial governing body of the Daily, the yearbook, and the Gargoyle, has joined the growing list of campus groups pressuring the Regents to divest from South Africa. In a letter to the Regents dated yesterday, the Publications board asked the University to pull its $380,000 share of University in...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 9, 1983-Page 3 Reagan gives Watt gag trophy for ban on Beach Boy's rock I I I WASHINGTON-That shot-in-the- foot trophy which President Reagan handed Interior Secretary James Watt after his attempt to ban rock music from the capital's July 4 celebration had but a single hole in it. It could have had several. Watt's ill-fated assault on the Beach Boys was hardly the first time he's been in trouble over que...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Reagan stays Saturday, April 9, 1983 loyal to The Michigan Daily embattled aides By Helen Thomas WASHINGTON - President Reagan is known as a ". loyalist" to his appointees. He sticks with them until the die is cast and he can no longer lend his support to a losing cause. But even then he has yet to admit a mistake in his appointments. And he often finds another government sinecure for those who fall by the wayside. IN THE C...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Saturday, April 9, 1983 Page 5 'Mikado' By David Kopel N ANKI-POO, son of Japan's Mikado (Emperor), is about to be forced into marriage with an ugly old court lady named Katisha. Disguised as a musician, Nanki-Poo flees to the small town of Titipu. There he falls in love with beautiful maiden Yum-Yum. Un- fortunately, Yum-Yum is the ward of Ko-Ko, the Lord High Executioner of Titipu, and Ko-Ko plans to take Yum- Yum a...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Saturday, April 9, 1983-The Michigan Daily mm. I - mm. Em. U I uumuuuu~u 7" A I r:. I L V -.- .a- - s " - - - - - - -- .-- bJ ,- -" - -..* S .. .. .. -.. -' s - *~ v - -" - - --- ~ . - ~ - - ~ , ..." , - ' * .. .S -". h ... ; . .'.. - ..S S_ . . *S . -" "- .- - - - - ." ~ . -. - - Cal igula (x) An American Werewolf in London tHarold and Maude Bad Company (XXX) Diary of My Secret Life (XXX) If you find your name in today's MICHI...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 9, 1983-page 7 Senator urges Social Security to provide benefits for mentally ill * WASHINGTON - Sen. John Heinz urged the administration yesterday to stop taking the mentally ill of f disability rolls until promised reforms are made, saying a Social Security crackdown is "driving people literally to the brink of death." "People who are just clearly unable to function, let alone unable to hold a job, are be...…

April 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 150) • Page Image 8

…Softball vs. Northwestern 1:00 p.m. doubleheader Today at softball field SPORTS Baseball vs. Eastern Mich. 1:00 p.m. doubleheader Today at Fisher Stadium Page 8 Saturday, April 9, 1983 The Michigan Daily Tigers drop opener Q By LARRY FREED Special to the Daily DETROIT - The setting was perfect for Opening Day. The sun was shining, renovated Tiger Stadium was overflowing with 51,350 screaming fans, and the Ball Park Franks were hot of...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom I E Sic 43 fl IatiQ DINGY Last night's rain showers will end before noon. High around 60. Vol. XCI, No. 154 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 9, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages -ow rik Nurses stri e ei aN 3Ya ^' 'b& fi ' e dP/kt t;++ °YR/ y,,iE > r z Ar t F a aS aa} t f ,$, t H ^j F jn F t os ita s F{ t T 9 Fv F "1v n Nu '4j b .t {9 S:v. 3 {"P to ; ta, S S e WIN D...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Thursday, April 9, 1981-The Michigan Daily Historic space shuttle l.'aunch ooks pr CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen, "ready to fly this thing," arrived yesterday for their trip into space aboard the fire-belching rocket- ship Columbia. Launch managers said all was set to go for the historic laun- ching of the first space shuttle tomorrow. The countdown, rebounding from a trouble-plagued start, was ah...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 9, 1981 -Page 3 Reagan administration # f r considers tighter security From AP and UPI The adminstration is considering ways to tighten security following the assassination attempt against President Reaganand an increase in threats against him and Vice President George Bush, officials said yesterday. Meanwhile, President Reagan, showing continued improvement with no sign of complications from his gun- sho...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Thursday, April 9, 1981____ The Michigan Daily Racism and the White Punks Vol. XCI, No. 154 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board ; Rehabilitating the prisons M ICHIGAN'S prisons are dilapidated, dangerous, and worst of all, overcrowded. Violence i4'ns rampant throughout the in- Stitutions, un...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 5

…a~~ I :) 5, \ tt shown~~A Phobceotoral PUNgeROKNE Wendy Williams of ntilPthe Pamgic, chesanci a sheaistuend to sn been hre ob- *"senity tra neean d, wrshetr shmpt ely performed nud o e ee p n o r - coje riJn. of shavin chrea. Tohrigts vdoe of her prfornsTmingrshl l.dwrd lsaiswr ocdt acaJn 4, 4 insain ramisea fa hr. h utbrt drewa doi 19pefomn tA e rbr'sSn The flmow 28ya-lin rom Judget C.ElnConly hoCacngtlb CLVEAN (AP) Puev cannk ck sAd "sse cor...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…4 If you find your name and ad dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page' YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies The Air Force nas immediate openings in nealtn Care Administration. Starting salaries and entry grade are commensurate with experience and graduate education. If you have or will be receiving a Master of Hospital Administration, Master of Scien- ce in Health Care Administration, Master of Arts ...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

… yARTS The Michigan Daily Thursday, April 9, 1981 Page 7 * Rick's eats up Duke Turnatoe Discover flying See the airplane on the Diag Thursday and Friday Anyone can fly for $20 by taking a Discov- ery Flight with the Michigan Flyers. If you are affiliated with the University of Michi- gan call for information. 994-6208. d By DAVID SELDIN Duke Tumatoe and the All-Star Frogs are a fun-time bar band, pure and sim- ple, and they're very good a...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 8

…SPORTS I Page 8} Thursday, April 9, 1981 The Michigan Daily Broncos buck 6 m' nine, 4-3, 6-5 I By MARTHA CRALL and BOB WOJNOWSKI dne game was inordinately long and the other unusually short, but the result was the same both times. The Michigan baseball team took a double drubbing from Western Michigan yesterday, dropping the first game, 4-3 in 14 in- nings and then tumbling in the night- cap, 6-5 in a darkness-shortened six in- ni...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 9

… Red Baron: The Michigqn Daily-Thursday, April 9, 1981-Page 9 From Blue to Blues, Berenson has success By LARRY MISHKIN Standing behind the bench last night at the St. Louis Blues' opening game of the National Hockey League playoffs, ex-Michigan hockey star Gordon "Red" Berenson began his second quest for a Stanley Cup. Before Berenson assumed the coaching reins in the middle of last season, the Blues' record stood at 7-14- 3. After the tran...…

April 09, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 154) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Thursday, April 9, 1981-The Michigan Daily Soviets say shuttle may lead to Cosmic arms race MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union, which once warmly praised American space missions, has taken a hostile at- titude to the U.S. space shuttle and is warning that the program may lead to a cosmic arms race. Soviet space officials and the state-controlled news media are portraying tomorrow's maiden flight of the space shuttle Columbia as the start o...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…IRAN ASSETS See editorial page 'I . Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom 41P :43 at ILI STORMY See Today for details Ten Cents Ten Pages s :rtI r ana n " i !^ 21/b //hn " 7 & 'u5 .( %.,F rv 0 ?"e asy ~r 'Y5 SHt exoyi . j !d i p l oma tsi .td5 xo i4 y « / k f6 %3 1~xcY'.o .4.. ~ , .:x.oc,.x.~<:,o : ...xx .-. .< y.. o .t....* m ' Tornado strikes .Wisconsin A twister that injured more than 20 people yesterday roars through a field in homes ...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…Thursday, April 10, 1980 David Kupfer DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH EEG Sleep & Affective Disorders MHRI Conference Room 1057 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. tea 3:15 p.m. MHRI Lounge PSYCHOLOGY MAJORS Mass Meeting Page 2-Wednesday, April 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily N.Y. transit workers fne d $1 mili on a From AP and UPI NEW YORK - A judge fined New York's striking bus and subway unions $1 million yesterday, saying the city is "hanging...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 9, 1980-Page 3 ENVIRONMENTALISTS DEBATE A&M Recording Artists; Great Lakes mismanaged? By FRED FIEBER There isn't much the public can do to combat the problems of pollution and misuse of the Great Lakes, according to a panel of environmentalists. Even the experts can't agree how the lakes' ecology should be managed. The School of Natural Resources symposium. entitled, "The Great Lakes Region-The Challeng...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, April 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Some advice you've never seen in the papers One of the more widely-read columns in American newspapers is "Dear Abby," in which people delight in the tragedies and suf- ferings of their fellow human beings. Not only do the questions make one's own personal problems seem miniscule, they can be clipped and read at parties. Well, Abigail has just finished editing a book 0 <- called Confidential...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 9, 1980-Page 5 'AMERICAN GIGOLO' Schrader turns a cheap trick BY CHRISTOPHER POTTER I went to Paul Schrader's American Gigolo for the second time last week, hoping to discover some previously un- perceived element in this strange film that would jostle my curiosity, that would somehow justify the film's generally good reviews and its thus far highly profitable box office. There's no director I'd be more ...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

…0 If you find your name and address in today's MichigonVoily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. an exercise in poor taste n i LOST-Man's Brown Glasses and Black Glasses case. Call 764-8922. 50A409 FOUND-April 7 on S. University in front of Park Plaza Apts. Call to identify. 663-5831. dA411 PAIR OF GLASSESS FOUND in West Quad. From D.O.C. Go to main desk in West Quad. dA412 Are you STIL...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 9, 1980-Page 7 Castro's revolution falls on hard times; Cubans denounce regime WASHINGTON (AP) - "We are sailing in a sea of difficulties. We have been in this sea for some time, but the shore is far away." In that way, Cuban President Fidel Castro candidly acknowledged last December that his revolution had fallen on hard times. AT THE TIME, there were reports of increased street crime, worker absen- teeism...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wednesday, April 9, 1980-The Michigan Daily Celts optimistic about lurtng 7-4 Sampson Broncos kick Blue nine HARRISONBURG, Va. (AP)-Bos- ton Celtics officials met last night with the parents of 7-foot-4 college freshman' Ralph Sampson and came away optimistic they had offered enough to make him sign a professional basketball contract. Sampson was not at the meeting. He wasa some 61 miles southeast at the University.of Virginia in Cha...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 9

…Lewis at Large By Scott Lewis Birdies, bogeys, bitching... ..t. s golf season again The prestigious PGA Masters tournament, which begins tomorrow in Augusta, Ga., is the yearly signal for golfers in this part of the country to awake from their semiannual slumber and ready themselves for the upcoming season. For many golf afficionados, the game means spending spring and summer afternoons on lush verdant acreage, reacquainting oneself with natur...…

April 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 150) • Page Image 10

…Page 10--Wednesday, April9, 1980--The Michigan Daily CARTER, SADAT MEET Palestinian issue discussed County tornado one of manytin nation From AP and UPI WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter, shifting gears from the Iranian stalemate, held talks yesterday with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat aimed at pumping new life into slow- moving negotiations over self-rule for more than one million Palestinian Arabs. .There was no word of any breakthrough ...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…MSA ELECTION ENDORSEMENTS See Editorial Page 40 4w DRIPPY High-56 Low-40 See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 9, 1978 Ten Cents 12 Pages plus Supplement MSA fee hike, mandatory funding up for vote By MARK PARRENT Perhaps more important than any other question facing students in this week's Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) election, is a referendum which MSA elections '78 will determine whether MSA'...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…AN F- " . BOB STECHUK successfully upheld flexible distribu- tion requirements in the Curriculum committee ... With- out these individuals, no apparatus exists to guarantee LSA Students that they are represented in the college." -The Michigan Daily Feb. 15, 1978. Vote to retain successful student representation BACK PA Ct For LSA Student Government VOTE APRIL 10-12 Bob Stechuk/Kathy Friedman, President/ Vice President r Page 2-Sunday, Ap...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

… The Michigan Daily-Sunday, April 9, 1978-Page 3 Cluster bombs threaten Lebanon ~tJYU SEE 1 WS WTM ECALL ZDAILY NABATIEH, Lebanon (AP)-Evi- dence that Israel used U.S.-made "cluster" bombs in its invasion of southern Lebanon is visible at refugree camps, farms and hillside villages throughout the region. Some are still doing their lethal work, weeks after they were dropped. Earlier reports of Israeli use of the anit-personnel weapons here ...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Sunday, April 9. 1978-The Michigan Daily The Daily endorses for MSA: 'Yes ' on Legal Aid funding Our choice on school reps: L EGAL AID must be saved. Although we have reservations about a "rider" the Michigan Student Assembly has at- tached to the Legal Aid funding question, The Daily urges a yes vote in order to save a valuable program from possible extinction. : Tomorrow through Wednesday, University students are being asked to ...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 5

…;:.c ; The Michigan Daily-Sunday, April 9, 1978-Page 5 egal id: tenants to divorees (Continued from Page 1) having only to pay court fees, can get a tion. said the group contribut G. H. ROT RECENT PRINTS APRIL 8-APRIL HE ed a large por- 29 ney Jonathan Rose, Legal Aid director. "Just because a case is difficult doesn't mean we're not going to do everything we can to win it." Rose said his staff's familiarity with the local environment i...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Sunday, April 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily Singer fills Ark with zest By ERIC ZORN OHN ALLAN CAMERON is used to playing in front of upwards of five thousand music lovers in his native Maritime Province of Nova Scotia, but he and his accompanists put uncommon energy into their performance Friday night in front of a modest crowd at the Ark. The charismatic Canadian television and concert star stopped by Ann Arbor for a memorable evening o...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, April 9, 1978-Page 7 > Disabled woman says acting troupe biased Man ha in city j ngs self f I° By ELISA ISAACON Yvonne Duffy, a handicapped woman, had filed a complaint with the City Human Rights Commission stating that the Theatre Company of Ann Arbor has discriminated against her because she uses a wheelchair. Duffy claims the company, a small group that puts on informal productions often involving political...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 8

…iday, April 9. 1978-TheMichigan Daily Y .111111 I I I I I; PJfIi :II1' 4 -~ BELL'S PIZZA-Now taking applications from men may -Aug. v r3aEAS mA r-uwn IurnixheI u room and women for full- and part-time positions in store modern apartment. 2 blocks to campus. AC, laundry and delivery work. Call .995-1232 or stop in, 700 room fifth floor view. Call Tom 663-4942 69U415 Puisur on South Univ. Rewar CONTACT LENS WEARERS. Save on name brand a...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 9

…HORWITCH PACES 8-1 ROUT: The Michigan Daily-Sunday1 April 9. 1978--Page 9 Netters crush Hawkeyes By ERIC LSON Does just one day, 24 hours, make a ifference? Just ask the Michigan en's tennis team and Matt Horwitch. After squeezing out a 5-4 win over Minnesota on Friday, the Blue netters bounced back to yesterday to whip the Iowa Hawkeyes 8-1 at home. FRESHMAN MATT Horwitch, playing his first singles match since breaking his right foot again...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, April 9, 1978-Page 11 ANDERSON'S HIT KEYS NIGHTCAP WIN:' Blue splits opening twinbil t By GARY KICINSKI A clutch base hit by senior Scott Anderson and some fireballing relief pitching by junior Tom Owens gave the Michigan Wolverines a 4-1 victory yesterday, salvaging a split in the long- awaited season-opening doubleheader with Bowling Green. The effects of the long layoff (26 days without a game) were painfully o...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Sunday, April 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily * L *i#!! !i"#ii!#ili@O i!!!@@ iil@O @ 0 M 0 lik w0 rD s o SA St f h ls 0 0k 0 0i .. 0j E *; 0 ,= Foaeinn !teRs a! ! # W0- 0 0, 0 " 0 " 0 0 " 0 " 0 " " " " " 0 " " " " " 0 " " " " " " " " " " S 1mj w-uw .. * * "pI- 4 The contest is OPEN to University of Michigan Students a Employees of the University Cellar ONLY. " Should a U. Cellar Employee's design be selected as th winner, th...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 13

… Page 12-Sunday, April 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily st. james (Continued from Page 9) money for that (a sex act) then you must hate men." "The other reason is that they think if you know men that well, you must hate them," she added, laughing. According to St. James, between ten and twenty percent of prostitutes are lesbians-the same pecentage estimated for society as a whole. She later addressed another myth about prostitutes-their image as f...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 14

… The Michigan Daily-Sund, Page 2-Sunday, April 9; 1978-The Michigan Daily RAMBLINGS/george lobsenz Ego torn from interstellar spy T HE SCENE remains etched in my mind. I had just arrived - a somewhat wide-eyed freshperson from Connecticut quite conscious of his foreigner status in a dorm full of people from - "uh, a Detroit suburb." I had made my way down to my first sum- ptuous dorm feast and parked my tray at a table with my Michigan ro...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 15

… The Michigan Daily-Su Pdge 10-Sunday, April 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily hOOKS STRANGERS. Meet the SF Romance STRANGERS By Gardner Dozois Berkley-Putna m By 191 pp. $795 B Bill Barouur BEFORE Strangers, I've read only one piece of fiction by Gardner Dozois. It was "Horse of Air," a highly complex, avant-garde short story. Now Strangers, the author's first novel, is written in a different vein. It combines some elements from sci-fi with sev...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 16

… f ... A . Y .1 n _f -- . Page 4-Sunday; April: 9Athe Michigan Daily prostitute The Michigan Daily-Sunday, (Continued from Page 3) this point, I've been in it long enough that they're always sorry when they try to give me a hard time, because I've got a mouth that'll make that thing droop, and it'll never rise again if they don't watch out. They're so damn psycho- logically vulnerable that as soon as they start saying something they sto...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 17

… Page 8-Sunday, April 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily taiwan, The 1Jlhigan daily- 'SiC decriminalization (Continued from Page 7) da" they'll encounter after leaving the country. The Taiwanese government force-feeds literature about the main- land regime' and about its "propa- ganda" to all students two weeks before they depart. Once the Taiwanese students arrive at their foreign universities, gover- nment spies-usually other students who rece...…

April 09, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 151) • Page Image 18

…The Michigan Daily-Sundt Turmoil in Taiwan the sun sets on the Nationalist dream By Dan Oberdorfer With camera and notebook in hand, Daily staff writer Dan Oberdorfer joined 11 other college journalists in a recent trip to Taiwan. The trip was paid for by the China Youth Cor- poration, an arm of Taiwan's ruling party, the Kuomintang. Treated to a host of sumptuous meals, government briefings and tours during his two-week visit, our reporter...…

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