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April 09, 1985 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-09

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Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 9, 1985

Batsmen split with Indiana



In a weekend of baseball extended to
three days because of rain, snow, and
several other weather phenomena,
Michigan split four games with a tough
and hungry Indiana squad.
Because of the foul weather on Satur-
day and Sunday, the last two-and-a-half

Col1d weekend brings
M'nine to 18-4 clip
games were played in occasional near- thander at the start of the third inning.
blizzard conditions at Ray Fisher The move paid off as Karasinski set-
Stadium yesterday afternoon. tled down on his second effort on the
IN THE GAME carried over from mound and picked up the win, im-
Sunday, the Wolverines dropped a 4-1 proving his record to 3-0.
decision as Hoosier hurlers Humphrey THE WOLVERINES looked ready to
and Mark Gramer combined to allow take yesterday's third game behind the
Michigan only seven hits. Designated pitching of freshman righthander Jim
hitter Charles Fedorka led Indiana's Agemy. The 6-6, 205-pouner cruised into
batting attack, going two-for-three with the sixth inning with a 3-0 lead after
an RI
In yesterday's second game,
Michigan capitalized on three Indiana
errors to take a 9-4 win. The Wolverines
scored six runs in the third inning on
only two hits to break the game open. s
Dan Disher and C .J. Beshke each
knocked in two runs for the Maize and
Michigan coach Bud Middaugh did
some tampering with his pitching -
yanking starter Dave Karasinski with
two out in the second inning in favor of
Ken Hayward, only to reinsert the lef-

allowing only one hit.
Agemy tired in the sixth, however,
and managed to retire only one Hoosier
while giving up three runs on four hits.
Greg Everson took the loss after let-
ting up a three-run homer to Mike Sabo
in the seventh inning.
"Agemy just got tired in the sixth,"
said Middaugh, whose team slipped to
18-4 with the four-game split."Everson
got us out of a jam that inning but then
gave up a big home run in the seventh.
"I WASN'T happy with the pitching'
overall this weekend. We didn't swing
that well and we only played so-so
Middaugh did not cite pitching as a
problem in Sunday's series opener -
with good reason. Staff ace Scott
Kamieniecki improvedhis record to 5-0
while going the distance, giving up five
hits and striking out eight to give the
Wolverines a 2-1 win.
Hayward drove in the game-winning
run with a third-inning single that
scored Mike Watters. Matt Siuda
doubled home the other Michigan run
in the second.
"I thought Indiana played very well
this weekend," said Middaugh. "They
played inspired ball and had pretty
good pitching. They look at it (the
weekend split) as an accomplishment
while we look at it as a disappoin-
.500 ball
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E
Indiana......2100001 483
MICHIGAN ...2 0 61 00-896 2
IU- Fella, Simpson (1). Bell (3), and Mueller; M:
KarasinskiHayward (2), Karasinski (3), Hayward
(4), and Wolfe.
WP - Karasinski (3-0), LP - Simpson (4-2), S:
1 Hayward (2)



By Barb McQuade



... settles down for the win

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Forget Boston and New York...
Motown s boys are for real
'M GETTING sick and tired of hearing about how the Tigers are bound for
atumble in 1985.
I've had it with people telling me how Willie Hernandez played over his
head last year. How Sparky Anderson is burned out. How Alan Trammell is
complacent. After witnessing the spectacle of Opening Day, you realize it
just can't be true.
I'm not saying Toronto, Baltimore, New York or even (eegads) Boston are
incapable of winning the division. It's just that too many people think the
Tigers are just a flash in the pan-one good season and back to mediocrity. I
don't believe it for a minute.
Granted, Hernandez had an incredible year and will have a tough time
matching it. But a bunch of Tigers had just average or even poor seasons.
Jack Morris and Dan Petry won 19 and 18 games, respectively, and I expect
them to notch at least as many victories in '85. Lance Parrish is-a much bet-
ter hitter than last year's .237 and should have knocked in more than 98 runs.
Others who played below their personal standards were Larry Herndon,
Darrell Evans and Lou Whitaker.
With Walt Terrell to gird the pitching staff and baseball's strongest com-
bination up the middle, the Tigers are solid, to say the least. This is a good
ballclub and the city of Detroit deserves it.
Yesterday, as the Tigers received their World Championship rings before
the game, the fans went crazy. They've waited 16 years for the right to boast
their team as the best in baseball, so why not let them have their fun? You
New York and Boston fans are used to winners. If not in baseball, in other
major sports.
For Detroit, it's been a long wait. The lean years turned into a lean decade-
and-a-half during which the crowd at Michigan and Trumbull was treated to
such big names as Tom Veryzer, Steve Grilli and Dave Roberts. The fans
paid money to see these guys. But patiently, they waited.
At no time did attendance at Tiger Stadium falter. Diehard fans crowded
the gates, convinced that Ron LeFlore, or maybe Mark Fidrych, would at
last lead them to a championship. Stupid, but loyal.
Yesterday, finally able to wave a "number one" finger in the air, Detroit
fans came out to salute their heroes. Oh, they came out to watch a ball game
too, but mainly to pay tribute to the winning ball club Detroit's faithful
finally have a chance to identify with.
The opening game was not an exciting one, and the Tigers trailed
throughout most of it. But the fans remained enamored with spirit and stuck
around until the end-even in the ninth inning when Detroit had the lead.
This crowd was there to have a good time and to enjoy a ball game. When
Alan Trammell drove a ball deep to the wall in left-centerfield and was rob-
bed by Brett Butler, the crowd applauded the catch. When Chet Lemon dove-
for Butler's sinking liner and missed, allowing the Indian centerfielder to
reach second base, the crowd cheered the effort. There is no "win or we hate
you"attitude at Tiger Stadium.
The Tigers provided enough fanfare before the game to last a
lifetime-they're definitely riding their championship for all it's worth. But
the fans couldn't get enough of it. They loved the '84 highlights on the center-
field video screen, the "Let's Do It Again" pennants and the souvenir World
Championship peanut containers. They cheered madly and shook the stands
when the championship banner was hoisted along with the American flag,
practically drowning out Bob Taylor's voice as he sang the national anthem.
These are not blase fans we're dealing with. They've got a winner and
they're enjoying it.
The Tigers played well and the fans left satisfied with 1985's edition of the
Tigers. Hernandez looked as sharp as ever. Sparky walked with his lively
gait. Trammell played shortstop with youthful zest.
Maybe the Tigers won't repeat in '85-I don't care. But for a year the
World Championship is Detroit's to enjoy. And if someone replaces them as
the best team in baseball in October, maybe then I'll listen.


... grabs two RBIs

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1 2
Indiana......0 0
MICHIGAN . ..2 0

3 4 S
0 0

6 7
3 3
0 0

6 101

IU: Hartschuh and Mueller; M: Agemy, Ignasiak
(6), Everson (6), and Wolfe
WP -Hartschuh (50), LP - Everson (1-1)


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March of Dimes

Pittaro key in opener;
Tigers scalp Indians

(continued from Page 1)
as the weather until they finally burned
Indian hurler Ernie Camacho in the
eighth. Camacho, the third of four pit-
chers for the Tribe, served up three
straight hits as Detroit scraped
together two runs.
LARRY HERNDON sparked the
rally with a one-out single to left. After
Chet Lemon walked, Pittaro's third
single of the afternoon scored Herndon

and sent Lemon to third. The center-
fielder scored easily on Whitaker's
sacrifice fly to center.
Manager Sparky Anderson, who
spent Sunday night in the hospital with
an inflamed nerve in. his leg, was
questionable for today's game, but
didn't disappoint the crowd, which gave
the Tiger skipper a standing ovation
when he, appeared on the field before
the game.
The only boos were heard when
Michigan Governor Jim Blanchard and
Detroit Mayor Coleman Young took the,
field to deliver the ceremonial first pit-
ch. Blanchard tossed an accurate lob to
Young, who mishandled the ball and
watched it pop out of his mitt. The
political due tried it again but fared no
better to the jeers, and delight, of the

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