vs. Detroit
Tomorrow, 3:30 p.m.
vs. Wayne State
Today, 3:00 p.m.
Ray Fisher Stadium
The Michigan Daily
'V arsit~y joiamouu
Tuesday, April 9, 1985
Page 9
Tae Kwon Do needs determination
The key to most teams' success is teamwork: the
way in which everyone works together as a whole.
Although every team has its individual stars, com-
patibility and cooperation are imperative for suc-
cess. There are a few sports, however, in which the
individual alone controls his or her own fate. One
such sport is Tae Kwon Do, a Korean style of karate.
Tae Kwon Do, an ancient form of self-defense, has
emerged as one of the most popular forms of karate
in the United States. Prior to World War II, it was vir-
tually unknown to most martial arts experts. Now,
however, Tae Kwon Do is practiced in thousands of
karate schools around America, and will soon gain
amateur status at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea.
THE MICHIGAN Tae Kwon Do club has been an in-
tegral part of the University's club system since its
founding in 1963. Unfortunately, like many club spor-
ts, the Tae Kwon Do club goes practically
unrecognized by the majority of sports fans at the
University. The club has a long list of individual
stars, such as Hwan Wan Lee, a former collegiate
and national champion, and Lynette Love, a women's
three-time world champion. "Han Wan is definitely
the most accomplished individual we've had," said
karate master Joseph Lloyd, a fifth degree black
belt. "He was national champion two years ago, and
runner up twice."
It's important also to recognize the accomplish-
ments not only of the "superstars," but of every
member of the club-from white belts to black.
Karate is an extemely demanding and grueling sport
which requires hours of practice to reach the pin-
nacle of perfection - the coveted blackbelt. "It took
me five years to earn this (black belt)," said David
Kim proudly.
Although there is no competition in the Big Ten, the
Tae Kwon Do club is always competing, whether in
practice sparring sessions or in various tournaments.
ding, the Tae Kwon Do club has no qualms. "We
basically have a good relationship with the school,"
said instructor Joseph Lloyd. "We understand their
problems and they understand ours. It's basically a
mutually agreeing relationship."
What many members would like, however, is the
recognition they believe the sport deserves. After all,
"it (Tae Kwon do) will soon be recognized as an
Olympic sport," said David Kim, "and the public
should be aware of this either through television ex-
posure or newspaper."
The Tae Kwon Do club practices Monday, Wed-
nesday, and Friday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the mar-
tial arts room at the CCRB. Practice consists of
warm-up, kicking and punching techniques, katas
(various movements embodying different sequences
of punches and kicks), and free form sparring.
EACH OF THESE techniques has its own
significance in developing the necessary skills to
progress within the belt hierarchy.
Tae Kwon Do, however, is different from other
forms because it utilizes the kata to put all aspects of
the sport together in a fluent and graceful style.
Tae Kwon Do is often called an embodiment of
many different styles of karate, including aikido,
kung-fu and popularized Asian forms brought back
by soldiers following the Korean War.
Anyone interested in self-defense, or just a fun and
exciting way to get into shape is encouraged to join
the club.
This year's major tournament will be held in Indiana.
There are also the national and collegiate champion-
ships, to which the club sends two to five represen-
tatives each year.
EACH ACTIVE member is expected to pay $35
dues, while the University subsidizes the club with
$600 a year to cover traveling expenses. Unlike other
club sports that are dissatisfied with University fun-
Daily Photo by ALISA BLOCK
Tae Kwon Do club member Victor Bullen attempts a kick to the mid-section,
sparring with teammate Han Lee last night at the CCRB.
- ---------- 7-
Netters nip Iowa, pull even in Big Ten
Women netters split
It was a tough day for the Michigan
doubles teams, but the Wolverines
pulled out a 5-4 win at Iowa Sunday to
even their Big Ten record at 2-2.
Michigan began the match by taking
four of the six singles matches, but then
lost two of the three doubles matches to
make the score close.
WOLVERINE Jim Sharton won han-
dily at first singles, downing Jim
Nelson, 6-1,16-3. Sharton has now won
three out of four conference matches
and says that he is quite happy with his
play so far.
The only Wolverines to lose in singles
were John Royer at second and Franz
Geiger at sixth. It was Geiger's
first lost in the conference.
Ed Filer had an easy time at third
sings es, turning back Rob Moellering, 6-
4,6-1. Jon Morris, who was moved down
from second singles, took a straight
sets victory over Dale Garlick, 7-5, 6-2
at fourth singles. Brad Koontz rounded
out the singles victors with a tough 4-6,
6-3, 6-4 triumph over Scott Schaffer at
The only bright spot in doubles was
the tandem of Sharton and Filer who
rolled over Nelson and Moellering at
first doubles, 6-1, 7-5. Both Royer and
Morris and Tomas Anderson and Jed
Hakken lost in three sets at second and
third doubles, respectively.
Michigan lost five of six doubles mat-
ches on the weekend, but it's nothing to
worry about yet, at least according to
Sharton. "I think we have a lot of good
doubles players, it's just a question of
who to put together," he noted.
Linksters finish sixth in
Purdue Invitational
Michigan's golfers battled near mon-
soon conditions en route to a 10th-place
finish in last weekend's Purdue In-
vitational at West Lafayette, Indiana.
Inclement weather washed out
Friday's rounds and the 15 teams in the
tournament played only 36 holes. "The
weather was absolutely horrible," said
coach Jim Carras, "not particularly
conducive to playing golf."
HOST PURDUE won the tournament
with a team score of 748. Second place
Bradley also had a 748 total but Purdue
was declared the winner on the basis of
their sixth golfer's score, ordinarily
dropped. Favored Ohio State finished
third, only one stroke back, at 749.
Michigan's 780 earned them 10th place.
The Wolverines were close going into
the back nine of their final round.
Disaster struck, however, on the
eleventh hole as they combined for 11
strokes over par. "If you subtract those
strokes, we would have finished sixth,"
said Carras.
Junior Chris Westfall led the
Wolverines with a 74-79-153 score,
followed closely by Peter Savarino (75-
79-154) and team captain Dan Roberts
(78-77-177). Scott Chipokas (79-78-157)
and Jon Rife (79-87-166) rounded out the
Michigan scoring.
Ohio State's Clerk Burroughs was the
tournament's medalist with a sterling
142 effort.
"I'm disappointed, not discouraged,"
said Carras. "We didn't play all that
badly overall but (thehplayers) had
some individual bad holes. It was
typical early spring collegiate golf, we
just bundled up and did the best we
with 'Cats,
Quitters never win. The, women's
tennis team didn't quit when it lost to
the sixth-ranked team in the nation; in-
stead, the Wolverines turned a
devastating 9-0 route by Northwestern
one day into a sweet Big Ten triumph
the next, beating Iowa 5-4.
Going into the Northwestern match,
coach Bitsy Ritt knew the competition
would be the best the Big Ten had to of-
fer, but thought her team could swing a
couple of victories.'
"THEY'RE THE. sixth team in
the country, but I didn't think
we'd get beaten 9-0," Ritt admitted..
"We were in a couple of matches, but
we just couldn't pull it off."
Michigan, however, quickly,
recovered from its loss and slid by Iowa
the following day in Iowa City. At third
singles, freshman Tina Basle easily
knocked off Pat Leary, 6-3, 6-1, while
sophomore teammate Tricia Honer
beat Hawkeye Lisa Rozenboom, 6-3, 6-3,
at the fifth position. Freshman Erin
Ashare rounded out Michigan's singles'
victories by easily winning her sixth
position match over Kathy Ruck, 6-0,6.1.
In doubles action, again the under-
classmen dominated, winning two of
the three matches.
The Wolverines, now 5-7 overall and
1-4 in the Big Ten, are looking forward
to a promising second half of the
season, according to Ritt. "We have
four more Big Ten matches left, all of
which I think we can win," said Ritt
confidently. "Our doubles have really
come around for us and if we keep it up
we'll be seeded fifth in the Big Ten
Championship (in early May)."
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