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April 09, 1980 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-09

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 9, 1980-Page 3

A&M Recording Artists;

Great Lakes


There isn't much the public can do to combat the
problems of pollution and misuse of the Great Lakes,
according to a panel of environmentalists. Even the
experts can't agree how the lakes' ecology should be
The School of Natural Resources symposium.
entitled, "The Great Lakes Region-The Challenge of
Management" last night featured five bureaucrats
who debated the possibility and problems of Great.
Lakes management.
"CAN THE GREAT Lakes be managed regionally
o help solve its problems of pollution and value as a
*ecreation and transportation resource?" asked
School of Natural Resources Dean William Johnson.
Eugene Aubert, director of the Great Lakes
Environmental Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor
said the first obstacle to effective management lies in
our failure to categorize the value of the Great Lakes
and analyze them.
"Though the Great Lakes basin represents only
four per cent of U.S. land area, it accounts for 21 per
cent of personal income, 70 per cent of iron resources,
and 59 per cent of steel resources," Aubert said. "In
ddition, we use 45 billion gallons of Great Lakes
ater each day. I think that shows you how valuable
they are to us.".
SYNTHETIC ORGANIC industrial compounds
present the biggest form of pollution, with PCBs the
single biggest contaminant in that class, according to
Aubert. "We have taken the first step by banning
PCBs. But we need to take it one step further by
improving our understanding of the ecosystems
which operate in and near the Great Lakes. How do

PCBs affect them?" Aubert asked.
Joyce Magidson agreed with Abuert's assertions,
but questioned the possibility of creating an effective
resource management operation. The public
relations official for the Army Corps of Engineers in
Chicago, cited the lack of clearly defined goals for the

'The main issue at hand is how we
can protect our economic resources
while assuring protection of our
natural resources.'
-Lee Botts, director of the
Great Lakes Basin Commission

Lawrence Aggens, a consultant and senior planner
for the Northeast Illinois Planning Commission,
claims that the project cannot be attained. "We'll hve
to experience a catastrophe similar to what's going
on in the mountain ranges of Washington State to get
action," he maintained.
Aggens said that public apathy is to blame.
"People are more concerned with issues such as
crime and inflation than to be bothered with
something like this. Therefore, we must devise a
strategy to work with public value systems rather
than against them," he said.
ONE OTHER PANEL member echoed Aggens
pessimism. W. Ronald Drynan, member of the
International Joint Commission in Windsor, Ontario,
said international disputes will undermine any
efforts attempted in managing the Great Lakes.
"True, we do have a Great Lakes agreement with
Canada. But communication problems and
disagreement on objectives will halt the project,"
Drynan said.
Lee Botts, director of the Great Lakes Basin
Commission in Ann Arbor, disagreed with Aggens
and Drynan. "The public has shown recently that
they are not apathetic about environmental
protection. The main issue at hand is how we can
protect our economic resources while assuring
protection of our natural resources," she said.
"I would urge action in this area," she said. "We
know that PCBs, even though no longer in.use, will be
a problem for a long time, and a world problem at
that. But right now, all researchers can do is to lay
out facts and try to agree among themselves on what
policy should be for the Great Lakes."

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Great Lakes, problems of organizing data,
problems of responsibility and authority and funding
problems as reasons for management problems.
"THE GREAT LAKES basin region involves eight
states, two nations, and Ontario," she said. "How can
we devise an efficient management operation that
will satisfy them all?"

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Cinema Guild-The Big Sleep, 7,9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
AAFC-Blue Collar, 7, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Arch. & Urban Planning-A Place to be, 7:30 p.m., Anderson Room,
Max Kade German House-Land of Silence and Darkness, 8 p.m., 603 Ox-
ford House.
Physical Education-Wannen Spirduso, "Exercise, Aging, and Reactive
Capacity," 11 a.m., 1250 CCRB.
Students for ERA-Laura Callow, Carol King, Marilyn Reed, and Eddie
Van Horn, noon, Diag.
Ctr. for Russian and Eastern European Studies-James Mace, "Dilemma
of Proletarian Cultures in a Backward Nation: Mykola Khvylovy and the
Ukranian Literary Discussion, 1925-27," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
Ctr. for Afroamerican and Asian Studies-Joel Samoff, "Crisis and
Socialism in Tanzania," noon, 246 Lorch.
Arch. Student Caucus-Joseph T. A. Lee, "Brown Bag", noon, Art & Arch.
Physical Ed.-Roger Farrar, "Exercise, Aging, and Biochemical Charac-
teristics of Caridac and Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria," 1:30 p.m., 1250
Physical Ed.-Glen Gaesser, "Pathways of Lactate Metabolism
Following Prolonged Exercise to Exhaustion," 3 p.m., CCRB.
Tanner Lecture Program-Robert Coles, "Children as Moral Observers,"
3 p.m., Rackham.
ECB-Francelia Clark, "Taking an Easy Exam," 4 p.m., 2203 Angell.
Arch. & Urban Planning-Yann Weymouth, "The East Building, National
Gallery of Art," 4 p.m., Chrysler Aud.
Chemistry - Byong-Do Kwon, "Recent Developments in 'Organic
Chemistry of Superoxide," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Chemistry-Russ Dickerson, "Measurements of the Rate of Photolysis of
O' to ('D)," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
Nuclear Engineering-Allen Wegele, "An Overview of the National Waste
Terminal Storage Program," 4 p.m., Baer Rm., Cooley Bldg.
Counseling Svcs/Comm. Psych. Prog.-Bernard Bloom, "The Campus
Community Strategies for Primary Prevention," 4 p.m., Kuenzel Rm.,
Physical Ed.-Michael Pollack, "Exercise Prescription for Healthy
Adults and Cardiac Patients," 4:30 p.m., 1250 CCRB.
Nat. Resources-panel discussion, "Energy and Public Lands," 7 p.m.,
Pendleton Rm., Union.
Ecumenical Campus Ctr.-Paul Dotson, "A Christian Ecumenical Ap-
proach to the Middle East Crisis," 7:30 p.m., 921 Church.
Dharma Study Group-Meditation and tape, Chogyam Trungpa, Rin-
poche, "The Myths of Freedom," 8 p.m., Michigan League, third floor, Rm.
Commission for Women-noon, 2549 LSA.
Meetings of the American Ethnological Society, the Association for the
Anthropological Study of Play, and the Central States Anthropological
Society-all day, Rackham.
MIRC-1980 Republican Convention Meeting, 7:30, Pendleton Room.
MSA-'U' Residence Hall Council, open meeting, 9 p.m., MSA chambers,
third floor, Union.
Music at Midweek-Christopher Brooks & Erike Wheeler, noon, Pendleton
Arts Center.
Studio Theatre-"How do you do?", 4:10 p.m., Arena Theatre, Frieze
Interlochen Center for the Arts-Guest Recital: Andre' van Driessche,
Shorn, 6:30 p.m., Grand Traverse Performing Arts Center.
Residential College-"Page to Stage," nine original plays written and
staged by students, 8 p.m., East Quad.
Arts Chorale & Campus Orchestra-"The Chichester Psalms," by
Leonard Bernstein, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Mngtnm of Art- "Americnn Phntnarnhs- Gifts from the Collection of

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