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February 26, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…___THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUca ? F t - I SPENCER TO SPEAK AT BA.NQU-ET T OAY Re~lit;iom~indi21tlilte To Hear President o(I1,bieI lcCollege ,1t IZtnner TO( 111 i 11PI 1" ' 41_('S 11 '1iE gi ) W"illiami Gear Spencer, presidenit of lillsdalocollege, HillsdIale, AMichigoan, will befthe principal speaker at the re igiouts institute banquet which will belheld a!t 5 o'clock. today in the Cobi- gregationa I (:hi rchl. Short Utalks will al1so he deliv...…

February 26, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ------------- - -- zn Due to an error in a circular letter senlt out to organized houses, the date for the close of the contest was given as March 8. The date, however, is March 1 as orginally announced in The Daily.t l l ' 1 4 . 2 3 I ' f 't T, IY. W. TO HONOT'RIDA rr 111111TEV N irSiINN oti es BE EXTFNfl1f 3 DAys Memb~ers of the world fellowship 1 CONTEST RECEIN DDAL _committee of the Liversity Y. W: C.___ Every...…

February 26, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY d re 4 cr "e( !.'t',;arling (featurei' of h1111n CX - / we said (in a choky voice) Th'tli yn a i ;; n o ill i';:;collective spJ ct . ii AJI3 so mc. ________________________ ( en it:' con'tan t il.strife na~rito13 naiil You see it is not the material gin~ ,IAL NEWSPAPER OF THlE it Ernttitcn'. During the Patst decade,;/ that we count, but the fact- that w-e IES Y CHGN the world has seen wars in Europe,; have proved ourself ...…

February 26, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 106) • Page Image 5

…THE M!ICHIG ANDAI DAILY I b ICHI AIL, ,, , e i > ,v;« ey ' I- c1h1 ".s ' YA i Y ' a b « s !'". < i L } . 77771 .N J:, ,. THE ONLY MORNING, NEWSPAPER IN ANN ARBOR For the convenience and enlightenment of our friends, The Michigan Daily is publishing aI statement of circulation and mrap showing distribution in Ann Arbor. A. careful analysis of these. facts will indicate how thoroughly The Daily reaches the Ann Arbor Market. DIS...…

February 26, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

…t THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, s irMV = SIN I _ '"' ., .r i/' , ( ,. ,.,,rte AL Now .......rr..u" """ w wrnw r ' rr Iwr : C OLVERINE HOCKEY NA HW6HY APTAHATIH New York High School Star IIATCIRflUIPV~fi! #Ichigan Sextet Wins Six Contests Lses Four Times and Ties Once ROSPECT ARE BRIGHT FOR :POWERFUL TEAM NEXT SE ION Ending the season with the sensa- t1ional victory over Minnesota Satur- day night, Michigan's hockey sextet came th...…

February 26, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 106) • Page Image 7

…1924 .mow IE MICHIGAN DAILY .+..+ -. " I-.IIIYIIYJII . I A A rr - y ~ _____... _e._ .... L, U's IE T4IS COLUMN CLOSEW AT 3 P.M. AT3P. ADVERTISING LOST AMES and Smith Tarts book. Berk,I 344 S. Division. Phone 557-W. GOLD FOUNTAIN pen on North Uni- versity. Return 602 E. Huron. Call 1463-R. WRIST WATCH on Maynard st. near Pres B . ne'., _Rward.fOner A NATIONAL STANDARD of good Clothes value. Ed-U-Price & Com- pgtIy, tailored to order...…

February 26, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 106) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU E SDLA , FEBRUAR Y -..- S -- - .... _._._ . _ _ _. _._ ._,,.e.....a... ..._ .. I ,Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN InteBulletin is oltuiv notico to all members of ity. Copy received by tlJ¢ Aaslsant tc th~e ; es'ept until (11:30 a. mn. Satur.las-. REED SAYS COLLE6E MEN ARE IDELSSIN LIFE'l 11 1I1 c Intramural Items BOCKEY C CIION j1' ; f i ct le i" 4r M fost t I IT (he '- ;id . 11&T1 ~ I ) grad 1uation, so -with aliv ;' ...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…I L r 5k 4~an A6F "J fit DAY r1 No. 105; I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1922 P .. L .. OLVERINES OVER -RUN ILLIN 4 _. _ _ . SCHOOL MAlGAINlES OF ENIERN H H I N DISGIuSS PROBLEMS TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS TAKE UP PUZZLING , TOPICS REPRESENTATIVES FROM U NIVERSITIES SPEAK Lyman Nained as Editorial Counellor; Will Edit National Articles Engineering College Magazines As- sociated entered its second day of convention ses...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY ,N nday during the University ent Publications. IATED PRESS y entitled to the use for .ited to it or not otherwise ws published therein. rbor, Michigan, as second so. , Maynard Street. 414. words, if signed, the signa- butas an evidence of faith, inTeDivattedsr no consideratJion. iiu maucipt will' rincloses postage. ssarily endorse the sentiments expressed [RIAL STAFF 'phone 3414 ...-.-.BR1LWSTER P. CAMPBE,, ................Jos...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…~THE 4 (GPIOSTO Ear ARTIGLE f the confines of one's own room, is con- IN IIS Daily. erein are enumerated some of? nstances in which Mr. Eaton himself feagues ahead, as well agues' behind, the present mot- ew at Michigan. Eaton has told the world what inks. It has filled the campus different emotions. The "Dean rs" of the University read Mr. 's sentimients with the vast standing and generous tolerance Is youth, youthful concepts, and :...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…m rrnMr r.r rrrm w iwrrYrrrrwrsrrrnnunn ,. .... I Stationery dand isel laneous Go Our stock was somewhat damaged by Fire and Smoke so we have decided to dis this, together with the balance coof Goods, etc. our Miscellaneous Books, Fiction, Sttimfonery, Le Leather''Notebooks Our entire stock. of Cloth andI 3everal hundred I. P. books. All .sizes at rock. bottom prie. Don 't Fail to fjlet Fiction Onew of Te Leather. Brief Cases ...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 5

…. : Mir .11 Uis a i MV y Y ,. Trestling Team Loses Wet To I.A. C. Grapplers im met its splendid exhibition of the famous head sterday aft- lock with Koopman applying it. Koop- tough grap- man held a head lock on Boschan for 20-18 score. four minutes. Both men had a hard he matches time keeping on the mat. The Aggie representative had the advantage all 1 'the way through and the match went hatch when to M. A. C. 15 pounder, Campbell Gets D...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

…U mal Team Point larlity of DST TO Q GRADUATION he Hockey season is now question, "Is Hockey to be- nor Varsity sport?" becomes ssing. The chances are ex- right, due to the splendid and support given to the in- am, which closed its season day with a well earned vic- Wisconsin. Coach Yost is of the great winter sport, thletic association has finan- sted the team, so that nowf nains for the Board in Con- hiletics to officially grant its ni. Th...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 7

…al aaioerts iye Concert flashes ec Thzeaters The average iadio set owned and, operated by the students will not be able to pick up concerts in Pittsburg while Detroit is sending, is the opin- ion of Walter J. Kreinheder, '23, of the K. and K. Radio Supply company. Kreinlieder expressed the opinion in response to. a question Friday for the enlightenment of the student operators and others who were puzzled because the Pittsburgh concerts cou...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 8

…, will never materialize' The Screen re is lat all. Jr r rich, nas or nas not a meaning ac- e coringly as to whether we are a part ,j Q' tO of this world, or whether we are vainly attempting to make this world a part of us. I can easily appreciate' rom Page 3) how such commonplace sayings, and s Iichigan spirit? such commonplace people who make This remninds me such commonplace sayings appear very 's quotation from stupid to you. For years ...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 9

…he final series of games ball color tournament on ning, the brown team re- .ampionship with a clear .e games won. The blue econd place with sixout es won, while the gray, le, and green teams are place. The tournament essful in stimulating and a solid interest in the of the work which they i the color series, girls osen on class teams and two weeks is as follows: The senior team, junior team, and sophomore squad at 7:30 o'clock on Tuesdays and...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 10

… ,......w OFFICIALDULLETIN received until 8:30 p. m. (11:80 a. m. Saturdays.) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1922 ['umber 10 ege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: . that schedule blanks, which will be found in the messen- h may be obtained at this office, be filled out and returned or directly to this office if possible by March 3 JOHN R. EFFINGER. ers Enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments: vro have enrolled with e Bureau of Appointment s f...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY -1922 Duteh"Robinson Crusoe" (By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) ism, at aprobable familiarity with the Lucius L. Hubbard, a regent of the Printed Eleven 'Years Before Defoe's a Dutch story on the part of Defoe, al- though the proof is not by any means University oMichDutacn has transla Translated by RegentcHubbard onlu"v.The simlrty beten into English the Dtch story, "Sjouke 1\asae J ee1 J~~la~4...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 12

…A lead from the farm pres, attrib- tiog a scheme for home idotriea to be developed amonghthe Finnish pop- lation on Lake Superior to Prof. C. 0. Sauer of the University, Seot the re- porter around to the geography offices A leading question is half the inter- view, thought the reporter, and led off with: What is the connection between Suomi skis and the subject of geo- graphy? And this is the story he got: The notion of Finnish home indus- tri...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 13

…Our New Magazines --The Double Dealer 's Note: This is the second Allow me to quote an editorial or two: go out-the lynching bee, Little Eva, Dunsany, John McClure, and Unter- es of articles written by G. "Let it be affirmed once and for all. Kentucky Colonel, beautiful kuadroon meyer. This poetry business in the he new magazines. A third, The Double Dealer holds no brief for stuff. A sure, saner, more virile, less Double Dealer I shall leave ...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 14

…Who Will Succeed Caruso? (By T. E. D.) and received some new ideas and con- path of Muratore that he will find he bolt upright, rub The successor to Caruso! Who will ceptions. must overcome. He is erratic and his themselves what he be? Is he in this country or has Martinelli is facing this different au- very' high notes are not good. On advent of these n he not been discovered ydience and in the lack of that softer occasion he can do the best ...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 15

…A Statesman from Australia Smart Frocks (By W. B. Butler) e tine, Rocky mountain time, and Paci- Australian life that Mr. Gregory men- for Spring Washington had scarcely. seen the fic time on their trip to the coast. tioned was the fact that more than Arms Conference end, whenSenator Two or thre , o'clock is rather an one-half of the people live in the odd time to land in-Ann Arhor as far cities. He said that both prohibition G. D. Pierce, one...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 16

…dying out? The path of evolution is considered myself fairly content, and etrewn with the most ghastly failures reasonably hap y, to find that I have Bnoo ks a n d A u diot dIand mistakes, and man himself is get- not been happy, that, on the other ting ready to give up the struggle. hand, I have been extremely miser- In this connection, the author is able becaue I have not constantly THE PARLOR BEGAT A OS in a book which is well worth reading ...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 17

…proos, an consequently le attempts r " fl necessar. to health and growth, in PROF. SAER ON T' E FIN1IS1 the impossible and makes an ass of Vitam ifes addition 'o and entirely apart from COLONY IN NORTHER MIC11IN himself, those factors previously recognized (Continued from Page 2) If the book were reduced to 50 pages (By M. H. Pryor) (fats, carbo-hydrates, proteins, min- able things hy the skill of their hands. instead of 297, it ,would make a ...…

February 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 105) • Page Image 18

…(Continued from Page 4) the good quality of grand opera in to give us a glimpse of the glory of America, but his possibilities do not the future we may expect of Ameri- seem to be so great as those of Gigli can music. or Chamlee. Entirely aside, from the fact that Who will be the successor to Caru- Chamlee must be popular for his other so? In the light of such constant ad- attributes, he has a voice of highest ditions to the ranks of leading t...…

February 26, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…WEATHER LED; PROBABLY OR RAIN TODAY I I4 ii '4man1 4w II DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE XXXI. No 98. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1921. PRICE FIVE COAL :MEN REDU CED", OUTPUT TO BOOST 226 INDICTED BY GRAND JURY - -IN INVESTIGKTION BY GOVERNMENT OPERATORS CONSPIRED WITH MINERS, CLAIM Each Agreed to Aid Other in Raising Wages and Profits, 18 Month Research Shows I IndIanapolis, Feb. 25.-Co-operation between op rators aid minors ...…

February 26, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…ICHIGAN DAILY I ...... . .. W..... ..,..-,. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer Syear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thel associated Pressis eclusively entitled to the use for llication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise rited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffic...…

February 26, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…DAILY l" " .Y .. .. - . I 1 t t "4 /y f"ei t Lt e y Y t " ; 4 'F L ,.,. ILLINU0iS QINTET K BASEBALLNOTICE AA CI G (Freshmen, who are now out T IMIfor baseball, should not report it A E IHIAuntil the official .call for firstf year men is made at a later date. Indian Five Opposes )Iather's Men in The practices now being con- ducted in the Waterman gym- DGame Tonight Wech ly nasium cage are for Varsity Deelde Title candidates only, Coach...…

February 26, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…tHE MICHIGAN DAILY "Jolly Jester" Preaches Health Through the personification of the spinach, carrot, beet, and turnip by - "The Jolly Jester" yesterday after- - noon in Hil auditorium, more than 5,000 Ann Arbor school children were told how to grow healthy. The en- tertainment was given for the child- ren, and methods particularly appeal- ing to them were used throughout. Making his first appearance on the platform on a prancing hobby hors...…

February 26, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 98) • Page Image 5

… .. . Ildal Pharmics oil Warning Probation Will Be Given Ext~ Exams All students in the College of Phar- macy who are o'n warning or proba- tiou will be given mental tests, accord- nag to the announcement of Prof. E. H.. Kraus, acting dean of the college. ' Following the example of the literary department in handling deficient stu- dents, the faculty of the pharmacy) department at a meeting Wednesday adopted a resolution calling for the men...…

February 26, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 98) • Page Image 6

…kK k.O"LJjlA 11 &Ood-has.4 mimm m£ r ii m Ar.Ed1A' r ~rr5 a a_-a_ , Y OFFICIAL BLLETIN MRS. W. H.WAIT HONORlED BY (RENCH SOYERNMENT Gargoyle Offers Latestfashions 7- PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED FOR "RUNTY PULLS THE STRINGS" SATURDAY, -FEBRUARY .26, 1921. Number 98. etion of American Chemical Society:. E. White, Director of the Department of Engineering Research, the University of, Michigan Section of the American Chemical 'uesday, March ...…

February 26, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…T1 1A 0001 } '4 . OA SERF] ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1920. PRICE r ES TODAY: REPUBLICANS PLAN TO ORAIEHERE .Aichigan Graduate Dies While On Way To Secure body Of Dead Son Dues for the sophomore lit class will, be collected from 9 to 12 and frpm 2 to 5 o'clock today and, Friday in the corridor of 'Qpiversity hall. The fee includes the assessment for both the first and the sdeQnd semesters, the total of which is ...…

February 26, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…onday during the Univer- udent, Publications. asively creite l news nn Arb ED PRESS titled to the use for to it or not otherwise ihlished therein. Michigan,.as second n. Arbor Press building, -Maynard street. 3usine, 9g6o,;*Editoriarld2414. rations not to exceed 300 words, if sig'ned, the sig- essarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of ices' of. events "will be published in The Daily at the the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Da...…

February 26, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…IhILL flR Due to the fact that there have been A v AY a number of calls for special physical training on the part of a number of students whlo are contemplating to do Given Chance work in summer camps and in settle- it That anent houses that requires special training in physical instruction, Dr. May has announced that he will conduct an advanced class in AFTERNOON physical culture. The first meet- ing of the class will be held in Dr. May's off...…

February 26, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…r: I B SET AS DATE . A . LUNCHEON eo Murtland, assistant pro- industrial education of the of Michigan, will speak at this afternuon in Barbour g. Her subject will be "The Choosing a Vocation." Miss will offer practical sugges- hose planning to teach and/ rks will be of interest to ,are undecided as to their FOR 4~ CASTI PLAY' re] arsals 'for the Junior being held regularly to Prof. John L. r, everything is pro- e best possible man- AF...…

February 26, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 102) • Page Image 5

…GEN. W9OD SCHEIDULE Fgo SPEECH HERE SOON The For Ca igan Dail -Ad,. Thurs-Fri-26-27-Elaine Hammerstein in "Greater Than Fame" with a news and TODAY comedy. Sat-28--Witliam Farnum in "The Last of the Duanes" (return date) with a screen magazine and comedy. e Sun-Mon-29-1--Tom Mix in "The Speed Maniac"(return date) also a comedy. Tues-Wed-2-3-Buck Jones in "The Last I Straw" with a Mutt & Jeff cartoon, 'HE WOLF" "Dead Eye Jeff" and Craig Ke...…

February 26, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

…. VER PAUPERS AS RESULT OF PROHIBITION, IS CLAIM4 SELECTED N H.AIL' D chairmen 1of are at Lane hall. ambulance serv. orah board of directors i Lai hall. earsal of eligible members club in Lane hall. dolin practice ini University club skating party at Wein- roit club meets at Lane hall. f. C. 0. Carey speaks on mces in China," at Lane ley club meets in Practice Dom of Law building. iard Wood rally. Deans nd Vaughan will speak. Sigma hol...…

February 26, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 101) • Page Image 1


February 26, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESA ~1 OFFICIAL NLWSPAPLR Ar THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday caring the university year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. IEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled wo the use for republication of all news dis- patches credted to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- lished herein.- Entered at the posto...…

February 26, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…, FEBRUARY 26, 1919. THE MICHIGAN DAILY ?AGU - y _..,,, ALT'I) ~' .1 ~ - - C - _.:- t_, . . - -= -'. a i i f i MITCHELLS TEAM NOW FIFTH IN CONFERENCE PURDUE QUINTET BE ON DECLINE PROVES CHICAGO TOI ; STILL STRONG- Team W Chicago ..................9 "Minnesota ...... ........8 Northwestern........... Illinois................5 Michigan...............2 Ohio State.............2 Purdue ................3 Indiana ..... ...........2 Wis...…

February 26, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, EBRUARY 28, 191 ______________________________________________________________________________________ *~, - ~ 1 U "Te od Cure wil cure the worst Michigan's paper for Michigan men. *Adv. T OD A Y KITTY IN Also Comedy Thursday - - Friday HARRY CAREY In Three Mounted Men Sunday, Monday BOXING INSTRUCTOR HOME FROM C A MP Question Arises Whether Sport Will Again Be Taken Up, , Here Orville Westerman, who In...…

February 26, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 101) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILX PA , WOMEN TO HEAR DUAL LECTURE' ON BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES University women will have an op- portunity to hear authorities speak on "Women in Business," when Prof. I. Leo Sharfman gives a talk on "Sec- retarial Courses for Women," and Dean Bates, of the Law school, will speak on "Law for Women," at 3:45 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Bar- bour gymnasium. This is the second in a series of meetings given by the vocational co...…

February 26, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDINESDAY, 3.5.1E - I ,. . WH AT'S GOING ON i TODAY D Lectures in Economics aturai Science auditorium. 0-Vocational conference in ur gymnasium. (-_Freshman Girls' Glee eets at Miss Hunt's studio. 1 in Bar- club 00-Skating carnival given by the Luther league of the Zion church at Weinberg's coliseum. Tickets may be obtained from the commit- tee. 00-Meeting of the officers of the Pennsylvania club at the Union. 00-...…

February 26, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…r Ztr I!anf I~Iai1F ASSOCIAT PRESS DAY AND NIGHT SERTICE A04 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1918. PRICE THRE ..._ -.,_.- | RREST GERMAN HOARDING WOOL vew York, Feb. 25.-Alleged to be agent in the United States for Ger-' m interests which have been seek- to corner the world's wool market, gene Schwerdt a wealthy wool mer- nt of New Yorkand Boston,*was ested herebtoday as an enemy en and will be interned. chwerdt's alleged...…

February 26, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…1-4 11 W1omen I ch aditional Shades of Austin, Galveston, Day- allies in Eu- ton, Johnstown, and Mt. Ararat-by- hardship on the-sea!' Bring on the mops. people. We noticing any The cub, who occasionally offers to there is a help support the entablature of Daily humor by carolling lilting lays to his be. btowill beBig Ben, would now have it known day in order that he has christened this favorite iproved. On domestic animal Ben Bolt, because...…

February 26, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… iIILL I E DRILL TO MEN, Lbf PITCHERS NOT PERMITTED SPEED UP FOR WEEK OR TWO TO JOTH ING Coach Lundgren had the battery candidatesy arming up yesterday aft-. ernoon. Thus far the boys are only permitted to work out the kinks but after several more days of prac- tice when the cage is lowered the speed artists will be ready to deliver the fast ones. After this session the coach gave his men a short drill in stopping some hot grounders and b...…

February 26, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…1f IILnUI I U UnIUL CRPLDSOLDIERS r. S w "RECONSTRUCTION HOSPITALS"I BUILT FOR WOUNDED FIGHTERS Chicago, Feb. 25.- Plans for the "reconstruction" of soldiers who may be maimed in European trenches are now so far advanced that already America is prepared to care for her crippled fighters as rapidly as they may arrive here, according to Major W. A. Shields, in charge of the medical supply depot supplying the central army division. At hospital...…

February 26, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…i L ~ ___ \ -- - LD 1\1/ Y # 1 - oAt ts UI 'FLI'(7lRAlPl SER N V Y R J __ - , - ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1916. PRICE FIVE ..-.. _,_. . TER VOLT PRESIDENT'S KITARINE FACTOR Has Material- Last 'eb. 25. - President revolt over his sub- control for the time t be any legislation gainst his wishes un- with Germany should for the worse. Then the President's course ain and the leaders ritend that it will be lt ...…

February 26, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…'IHE MICHIQAN DAILY ,. _,._ _ti_..__ .._ FO it SPRING AND SUMIMER WEAR Our Suitingss are the choicest selection of the product ofv ills who, maintainr a repu- tation for honesty of material. WE INVITE A VISTA U I G. H, WILDL( LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS COMPANY S'TATE ST. hI Second 'SemesterI 5, TEXT BOOKS . NEW and SECOND HAND I *Drawing Instruments and..Supplies I. P. Loose Leaf Note Books STUDENTS BOOKSTORE - - - _- DETROIT UN...…

February 26, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - _ _,o :,._ .,.. I l i ;, N } \.. + ." " +''Rf5 tllw~t ( lR-74 /y . _ _ _-/ U r VT T I- I -" U l I --- .tiw a a-r e ._.. 11 11 6. ,.. HOLD ANNUALATHLETIC ELECTION ON WEDNESDAY HEART FAILURE CAUSES DEATH OF "St" PERKINS THURSDAY Was Janitor of Gymnasum for Many Years;_ Friend of Keene ADI)RESSES LATIN-AMERICANS COACH LOOKS FOR CLOSE ON MOORISH RULE IN SPAIN Bonillat Tells of Reforms instituted by S...…

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