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September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 1


September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…1L4 1 aL LA..' £ 1 tow to set it ging you have all we to - can give youYiyou are through. You Ner must be the master of that mind of c yours." Inconclusion, the President em-7 pasized the point that the mind is F L Se 'ne's most"recious asset. ''Possess,"T an (OSntinued from Page One) he said, "the thinking, creative mind pr he dnks itit. sharply contrasted to of which you are the royal master. InL hin is the man with the independent As a man...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…9l m D L II All gymnasium classes will meet the first time on Tuesday, Sept. or Friday, Sept. 29, at Barbour mnasium. Everyone is requested, wear street clothes. [here will be a meeting of all fresh- n women at 4 o'clock Wednesday, pt. 27, in the auditorium of Sarah swell Angell Hall. Dean Hamilton 11 give her first talk in the Uni- sity at, this time. ,eague houses that desire assistance organization and election of officers requested to t...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…n 1V11L. illsf- 1V Sri. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news. dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. fair to the student that he reap the ...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…e W ILY 's7 Vn ' PHI DELTAKAPPA HOLDS INT9INT UPhi Delta Kappa, national educa- tional fraternity, at a meeting in Ann Arbor, July 19, during the summer ses- sion, initiated five educators to their ranks. 'Wray Condon, secretary of the local chapter, acted as toastmaster, while the speakers included Prof. G. E. Corrothers of Cleveland, 0., G. H. Aldermnan of Newton, Ia.,and~ Prof. Earl Hudelston of the University of; Wisconsin. Those init...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…GES OF YEAR i I Ull Wonder In Broken Field ing at Will on Reserves. VE LOOKS WEAK E ATTACK OF SCRUBS or the second time in as many con- itive scrimmages, Herbert Steger, sational sophomore halfback, stood her's Reserves on their respective ds yesterday afternoon on Ferry I during the course of a tilt be- an the Varsity and the much sed scrubs. he Varsity crossed the opposing l line four times during the scrim- ;e and there was not sufficie...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

…MIC LY U hardest s< n les in -and co-o :. Tihe of the na. Vick, X"'Curd, Stuart, Big Ten Stars, Shine In Pro-Baseball !1 HILLIf11I 11LUU UIIU Three Games in 52 While Tutor in Miami University For Six Years POSITION AS NEW ASSISTANT TO COACH V OST his (By Wallace F. Elliott.) George E. Little looked up from MATHER ISSUES CALL FOR1 FRESH CRIODERS WILL MEET CANDIDATES TODAY; ATTEN1DANCE AT PRACTICE WILL BE ENFORCED E. J. Mather, fre...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 8

…Football Schedule Holds Great Stadium Dedications On Saturday, Oct. 7, the Michigan; Varsity football team will step to the! fore and make its initial bow of the 1922 season in what is most apt to be the annual victory over Case Scientific School of Cleveland. Case Here First. This initial bow, as in the years gone by, should prove to be quite an attraction, not lessened by the fact that the Wolverines are practically sure of victory, but ra...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 9

…I I, r 11 4 a14l I, ) Io , .ir. .+ XXXIII, No. 2 'ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922 PRICE FIVE CI IMPORTANT EVENTS' LIKELY IN ATHENS GREEK MILIT'ARY DISASTER MAY CAUSE POLITICAL STIR IN CAPITAL TURKS STOP ADVANCE WHEN BRITISH WARN Smlft Cruiser Takes French Envoy Smyrna with Proposals of Three Powers to Athens, Sept. 25.-Athens is likely .to be the scene of important political events as a result of the military ...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 10

…NEW T 15f U LEWINTER IN EUROPE' Know Your Alumrp fr(By Courtesy of Chimes) GO INTOErr[CT HERIE Word has been received that Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, who resigned her Harry M. Carey, '20, 1920 managing O.)INANCE REGULATES PARK.. position as Dean of Women here last editor of The Daily, is now managing I IN, PAsSIIG VEHICLES, year after having served in this ca- the Duluth Community Fund, Duluth, NUMBER IN SEAT! pacity for 20 ;years, is enroute to Min...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 11

…THE UNIVER$V 1NVSIL SOCIETY OFFERS 4 V. 4, IN HI11 AUDITORIUM I -4. FORTY-.FOURTH ANNUAL Choral Union eries SIX CONCERTS A-01 i i. t../.iii V A . . 5.... FOURTH ANNUAL x '5s5 ,, Extra Concert Series FIVE CONCERTS ',- .L October 24-MISCHA linist. The Choral Union Seri by one of the world's mogl distil who, since his last American tour duplicated his world wide suc, tours through the leading usic Britain and the contineit. In b n...…

September 26, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 2) • Page Image 12

…HkIr llt A LWAL" I 3 -~ 'OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the University. Volume 3 the Bulletin is constructive not'ice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922 Number 2 To All Miembers of the University: The attention of all members of the University is called to the fact that the Daily Official Bulletin is the official means of communication with the staff and the student bo...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…, # , I ~~~i. ' E) '0 .. ...... ._ d. .... ....,,.. ,. ..... A - " x 5.-"^ r 06 n t ' . ' ,,u ; ti . . -: y ... Xo71 } ;jO SLCtlON: A:NN AF~.I3OR, MICI-II(~ kN, MONDAY, SPPTFU\l UWR ~ 1927 rI'1 T. I ACE 1PfTCE FIFE Hf .y.. F * F , t S F ,1 ' ' 'Y, t ' _ ._:__ . ._._. ..._ a....._ ., . _...___., ,v.... ...._. _. _ _ .. v : . .. . ,.. . ._.a... JHO O.R 'a ' t Cpl ° . _ _ 4 , :4 t' _ _ <. 4ad .h } y Will Open Tall Term ...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

… F3 qT COUNCIL 113 ILII PEAER BONLQRA)O T, AS~, (APnnIp THIS 14'N ER IN ORATORICAL SERIES1< A lctcure cours;e that will b tinglte of the for)3emosZtspeakers and liter'aryT maen of the Un zited Statces to Ann Ar- bomtl. rsst h ?(;l(._:le --tudets of h University, ha,, been a<rrang.'ed1 and co-mpleted by the Oratoric al Assosc~ia-. lionl. Th c Colls;eOWill be ;pla ced under6 way on Oct«llwen Sir Robert ,Barden~ w ill sp)eak and Avii1 closeo n...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…nning tihe usual social functions. A arty for freshman women to be giv- n at 7:30 o'clock 'Wednesday eve- ng in IBarbour gymnasium is the firstf cial function of the year. Miembership in the league can be E_;su Activities were somewhat limited .his sumumer for the Women's league 'eeause of the com)paratively small unier~of girls attending the Summer sess ion. The 'Women's league is an organization 'of wvomen at ?Michigan, ormned for the purp...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…mber of Western Conference. :iaton. Associated Press is exclus to the use for republicatio dispatches credited to it or n credited in this paper andt published therein. ered at the postoffce at An gan, as second class matter. scription by carrier or mail, ices: Ann Arbor Press Buildir Street. les: Editorial, 2414 and 176- 960. extends her most sincere welcome. Monday During the coming year they will be Board in known as freshmen. They have E...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…ALL WOMEN AVERAGE 78.80, MEN 71.14; GENERAL SORORITIES HIGHEST ENTIRE UNIVERSITY AVERAGES 72.51 Women Show Consistently Higher Grades Than Men in Each Group Michigan athletes last year failed to keep their scholastic standing up to the average of the previous year drop- ping from 74.38 to 72.39, a decrease in average of about 2 1-2sper cent, according to the annual scholarship chart showing the relative 'standingsl of the different fraternitie...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…MJ L1 ,l J6. ,,..W RIOS BLOW FIELD STRONG RHEAD, GOEBEL, KIRK BACK; WINS MAY BE AVLAILABLE LATER IN SBEASN FRITZ, KIPKE, ROBY, kPPON BACK AT WORK er, Knode, Keefer, and Dunleavy Round Out Strong Offensive" Corps ,u Fielding H. Yost, with his won- il ability as a builder of winning all teams and his 22 years of rience as head coach of Michigan ity elevens mould a center sec- for his forward wall that will ef- .ally plug the gap left by the...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…'I, :PECTS TEAM AS STRONG V YEAR; PURDUE HOPE- WITH GREEN SQUAD NSIN' PROSPECTS k; 5 VETS RETURN -n Chinces Impaired ; Purple Planning for ture Campaigns By Ndte: The Daily has made special arrangements to receive accurate weekly reports from other Big Ten athletic camps during the season for each of the major sports. The re- ports here are the first of a series! that will be included in this service. PURDUE Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 24.-Conf...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…It AFF a.l TORGS Tally.He was made brigadier gen- FO RMER REGNT OIVeral by President Wilson. General Spaulding's family com- prises his widow, four sons and ono daughter. The children are: John C. Spaulding, Detroit attorney; Frank M. Spaulding, mayor of St. Johns; Brig. Gen. Oliver Lyman Spaulding, Col. Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr.; Major regent of the University from 1858 to Thomas M. Spaulding,sof the United ,,, , Ii-I -__- -E 12-States arm...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…I 0 Orr ism., It 1 ialt' JPF - t .,. NO. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1922 PRICE THREE C: AHEH[WSKI AND Chimes, Gargoyle Predict Eextension CpAE A And Improvement During Coming Year 19Editorial and business staffs of the Chimes contest, will appear in the Gargoyle. campus humor magazine, Football number of Chimes. and Chimes, campus opinion monthly, Special Issues Forthcoming are approaching a'working basis, af- ...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…it A RESHA I R CAMIP GIVE'S 3 0o BOYS leaders and instructor: at this year's camrp were: G. L. Bowie, '23, WN. A. C(cldberg, grad., 'J. WV. Morey, '22,4 next 4Idls ofn. oulnion and interest in 9i~o& w&4 are reproduced on ouro W' hatLeverx the advantage of ourc gen, fiet l> 'r 3 bumets-d shtould be thea last to underestimate . Ifrei-d t tgitshoud be candidlya amtted that they have the effect of I ltiifug the oportufities for the f r- spon...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…n the campus of the r advantages both in advancement and in ey of the various of- ressing the fact that ons offered induce- to lower classmen but ien as well, the man- nd business managers ons have given brief work of their organ- 1 of the official student publica- s are controlled by the Board in ;rol of Student Publications, h is composed of both faculty student members. However, each operates as a unit and is able anage the affairs of its ...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…I into actioi. these days. 'Alonzo Stag,. coach of Chicago ~U andi one of the zrand old it~ of the game, is as active . s ever. N orthwestern adherents believe that their eleven, under the guidance of Glenn Thistlewaite. former coach of Oak Park (Chi- csago) high, will give the "Big Ten" team,, real r,!-position. Ten" teams real opposition. Iowa, .winner of the conference title last y( , is co '-nt of re- peating under the able coahing...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… K ,:" ' '? i Ls ': ! MignThe Dal xedstiht 'ebd ft elMchgn n and Woe hat wloe aktocamu nd, othe University. epcthyer - n2 iggs, istory, f this already .EU is isitton tspana d ingevery= evey th"ngIn ts-poertokee '~n te wih herap!dpors en ae.:n wiI adallyasn unotway oni MihgnUI'lb r acivit oterwie, ill e dealt ithine Dall Th Mlhigii an nd om inerined ihian r di ® actiitiesa et cotnt.-T e-Ofiia ulei, h- fW ich, v r' td n -r, I held re TT...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…L W WOMEN WILL BE ENTERTAINED Dawley of the physical education de- partment, and Frances Ames, '23, uresident of the League, will stand in the receiving line. :ing out bills, card indexing ad- isers, etc. When the bills are ly to be collected tryouts are sent. with them. hie circulation department sells magazine. It takes charge of the scription campaign early in thej r and the stand and campus sales ' month throughout the college . They al...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

… P cIdue to the fact that the studentL lay out and mark a crosswalk on there have gone through a longer North University avenue at this cor- perodof leentryandtehnialner. Respectfully submitted, JTAL ENROLLMENT training than have those of the Unit- GeorgeE. Lewis ed States. e. S. Van Nortwick " 'When interviewed at the time of A. H. Blanchard. his leaving as to his views on the The committee, as announced last- economic conditions in Poland, P...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…I BULLETIN I Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. in. Saturday.) Volume 3 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1922 Number 1 All Students-Opening Assembly: All students are urged to attend the -opening assembly which will be d in Hill Auditorium at 7:30 p. in. Monday, September 25. President= Orion LeRoy Burton will speak on the subject "That Mind of Yours." Members o...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…t t1an 14 1 r ' ~' A I ---- 5. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1921 N EWBERRY ST REPORTS By SENATE RANKS SPLIT Y AND MINORITY COUNTS BYI ASSITANT CHEER LEADERS WANTED, Tryouts for assistant cheer leaders are wanted. A team of eight or ten men will be picked after the first two games by A. 0. Cuthbert, '22E, official cheer leader. Tryouts should report at the club house on Ferry field in white uniforms at 2:30 o'clock Saturd...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…1 iL " , w.r va aav[ t a t a >FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY i OF MICHIGAN lished every morning except Monday during the Univer- r by th4 Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS' YAssoiated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for Ation of'all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news published therein. etred at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…IL* .; ~C GCER PRACTICE_ I FERRY FIELD TODAY KG GAME ASPIRANTS MEET T 4:15 IN PREPARATION FOR SEASON practice in soccer will bej riday afternoon on the south Ferry field. It is absolutelyl al that all last year's Varsity be present. An extensive eo is being arranged for the~ season with the bestrteams1 igan. The soccer team was en- n the National Intercollegiate championship but at present no re- ply has been received from New York. It is...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIC DIRON GOSSIP present time. Both of these schools have turned out strong elevens in the past; whether they can maintain their standard this year remains to be seen. From these early reports, old "King Football' is again sprucing up. With SAN UAIL interest in football greater today than has ever been shown, and with the caliber of footballers this year up to par, football should pass its most successful year. At least that is what ...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…;R GEOLOGY CAMP IN KENTUCKY MAKE UU RUTEION may call or mail this data to the Stu- FOR DIRECTORY BY OCT. 1 dents' Directory; Press building, until Oct. 1. This applies also to correc- nts who did not put down an tions in address or telephone number. .rbor address or telephone on their registration blanks, Daily Want Ads Pay.-Adv. DEY Always, AT YOUR SERVICE WITH THE NEWEST THINGS IN PHOTOGRAPHY - AT A PRICE THAT FITS YOUR POCKET-. SU Z, PR...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

….r .r.awr..r .+.n+ wwr.Y i ener, '22M, former, Li captain, and Mar- 9, were married on' home of the bride's tlih Fifth street, Ain basketball captain, so been the Medical is now a member of the Student coun- cil. He is also a member of Michi- gamua, senior honorary society, and of the Phi Chi fraternity. Mrs. Ry- chener is a member of the Mu Phi Epsilon sorority. Do as others do, go down town to J. F. Wuerth's for Lab. Coats, Dental Coats, W...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 7

…AT THE THEATERS issayis t nsies, the campus ,literary tion,' announces an essay con- th a $25 prize to be awarded writer of the best essay. The begins at once and ends Dec. 1 students with the exception. duates and members of the ies staff are eligible to con- winning essay is to appear in but its style is restricted to the fa- miliar type. The essays will be judged by three essayists of ability who have, as yet, not been named. George H. W...…

September 30, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 5) • Page Image 8

…CHIG. l. ".4. PFICIAL BULLETIN Students Wishing Consultations Students wishing consultation regarding courses in Journalism may see Mr. Burrows or Mr. Haines Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 8 to 9 of this week in room "J," University hall f 1fV1TA T TTA'KSTT?PnriT 1TAA l10:. i J.J~JNA L HAM1I~LjITON HlAI N ES*. S2. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1921 lumber 5 All X tudents: In 6rder that there may be a complete and correct directory of s...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…wj 43fl V a ASSO PA DAY AND 1 r 00,0 ) 4. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDA-, SEPTEMBER 29, 1921 Pi 3 MBINATION LWAYS INTO W SYSTEMS 1 9 1 BROPHY APPOINTED. UNION SECRETARY George 0. Brophy, '22L, has been appointed general secretary of the Union, an office which was vacant last year. The work was handled by Paul Eaton, '21, president of the Union, but the duties of both offices proved to be too great for one man. George Hurley, '18...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…'er. :D PRESS itled to the use for o it or not otherwise >lished therein. Michigan, as second Street, to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- appear in print, but as an evidence of Its will be published in The Daily at the if left at or mailed to The Daily' office. s will receive no consideration. No man- unless the writer incloses postage. t necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- ,ations. notices will not be received after 6 o'clock inser...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

….. LL SQUAD N EASY DRILL ig, Passing, Running, and Aerial York Take Up Greater Part of Day's Workout [ PICKED FOR SATURDAY ES THROUGH SIGNAL DRILL' vas a fairly easy day for Coach football men yesterday after- The coach was satisfied to keep en busy with signal practice,' 1g, passing, and offensive and de- e aerial work. There will be >re scrimmage before the open- ame with Mt. Union on Saatur- Enough men are slightly bung- to make it ad...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…I~I~ NAL SPURTS' > Michigan Union Orchestra. Packard v Academy. Tickets, $1.00.-Adv. Fine Furnishings e OV1 AN~ ~m MSU~hIhyE GRIDIRON GOSSIP (Continued from Page Three) )Iinnesota. iinneapolis, Minnesota, Sept. 29.- Dr. Williams, veteran '_3opher grid mentor is still shaking up his back- fieid. Martineau, promising halfback, was shifted from the first to the third team. Olson and Brown alternated in calling signals. Captain Tierney whose ...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…years now has an outside fire exit andj VFOR is equipped with arm chairs for ap- proximately 250 students. [ION Ilo~~l To the right of the main entrance 101 nuoM::: :r:: is a recitation room reserved cx- been remodeled ,elusively for the latin department. classrooms and a Historical philosophy, ethics, french., The auditorium and psychology classes will be trans- used for several ferred to the recitation rooms. DEN CABOT OUTLINES MEDICL SCHOO...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…iI Af ;; AL ]:? 4 ---.a- -._........, ..... __ ._-_._._._..,.._. . . ,.......,-..- - _.._ . '11 i WHAT'S GOING Oi Leather-Something CONVENIENCE NTAINTWO FIRST-CLASS STORES Street at Washington Street at the Arcade THURSDAY 7 :15--pperelass advisers meet in the rading room on the second floor of the Union. 7 :30-Important meeting of Alpha Epsilon Mu in room 304 of the Union. 8:00-There will be an open house so- cial at the Bethle...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…U ICONGREGATIONAL ST U D FNT S IWILL CONSIDER INPOkT- ANT ETENTS In an effort to keep the student body informied on economical, social and political events the Congregational Students' association has planned a urns. It is planned to open the meet- ings with a 30-minute address on the subject announced for the evening which will be followed by an' openM isticussion. The speakers for the montlh of Oc- tober with the subjects that they will sp...…

September 29, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…First rehearsal of the University Choral Union will be Tuesday, 1 1 Oct. 4, 7 o'clock sharp, at the University School of Music, Maynard St. Ad- mission to the chorus is on the try-out basis. Office hours for try-outs:- Daily at 4 o'clock, School of Music. EARL V. MOORE, Acting Conductor. U1UM T T DP '' 29, 1921 Nuzmber 4 officially to announce that Mr. Frank Egleston Professor of Greek, has been appointed Assistant Girls' Glee Club Ar...…

September 28, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…s A Air wl 04 I" tr LTODAY I I 3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 1921 I E , REDS TURNED FROM STAT . JOHNSON CLAIMS LACK XECESSARY FUNDS AS MAIN REASON OF ROLLMENT INCREASE APPROXIMATES 2,000 ilnistrative Board Deliberatesl Methods of Overcoming Situation ansing, Sept. 27. - Failure of the slature to appropriate amounts for operation, of the state's four, Nor- schools has so handicapped the; .tutions that they fi...…

September 28, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…11V' to e for erwise lisned therein. Michigan, as second ing, Maynard Street. ial, 2414. 300 words, if signed, the sig- print, but as an evidence of published in The Daily at the >r mailed to The Daily office. e no consideration. N o man- writer incloses postage. y endorse the sentiments ex- not be received after 6 o'clock which play important parts in our lives are con- stantly being brought up. How to meet these experiences, how to solv...…

September 28, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

… ' '', .. . .. _. . .. y ." ".. . w ... s .. - . . .. ;_ l ." .. w " ' . . ".: ' 1 t n " J " yy k n "t ._ ~ .r . . " " "' a..' " " 4ir ", p A .,. _.._c'___.. _... OP EB an lIentor Picks Stroig Eleven to Oppose JIL Union in Saturday's Contest S CAPPON' FRO-I END '0 TACKLE NEXT TO DUNNE! the tenative lineup for the first announced by coach Yost they gridiron mentor is preparing ections to meet the attack of lion when the Ohio collegiansF F...…

September 28, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…accomodation of Versatile Hiker Here For Visit; ersities of ed greatly year. Ow- conditions r A , work and as a .g the time in !ation; or college has per cent over st year. Ohio >lls over 6,250, 0. The Univer- 24506 enrolled of Kansas al- nce of 3,400. freshmen with ,500, Dartmouth has about the! ABIDE BY LAWS, IS ADVICE OF POLICE CHIEF O'BRIEN Actor, dancer, singer, prize fighter bootblack, and songwriter plus 150 Ignorance ofthe law wil...…

September 28, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

…of new high pressure in the tunnel from the power house at Washing- [uron streets to the sub- the entrance of Waterman . The new line will be I of eight inch high pres- of modern design, eliminat- ose connections which fre- eveloped at the junctures line, allowing the escape of necessitating frequent re- s from the power house to the different campus for which they supply heat, for machinery will not be t this time, as they have ved satisfacto...…

September 28, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…r's, r -t 4~iotn C I Jordan's office hours will be 8 to 12 o'clock and 1:30 to 4 o'clock for the present. All first year women are required to attend a meeting at 4 o'clock Wednes- lay afternoon, Sept. z8, in Sa well Angell hall, to meet the women. Everyone is urged to prompt. Girls wishing work a -- . stencgraphers are aske Senior society will meet at 5 o'clock the office of the dean of Haberdashery ane h o 8 Nickels Arcade 0' A ...…

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