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September 28, 1921 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-09-28

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ilnistrative Board Deliberatesl
Methods of Overcoming
ansing, Sept. 27. - Failure of the
slature to appropriate amounts for
operation, of the state's four, Nor-
schools has so handicapped the;
.tutions that they find it necessary
urn away hundreds of students
had planned to enter them this
k, Thomas E. Johnson, state su-
ntendent, told the administrative
d today.
embers of the board are consider-
means of meeting the emergen-
although some doubt exists over
legality of transferring the re-
ed amount from the emergency
. Registration at . the Normal
ols Superintendent Johnson re-
ed today amounts to 3,929, an in-
se over last year of. nearly 50
cent. In preparing the budget al-
.nce was made for this expected
ease, but the legislature cut the
opriation from the $2,500,000 re-
ted to $1,054,000, the fund avail-
not permitting employment of
tional instructors needed to han-
he large enrollment, Mr. Johnson
19AY STRIKE looms'
icago, Sept. 27. - An imme-
strike of the 186,000 railway
employed on the American roads
be ordered if the strike vote, now
g counted, favors it, James Mur-
vice-president of the organiza-
announced tonight.
s a amtter of fact," said Mr.
lock, "a strike really was author-
already by the leaders. The-
te the vote is counted the strike
red will be issued - provided
vote favors a strike and there is
chance that the leaders will op-
the wishes of the men." Counting
ie strike ballots will be complet-
within a few' days.
ss of a small map of a portion
rance, from his desk yesterday,
reported last night by Prof. H.
ulding of the drawing depart-
who requested, that if a stu-
has it, that he return it immedi-
as it was not his, property.

Strunts Arranged
For League Party
Funny darky minstrels, frolicksome
dancers and the best .of the campus
singers expect to make freshman wo-
men forget that home and mother are
far away, and give the upperclass wo-
men an added thrill to coming back
at the opening party of the Women's
league which is to be given at 7:30
o'clock tonight in Barbour gymnasium.
Elise Smith, '22 Christine Murkette,
'22, and other stars from last .year's
Junior Girls' play, "Selina Sue," will
repeat parts of the play.
Dean Myra B. Jordan, Mrs. Marion
4L. Burton,. Mrs. J.RR. Effinger, Miss
Marion Wood, and Miss Marion Daw-
ley will form a receiving line to greet
the members of the league. An or-
chestra will furnish music for danc-
ing and refreshments will be served.
This party is for all University wo-

UFion Reception Committee Completes
Arrangements for Welcome
to '25 Men
'Plans were made by the reception
committee of the Union at :a meeting
yesterday for President Marion L.
Burton's meeting of the members- of
the freshman classes which will be
held in the Michigan Union Assembly
hail at 7 o'clock tonight. Members of
the Sphinx and Triangle and the re-
ception committee will introduce
each freshman to the President. The
Union orchestra will furnish music
for the evening. ,
Emerson Swart, '22E, president of
the Union, will give a ghort talk and
then introduce President Burton, who
will deliver an address of welcome to
the members of the class of '25.
The reception committee hopes that
there will be a large turn-out of
freshmen to meet President Burton.
The committee of the Union arranging
the reception is composed of James.
G. Frey, '22, chairman; James Hume,
'23, assisant chairman; David L.
Beers, '22, Lawrence P. Mlarphy, '22E,
Burton E. Dunlap, '23, Max R.
Schrayer, '23E, Samuel A. Ginsberg,
'23, Victor H. Method, '23, Clifford W.
Stuart, '22, and Paul G. Goebel,

Ree Measure
Meets Approval
Washington, Sept. 27.-Unanimous
agieement about the emergency relief
measure on the part of manufacturers
to be recommended to the national
conference on unemployment was
reached today by the committee in
charge of this branch of the country's
employment problem. rs
The. committee's report, which was
not made public, is to be submitted
to the full conference for adoption
when it reconvenes on Oct. 5. It was
understood, however, that the report
would suggest some arrangement of
working time to permit. of a more
numerous employment of workers by
the manufacturers.
The first public hearing of the con-
ference was held today on unemploy-
ment statistics and a number of wit-
nesses presented data for the
use of the delegates. Unreadiness
to accept work at reduced wages was
assigned as a contributory cause of
the unemployment situation by Rus-
sell Phelps, director of statistics of
the Massachusetts labor department,
while Harry D. Jacobs, president of
the ex-service men's employment bu-
reau, declared the problem among
former soldiers was to find positions
for the great percentage of illiterates
and unskilled men, too weakened
from their service for hard labor.

Bids will be received for the
Refreshment Concession on Fer-
ry field for the college year 1921-
22 up to 6 p. m. Thursday, Sept.
29, 1921. See Mr. Tillotson,
Athletic Office, in reference to'
conditions and restrictions gov-
'ov erning the concession.



New Entrants for
May MIake Ye



the present
students enrc

lar University term a
campus, according to
from the treasurer's
close of Tuesday's bi
This figure does no
Summer school enro
with which, after su


made for double enrolln
BIG TEN SCHOOLS REPORT tal will be more than 1(


Records Will Be Moved to Office
Dean Bursley After


'Plenty of rooms are still available
for tsudents. Prices have dropped 25
per cent in the past week and are
still too high," stated J. C. Stevens,
'23, chairman of the Union housing


committee, yesterday.


More than 600 rooms are still un-
rented and the demand is practically
at a standstill, according to Stevens.
These are mostly double rooms and
suites, and would accommodate per-
haps 1,500 students. Very few single
rooms are vacant.
Double rooms which were held for
$8 are now easily rented for $6.50,
while single rooms formerly priced
at $5 to $6 can be obtained now for
$3 and $4, according to the commit-
tee's data. People. wfo bou ht houses
to obtain high rents are th ones re-
sponsible for the prices prevailing
last week, in Stevens' opinion.
The committee meets for the last
time from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock today
in the second floor reading room of
the Union, after which the office of
Joseph A. -Bursley, Dean of Students,
in University hall will handle re-,
quests for rooms.
Treasurer's Office Moved From Gym.
Following yesterday's business in
Waterman gymnasium, the treasur-
er's . office was moved back into old
quarters in the south wing of Uni-
versity hall.
SThe final day in the larger quarters
brought in the enrollment fees of 217
students, and numerous payments on
gymnasium locker tickets and labora-
tory privileges.
The moving of the treasurer's of-
,fice to temporary quarters'din the gym-
nasium again proved to be one of the
best ways of relieving congestion dur-
ing enrollment week, acording to of-
ficials. ,There was practically nor
waitng in line as there has been when
the office remained in its permanent]
New Fraternity Established
Alpha chapter of Beta- Phi Delta
fraternity, chartered last spring, has
now fully organized on the Michigan
campus and secured a house. This1
Is the home chapter, but it is expected'
that other chapters will soon be es-i
tablished in the colleges of the Mid-3
dle West. There are 25 members in5
this chapter. The house is situated
at 908 Monroe street.t

"I don't want 4uantity, I want pro-
fessionalism," Prof. A. S. Whitney,
acting dean' of the School of Educa-
tion, said yesterday in an interview
concerning the new education depart-
ment. "We want to train people to
be leaders in educational lines, high
school principals, superintendents
and college professors. We are not
in the least interested in the young,
woman wearing a diamond ring on her
third finger who wishes to' teach.
school for a year and then specialize
in cooking,
Enrollment Large
The School of Education, which was
first installed at the University at
the beginning of the Summer Session,
has enrolled a total of approximately
200 students, many o'f them graduate
students, including one having a de-
gree of Ph. D. So far 139 have enroll-
ed for the fall term. Dean Whitney
stated that he expected an increase
of about 100 students each year, and
that those students would receive the
highest training possible> for educa-
tion as a life work, work in which
success and advancement were as
much a reality as serious minded stu-
dents wished to make it. This is the
first year in which it has been possi-
ble to carry on highly advanced work
in education for graduate students.
The germ of organization for the
school was formed under the presi-
dency of James B. Angell, who recog-
nized the need for a well developed
department of this kind, not only as
an added school of the University but
in fostering the best kind of profes-
sional teaching in the schools and col-
leges of Michigan, and to raise its
scholarship standard.
Dean Whitney Organizer
The idea was finally completed and
put into execution after years of
work in that direction by Dean Whit-
ney, who was a member of the Uni-
versity faculty during Dr. Angell's
An appropriation of $300,000 was.
made to the department by the legis-1
lature two years ago, and a sum of
$350;000 during the past winter, afterj
which the Board of Regents decided, ,
to install the new school immediately.

The School of Education includes a
four year course in physical education
in -which entering students may en-
roll. The number of physical educa-
tion students so far have numbered
somewhat less than 30., Other stu-
dents entering the regular School of
Education must have 60 hours of
university credit.
There are X15 members of the School
of Education faculty', including Prof.
James B. Edmonson and Prof. Guy M.
Whipple, and eight professors of oth-
er colleges of the University who
have been enrolled for part time in-
Rehearsals' for the 1922 Michigan
Union opera will begin next week in
the newly constructed theater, accord-
ing to E. Mortimer Shuter, director of
the opera. A final opportunity for
the appearance of tryouts will also be.
given some day next week.
The road trip which the opera wll
take this year is the longest ever tak-
en by the cast of any previous produc-
tion. Performances will begin on the
night of Dec. 5 for a week's run at
the Whitney theater. After a rest in-
terval of 'five days the troupe will take
the road, opening its road perform-
ances at Grand Rapids on Dec. 1. On
leaving Grand Rapids performances
will be given in the following cities,
in order: Indianapolis, Dayton, Lima,
Pontiac, Port Huron, Bay City, Sagi-
naw, Flint, Toledo, Cleveland, Cincin-
nati, Chicago two nights, and finish-
ing with two performances in Detroit.
Five plays have been submitted and
the comngittee's action upon them will
be announced in the near future. Sev-
eral men are already writing' music
for the opera and anyone intending to'
do so should report to Mr. Shuter for,
lyrics upon which to work.

Preliminary official tests, conducted
by the Western Conference Radio
News service for the purpose of de-
termining the practicability . of the
proposed system for handling inter-
collegiate press, proved successful
Monday night, to the extent of con-
ducting an interchange of news be-
tween six of the Conference schools.
Purdue, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illin-
ois and Northwestern sent out news
briefs through the central station,
"9ZN" at Chicago, and reported "ok"
when that' station later broadcasted
the reports. ,
t ore Tests Tonight
Further tests will be conducted to-'
night, and it is believed that the sys-
tem may soon be perfected so that
news may be handled regularly be-
tween the various universities of the
Big Ten.
At the present time the Michigan
station, located on the Engineering
building, is hampered by the fact that
the main aerial was blown down late
in' the ,summer and has not yet been
repaired. Pending rather extensive
alterations and repairs, the Univer-.
sity set is operating on the R. 0. T.
C. aerial, just south of the building,
and is using the R. O. T. C. government
call letters, "WU9." In spite of the
difficulty attendant upon working un-
der such conditions, however, the sta-
tion Monday night was in direct com-
munication with Wisconsin and with
the .central station at Chicago, and
succeeded in putting through Mich-
igan news with dispatch.K
Time Scheduve Arranged
The tests tonight will begin at 11:30
o'clock, Ann Arbor time. As before,
Purdue, Indiana, Ohio State, Michigan,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illin-'
ois will call "9ZN" in order, 15 minutes
time being allowed for each. At 1:30,
"9ZN" will then broadcast all reports
sent him. The Chicago station is in
communication regularly by telephone
with Chicago and - Northwestern uni-
versities, both of which are somewvhat
lacking in radio facilities.
The wave length used by most of the
stations for the tests is 375 meters.
Women's League Offers Aid to Houses
In order to assist the league houses
in individual organization the Wom-
en's league will, upon application to
Joyce McCurdy, '21, vice-president,
send a trained league 'woman to con
duct the first house meeting, and to of-
fer suggestions for efficient organiza-
tion for the year.
Daylight Saving Time Ends Oct. 30
Ann Arbor clocks will be set back
one hour Sunday, Oct. 30, changing
the time here frgm Eastern to Cen-
tral. This change will be made in ac-
cordance. with the daylight saving
plan ordinance of this city.

Late Entries Expeci
Compared with last year
is still somewhat lower, bu
tries are expected daily.
between the estimates mac
registrar's office and the I
office would indicate that ful
still expected to present I
for late registration. Shoul
timate prove accurate, the e
of the student body actual
campus would still be abou
than it was last year.
Pigures and estimates do
that the 10 per cent increa
ed during the registration
be reached. However, seco
ter registration, included is
tals for the past year, may
year's enrollment to a po
that of the University yE
4,500 inlterary Coll
Slightly more than 4,500
rolled in the College of I
Science, and the Arts, acc
their records, and unconfirn
es are to the effect that
neering school enrollment
slightly more than 2,000. B
transfers the secretaries of
ous schools and colleges ha
yet completed their rolls.
Yesterday 217 students >
tuition fees, and from now
end of the first week in Oct(
are 25 a day expected. Re
G. Hall has given a great i
students entering late rele
the payment of a tardy 'fee. T
sented reasons that they we
to return" until they werec
financial conditions caused
depression in the nation's b
More than 50 persons, on
whom were students at th
sity, were arrested in Ann .
Tuesday night in violation of
ordinance which provides th
tomobile shall be parked on
lic ;highway at night unle
lighted by at least three lam
front and one in the rear,
to Chief of Police Thomas (
Ann Arbor.
"I wish to impress the ;
Ant Arbor of their infring
this ordinance," said the ch
lice. "Many were also arrf
Monday night on this same c


Le subscription price for
Michigan Datly is $3.50 per
to local and out-of-town
cribers. By writing The
y office or signing a sub-
ition card on the campus you
be assured immediate de-
I Michigan Dailies should be
ived regularly, in good con-
n and on the porch before
a-thirty in the morning.
cribers will confer a favor
'he Daily if they will report
unsatisfactory delivery.


Tryouts for the business
The Michigan Daily may
between 2 and 4 o'clock a
ernoon this 'week. Men in
ed in advertising writing
used at once. First 'se
freshmen are not eligibl(


Students mustexchange athletic coupon fo athletic book before 12 noon

October Ist, 1921.

Otherwise they will have to pay admission of Fifty Cents

Ushers wanted for Ohio State and Minnesota games. The Athletic Assoc
will pay a fee of $1.00 for each game to University .students, providing they are
to report at Ferry Field at 4:00 P. M. Friday, the day previous to -the game, and
noon on the day of the game.
Applicants for ushering appointments call immediately at the Athletic C
Room No. 7, Ann Arbor Press Building, to leave couporn No. 4 and No. 5 with
class and address onj reverse side of each coupon.

the Mount Union game.

Books :can be secured at the Athletic Office.

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