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September 26, 1922 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-09-26

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Smlft Cruiser Takes French Envoy
Smyrna with Proposals of
Three Powers


Athens, Sept. 25.-Athens is likely
.to be the scene of important political
events as a result of the military dis-
aster in Asia Minor, according todec-
larations by influential Greeks. A
coup d'etat is mentioned as a possi-
bility by which King Constantine will
summon a distinguished leader, prob-
ably General Metaxas, to conduct the
affairs of state as premier, or even as
a sort of dctatgr, in an effort to rally
the people about the existing regime,
and especially to support sending a
powerful army into Thrace to check
the Turkish invasion. -
Cabinet Seems Doomed
Constantine is described as unde-
cided about his program, but it is'gen-a
erally agreed that the present cabinet
cannot long endure. The people are
said to be on the point of demanding
a change in government, with vigorous
leaders who are capable of uniting and
enthusing the patriotism of the nation.
They 1nsit on the right of saving
Thrace, with its rich wheat fields so
necessary to the future prosperity of
* General Metaxas was prominent in
the Balkan wa, but never held polit-
ical office. It is evident that Greece
wishes to go to the peace conference
with a strong hand, and the presence
of a powerful army In Thrace will
give her new important cards.
Venizelos Party Increased
The internal political situation is
difficult because partisans of Venizelos
have increased since the military re-
verses in Asia Minor. The Metaxas
movement,. however, is characterizedf
by' his friends as embodying a conc-
iatory attempt to inspire co-operation
between the followers of the king andf
.'.I program would not inclu e ?hp
return of Venizelos to Greece, but
would mean the naming of some ofi
'tis supporters to the cabinet or diplo-i
matic bost abroad;.
Constantinople, Sept. 2.-The Brit-
ish officials annoluce that a Turkish
force of 1,100 cavalry, which crossed"
the neutral zone at Chanak Saturdayl
night, retired Sunday on 'Bairamjik
following a meetig at 6 o'clock Sun-.1
day morning between the commanders
of the Turkish aedBritish forces. No
shots were fired. The Turks retired
under a white flag.
British Ilalt Turks -
The Turks stopped their advance
when the British notified the Turkish
commander that a further forward
moveemnt would cause the British tol
open fire.
The Turkish ultimatum allowed un-
til 5 o'clock Saturday .afternoon for
guaranties respeting the return of
Thrace, and it' Was because no guar-
anties were forthcoming that the
Turkish cavalry crossed the border.I
The Health Service staff is moving
into its new headquarters in the build-
ing just south of the Homeopathic
hospital and expect to be equipped to
care for the students as soon as school
'The new -luilding is much more
mdern tha4 the 'one formerly occu-T
pied by the 'Health Service. There
are better heating, lighting, and ven-
ilating facilities; the waiting., room,
which will be used by both men and
women, is to be in the sun parlor.
The women, by this arrangement, will
have the same advantage of consult-
ing the physicians as the men.
A'new feature Is the Health Ser-
vice' infirmary, recently established.
There will be 20 to 25 beds on the
second floor which will be used to
care for ' temporary illnesses which
heretofore have received attention at
the rooms of the students. There
will be more treatment rooms, which
will be open on the first floor where
all of the doctors' dispensary work
will be done.
Doctor Reynolds and Doctor Kimp-
ton will be the new doctors on the
staff. Both men have been connected
with this kind of work at other uni-

versities. Doctors Miller and Ed-
monds, formerly of the staff, have gone
into private practice.
According to Doctor Forsythe, di-
rector of the Health Service, the stu-
dents will receive medical attention
which approaches the ideal, and at a
small expense equalled in very few,
if any, comparable communities or

Summer Faculty
Concert P'leases
Variety of selections, rendered by
musicians of great artistic ability,
characterized the summer series of
faculty concerts which were held in
Hill ,auditorium every Wednesday
evening during the summer session of
the University. The artists ,were
largely of the faculty or graduates of
the University School of Music.
The summer musical season was
opened on June 28, when Harry R.
Evans, organist, Otto D. Patton, tenor,
and Emily Muther, violinist, were joint
soloists before a large and apprecia-
tive audience. Among the prominent
artists wh6 provided vocal or intru-
mental entertainment during the sum-
mer are Mrs. George B. Rhead, of the
piano department of the School of Mu-,
sic; Mr. William Wheeler, head of the
vocal department of the sanie school;
Anthony J. Whitmire, acting head of
the violin department, and Mr. Carl
Lindegren, baritone, head of' the voice
department of the Michigan State
Normal college.
The closing concert was given Au-
gust 7. The Summer Choral union
gave a fine rendition of Elgar's "Ban-
ner of St. George," under the direc-
tion of George Oscar Bowexi, h'ead of
the public school music department of
the School of Music.
Practically all of the conceits were
well attended.


The merger of the Homoeopathic
and 'University hospitals has been
:Made, and apparently' no insurmount-
able difficulties have as yet been met,
according to D. W. Springer, superin-
tendent of the Homoeopathic hospital
According to the new arrangement,
the north end of the Homoeopathic
hospital is to be reserved for Homoeo-
pathic medical cases, and the south
and middle wards are to be used for
convalescent cases.
The children who formerly occupied
the place now occupied by the Health
Service have been moved to the Ho-
moeopathic hospital proper and to the
University hospital. Those needing
only medical attention have, for the
most part, been moved to the north
end of the Homoeopathic hospital,
where they are cared for in a suite
of rooms.
Every day at 10 o'clockain the morn-
ing and 2 o'clock in the afternoon Dr.
Hugh M. Beebe carries on diagnosti-
cian work at the Homoeopathic hos-
pVital to decide whether the patient is
to enter the University or the Homoeo-
pathic hospital.
First Paper of Kind in Any American
University Is Well
Received ,

Model High School and Eogugen'ng
Shops Pass Foundation
The building program of the Uni-
versity of Michigan took mnaterial1
steps toward completion during the z
summer months as the Engineering I
shops and Model High school passed'
beyound the foundation stage and thet
excavation was prepared for the new
physics building. The exterior o thez
Clements iibr.ry also was comp1ted j
and the decorating, interior *ix'k end
finishing touches on the whole build-
Shops situated on East Universlty
ing are all that remain to compet it.
Excavations for the Engineeringz
avenue across from the Engineering1
building, were begun on June 23.t
Since that time the excavations ave
been completed and the foundations
and frame work laid.
Clements Library Nears Conipleibon
The Clements librad will becom-
pleted be re Nov. 1 if work now ,un-,
der progress continues as. planned.
This building, situated on South Uni-
versity avenue, was started in ad-
vance of the other buildings uder
construction. It is designed in thea
period of architecture typical of. thej
Italian renaissance period, the com-E
pleted stonework on the exterior being
along these .lines and the interior as
already constructed, showiin, the1
same situation there. The busildng is
the. gift of Regent William L. Clem-
ents, '85, and will be used to house
the historical collection of boks that
he is presenting to the University.
While excavations on ,the new
Model1High School, on East Uiver-
sity immediately south of Suth Uni-
versity were started later than were
the others, this building i well un-
der way and work is being rushed in
the construction of the foundations
and framework.
Physics Building Unde Way
The new Physics building, on the
site previously occupied by the auto-
mobile- branch of the egineering
building, is under way. The first of
the foundations were laid last Friday,
and the excavation, which reaches 37
feet into the ground will house three
sub basements to the building, is
nearly completed.
The time for the completion of the
buildings under way, while still en-
tirely .indefinite, has been approxi-
mately set as August, 1923 by Prof.
John F. Shepard who is in charge of
the building program. While this
date is 'subject to change due to the
conditions that surround the con-
struction, it is probable that the build-
ings will be completed at about this
Work on the buildings has been
very little held up" by the economic
and labor situations in the United
States during the summer,, Professor
Shepard stated yesterday. While
many concerns throughout the coun-
try were stranded in construction
work due to the lack of materials
caused by the railroad strike, the
contracting firms who are erecting
the University structures experienced
little or none of this difficulty and
work continued with scarcely any in-
Great Lakes Ships to Burn Oil
Detroit, Sept. 24.-The. South Am-
erican and North American, great

Strand theater, Pittsburg, showing hole in foyer where floor gave way.
Police and city authorities of the death of one child and :,e in- children waited at the door for
Pittsburg are probing the Strand jury of thirty-eight others. Tho admission to the picture sl-a
jt eater disaster which resulted in 1.concrete floor gave way as fifty_ The picture was "The 1'rap." ,

Two Articles by Pr. Van Tyne
Aperin Atlantic fronihly Numbers

Conclusions on the Indian situation,;
resulting from a thorough study un-
der the most favorable conditions, are
the substance of a series of two arti-
cles by Prof. C. H. Van Tyne, headJ
of the history department, appearing
in the July and September issues of1
the Atlantic'monthly.(
Under the provisions of the Govern-'
ment of India Act, enacted in 1919, a
legislative council of two houses, with
the majority of the members freely
elected by the Indian constituencies,
has been established to assist in the
government. In theory the govern-1
ment is not responsible to this body,
but in practice the fear of wreckingl
the new scheme which they have cre-
ated has lead those in power to con-
cede to its wishes.
Two phases of the plan, hardly
comprehensible to the American mind,.
are communal representation and
what is termed "duarchy." The for-
mer provides, instead of our propor-
tional representation, a means for the
representation of certain Indian mi-
norities, the Sikhs, the Parsis, the
non-Brahmans, the Mohammedans,
the European business, interests-
greatly out of proportion to their
numbers, The latter is the division
of the "functions of the provincial,
government into reserved and trans-
ferred subjects," giving, charge of
peace, order, and good government to
the Governor, as of old, and passing
over the promotion of education, sani-
tation, and public works to the In-
dian Legislative Council.
Not Ready for Democracy
Professor Van Tyne is certain that
India is not ready for our ideas of
democracy and says, "Anyone who
imagines that India is ready for our
democratic ideas of rule by a majority
should read the addresses presented
to the Montagu Commission. * * * It
is as if the Christian Scientists, the
Scandinavians, the Jews, the tobacco-
grcwers, the Greek shoeblacks 'of the
United States should protest against
their minority interests being left to
the mercy of a majority decision in
the American congress.
"Those who devised the Government
of India Act frankly say that their
purpose was to give the- Indians ex-
perience in self-government while
providing, during the immediate
future, against any foolish or :incon-
sidered action injurious to Indian or
to British interests.
Lack Efficient Administration
Professor Van Tyne had the oppor-
tunity of visiting the Indian Legisla-
tive Assembly in session at Delhi.
The. brilliance of the Oriental cos..
tumes made it a picturesqtue occasion.
He was astonished at the "oratorical
and reasoning ability display'ed in
their debates, but declares, "They will
need years of experience and drill be-
fore they can give the concentrated
attention, the ceaseless watchfulness,
the devotion to details, the tireless
hour after hour, day in and day out
attention which makes an efficient ad-
Judgments passed on 'the Act are
many and varied. The young English-
men in the diplomatic service regard
the giving of responsibility to.the In-
dians as a death knell to their am-
bitions, the rest, of the official class

all the people might be divided into
four classes-the conservatives who
fully. realize' the difficulties of ther
situatidn and aunrove of the plan as
the best solution, the moderates who
hope' for more, the nationalists who
are fighting for further concessions
through the medium of the Legislative
Council, and the followers of Gandhi
who would attain the same end by
non-cooperation with the government.
One Outstanding Leader. 1
The outstanding leader of the In..
dian masses for the last few years,
according to Prof. Van Tyne,. has been1
Mohandas Kaiamehand Gandhi. He
plays upon the religious fervor of
the people, their outstanding- charac-
teristic, and is considered a holy man.~
There is no doubt as to his sincerity,1
his absolute certainty that India "is4
being ground down, not under the.
English heel but under that of mod-1
ern civilization." He would use "love-
force, soul-force, or passive resist-
ance," to overcome the opposition. In
spite of his beautiful personality,
Gandhi is a real danger to the wel-
fare of Inria and his arrest by Brit-
ish authorities was justified.
Need British Rule
"The only unity India enjoys," he
says, "is the gift of British rule. It
has beyond question brought India
nearer to politicalscompetence and na-
tional unity than she would in all rea-
son have been without it. * * *R
the British should leave, suddenly,
without preparing the Indians
through a long period to 'assume the
burden of government, untold chaos'
would result.
"This great imperial problem must
be solved in India. It is not within
the power of any party in England to
arrest movement of political opinion
in, India. In the present stage, the
temper of that opinion is one of the
vital factors; and any attempt to re-
assert the control of the Imperial
Parliament too obviously will have a
bad effect."'
Admiral Charles B. Plunkett of the
'United States navy, hero of the Great'
War, and at present the president of
the Board of Inspection and Survey of
the United States navy, will be the'
principal speaker at the initial smoker
of the Engineering society in the as-
serbly hall of the Union next Thurs-'
day night.
During the recen't war Admiral
Plunkett had charge of the 14-inch"
naval gun batteries in France. In the
course of his command a shipment of
unassembled guns arrived without the
blueprints. :It being essential that
these batteries be .in commission im-
mediately, he performed the unpar-
alleled'feat of assembling them with-
out the blueprints. In recognition of
his' services he was awarded the

Rev. -Henry Lewis, recently assist-
ant atthe Church of 'the Holy Trinity,
22nd St. and Lennox Avenue, Newl
York City, has arrived in Ann Arbort
and assumed his duties as rector of1
St. Andrew's Episcopal church, Di-1
vision and Catharine streets.
Mr. Lewis, although a graduate of1
the Berkeley , Divinity school, com-
pleted a course at the University of
Pennsylvania before enrolling in di-
vinity. While at Penn he made a name1
for himself as an athlete, and when
the Pennsylvania football tiam in-
vaded Ann Arbor in 1915 he wore the
red and blue on Ferry field.]
The St. Andrew's rectory is at pres-
ent being renovated and made ready
for its new occupant. Mr. Lewis hasj
established a temporary residence at
407 E. Kingsley street, the home of
Mrs. John Lawrence..
An innovation in the portraying of
football games on foreign territory
will be inaugurated here at the time
of the Michigan-Vanderbilt game this
year. Through the efforts of the;
Boosters' association, an electrically-
lighted by-by-play gridiron has been
presented to the Booster committee on
athletic affairs, of which Arthur B.
Davidson, '23, is chairman.
The board is known as the "Grid-
Graph" and is manufactured by a Co-
iumbus, O., concern. At the top of the
board the quarter is shown by deans
of a circle of lights and the division
of the circle into numbered quarters..
The board is elliptical in shape.
Lights Show Position of Bal
Around the top edge the score and
the downs are shown. In the center
is a properly proportioned gridiron,
where the position of the ball is shown
at all times by means of lights. The
instant a play is made it is reflected
on the board and a light flashes on
beside the name of the player who is
carrying the ball. The names of the
opposing team are shown at the sides
of the gridiron. Below the gridiron
the exact nature of the play in prog-
ress is shown. For example, when a
forward pass or a kickoff or atouch-
down is made a lightflashes on beside
the 'particular play that is made.
As yet, according to the committee,
the exact location of the board is un-
certain. It is thought that the repro-
duction will be shown in Hill audito-
rium in inclement weather. When
weather permits it may be shown in
Ferry field.

Pioneer in its field' as the first
college summer daily paper in exist-
ence, The Summer Michigan Daily
completed its initial year with narked
success, assuring it as a permanent
institution in Michigan's publications.
It was the first attempt made by any
university summer school in the coun-
try to give its students daily news.
The Summer Daily became a reality
last spring through the efforts of Leo
J. Hershdorfer, '23, and Herold C.
Hunt, '23 Ed, who had been previously
elected managing editor and business
manager respectively of the 1922 Wol~-
verine and who petitioned the Board
in Control of Student Publications for
permission to change the summer
paper to a daily. This permission
was granted.
Is First Year Round College Daily
This step gave Michigan the first
all year round daily paper of all of
the universities in the country.
The Summer Daily of the past Sum-
mer session was the experiment, tried
to determine whether this new change
in policy would' be successful. Al-
most a continuance of The Michigan
Daily, commencing only a week after,
that publication clsed its offices, The
Summer Michigan Daily came out
during Commencement week with
three extras giving the Commence-
mentsaddress by Charles Evans
Hughes, Secretary of State, gradu-
ation nevs and general news for the
benefit of the Commencement crowds
and 'alumni.
Two weeks later the'Summer ses-
sion opened and from then on the
Summer Daily ran continuously, six
days a week, putting out in all a total
of 45 issues, up to the closing of
school Aug. 13.
Advertising Tripled
The circulation of the new paper
reached nearly to the thousand point
showing an increase of fifty per cent.
over the previous summer edition, The
Wolverine. Advertising was tripled and
Associated Press news was allowed
twice the space that it had been pre-
viously allowed, giving the paper
much more outside news.
In writing to the editors of the
Summer Daily and commenting on
the paper President Marion L. Bur-
ton said, "It is needless for me to
say to you that I have read every copy
of it with the greatest interest and
it has kept me in fine touch with the
development of affairs 'at the Summer
session. I want to congratulate both
of you upon the success of the first
experiment with a Summer Daily. I
imagine there will be no further dis-
cussion about the subject and that in
the future it will be published daily
as it has been this summer."'
A letter from Dean Ed'ward H.
Kraus of the Summer session voices
the same opinion. The Dean writes,
'I am confident that the placing of
the, summer publication on a daly
basis has contributed much to the de-
velopment of the best spirit among
the student body as a whole that the
Summer session has had- th'us far.
Permit me to congratulate you upon
the success of the Summer Daily."
Charles D. Hixon, '23D, was shot
and killed by Patrolman Walter
Storch July 5 in Detroit. 'A coroner's
jury held that Hixon "did not obey
commands from an officer in fear of

I1 C lOi; COSTI'NG aIX ..
Mimic Battles Lasting Several Days
Discontinued When' Craf Slips to
Tragic End
- Mineola, N. Y., Sept. 24.-Prepara-
tions were under way today for an
army board inquiry into the crash of.
a Martin bombing plane which killed
six army men at Mitchel field, Satur--
day night attthe conclusion of the
mimic air' attack' on the land forces-
at the cantonment. Major Weaver,
commanding the field, will appoint a
board of army officers Mo day to hold
an inquiry into the crash, the cause
of which, it is said, probably never
will be known.
One of the six victims, it was re-
ported unofficially at the field, was a
"stowaway." Those killed were:
LW to Klled,.
First Lieutenant Raymond E. Da-
vis, a regular army pilot of Lang-
ley field, Va.
First Sergeant Thomas Benfield, of
Corporal David H. Stivens, New
First Class Private Edward Kane,
who left no home address.
Private Henry J. Nichols, route .,
Carr Hill, Tex.
Private Irving M. Whitney, of Ash-
burnham, Mass.
All but Lieutenant Davis were sta-
tioned at Mitchel field.
Whitney, it was i.inofficialiy reported
at the field, was a stowaway. An un-
official check up of post assignments
of the victims of the tragedy -faled"
to show that he had been assigned
as one of the men to man the bomber
in her single -turn of the field.
Tpe point most often stressed by
army officers in discussing the trage-
dy is that the 'bomber was beyond
the field. of powerful searchlights,
which were used by the "blue," or
defensive forces in the maneuvers.
It 'was at first b lieved that Davis had
become blinded by the brilliance of
the shafts of light which criss-crossed
the dark skies.
Iliscount Mist Theory
Officers also disbelieved that the
purple land mist which drifted down
bong Island had in any way confused,
Davis, who was recognized as one of
the best fliers of bombing planes in
the air service.
"Just another one of those air trage-
dies which probably never will be ex-
plained," Major Weaver said in his
brief official announcement of the ac-
The flight of the Martin bomber was
scheduled as a single turn of the fiel
in order to give officers of the reserve
corps, for whose benefit the manen-
vers are being held, an idea of the
low visibility of a plane, even the size
of the Martin bomber, at ight.
The turn of the field, as ordered,
had been accomplished. The search-
lights were at the regular 20-degree
angle, it was said, so that they in
no way confused the pilot. With his
hlangarlights to guide him, Lieuten-
ant Davis; suddenly banked his :ma-
chine in preparation for landing. At
the top of the bank, when the wings
of the plane were almost perpendicu-
lar, the bomber suddenly side slipped
and fell. A yellow flash of light cut
the dark for a moment as every in-
flammableaobject on the plane burned.
The bomber struck the ground with
her two motors wide open. The im-
pact as- the nose of the plane tore-
into the ground is reported to have
shaken a frame building nearby.
Motorist Reaches Wreckage
The field in which the bomber fell

is between the Long Island estate of
Alexander Smith-Cochrane and the
Meadowbrook Hunt club. The first
person to reach the scene after the
crash was a motorist who was driving
on a nearby turnpike. Three of the
bodies had been thrown clear of the
wreckage. When the first army surg-
eon reached the scene two of the men
still were breathing. They died be-
fore reaching the army hospital.
BThe bodies of Davis and Sergeant
Benfieldwere burned beyond recog-
nition., it was said by physicians at
the hospitalvthataDavis' body was in
such condition: that it would. be im-
possible to determine whether or not
he had been overcome while banking
his plane or that his death had oc-:
curred from .natiral causes, and the
side slipping of the plane resulted
from his inability to operate the gia t
Photography is expected to play a
large part in the inquiries to be con-
ducted into the accident. Men of the
Fourteenth Photographic section.
headquarters of which is at Mitchel
'field, were on the scene and had been
making night pictures of the maneu-
vers for records at Washington. A

Union Registration Shows 2,600
Registration at the Union last night
showed that a total of approximately
2,600 students had signed up with
this organization. The office on the
first floor lobby will keep open for
some time to enable the late comers

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