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September 25, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-09-25

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'a ' t
Cpl ° . _ _ 4 , :4 t' _ _ <. 4ad .h }


BENT BUBTONAPP ' E; .e i S - Q i. }H..i s .
xflEUIN} 7A ur [ -.T £ $c i'stm
OtINE YEAg~siNC iLs .


~h a~i~ n hpolitical side of the-
~eai ~>~r~ prblem leaves the sit-
.'ch ierand'transfers the
o loiardauelles, where to-

ae& jjVe the combustible na-
> eo ~irb em to Sbe solved there.
zF I Al . w _ 3 CoLa b z'°s he irt ~tual Incident" between
_ ait 10hw ~ I ~K~~~i!o n lrks has already oc-
- (urE-Uit-ithecase 'of Turkish viola-
thi ,4t~v~ ~haakneutral zone, but
41ND or 011, j5 ~ N~ n~:d~~3 ~ n Ahpiyafter a conference
LC' , NUGI g tial adydei s ;Pte the 3 rit'sh and. Turkish com-
~)Ubfl~~ U~t bi 1-i Y ~ I hi ii:J4nt'while seemingly dis-
Ia Uiccs 1 J g nl , r P I t : :O iL ',, c : ~ ;p a n p r nce of the lK em alists
~'la I'elulo ~I~I ~nin1.!n'oiptiMing a conflict, will un-
.Iv? i&:. ~ ,~rPelyb-k tezed upon by those
-"-- '' ;O ornment-at home who
y ~r) l - ~ ~ ~ iPii evacuation of the
enil ot4! tnde's f ~~,j r~kZOL a3the French and Ital-
;r, ._ c kay evacuated, arguing
i1 lc of a British i''i-

Christian Association Leaders Discuss
Sports, Attitudes, Values,
With freshmen
"The necessity of having a plan,,x
scholarship, character, the desire to
know the truth, and religion are some
things which the student beginning
the University must watch," said JEAN HAMILTON, who vas nanieO'
President Marion L.. Burton in his ad- Dean- of Women at the Regents'
dress Saturday evening before a large meeting of June 28, to succeed
number of first year men who assem- Former Dean Myra B. Jorda~n who
bled at Lane hall under the auspices resigned last spring.
of the Student Christian association
One of the outstanding points in on
president's speech was his statemn
that the University asked that ever 9 P , wH UL M
man# should be a real man, a man of
religion is one of the sovereign inter- C N R N O N I
ests of life," he said, "and that the
principal business of life consists of
getting into proper relationship the Will Consider New Plans for Classl
life inside us with that outside us." Elections at First Mee0ting
R. E. Adams, Jr., '23, president of Wednesday'
the S. C. A., spoke concerning oppor-
tunities at the University, especially TO COMPILE SCHEDULE OF
those in the way of Christian -york ALL ACTIVITIFS FOR YEAR

Prof. Herbert R. Cross, head of the'
fine arts department since its incep-
tion, and well known in art circles
throughout the country, resigned lastC
Friday from his position as head of
the department and member of~ the
University faculty, according to an an-'
nouncement made through the literary'
college Saturday morning. The resig-
nation was tendered upon request, and
Bruce Donaldson, of the fine arts de-
partment, will assume active direction
of the work in the department, accord-
ing to the announcement Professor
Cross' resignation took effect at once.

LITr s-c


Only Normal

Enrollment in the Univ(
end of the fifth day of the
period, Saturday night, in(
turn to normalcy, with.
crease over last year's tot,
to Registrar Arthur G.
elirollmnent since the ope
period last Tuesdaya
6,450, indicating a pro'babl
gain of about 400 over la:
ure of 11,129, of whom on
tended the regular ses
year's increase over, the3
ing was 497.

:~n~h-~: n ir~vto provoke just such
re -i~z~ 1. r kc ' r :~-i, t ngering the preser-
an, -r u~o h h t ire apprehensive that
ltO sz t - r&" fk q r u1 rr 'icident will happen
ope 1 :l~byIae Ti ay be disinclined to
ipe -! a I did today.
all thoi PRICEntSIt0I I I A
, i tiE 11 ,aI fi ItAJIiI'-l in
siden; will -1 tniop - IA ~~ IY T- .JI10 4'Oth lSeen In Number
-~ed y th~ ffst nectig or ~i deut and Avalable
[tit a p-rt .iltI I EE 1 A j'IS I
,he ; z bs .. th;; , N:al OUSING PROBLEM
Dubi-t uIN C ,I~iriC i:.i ac I ~t r -~h~h hr as been an in rease
of _iAo or ns~s- P-gti nf~ nieod<o rooms available for
runga,~mt~~ : ~ ., ~- ,~ ~enrsrhf" f'li an increase appar-
pf te lgui" ~jr"';1;~4s gn n' :tr'&lyc~to~aY evlypr~7o o to the demand
is, bu saseoTi--t-jihr 14rteaupcso r. QA. i ni :d enrollment, room
:ia~I-;i escRooiyr t~ iry~rg tonnei-e ad t~.'nr ~lTbr ti ' ~has been increased
i shndVn r- o nad fic erx j' oe s l lalal. Room rent this.
tho~ tne ~ it a e o o.l 50 cents higher for
e iis~ -ino. ' ~'ipi;c~ on ~ani x~n{ ~dP ru - . . cents higher for
rlv -or.~~i'r~t o ii~-.nd$ 0 higher for single
la h r i tI'eD ot~' oo',~'~rito Philip Schneider,)
-~ -i . wh P 'at Ito 4 O~i "'_orthe :Union rooming
r ~jj'~~:-A~ ~ 7~i ocn - mmittee had, when
~urp~-1erng dparn.~t. ~~ Dit gen~ ~*j~of accommodating
_ ~T I ir' '-n.rj t e .47 he428 single rooms,,
T ~~iwa~b oId6(~;;;I ons, making a. total
I tU p ~" ".y .- -. -O h suites, only
- r f : ron Page Two.) .




tHas Taken Active a9nd Leading Part
In lMany Ne w Educational

'1orimil Future Increase Seen
These figures indicate a- return to
a normal rate of increase, after the
swollen enrollemnt which cam~e as a
result of the close of the war, andl
university official1s believe that only
a normal increase may be expected
from now~ on, with n~o decreas~e and
no sudden inflation.
Actual figures for the first five days,
as compared to the first five days of
enrollment last year, show a gain of
202 in the literary college, a deicrease,
of 59 in t1o -nic-igcleea
increase _,i i iz dnt1,c _g~
25 in the jdti o1e Si h
law school,12 i h- ozg o h-T
m acy, a salgiInth shool;.
_educaticip reiai sainr
rollmnent i h u~st-ldg~col
an~d a. deer-s foei h gout
Enrollimar i loGt.' ryco ge
on the f1 at a'lst ya w~
.total of enri7nS t en tl -wit:h a'
registration hisye:i hrewsa
decrease n2ithda' noln,
yet theto.- %,;reitatiown!)p t .-tat.
dlate showed ai n; .. trea~ o 0

carried on by the S. C .A. P. G. Goe-
bel '23, varsity football captain, spoke
on "Sports," and Vernon Hillery, '23,1
president of the Student Council, dis-
cussed influences at the University.
The Rev. C. T. Webb, Episcopal stu--
dent. pastor, "spoke on "Altitudes,'"
and Dr.. T. M. Iden, head of the Ann
Arbor Bible Chair, on "Values." J. F.
McFarland acted as master' of cere-
H., SU.5 Beatty Sinks in Collision
'London, Sept. 24.-The British tor-
pedo boat Beatty sank early today in
the Sea of Marmora as the result of
a collision with a Dutch trawler, says
a Reuters dispatch from Constantino-
ple. Ten of the destroyer's crew were
drowned and 87 saved. The Beatty
sank within seven minutes.

F SI~9~ C ~"' ~' :~
I' - - - - bit:. p~

~xn~rt] be i fgqiatcd in thc itnArnedlat&

lass A_. enti .zpp4>
sent Po rr MW CU-ep.1.1: [
Duffy, : -~o -~ te ~
'25, C. . 'iV u -: - t tl' - ;-ioio D" M-'l o .-
'25, Lhh o i-~---Vr~ r Ie ft~Iiicit
I -. eO , 5,-yo '25,oi~' ~~ a i
princi -ps .e h e i ,~ rf-~m- "Se
of the - a, A' oy 4o r W ; lan,1lne
tee ar . _ t_-ionpn l i ino- -i o t..I ..ign t
Ld coc. r , tP pr -.nu >,-i .P; o.s nrt-I
says Dfv I -';~ er i~gn Uin sarsi~o
chmen wr o.asuieiicr .cmsto faa ;ob~nr i
?untiI x' i''fn hy hdI~)i~i---ir- yteU inadle~
Swhe '1 I =.Fl s ie~~ LI-n d' s attn-no
pledg(ne rm kt it ~r~nj alF r; er
as pc l1. 'vs-~zt~'- I~
hie na . 'se hi ~e~ctic- u~C. v smun yar;~~~
!. y To OI.i~-o h ope (tit
nd tI i :ftwn hecr-L n ie rhdaUio n-hli-
has a cieI h Ken: pr,' a 'k;. int w~t sd V~b
g to gorpia oain :rc;r oMd:o t~eI- ar
- ssfe' r -
asifrom-ey "i-ana 0. t i~O1011lO~(
frm t h -s o n p -r o tlt u- lt a e ro1so P n>
foeta 0 o ou- n r -i
*rm e n rt ~ ~ i b r a n h ; i - r t -
dvisers a. a: ms psbi, ~ .-.eee-ltcae kw
ase any syi.rI~Sm en ' .L tIr'' n t~~u-u'.
e men cgndn i> :zro onnrt-i C -siO, vci~i 0
,ked tos-cte t n9, nd -i Ti tI itp fl ist K-
in hi- dti esi. .1~ f(obd m4nu. r~h
urpos -avsr u'~l-:'ioetl~~ti-yntd2i
:ral to c rsh t ost P011h tt ta- cd

A i noity stands for knowledge. You have entered an institution
truh i esentalto every phase of progress. To be a part of such an orl
ye-n t 1 o ,t speak now solely of study or mastery of regularly assig
~-B~ewwto;very phase of your world.
Yo mm;begin by knowing yourself. It is no easily attainable goal
lii 'esi~'y i have all of the fascinating advantages of mnaking a fresh
tai~s n bgschool. If you K are a real mpan or woman you will not ma
(-hrai:hCismeasured not by his fall but by his ability' to rise. To co
-1il ts it -t a mhark of intelligence. By this time you are beginning tc
~ ir~o ofwhat you purpose to be and to become. Knowing yourself
xtOPA~S r i ghest aspiration. But to know yourself takes time and solid
life,. _n& tright to restless diffusion of energy unless, knowing yourself
c (Jil -i 1 tg of ,being alone.

"I soul like tose the Women's
Discussion of reorganization and leagueh at dMichigans strengthen andI
ce t ai ai n f r s o sblte n e p n o a h a e o e o p e e ' the cam pus will be the chief topic at ly the responsibilities of the regula- a
thefirt eetng f he tudntcoun- tion of women student affairs,"said
I ent e fistmetg 0 ofc St dnDeanJean Hamilton last week in ex-
el ob eda :0ocokWde-pressing her opinion of the importanceo
day night at the pinion. The new of self-government amonlg students. t
plans will be in accordance with ar-; Dean Jean Hamilton who was namede
rangements, made for greater faculty' successor to Dean Myra B. Jordan, at r
and student cooperation. the Regnits' meeting of June 28, hasd
Plans for class elections will prob-' been the leader of various educationalY
ably be made. Freshman elections movements since phe recexived her
will be held off for one or two mo~nths master's degree from Vassar college ip
in order that most of the members of 1901. As the executive secretary of
the class may become acquainted be- the National League of Women Work- c
fore voting. All other classes, how- erus, the present membership of whichli
ever, will make their elections w ithiin is 25,000; Miss Hamilton has been in-it
about two weeks after the opening of terested in the work of educating wo-
school. The council will announce men in the ideals of citizenship andc
(Continued on Page Two) for self-direction. Miss Hamilton has
been responsible for the developmentl
_________________________of the National League- of. Women;d
Workers in 12 states. In addition tol
her- educational recreation -work, Miss!,t
' Hamilton has been giving a course to i
train women for secretarial positions
zwhich persistently assumes that tnteYl.C . n ieogna
tions, under the auspices of the ex**
ganizatioir lays serious duties upon i tension department of Columbia un-s
fned tasks but of an attitude of in- iv ersity.A
The year '1912-13 was given to Misst
.1.Ifyo ar jstentrig he Hamilton as a decennial vacationi
1. Ifyou re jst eterig th whichI she spent abroad, studying Ital-
start. Undoubtedly you made - mis- ian in Italy and inspecting social ser-a
ake similar ones here. A person's vice work, especially in the line, ofc
educational recreation, in Germiany,
ine here and repeat your' earlier France, and England.I1
:o sense your elements of strength, 1 Speaking for the_ National Leaguej
If requires you to be. true to your of Women Workers has formed a larges
Hude. You will 'find that university part of Miss Hamilton's publicityl
f, ou ccaionllyinsst ponthe work. She has addressed most of the
f, yu ocasinaly inistuponthe national organizations interested in
educational recreation. Miss Hamil-
ton has also given a number of special
diversified group. All the world. is lectures such as the one given be-
highly differentiated and versatile fore the New York Society for Ethical
niot be content just to know others Culture on the topic. "How the World
dship of ntimte grups reookse-to 'the Modern Woman."
dphisnsofiniterupsaeprc- Her published articles have been
persns o othr tyeslimited to matters pertaining to her
it if you do and you will not imagine special field and have appeared in
certain of the popular magazines.
yourself. They will not thrust them- She has been a yearly lecturer at the
g personality need not go far to find. Y. W. C. A., training school in New
York, the Boston, and later the Phil-
adelphia, school for social workers,
'sity. It is however something more and the New York school of philan-1
nearly fifty thousand graduates and thropy.l
While at Vassar college, Miss Ham-
This University belongs to them and ilo waedtrn-hfofere-
What will they think of you and lege paper, an honor student, and a
ing a common namve, and sharing. member of Phi Beta Kappa.
fails we all suffer.' You must think
of tat gand ota Somthin.whchAtletic Program Calls Tryotsf
if hatgrad ttalSomthig wich Sophomores who wish to trv out
- for the Athletic Program should re-
llignceandan ndestadin hert; port to Elmer E. Hartwig in the~ office
dlienc an anundrstndig hart Iin the Press building between 3 andl
come. Many more are home-sick 4 o'clock today.
f Ann Arbor and a mental vision of--
' Football MTanager Tryouts Today
Soph}IIoorewishing 'to [try out lor
isea mn hi. +-Ic cannot be 'is~iat foo >tbal myauuae {rst report

Engineern e "lm-r
considerableih :' aaeOVer
rollinent o et gpo
to the ipoe nutilc
With las~t ?ersttlo
college is:=ii reaawt
of :1,423 u o&tra i
school ofedcaincodit
last day o noletwt
dents regi te.c.
Last yearon ther r Z da
tration, 7!';udentswere
in the law col«pt
evening, teffhdyti
had enrolle.Te rda
showed a. nrlmet f 4
night but indce regist;ratipi;
school hx'iii Continue all next
total is expected to be con
larger than this.
350 Mledics and 191 De;
already registered since the -
of the enrollment. This nu
eludes those students, taking
pithy whose work is taken
junction with the medical
,since the merging of the tw
last July.



reg i:s-
turc!a y
r, 11i 21

ourumi know some of the students. You live with a marvellously
E ,Q'Cltd Not to know the point of view and serious thought of this
conurn ity to miss one *of the rarest opportunities of a life time. DoI
lik yore ',with the, same background and outlook upon life. The frient
less ' iit heyare purchased at fearful cost if they keep you from knowing
Ye-. soTd know some of your teachers. You will be more intelliger
in;n-tny bsrd things about them. They know you better than you know 3
seles~,j~iyou. But any real ,student craving the touch of a stimulating
:n-wigthese things, you are well on the way to knowing your univer
_ b !n an vn group. of any one period. It lives today in the lives ofz
formr stdeis who are serving mankind in every quarter of the globe.
10 n-e vtawill be here in your places when you are mature alumni.
whatyoulidhere? With all our diversity of interests we are one=, bear
cormon P-; -its. When one is honored' we all are honored and when one
n-itO~! o~- s or that phase of our complex life which interests you butc
makes s I-,na impact upon the imagination of the public.-
l~ownn,,e is not merely uncorrelated information. It blossoms in inte
mi- ~ t kdlsafctions and builds loyalties. Some are home-sick when they
- weni-P-:goIn numberless places xhroughout the world the thought of
the-~~ i uostirs the heart and fills the eye.
Ko-ld-isvirtue f stdt alykoshipaeitwailt i
J.i ,.. - ,'. bUt;¢ fa.C.ing tine x_rea su s o i fe:" 1- IT. Th cApus i l bea
_. F' 1!t'78:- '0wher inety, Lv i-e'-ac 1i ya hno ain-cat.. e

BRN~ox HOs

Viladisvostok, Sept? 24.-T:
tion of Slpassk is fleeinga
of hostilities between soviei
soviet forces. Three airy
tached to the white forcesa
besides dropping bombs, s
besid s dropping bombs,s
number of proclamations
that if the white soldiers dig
,their operations and joint
Oct. 15 they would be pun
It has been expected th
between the soviet and
forces would foliow the
of Japanese troops fromE
beria.- The withdrawal ,v
by Japan by Oct. 1, in e)
pledges given -at the
Aurmn cofeen

I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P Ptry rkr t Sf-

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