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September 26, 1922 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-09-26

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i I


Wonder In Broken Field
ing at Will on

or the second time in as many con-
itive scrimmages, Herbert Steger,
sational sophomore halfback, stood
her's Reserves on their respective
ds yesterday afternoon on Ferry
I during the course of a tilt be-
an the Varsity and the much
sed scrubs.
he Varsity crossed the opposing
l line four times during the scrim-
;e and there was not sufficient
;ained opposition on the part of
Reserves to make the affair any
.g like a real tussle. A large
wd of spectators in the stands,
ch were used for the iirst time
season, gave the workout the ap-
ance of an early season game.
Starred Saturday.
aturday afternoon Steger was the
le show in the matinee which Yost
;d as the finale to the week's
d work. He broke away and ran
ugh the entire scrub team for a
hdown in the most thrilling piece

of the afternoon. In addition he
heaved passes and received passes and
did everything else the way a first
class halfback is supposed to do
things of that kind, and the side line
critics immediately decided that every-
thing nice that had been said about
him in advance was true.
Yesterday afternoon's melee was
opened by the Varsity kicking off to
the Reserves. A few moments later
Roby intercepted a forward pass and
started the procession which lasted all
the rest of the drill-by running some
40 odd yards for the score.
A few minutes later a blocked Re-
serve punt was retrieved by Kirk who
scored from the 30 yard stripe. Goebel
contributed a thriller about this time
when he picked a forward pass, pro-
jected by Roby, directly out of the
midst of the entire second string
Goebel Does Kicking.
Considerable interest was mani-
fested by the spectators in the new
method of obtaining the point after
touchdown as called for in the 1922
rules. Goebel missed his first try for
a score on a place kick from the 15
yard line but the other attempts were
true. The Varsity leader also tried a

place kick from the field standing on
about the 35 yard line but missed the
posts by a large margin.
Steger started his wila running by
tearing off 25 yards around right end,
running from a punt formation. Hej
repeated this a few moments later and
then turning his attention to the other.
flank ran 45 yards for a score. He
scored again on a run of 70 yards
throughtheentire Reserve team, side
stepping, stiff arming, whirling, and
showing a change of pace that had the
scrubs completely baffled. After his
second touchdown the Oak Park
flash was taken out to the accompani-
ment of 'great applause from the
Uteritz, Steger, Gunther, and Roby
were the first choices for backfield duty
yesterday. This combination proved
effective but did not have enough op-
position to be forced to extend them-
selves. Uteritz twisted his ankle after
about five minutes of play and was
forced to retire. The injury is not
serious however and the quarterback
was able to walk from the field. Knode
replaced him.
Keefer Goes Well.
Keefer replaced Steger in the ot-
fensive scheme and took up the work
in just about the place where his
predecessor had left off, running
through his opposition for great
chunks of gained yardage. Although
not as heavy as Steger, Keefer proved
yesterday that he is a dangerous man
in a broken field and gives Yost an-
other shifty fast running back. Kipke
was on the field but did not get into

the fray. Cappon was not in evidence
during the afternoon. Foster was sub-
stituted for Roby.
Line Looks Poor.
Although the backfield performances
were unusually good the make shift
line did not do much better than Sat-
urday when the Reserves held and
charged their opponents to a stand
still. The forward wall did not hold
long enough to enable Goebel to get
his attempts at field goals away prop-
erly and the forward, passes were
la rely spoiled because the passer was
The Varsity line took the field for
the first kickoff as follows: Slaughter,
center; Blott and Van Der Voort,
,guards; Swan and Garfield, tackles;
Goebel and Kirk, ends. Van Orden
replaced Blott, Tracy substituted for
Swan, and Neisch and Curran went to
the ends before the scrimmage was
4:04) p. gn.--Meting of all those in-
terested in trying out for art work
on the Chimes in the Chimes office,
third floor of the Union.
4:00 p. ni.-Oratorical board meet-
ing, Room 302, Mason hall.
5 :00 p. n,-Mek tIng Chimes bioi-
ness staff and tryouts, Press build-
7:00 p. ni.-Tryouts for Varsity band
in auditorium of University hall.
Tryouts are requested to bring in-
struments and one selection with
which they are familiar.
8:00 p. n.-Meeting of Underclass
Conduct committee in Room 304 of
the Union.
Your Name Neatly Embossed in Gold
on all
Purchased at
808 S. State St.

Intramural activities are fast get-
ting under way for the new year.
The program of work is one that if
completed will surpass all schedules
heretofore attempted.
First of all comes the annual fall
tennis tournament which will be held
sometime next week. The competi-
tion for the singles and doubles
championship will be keen, for most
of the men who took part in the
tournament last spring are back in
school. There are also players of un-
usual ability in the ranks of the in-
coming freshmen class.
Soccer on List.
Soccer will be played as usual. The
teams will be formed into leagues the.
same as last year. Besides soccer
the Intramural officials have invented
a new game called speedball. To the
campus at large it is somewhat for-
eign as only a league of fraternities
played it last' fall when it was insti-
Two years ago this fall it was found
that intramural foot ball was not
feasible, for many of the players came
out to play improperly equipped and
many accidents resulted. To remedy,
this condition the Intramural officials
evolved speedball.
At official soccer football is used in
speedball; but the game has advantages
over football and soccer for it per-
mits passing, dribbling and kicking of
the ball while football and soccer
limit the participant to only two of
=these. Numnerous organizations' have
taken up speedball as an all around
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Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 26, 1922


sport for the development of all parts
of the body.
A fall golf tournament will prob-
ably be held. The date has not been
set as yet.
Harriers Have Chance.
Cross country runners will receive
a chance to earn their numerals some-
time late in October or ,early in No-
vember The men who expect to
compete for these awards should re-
port to Coach Sullivan, athletic trainer
of the Intramural department, as soon
aspossible. 'Coach Sullivan is to have
charge of the training of all men who
enter intramural sports during the
coming year. All men must train
under his direction. 'No man will be
allowed to enter any competition until
he has been pronounced physically fit
by the coach.
In the past it has often been the
case where a good athlete has com-
peted in the organized league of the
Intramural department but has been
unable to win a numeral because he
was on a losing team. In order to
overcome this fault the Intramural de-
partment ,has worked out a system
whereby all men who compete in any
affair will be given so many points
for having participated in any affair,
provided that the athlete has in-
formed the Intramural officials that
he intends to attempt to win numerals
in this manner.
Mut Be on Time.
Good sporsinanship and punctual-
ity are to play an important role in
the awarding of points to the teams
and individuals playing next year. If
teams or players do not appear within
a reasonable length of time after the
time set for thecontest several points
will be' detracted )from their sum.
The same rule applies when a team
forfeits a game or upon the failure
to turn in an eligibility listtafter hav-
ing signified its intention to compete
in the sport.' Protesting a game or a
decision without good cause will be
looked upon as a breach of good
sportsmanship and the players or team
at fault will be made to suffer. These
new rules in regard to the conduct
and punctuality of the participants
in the game will add a new quality
to the intramural sports which the
officials have been unable to obtain
in the past. If the case should ever
arise where two teams should be tied
for the championship, their reliability
and sportsmanship during the season
will largely influence the decisior
made by the intramural officials.
Mitchell in Charge.
E. D. Mitchell, former Varsity base-
ball captain, has been retained as In-
tramural director. C. Lanton, director
of athletic activities in the A. E.'.,
has been chosen as his assistant.
Lanton comes highly recommended.
W. 'Merner,''24, has beenchosen stu-
dent manager. The following, assist-
ant managers have been chosen: R.
Young, '24, H. Earheart, '25, G. Truth,
'25, and W. B. Rafferty, '25. Two more
are yet to be filled as those chosen
for the positions at the end of school
last year did not return this fall.
Masonic Temple Nearly Completed.,
Rapid progress is marking work on
the new $125,000 Masonic temple which
is being built on South Fourth avenue.
Windows and roof are to be com-
peted by November 1, according to
the terms of the building contract.
Impressive ceremonies will mark the
formal opening of the temple which
is expected to take place next spring.
Prominent, Mvasons from all sections
of the state will attend, it is said.
Drawing irstruments-bargains in
second-hand sets. Wahr's Un aersity
Complete at 0.5

At Least 40 Intersectional Games Will
Hold Boards Between September
ald Oew Year
(By Associated Press)
New York, Sept.. 25.-This; will be
a holocaust year on the gidiron.
After the great strides that football,
the most popular of college sports
and rival of baseball in the public's
highest regatd, has made in the last
few years, it sounds bromidicI to say
that" the coming season will be the
greatest in the game's history.. Yet
that's the fact
The season won't start any earlier,
nor is there likelihood of it extending
past New :Year's- the day of the us-
ual carnival game at Los Angeles-
but it will be stuffed and choked from
the first kick-off Sept. 23 with the
ingredients that bring hundreds of
thousands away fr'om warm firesidos
to freeze in cold blasts.
40 Intersectonal Games
Opponents of te ':intersectional
idea who have contended that th
game was growing beyond bounds
and becoming, the god before which
education was being sacrificed get
small comfort from a. peusal of the
schedules. At least 40 games w il be
held that it will take at least a. night
on the sleeper for one of the oppos-
ing teams to reach.
on the five Saturdays. beginingz
with Oct. 7 there will be atlea i
or seven intersectional.. contets,
scattered all over the country.. Kai-
sas is coming to West Point, Geogia
Tech and Princeton are going to Chi-
cago, the "Praying Colonels" from
Center College, ,Danville, Ky., are
scheduled at Harvard, Nebraska ba
a date with Syracuse, Notre Dame
will tussle with Army at West .Point,
Alabama will scrimmage with Penn-
sylvania at Philadelphia - just to
pick a few at random.
The season of 1922 marks further
loosening of the monopoly that the
East once had on the big contests.
There not only are more games
scheduled than ever before but there
are more intersectional contests, and
intrasectional matches ofgenunei-
portance than the pigskin dreamed of
when it was more of a pig than a skin
and could dream.
Yale eets low
Yale and Harvard both said .last
fall that they would not tread in the
path of Princeton and luvade the
Western Conference. Just the safle
the schedules show that two w4eks
before the Tiger is clawing around
at the University of Chicago the fBull
Dog willbe snarling atIowa, ch-
pion of thie Big Ten in the ;bowl tka
New Haven. Harvard apparently is
satisfied with entertaining the team
from the Blue Grass state.
Nw York City .loses .its giio
picture play. The Army and Navy
game previously held at the Polo
Grounds will be staged in the recon-
structed Franklin feld:chf' the Uier-
sity of Pennsylvania at Piadelphiia.
Instead of being played on the -tradi-
tional Saturday following Thacksgiv--
ing it will be played on the preceding
Saturday, thb same day as the Yale-
Harvard game.
There will be several revivals of
football relations between institu-
tions that permitted he'r historic
gridiron enmity to lapse. Notable
among these are Harvard and Dart-






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FALL 1922



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