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April 20, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…, 9 and 10 by winning and then losing the National A.A.U. championship at New Haven, Conn. The Wolverines' had the meet cinched when a judge's decision in the medley relay race dis- qualified the first…

….9. terday by Thomas C. Trueblood, Today the Wolverines boast a rec- Shot Put: Won by Watson, Mich- ord showing four wins in six starts, igan; second, Hanker, California; The Varsity team which will meet but…

April 20, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

… bounced one to short and Raudabaugh, seeing that he had no chance to catch the speeding Hey- liger at home, threw the hitter out at first. Beebe fanned to end the inning with the Wolverines hanging onto a…

… had appeared to be a big Mich- igan scoring spree was nipped in thex bud. The Wolverines threatened again" in the seventh and eighth but could not push men all the way around. Ohio State had only one…

…. Chief performer for the Wolverine invaders was !Big ,Bill Watson, ver- satile Negro ace, who heaved, tossed and jumped his way to 13 points and high point 'honors for the after- noon's workout. 'Watson…

April 09, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

….A.U. swimming championship received a setback in the opening events of the meet here tonight, when Ed Kirar, Wolverine junior, failed to show in the 100-yard free-style. Kirar, who had been figured for a high…

… more than offset, however, when Lake Shore A.C. of Chicago, the Wolverines' biggest rival for team rivals, received a setback in the low-board diving. Al Greene, favorite for the Chicago team, was nosed…

… Goodlander,' according to the announcement, "comes to her new position with the whole-hearted sup- port of the Board." Hoytmen Seek Coast Revenge For '35 Defeat Wolverines Hope To Top Golden Bears; S qu a d…

…'s Uni- versity of California cindermen in retribution for the 76-54 shellacking sustained by the Wolverines at the hands of the Golden Bears in 1935. The 1937 model of the Hoyt track machine, undefeated…

… so far this year, appears to have the edge on the Cali- fornians in balance and power. There is the chdnce that lack of outdoor work may tell on the Wolverines, however. The Bears fell victim to the…

April 06, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

… "sure thing" in the National A.A.U. Championships to be held next I week-end in Yale's pool. Coach Matt Mann's Wolverines have been in- stalled as co-favorites with the Lake Shore A.C. of Chicago and…

… the indivi- dual events and 10-6-2 in the pair of relays, will remove much of the ad- vantage the Wolverines possess in almost perfect balance. Lake Shore A. C., with Adolph Kiefer, diver Al Greene and…

… stbre or men's shop at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Wolverine sport fans who are used to watching Burt Smith in action on the hockey rink will have numerous chances to see him in a new role this…

April 03, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

… breaking high school fielders. open champion, who punched out a records he joined the Wolverine Herm Fishman and Burt Smith hard fought decision over Tom Root thinclads with the idea that some day took…

…, until the last game in 1905, Mich- igan was unbeaten. During this pe- riod the Wolverines won 55 games and tied one. They scored a total of 2,821 points as against but 40 gar- nered by their opponents. e…

April 30, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

Wolverines Are Scheduled To Perform Here Friday And Saturday Sek Eighth Victory Gee And Fishman Are Still Slated To Hurl Against Hurons At Ypsilanti Because yesterday's continued rain caused the Michigan…

… scene of battle is shifted from the Ypsilanti diamond to Ferry Field the Hurons will probably be opposed by a pair of Wolverine right handers, Ed Andronik and Pete Lahti. After Eighth Win The Wolverines

… the road to the title, or whether Ray Fisher's aggregation is the team to be reck- oned with in the race for the crown. Next Tuesday the Wolverines will travel to Hillsdale to meet a strong college club…

… will oppose Mich- igan on Ferry Field in the first of a three-game series. Ronnie Peters will probably be the Buckeye pitcher with Berger Larson throwing them for the Wolverines. May 9 will be bargain…

… that time. On the basis of these facts it can be judged that no team the Wolverines meet will have an easy time in winning.; Kipke Sends Team Thiro ugh Long Drill In preparation for the scrimmage…

… Selects 30-Man Squad For Ohio Meet Wolverines Face Real Test In Season's Opener Held At Columbus Coach Charlie Hoyt yesterday named a track squad of 30 men to make the trip to Columbus Friday where the…

Wolverines will pick up the rivalry started in the Penn Relays last week when the Buckeyes play host to Michigan in the opening dual meet of the outdoor season. Naming Saturday's encounter with Michigan as the…

…, will lead the Scarlet in their tangle with the Maize and Blue. Minimize Michigan Record Maintaining that "the Wolverines were forced to take a back seat be- cause of the overshadowing per- formance of…

… sprint relay as well as the two mile at the Penn Carnival while the Wolverines were walking off with the one and four mile crowns. The Michigan men named to make the trip include: Sam Stoller, Har- vey…

… hurling for the Wolverines. Pete changed his name when he entered professional baseball and the complications com- ing as a result reached a climax last summer while he was making a good record as a…

April 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…:45 a.m. The Rev. Fred Cowin will deliver the sermon. H. L. Pockerill, (continued on Page 3 Michigan Nine Takes 3=2 Win From Badgers Lerner Scores In Ninth On Larson's Blow; Visitors Outhit Wolverines By…

… throw to third. Heyer had scampered home on the play. Wolverines Are Outhit The visiting Wisconsin club outhit the Wolverines six to five but could not produce more than one safe hit in an inning. This…

April 26, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

… Alan Saunders, junior veteran playing at number three, who carded 74. The Wolverines took seven out of eight singles matches in medal play, while no doubles were played. Has Off Day Woody Malloy…

… Association gave him a and final set. brief trial last season, then released SUMMARIES him to Des Moines, where he expects Singles: to work this coming summer. Moll (I) d. Kahn (M) 6-3, 3-6, 6-4. Wolverines

Wolverine made the trip in vain, each man or team had placed in this, the super-outdoor meet of the season. The Wolverines performed as of twenty-five years ago when Michigan dominated the college track field…

…, strik- ing out eleven batters. super one-mile teams of East, West and South, this Wolverine quartet stepped off the measured mile in 3:18.4 to add the one-mile college relay crown to its long list of…

… the first, fourth and fifth sessions. The Wolverines had a rally started in the fourth when Lerner and Krem- er registered base knocks, but it was cut short when Heyliger lifted to Capicek in center for…

April 25, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… Consciousness' Altering Economic Order Is Opposed Y Strong Finish After Losing Lead BringsWolverine Star PennRelay Win Wood, Cornell Star, Takes Shot, Discus Eulace Peacock, Temple Flash, Hurt As Texas Captures…

… steeplechase in 9 minutes, 44.8 seconds today in the Penn Re- lays. John Townsend, Wolverine bas- ketball star, placed second to Walter Wood, Cornell, in the shot put with a throw of 45 feet, 5 3/4 inches, and…

April 25, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

…SIx THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1936 Wolverines, Badgers Play Local Michigan Will Seek Second BigTen Win Initial Conference Game For Wisconsin; Badgers Split Spartan…

… will face Wisconsin in the cur- tain raiser of the local season at 2:30 p.m. today at Ferry Field. There was a decidedly cheering note in the Wolverines' final drill of# the week yesterday when Georgel…

…, the Wolverine team will be composed of Alan Saunders and Lar- ry David, veterans, and Al Karpinski, Bill Barclay and Russ Strickland, sophomores. These men will play in the order named. Two more men to…

… Michigan June 1 on FerryE Both Men Big Factors II Field diamond Coach Ray Fisher an-! Snounced yesterday. Success Of Wolverine This will be the only appearance Swimming Team of the Japanese club in the Mid…

…-West, and according to Fisher should be one Jack Kasley, '37E, of Ann Arbor, of the year's outstanding games for and Frank Barnard, '37, of Detroit, the Wolverines if the Waseda teamt were elected co…

April 24, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

… specifically charged with' Michigan's Wolverines will swing kidnaping and second-degree assault. into action for the first time today Immediately after the indictments when Johnny Townsend competes in were…

April 23, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…, Clayt Brels- ford, Ray Fink, Walter Stone and Bill Staehle will carry the Wolverine colors in the celebrated four-mile relay race, while John Townsend in the shot and discus, Skip Etchells as a discus…

… preliminaries Friday, stay at the Pennsylvania Hotel Friday night, and catch an eve- ning train home Saturday evening af- ter what Wolverine fans hope will be an eventful Michigan day. Michigan will make perhaps…

… backgroundof frustrat-one of them against the Wolverines. In the Theta Det-A.T.O. game, ed promise, then, John went south Fisher will counter with Captain Lar- whihen ony tupinins it O riall son, the curve ball…

April 22, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

… Eissler And Teams With Jesse Flick To Win In Doubles Tennis Team Drubs Wolverines In Opener,_6 To 3 Fraternity Softball Teams Open Intramural Spring Program Il 'The HOT STOVE By BILL REED- l I…

… trouble with his fore- hand but should be able to iron out this difficulty before the next meet with Western State Friday. The brightest spot in the defeat for the Wolverine team was the play of Ted…

… FRED BUESSER pete in both this new meet and the Old time track fans who jam their olderkPenn Carnival. Thns in 1 way into Franklin Stadium Friday '16 and '18 Wolverine track stars and Saturday to…

…~dred IENVELIOPE2S $ Printed with Name & Address THE CRAFT PRESS 305 Maynard St. Phone 8805 Once again the Wolverines will de- cgrns ao ngchm scend upon Philadelphia with a track cirlsaded cuai squad ranked as one…

… wholesome respect for en sent to Phi the prowess of a Wolverine team that igan and Michia dominated the vaunted varsities of !are hopeful that both east and west from its initial these individual appearance…

April 21, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

… schedule this afternoon with a loose- ly played victory over Ohio State. The final score was 12-9, the Wolverines being forced to put down a belated Buckeye rally to win. Captain Berger Larson went the route…

… greatly. In the eighth Ohio loaded the bases but scored only one man and could tally but once in the last session despite a pair of hits. George Rudness, fleet Wolverine center fielder and regular lead…

April 09, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

… Spring so add up your needs and see us NOW. LOANS UP TO $300 - 30 MONTHS TO REPAY 2nd Floor Wolverine Bldg. Room 208 208 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Phone 4000-4001 Cor. 4th Avenue Ann Arbor PERSONAL FINANCE CO…

April 09, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

… then Mon- day the Wolverines will move to Sa- lem, Va., where two days will be spent in opposing the Roanoke College ag- gregation. The rest of the week will be spent against Virginia and Mary- land…

… leave his attested scores at the clubhouse. These scores will determine the week's rankings. The Wolverines will defend their Conference crown over the Kildeer Country Club course in Evanston on May 18…

April 30, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

… Lead Michigan Wolverines In Quest Of ofemate1it Fourth Straight Win the Detroit __________ IBlue netter Michigan's baseball team will be ord for the trying for its fourth straight victorym in eleven days…

… when it meets Hillsdale Miller Sh College at 3:30 p.m. today at Hillsdale. ranking W Rei ndel wa With the Wolverines rolling along but finally in top form, playing the brand of ball only other they…

… Pontiac who is now con- Tennis Club inka series cerned with earning his ninth Mich- courts. The Maize and igan letter and his third in baseball, s, still with a perfect rec- leads the Wolverine regulars at…

April 27, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… Lopsided Game Kim Williams Hits Homer In 13-1 Rout; Wolverines To Meet Wisconsin Today By KENNETH PARKER Aside from demonstrating a decisive superiority over Michigan State Nor- mal yesterday here, by…

… defeating the Hurons, 13 to 1, Michigan's baseball team showed that it is in mid-season form for today's Big Ten engagement with Wisconsin to be held at 2:30 p.m. at Ferry Field. The Wolverines scored more…

April 27, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…APRIL 27, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Golfers Meet Purdue On U Cours eT Favored 0 Boilermal In Dual Eight Men To P Wolverines; Kt Morning Round ver kers Meet lay For ocsis In Conference…

… Opener Invaders Defeated By The Irish Saturday; Veterans On Squad Opening the 1935 Big Ten golf season, Purdue's Boilermakers bring a strong four man team to Ann Ar- bor to battle the Wolverines, National…

… and Johnny At Columbus The course is open unofficially for arser d Dat ad mokn Wolverines cha orFischer did their part towards mak- play, the official opening date being ing the tournament a Wolverine

… guests alone pay $1.00 and of competition for the title. Yinti, fe t the remainder of the week the price Profsssor Trueblood first entered silanti, felt t is boosted to $1.50. Thescourse is the Wolverines

… Your Ga when in the National alified with a 36 hole Whethe- youtplay on the lowest qualifying 7 year history of the week., you enjoy ou veland last June, how- ' Wolverines finally innacle of collegiate…

… in the fifth in- roods, Northwestern's , Who was wilder than better against Mich- ay- he lasted six in- ohnson, the pride of he Wolverine batting fnings, being removed iMan" Coggins in the nost famed…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

Wolverines; Six Runs Unearned By KENNETH PARKER Michigan won its second Confer- ence baseball game in three starts by routing an erratic Northwestern club in a loose contest yesterday at Ferry Field, 10 to 4…

…. Art Patchin worked the entire nine innings for the Wolverines, allowed four runs, eight hits, and struck out twelve. Had it not been for Al Ped- erson, Wildcat slugger who took his responsibility as…

…'s ten runs were made with the aid of eight Northwestern errors, four of which were made byl Merrell, the shortstop. As a result six of the Wolverine runs were unearned, all but one of the errors proving…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

… Siegel and Bob Anderson head the list of the invading1 Wolverines. The captain will, of course, play the No. 1 position, while Anderson will meet the Ypsi No. 2 netter. Miller Sherwood will play at the No…

…- papermen (rightly dis-credited) with a miscue when he charged in on a slow hit ball and bobbled it when he tried a one-handed pickup. Opinion on the Wolverine bench was that Paulson didn't have time to get…

…'s scorebook registered a hit for the Wolverine outfielder, giving him a perfect batting record for the day, but the sports scribes gave Merrel an error. Woods and Kimbell, Northwestern's hurlers, didn't have…

… enough stuff to fool Michigan's hitters. They fanned only two Wolverines, while Regeezi, Ford and Teitelbaum hit five balls as hard as any hit during the afternoon, but they weren't propelled toward the…

… over last year when he didn't get a sem- blance of a base hit in two games against the Wolverines. It was teammate versus teammate when Clayt Paulson faced Ray Kim- bell, whorelievedWoods in the sixth…

… Stewart, Northwestern coach was impressed with the manner in which the Wolverines conducted themselves. He remarked during the course of the game "If Michigan is as good a team all season as it is today…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… here today to even the two-game series at one decision apiece. Coach Ray Fisher altered his bat- ting order for today's game and the change had its effect in the fifth in- ning when the Wolverines

… had the edge in extra bases, getting a triple and single to Regeczi's double and single. c Williams' triple came in the third inning and paved the way for the first Wolverine run of the afternoon…

April 29, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, APRIL29, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan Golfers Trounce Wildcats To Open Wildcats Fail To Win A Match In 15/2 - 21/2 Defeat Kocsis And Dayton Lead Wolverines With 75's; Meet Illini…

…Saturday First Big Ten Meet Captain Flynn And Saeilli, With 82's Are Medalists For Northwestern The Wolverine golfers opened their defense of Conference honors yester- day on the University golf course…

Wolverine sophomore came from behind to win the last nine and halve the match. Chuck Kocsis, Michigan's number one sophomore playing in his second Varsity meet, again led the Wolver- ines, sweeping his…

… afternoon round to defeat Curtis, 3 to 0. The Wolverines will attempt to chalk up their third dual meet win next Saturday on the University course, and their second Conference win, when they meet the Illinois…

… State nine Friday, 17-2. The Buck- eyes were probably wearing the Mich- igan uniforms, for they turned around today and handed the Wolverines a 16-2 beating. Such a retaliation is amazing for two reasons…

…. First, the Wolverines knocked the two sup- posedly best pitchers on the Ohio State staff out of the box, and scored 17 runs yesterday, and today they could only get two runs. Secondly, Art Patchin…

April 28, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…RDAY, APRIL 28, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Nine Routs Ohio State, 17-2, Paulson, Artz, I Petoskey Lead Heavy Attack Buckeye Hurlers Give Up 15 Hits And 10 Passes; Wistert Hurls…

… balls and four Buckeye errors, to run up the high score. "Whitey" Wistert hurled for the Wolverines, and although he allowed them 12 hits the Buckeyes couldn't bunch them when hits meant runs. Michigan…

… the Spartan squad was far from the calibre of Weitz and Norris. And as a result the t Wolverines cashed in on the lower a six more the Buckeyes tomorrow in the second ranking matches. They took them all…

… scoring for game of the series. Art Patchin, star but one and evened the score, 3-3. n the sixth Wolverine pitcher, will be on the Kean Wins Match mound. Dan Kean easily defeated Willard he Wolver- R H E…

… attempting to keep the Indians' two-year string of Confer- ence victories intact when they stack up against the improved Wolverines. Either Moll or Braun will play the number one position while Becker will…

April 26, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

Wolverine track- men will entrain tonight for Des Moines, Ia., where they will open their campaign for outdoor track honors at the 25th annual Drake Relays. The final practice before the meet, held yesterday…

… expected to win valuable points for the Wolverines. Widmer "Skip" Etchells, -hailed as an outstanding freshman last year, will open his college career in the discus event. Harvey Patton in the mile relay, Ed…

… organizing a team on which each player will represent a Middlewest brewery. Wolverine Tennis Team Swamps Speedy Sir Thomas Rules y As IDerby Favorte -Associated Press Photo Sir Thomas, although he has…

… meeting of the sea- son for the Wolverines, and accord- ing to the M.S.N.C. players, it was Ypsilanti's first day out of doors. Appelt Outstanding Out of an aggregate of eight sin- gles and four doubles…

… where 'he wanted it. Diminutive Howard Kahn making his first Varsity appearance for the Wolverines put down Herman Strait in what was probably the most col- orful match of the day, 6-0, 6-2. The gallery…

April 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

… as a diet for the Wolverine baseball team in the way of weather and pitch ing opposition. Both have gone hand in hand in the games played to date. On the Eastern trip, there were only two mild days…

… duties, but that's all he was--grub- for he lasted only until the third inning against the slugging Wolverines. A right hander relieved him, and immediately the sun made an appearance from behind gray…

…, but not the Wolverines' slugging which knocked the hurler One-Man Track Team-World's Fastest Human { \ r sh \N _- ii WILLIS WARD -MC/AN "_-__ __:Ralph Metcalfe, Marquette Shades Of Tolan!-Metca fr…

…, for the wind began blow- ing again. Northwestern used two southpaws against Michigan last Saturday, and the double catastrophe sent the mer-' cury down to 40 degrees. Now, when the Wolverines hear of a…

April 21, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

… Masters 'Whitey' Wistert In Mound Battle Wolverines Allowed Only Four Hits As Wildcats Garner Eight Play Again Today Tillotson Slated To Hurl As Wolverines Hope To Deadlock Series EVANSTON, Ill., April 20…

… going to Ladder, who went the full nine inn- ings for the Wildcats and allowed but four hits to the, up until now, slugging Wolverines. "Whitey" Wis- tert was nicked for eight binges through the nine…

… run that Michigan has been able to score thus far on the Western invasion, and likewise it was the fourth run for Wistert, who seems intent on monopolizing the Wolverine scoring column. Two In Eighth In…

… coming up off Lake Michigan seemed not to seriously congeal the soup bones of Wistert and Ladder. If anything it was a favorable temperature for Ladder, al- though the Wolverine batters hit him hard, if…

… mound duty for the Wolverines. Summary Michigan. .......000 100 000-1 4 1 Northwestern . . .100 000 020--3 8 0 Wistert and Chapman; Ladder and Clayborn. cam Wins Hockey rfie But He Quits CHICAGO, April 20…

…, wears a size 3 1-2 shoe. Carnera wears 14 3-4. Their Home Run Race Has Begun Michigan State Squad Is Not Expected To Press Wolverines Ann Arbor golf fans will congre- gate at the University course this…

… honors. The Wolverines are expected to have an easy time against the Spar- tan golfers although little is known of the strength of the East Lansing outfit. Michigan won an overwhelm- ing victory last year…

April 20, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

… aunts and aunts. At any rate, the tendency is carrying over into baseball. Over in Albany on Wednesday they had quite a pop- -------- ---- ----- - Whitey Wistert Scores All Of Wolverine Runs…

…. - The Western State Teachers College base- ball team this afternoon squeezed out a 3 to 2 win over the University of Michigan nine the Wolverines get- ting the bad breaks throughout the game. The…

… by Paulson and scored on a long fly to left by Re- geczi. The Wolverines tied the score in the sixth when Wistert walked and scored on Paulson's single after go- ing to second on a passed ball, but the…

…. The Wolverines will continue on to Evanston tonight, where they will open the Conference season in the first of a two-game series against the Wildcats tomorrow. "Whitey" Wistert, number one Michigan…

April 06, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

… With U. S., Britain States Wolverines, N.Y.A.C. Battle For A.A.U. T4 Title At Columbus T Spence Establishes New Sprint Record Michigan Ace Is Second In Backstroke Finals; World Mark Shattered OHIO…

… in last year's championship, gave evi- dence they again would fight it out for the title. The Wolverines placed Drysdale in the 150-yard backstroke in which the New Yorkers had no representa- tive…

April 05, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

… point to the fact that there will be no outdoor ex- perience for the lads at all until that afternoon due to the late season. And it seems quite possible that Col- gate has a big edge on the Wolverines in…

April 01, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…-. OHIO STATE NATATORIUM, CO- LUMBUS, 0., March 31.-(W)---The Wolverines of Michigan tonight pad- dled their way to a fifth national in- tercollegiate swimming championship in the last nine years. Michigan…

April 30, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… ; mus aaync bak.promisehsbadfBdelity, obedi--T lro ence, and also to follow him wherever n a Fre p t bn Iher sband Beticrs Hammer-Throw he may go!'" goes to Africa and forgets to give Of Former Wolverine

Wolverines' hopes of victory as the Spartans scored three runs on threej j hits to win, 5 to 1, yesterday at Ferry Field. Art Patchin and Francis Wistert gave up 11 hits to the invaders while their mates were…

April 25, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… Wins Battle With Ypsilanti 12-4 Maize-And-Blue Team Re- taliates For Defeat Dur- ing Spring Vacation Braendle, Petoskey Each Score Three Nine Runs Scored During Fifth And Sixth Innings By Wolverines By…

… Ypsilanti, 12-4. The contest was staged on Ferry Field yesterday afternoon. Two pitchers, Mo ; and Quinlan were required to stem the tide of Wolverine hits: Patchin, Coach Fish- er's sophomore right…

…. Infield play in general was ragged throughout the game in both outfits. Thel Ypsilaniti out~ffit committed five ciors, while Michigan accounted for four. The Wolverines, however, man- aged to space their…

April 20, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…. Any group interested in combining Wolverines Bat Out 7-3 Victory Over Hillsdale Good Pitching And Timely Hitting Gives Michigan Win In Opening Game HILLSDALE, April 19. - Timely hitting in three…

… innings gave the Michigan baseball team a 7 to 3 vic- tory over Hillsdale in the first offi- cial game of the season for the Wolverines here this afternoon. The Maize-and-Blue made their nine hits and the…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY Chicago's New Mayor Plunges Into His Work lWolverines Meet Detroit Club In Tcinis Opeiei Satirday The Michigan tennis team will run into its first competition of the year this…

… Saturday when it meets the De- troit Tennis Club at Detroit. Although the Wolverine squad suf- fered a great loss by the graduation of most of last year's Varsity men. Captain Richard Snell being the only…

… every year of his college ca- reer. As a sophomore he stepped into the spotlight as a member of Mich- igan's Big Ten indoor championship team. In 1932 he was again instru- mental in the Wolverine victory…

April 18, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

… series of time-trials culminating in a track meet among members of the team at Ferry Field Saturday afternoon will determine the makeup of the team which will represent the Wolverines at the Drake relays…

… entry list which included three relay teams and seven individual perform- ers from which the Wolverine repre- sentatives will be chosen Saturday. Relays, Special Events Entered in the mile quartet are De…

…Baker, Allen, Ellerby, Turne rnd Lemen. Turner and Lemen may run in the two-mile relay along with Doe Howell, Childs 'and Braden. Wolverine entries for the medley relay, which includes the 440, 880, three…

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