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April 22, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-22

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Upset Scored
As Rodriguez
Loses Match
Capt. Howie Kahn, Playing
In No. 2 Position, Beaten
In Straight Sets
Thorward Stands Out
Cverpowers Eissler And
Teams With Jesse Flick
To Win In Doubles


Team Drubs

Wolverines In Opener,_6 To 3

Fraternity Softball Teams Open Intramural Spring Program


'The HOT



FAST LANSING, April 21. - Mich-
igan State's tennis team avenged last
year's pair of defeats when they
soundly trounced the Varsity netters,
6-3, today on the cold, windswept
courts here. The defeat was some-
thing of an upset since the Michigan
squad had entered the meet as the
Willard Klunzinger beat Johnny
Rodriguez, 6-4, 6-4, in the feature
match of the day. Klunzinger, a vast-
ly improved player over the one that
Siegel defeated 6-4, 6-0, in the first
match last year, was just too good for
Rodriguez, who was playing in the
No. 1 position for the first time.
Captain Howie Kahn, playing in
the No. 2 position, ran into a little
too much competition in the form of
Captain Rosa of the Michigan State
team and went down to defeat in
straight sets, 6-4, 7-5. Kahn seemed
to be having trouble with his fore-
hand but should be able to iron out
this difficulty before the next meet
with Western State Friday.
The brightest spot in the defeat
for the Wolverine team was the play
of Ted Thorward. Thorward over-
powered his opponent, Eissler, to win
in two sets, 6-3, 6-3. He then teamed
up with Jesse Flick to win Michigan's
only doubles match, defeating Eis-
sler and Hyatt, 6-3, 11-9.
Thorward has shown up well as a
tournament player thus far this sea-
son, having also been a singles and
doubles winner in the last indoor
meet with the Detroit Tennis Club.
His practice in California last fall
seems to have polished off his. game
and given him a confidence that will
make him hard to beat in the coming
Miller Sherwood also showed up
well in outlasting Schultz, 6-1, 5-7,
Klunzinger (S) d. Rodriguez (M)
6-4, 7-5.
Rosa (S) d. Kahn (M) 6-4, 7-5.
Sherwood (M) d. Schultz (S) 6-1,
5-7, 6-3.
Stonebreaker (S) d. Dean (M) 4-6,
6-2, 6-2.
Thorward (M) d. Eissler (S) 6-3,
Hyatt (S) d. Flick (M) 1-6, 6-4, 6-4.
Klunzinger and Schultz (S) d.
Sherwood and Kahn (M) 4-6,
8-4, 6-4.
Rosa and Stonebreaker (S) d. Rod-
riguez and Dean (M) 6-1, 6-4.
Thorward and Flick (M) d. Eissler
and Hyatt (S) 6-3, 11-9.
Athletics Head
For Wiscousj
MADISON, Wis., April 21--/P)-
Harry A. Stuhldreher, one of Notre
Dame's famed "Four Horsemen," was
appointed Athletic Director and foot-
ball coach at the University of Wis-
consin today.
The Board of Regents approved the
appointment of the Villanovan Col-
lege coach after the Athletic Board
had recommended his selection unan-
imously from a field of 50 candidates.
He takcs over the directorship
formerly held by Dr. Walter E.
Meanwell and the coaching job of
Dr. Clarence W. Spears, both of
whom were central figures in Wis-
consin's recent athletic department
The All-American quarterback of
1924, who has turned out consistently
strong teams in his 11 years at Vil-
lanova, will come to Wisconsin May
1. His teams have v on 65 games,
including a winning streak of 24 con-
secutive games, lost 24 and tied 10.
"Of course, I'm gad to be at Wis-
consin," Stuhldreher commented at
Villanova, "but I hate to leave my

pleasant associations here."
"The selection of Mr. Stuhldreher
is the result of careful and exhaustive
examination of the field by the Ath-
letic Board," resident Glenn Frank
said in his official announcement.
"I am impressed," he continued,
with Stuhldreher's intellectual alert-
ness, his wide range of interests, his
concept of the place of athletics in
the lives of students and the life of
+fP TUnnversityr hissinrcerity t.he

THE earliest days of the Big Ten
Conference are graphically told
in correspondence form, in letters
from the collection of President An-
gell, now in the possession of H. P.
Wagner, chief accountant of the Uni-
The Western Conference, or more
formally, the Intercollegiate Con-
ference of Faculty Representatives,
came into existence as a result of a
meeting of the presidents of middle
western universities, called Jan. 11,
1895, by President J. H. Smart, of
Purdue University.
The letters of President Smart
to President Angell, inviting the
University of Michigan to attend
that original conference, are
among those in the Angell col-
The first letter is dated Nov. 26,
1894, and sounds out the presidents
at Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Illinois State, Chicago and North-
western on "a subject which is of
common interest to all colleges en-
gaged in interstate athletic con-
tests." k
"IT SEEMS TO ME," President
Smart's letter says, "that the
question of the qualification of play-
ers should be placed upon some com-
mon basis." Also, "another question
of much greater importance is the
relation which our teams shall sus-
tain to the professional and semi-
professional teams. These are
springing up very rapidly and there
will be a great inclination on the part
of our students to play with them."
President Angell's reply to the
suggestion that the presidents of
the several schools confer on
some codification of athletic re-
lationships, although not avail-
able, was apparently favorable,
for on Dec. 13 President Smart
wrote again to say that "the pres-
idents of all the colleges named in
I my letter to you . . . . have ex-
pressed a deep interest in the
proposed meeting to be held for
the purpose of adopting some
joint regulations concer'ning in-
tercollegiate athletics.
"The purpose of our meeting, of
course, is to formulate general rules
that shall govern all the institutions
represented alike; but I have thought
that if the leading institutions should
adopt a code it would be quite likely
to be adopted by a large majority of,
the smaller colleges, and thus, while
helping ourselves, we could do a larg-
er work in helping smaller institu-
tions to solve some difficult problems
which are now confronting them."1
The date set for the meeting men-,
tioned was Jan. 11, 1895.
ALTHOUGH President Angell's re
sponses were aparently favor-
able, Michigan was not represneted
at the president's conference. Present
at that meeting, according to the of-
ficial history of the Conference, were
representatives of Purdue, Lake For-
est, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Chicago,
Northwestern and Illinois.
Files of The Michigan Daily do
not disclose any reason for Mich-
igan's failure to be represented at
the presidents' conference.
Michigan, however, was represent-
ed at the next and organization meet-
ing of the Conference Feb. 8, 1896,
replacing Lake Forest. It was at
that meeting that the formal name,
Intercollegiate Conference of Fac-
ulty Representatives was adopted.
- - - - - - - - - -

22 Squads See
Action; Phi Psi's
Title Defenders
Chi Phi's Lose To Champs
As Andros Lacks 'Stuff';
Dekes, Delta Sig's Win
With a heavy west wind sweeping
across South Ferry Field 22 fraternity
softball teams swung into action yes-
tuerday to open the Intramural Sport
department's Spring athletic pro-
Phi Kappa Psi, defending its 1935
crown, jumped on the offerings of
George Andros in the feature game
of the afternoon to defeat Chi, Phi
by a 14 to 8 score in a free-hitting
game that saw seven home runs ac-
counting over half of the scoring.
In the, other outstanding contests
Delta Kappa Epsilon won over Phi
Beta Delta, 6 to 1; Theta Xi, one of
last year's league champions, was shut
out, 12 to 0; and Delta Sigma Pi
overwhelmed Zeta Psi, 13 to 1.
Phi Psi's Get 13 Hits
With Andros lacking his usual
"stuff" the Phi Psi's hit almost at
will, pounding out 13 safeties. John-
ny McKee andFred Schwartze led the
winners at the plate, the former col-
lecting two homers and a double, and
the latter hitting a home run, a
double, and a single. Bill Griffith
looked good at shortstop for the
champions, while Chuck McHugh,
short fielder, and Bill Orr, first base-
man, starred for Chi Phi in the field.
Phi Psi opened the game with Jack
Payton and McKee driving out home
runs but the Chi Phi pitcher settled
down to retire the side, striking out
Dave Barnett, forcing Griffiths to
foul out, and allowing Schwarze to
pole the ball to short left field, Mc-
Hugh coming over fast to make the
catch, the best of the game.
Guard Slocum put down the losers
in order in their half of the first.
In the second inning Chi Phi came
back to score three runs, but lost
their lead in the next stanza never
to threaten the champions again.
Dekes Came From Behind
The Dekes, led by Earl Townsend
who held the Phi B.D.'s to two hits
and hit a home run himself, came
from behind in the third inning to
tie the score and then went ahead in
the fourth to 'win.
Al Blumenfeld, pitcher for the
losers, allowed only four hits but was
given poor support. In the fourth
inning, when the Dekes scored three
runs, only one clean hit was recorded,
fielding errors giving the winners
their lead.
Leonard Meldman, the Phi B.D.'s
center fielder, was outstanding on
defense. Earl Townsend struck out
seven men while Blumenfeld fanned
With Ron Wolf pitching three-hit
ball, Delta Sigma Pi encountered little
opposition from Zeta Psi. Russ Duf-
fenbeck and John Ferdian were the
batting stars for the victors, Dunna-
beck poling out a long home run as
one of three hits.
Wolf struck out 11 men, never let-
ing the game get out of control.
Other scores:
Delta Tan Delta 11, Tau Kappa
Epsilon 4.
Sigma Phi 9. Zeta Beta Tau 4.
Phi Sigma Delta 14, Alpha Kappa
Lambda 10.
Chi Psi 10, Alpha Omega 1.
Psi Upsilon 17, Sigma Alpha Mu 5.
Phi Delta Theta 11, Trigon 6.
Sigma Chi I, Kappa Nu 11.
A supremely confident Max Schmel-
ing arrived in New York yesterday
on what may be his last mission to
the United States stating he was cer-
tain to beat Joe Louis.


pete in both this new meet and the

Old time track fans who jam their olderkPenn Carnival. Thns in 1
way into Franklin Stadium Friday '16 and '18 Wolverine track stars
and Saturday to witness the 42nd performed against not only the stars
running of the Penn Relays will be of the east and south, but also against
carried back to the turn of the cen- the ablest track and field men of the
tury as sturdy runners, clad in the middle and far west. In those three
traditional maize and blue of Michi- years in which Michigan competed
gan, race against the super teams of in both Relays she continued to take
the east, west and south in this great her share of firsts, but in 1919 it was
Eastern Classic for the first time E decided to concentrate on the Drake


since 1918.

Has Ankle.


18 Years ve Elapseld Since Baseball Team Travels
Michigan Forsook Penn Relays In Six States On Trip
- A total of more than 1800 miles

meeting, and thu
( ln x I-m in

--Associated Press Photo.
George Rudness, star center field-
er on the baseball team, suffered
torn ligaments in his left ankle
during the ninth inning of the
Maryland game last Saturday.
Golfers Open
Against State
Here April 25
Michigan State will bring nine
golfers to oppose Michigan in the
opening dual meet of the 1936 season,
to be played over the University Golf
Course Saturday afternoon, accord-
ing to word received here by Coach
Ray Courtright yesterday.
This is the largest team ever to
play in a dual meet here, and there
will be 39 points out.
Coach Courtright is pleased at the
decision of the Spartans to bring
nine men t o Ann Arbor, because it
will enable him to use practically
every man on his squad and get an
idea of the capabilities of several
golfers who have not appeared in
competition for Michigan.
Capt. Chuck Koesis will be at
number one Saturday, followed by
Woody Malloy, but the rest of the
positions will not be determined until
scores are posted later in the week.
The Varsity worked out for the
first time Monday, but have played
only practice rounds without posting
any cards. The greens as yet have
not rounded into shape and are not
conducive to good putting, but should
be in fine condiion after a couple
of mfowings.
Sat 1r'dav's l(I, will see singles
and doubles played at the same time
in four best-ball foursomes, with
the ninth man on both teams going
out in .a twosome. Medal play will
be used throughout.
Coach Courtright will take five men
to Lafayette, Ind., Sunday for the
first Conference dual meet. of the
year against Purdue to be played
One Hun dred SHE ETS andI
One Hun~dred IENVELIOPE2S $
Printed with Name & Address
305 Maynard St. Phone 8805

Once again the Wolverines will de- cgrns ao ngchm
scend upon Philadelphia with a track cirlsaded cuai
squad ranked as one of the best in pions, faded out
the nation and although 18 years roms tiuh to i
have elapsed since Michigan forsook ties such as Wi
the Penn Carnival, there still lingers year won a first
in the east a wholesome respect for en sent to Phi
the prowess of a Wolverine team that igan and Michia
dominated the vaunted varsities of !are hopeful that
both east and west from its initial these individual
appearance in 1903 until the opening alive will be fann
of the World War. tory bonfire when
Show Heels To East igan track squad
national honors
Competing annually in the Relays outstanding cind(
from 1903-1918, with the exception of Saturday.
1917 when the entire outdoor sched-
ule was cancelled due to the war,
Michigan has gone without a first 11liiois Whif
place only five times, and in each With Firs
of those years, 1909, '10. '12, '14 and
'15, the Wolverines have finished sec- CHICAGO, Ap
ond in at least two major events. University of Ill
Definitely demonstrating superior- scoring four runs
ity over the heretofore invincible and then coastin
track teams of the east, Michigan fective pitching1
made an auspicious beginning upon feated the Univei
its first appearance in Philadelphia today.
when Yale, Princeton, and Cornell Score:
trailed victorious Michigan men to Illinois ..... , ..
the tape. Chicago........
Continue To Shine -
Continuing after the same manner,
one great relay combination after an-
other journeyed to the city of broth-
erly love each spring to impress upon
the east just why Michigan's teams.
were styled 'champions of the west,'
and so successful were they that it
was not until 1909, seven years later,
that a Maize and Blue team did not
return with either the two or four
mile crowns, or both. That year
Michigan ran second in each.
With the inception of the Drake Burr, Pa
Relay Carnival at Des Moines as an
annual western track feature the
second year of the war, Michigan
teams became accustomed to com-
Socks that we have d c
are being passed on to y
SC R IPTO PENCILS - the perfect
WAHL EVERSHARP Pencils toget

s it was that Michi-
ent in eastern track
npion among cham-
of the Penn picture.
time individual en-
llis Ward, who last
and a third, have
adelphia, but Mich-
gan track followers
A the spark which
entries have kept
ied into a great vic-
the first full Mich-
in 18 years vies for
with the country's
er' teams Friday and
ps Chicago
t Inning Rally
)ril 21.-(AP)-The
inois baseball team,
s in the first inning
ag along behind ef-
by Howie Berg, de-
rsity of Chicago 8-2
400 010 030-8 10 1
001 000 010-2 8 2

was traveled by the Wolverine base-
ball team on its vacation trip through
six states last week.
At Richmond, Va., the club ex-
perienced really hot weather for the
first time this year, the mercury
reaching 85 degrees in the shade.
Yesterday they drove through a bliz-
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BOOKS--- Editions DeLuxe




Moore - THE COLLECTORS MANUAL ...................... .
Leitch - CHINESE RUGS........ ........................
Northend - AMERICAN GLASS.............................. .
DeBles - GENUINE ANTIQUE FURNITURE .................. .
Halsey and Tower - HOMES OF OUR ANCESTERS..........
Reynal - MODERN FRENCH PAINTERS.................... .
Hurill - HOME BOOK OF GREAT PAINTINGS.................
Cheney - THE NEW WORLD ARCHITECTURE... ........... .


Eberlein and McClure - PRACTICAL BOOK OF AMERICAN ANTIQUES.. .....1.98
Ruckstull - GREAT WORKS OF ART. ..................................... 1.89
Moore - THE OLD FURNITURE BOOK ......................................1.19



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