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April 22, 1936 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-22

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----- -----

Varsity Nine Returns Home After Successf l Southeri





In Nine Starts;
Feature Tour
Best Record Of Last Five
Years; Composite Batting
Average Is .338
Team Plays Saturday
Unexpected Barrage Of
Hits Overcomes Errors
In Fielding
Michigan's touring fence busters
returned to Ann Arbor yesterday,
their finale at Ohio State postponed
because of a sudden mid-winter bliz-
zard, and this afternoon will start
preparing for Saturday's clash with
Wisconsin's powerful nine.
The Wolverines brought back with i
them the best record for a southern
spring training trip of any Fisher-
coached club of the last five years.
In addition they boast a composite
batting average better than any
Michigan team in 10 years, a mark
of .338, which is superior slugging in
any league.
Nine games were played on the
southern invasion, yesterday's being
the only one called o. This marked
the first trip in Fisher's entire ca-
reer here, which is now in its 16th
year, that the club was so favored by
the weather man.. Six victories have
been chalked up to date, while each
of the threergames lost was dropped
by but one run.
Beat Wesleyan Twice
Michigan has collected 102 hits so
far this season while the Wolverines'
pitching staff has restricted the op-
position to only 52. The season was
opened with a pair of victories over'
Ohio Wesleyan, 14-2 and 5-2. Larson
and Gee were the winning hurlers.
The games with Roanoke College at
Salem, Va., were split. Michigan tak-
ing the first, 5-1, but dropping the
second, 8-7. Herm Fishman went
the route in the first of these while
Andronik and Kremer pitched in the
Fickle Dame Fate gave the Wolver-
ines their second defeat of the year
when a rain storm ended the game
with Richmond in the sixth and sent
the score back to the previous in-
ning. Richmond was given a 1-0 de-
cision, although Michigan had a big
rally under way in the sixth and had
already scored one man when the
rain came.
Michigan hitters used the Uni-
versity of Virginia pitchers as a
means of raising the batting averages,
pounding out 19 hits to gain a 17-4
victory. Carl Ferner led the parade
in that affair with four safeties. John
Gee was the pitcher, stopping the
Cavaliers with four hits.
Fishman Wins Another
Fishman added another win to the
record at William and Mary, pitching
the Wolverines to a 4-2 win. This
victory was especially prized as the
Indians are rated as one of the best
of all southern teams. At Maryland
Fisher started Bob Harndon on the
hill and followed with Adronik,
Kremer and center fielder George
Rudness. Six men toiled on the
mound for Maryland and managed
to eke out a 14-13 win. Michigan
had jumped off to a big lead but
lost it when Maryland staged an
eight run rally in the fifth inning.
The Wolverines hit heavily from then
on and managed to fill the bases in
the ninth but couldn't knot the score.
Although Michigan's defensive
play, especially by the infield, has
not been on the par expected for it,
the heavy hitting has been a surprise
to everyone concerned. Ferner is
leading with an even .500 average

for the first nine games with 18 hits
to his credit in 36 trips to the plate.
Steve Uricek and John Jablonski
also have averages of better than
.400, while Joe Lerner, Berger Lar-
son,aGeorge Rudness and Don Brew-
er are all hitting at better than a
.300 clip.
'.a blon.k. ihits Homers
Jablo J1:ski has already established
hiimiself as the slugger of the club,
having smashed out two long home
run.s oi the S outheirn jaunt. The
rst camel at Roanoke a;d cleared a
high left ield fence 350 feet away.
His second was in the third inning at
Maryland and went over the center
field barrier. Rudness also cracked
out a four-ply blow in the Maryland
affair. Lerner has been going in for
extra bases on his hits with five
doubles to his credit so far.
Before the season opened Fisher
expected to have but two good start-
ing pitchers, Larson and John Gee.
Nov a third name, that of the sopho-
more Fishman, seems to be added to
the list and coupled with Michigan's
apparent offensive strength makes
the Wolverines a strong contender

Hoyt To Name
Men For Penn3
O'Connell Outruns Starr
And Gorman Ii Indoor
Time Trials

Rodrigei'llIz Is M
But His Thennis

'Igi~j /1 J1)J

- ,: AOO, April 21.-tP)-
Vv- 1 Sate Teachers went into
tinning today to hand the
, University of Wisconsin team a 5-4


Net Maii's Ability hi Manv
Fields Comes To Light
Despite Protests

cl. N..i
t eii .i _ e

C . iy tiix
'' i. (
; ,-
l'( 'ii on (US

defet1, ftr a spectacular ninth in-
ning in which the Hilltoppers came
from beIind with two down to tie.
- - - - -

AFAEL Juan Guil-
Time trials held in the Field House lermo Eduardo Rod-
yesterday afternoon because of cold riguez De Jesus De
weather revealed little in the way of Las Casas Mira Sol.
fast time, but Harry O'Connell step- . shake weil before
ped out ahead of Benn Starr and using, slightly more
Paul Gorman to take the half mile. recognizable by the
The entire team with the exception , rname cf Johnny'
of Howie Davidson, who ran a half Rodriguez and a
mile on the Ferry Field track, worked couple of tennis rac-
out indoors and at the conclusion of quets. Chief qual-
the drill Coach Chuck Hoyt an- ifications, a Hernn-
nounced that he would name the tage pin, a blazing:
squad to make the trip to the Penn service, black hair
Carnival, probably 15 men, some- that would curl if allowed its own
time today. way, and an M sweater worn only
The injuries which have beset the under protest.
squad since the beginning of the in- Measures 6 feet 1 by 190, Reg. U.S.


Has e, exeon pp (]r s0berii
highballs, E rished f ~b. at 1017
Oakland, and the im .' :l.khand
inve ol. gxm ai mthl
Style only iod1y or:mped last sea-
son by pain ( 1sd varloi usly by a
misplaced nh wlio eli ia d u d
of backha-i, . r ot.Pae
se-oral mat es wIi Doh before dis-
covered. )C Wme s'hkS of Coach's
huari. by swaming 5 1)111 Of Ch1 icag
in1 Conferene d t wsi h ai 0a7-5, 6-0
i otherwin .2an i 3e malde to talk
abtxt Ihimsel. 'his has taken
moniths and teiamma us Pi (compilc.



-Associated Press Photo.
Although Glenn Morris of the Denver Athletic Club had never com-
peted in the Decathlon, he smashed the world and the meet record at
the Kansas Relays, Saturday, scoring 7,576 points. It seems certain
that he will be heard from in the Olympic games this summer in
'Theoretical Coaches' Myth Is
Refuted By Michigan's Staff

The popular idea that an athletic
coach is simply an individual thor-
oughly acquainted with the game in
which he gives instruction and total-
ly incapable in the playing end of1
this game is thoroughly refuted when
one glances back at the athletic ca-
reers of the Michigan coaching staff.-
From Athletic Director Fielding H.
Yost, the senior member of the staff
with 36 consecutive years, down to
Wallie Weber, freshman football
coach and junior of the roster with
six years' experience, we find a bril-
liant array of former athletic stars
comparable to that of few, if any,
other schools.
Kipke One Of Best
Fielding H. Yost attended Ohio
Normal College in 1889 where he"
played baseball and rugby. He played
football in 1894 at West Virginia and
in 1896 and 1897 at Lafayette, com-
ing to Michigan as a coach in 1901.
One of the most brilliant athletes
ever to play on a Michigan team was
Coach Harry G. Kipke, head foot-
ball mentor. As a student at Mich-
igan he won three M's in football,
three in basketball, and three in
baseball, one of Michigan's few nine
letter men. He was chosen All-Amer-
ican half-back by the late Walter
Camp in 1922 and has been named
by many critics as an all-time All-
Rivaling Coach Kipke for athletic
honors is another nine letter man,
Coach Benny Oosterbaan, now assist-
ant basketball and football coach,
as well as freshman baseball coach.
He was chosen as an All-American
end for three years, and was also
an all-conference basektball and
baseball star. He was a member of
six championship teams during his
athletic career at Michigan.
Hoyt A Footballer
Coach Franklin C. Cappon, who
coaches basketball and is an assistant
football coach, played end and tackle
on the football team in 1921, and in
'22 and '23 he was shifted to full-
back aS Kipke's running mate, win-
ning a second team berth on the
all-conference eleven of the latter
year. He also played two years of
Track Coach Charlie Hoyt graduat-
- - 4

ed from Grinnell College in 1917,
where he had played end on the
football team, and took part in the
sprints and hurdles in track. Coach
Ken Doherty, freshman track mentor,
was American champ in the decatha-
lon in 1928 and 1929, setting a new
record in the latter year. He placed
third in this event in the 1928 Olymp-
Coach Ray Courtright, golf and as-
sistant football coach, graduated
from Oklahoma University in 1914,
playing football, basketball, baseball.
Hurled For Yanks
Baseball Coach Ray Fisher, a grad-4
uate of Middlebury College, played
football, baseball, class basketball,
and was a member of the track team.
Before coming to Michigan, he saw
duty in the big leagues as a pitcher
for the New York Yankees in 1916 and
1917 and for the Cincinnati Reds
in 1919.
Matt Mann, swimming coach was
free style champ of England in the
dashes and turned professional
around the turn of the century. Ed-
die Lowry, who puts the hockey play-
ers through their rounds, is a grad-
uate of Queens College in Canada,
where he played a lot of hockey.
Wrestling Coach Cliff Keen grad-
uated from Oklahoma A. & M., where
he was a member of the wrestling
team for three years, during which
time he never lost a bout. Wallie
Weber was on the reserve grid squad
in 1924 and was a regular for the

door season appeared to be pretty(
well cleared up yesterday. Both BobI
Osgood and Clayt Brelsford are fast
recovering from leg injuries, and Ray1
Fink who turned his' ankle Monday
said that, he felt perfectly all right.I
The squad will not leave for Phila-
delphia until Thursday morning, but
the lanes in which the three Wolver-
ine relay teams are to run have al-
ready been decided.
Michigan has drawn the seventh,
lane in the mile relay in which there
are nine teams entered. Manhattan,
the defending champions in this
event, will run in lane four.
In the two-mile relay the Wolver-
ine quartet will run in lane nine. Un-
doubtedly several of the fifteen teams
entered vill be scratched, which may
effect the positions of the remaining
Only in the long four-mile relay
will Michigan run close in. Of eleven
possible places the Wolverines will
be in the second lane.
Arrangements have already been
completed to broadcast a good part
of the Relays over a National hook-'
up. and it is veiy probable that Mich-
igan men will be in competition dur-
ing most of the broadcasting, thus
affording loyal Wolverine track fol-
lowers an opportunity to hear their
favorite athletes compete against the
pick of the country.
Big Ten Standings

Pat. Off. Aug. 22, '15. Spanish origin
hinted at above accounts for cosmo-
politan championships in '34, and at-
tracting Co'ch J'nst'nes attention. PR -
sult-now tops in Michigan racqiw-
teering. Tolstoi's "War and Peace" is
the favorite book, although he eats
popcorn before breakfast and orange
drops all day but has one sister who
went to Wheaton.
Confesses that lightish color of eyes
is due to yellow huec of bcdsprec1r
slept under during infancy, followed
(somewhat later) by a year at Staun-
ton Military Academy, which makes
him a reserve officer in U.S. Army.
You would have to salute twice, but
le turned his Annapolis app'tment to
a friend.
Not entirely with't honor in own
country (Ponce, Puerto Rico) where
he spent S'r yr. of hi as editor of
weekly mag. put out by all schools of
p. r. Wrote a column, edits and in-
terviews, which he says "were ob-
tained quietly and intelligently."
Held S. Puerto Rican net title &
Ponce Sporting Club chpshp, till he
came here & couldn't defend them.
Worked one summer on a boat
trading between isles near home, cli-
maxed by a 10 ft. fall and broken
left shoulder. SAW Paris and Madrid
long before Ann Arbor, but still
blushes. very red. Goes out for wres-
tling every now & then, and has
memento of swimming career in a
trick ear while diving in ice.
Can maneuver a pr. of ice skates
& a bicycle, very possibly at same
time, and possesses a ribbon copped
at a roller rink. Very ser's & rela-

T'he finest Gift is
Your Portrait-
done at the

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t? f
* I'
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f I N7



W L Pet.
.4 0 1.000
..2 0 1.000
1 0 1.000
1 1 .500
.0 0 .000
..0 0 .000
.0 0 .000
.0 2 .000
.0 2 .00


Ohio State ..........0 3
Yesterday's Results
Illinois 8, Chicago 2.




and Blue in his remaining twoI

Jimmy Foxx gets 15 to 20 letters
daily, most of them asking auto-
graphs and most of them from girls.


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