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April 03, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-03

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Dr. Dice Asks
Laboratory For
Heredity Work
Study Of Family Histories
Would Aid Improvement:
Of Race,_Expert Says
Creation of a State laboratory to
give Michigan a leading place in the
study of just how human traits, good
and bad, are inherited, was urged
recently by Dr. Lee R. Dice, director
of the laboratory of vertebrate gen-
A few facts of human heredity are
known, but mostly in the undesirable
fields of feeblemindedness, or mental
and physical defects among persons
now a public burden or menace, Dr.
Dice declared. If the human race is
to be improved, it must be done
through an extensive centralized and
continued study of family histories,
he pointed out.j
"Enough is now known about the
heredity of human defects so that
a geneticist, if he wished and if he
could control the matings, could pro-
duce strains of people who would be
color blind, have hemophilia or
bleeding, deformed hands or feet, be
toothless, be feebleminded, or have
other physical, or mental defects,"
stated Dr. Dice.
Many of the factors making for
mental and physical well being are
also probably partly or wholly hered-
itary, he pointed out, but less study
has been made in these directions.I
A human genetics laboratory,
through cooperation between all
State institutions caring for people,
or dealing with studies in heredity,
would bring together a vast amount
of information, now largely unrelat-
ed. Out of this statistically reliable
mass of data, important facts about
the complicated heredity of good as
well as bad characteristics might well
be discovered within a generation or
less of study. Dr. Dice suggested.
A race of supermen, or the breeding
of definite castes of "brain-trusters,
artists, mathematicians, brawny lab-
orers, or highbrow intellectuals with
spindly legs and chronic indigestion,"
wouldbe in no sense the objective of
genetics study, he emphasized. The
aim would be entirely to find what
possible rulescould be found to raise
the physical and mental level of the
whole population.
Human heredity, Dr. Dice declared.
is, the most important of all natural
resources in the world, but little has
been done to conserve and improve ita
scientifically. It is difficult to attack
because of its complications and be-
cause of the length of time between'
generations. The proposed labora-'
tcrv would be a necessary and val-
uable beginning, he suggested.
Graham To Lecture
On Student Religion

Troop Skirmish Brings Threats Of War In Far East
MANC® Ut .
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Sociology Trip
Plans Ratified,
By Department,

(Cont-nued from Page 4)

~ U day night services will be held at the
Hillel Foundation at 8 p.m. Dr.
Itinerary Includes Museum Ifeller will speak on "The Fate of the
fAr N r SJew in Poland." This will conclude
Of Art, egro Sections his series on Poland. His speech will
Of Detroit . be followed by a discussion of the stu-
dents. All are welcome.

Ine University sociology depart-
ment yesterday put its stamp of
approval on the itinerary outlined
by the Student Christian Association
for its sociological trip to Detroit
April 4.
Planned with the cooperation of
the department of sociology the itin-
erary includes the Detroit Museum
of Art, police headquarters, Negro
residential sections, and soup lines,
the sociological trip will start from
Lane Hall at 1 p.m. Saturday, ac-
cording to an announcement late
yesterday by Richard Skrede Clark,
secretary of the S.C.A., who urged
all those interested in making the
trip to register at once with Dorothy
Shapland of the psychology office,
Room 2125, Natural Science Bldg., or
at Lane Hall. Registration fee is 50
cents; he said, and the only other
cost for the trip is $1 to cover cost
of transportation.
The Detroit Art Museum will be'
visited first, Clark said. There the
Ann Arbor group will be joined by'
smaller groups from the University
of Toledo and Wayne University.
Professor Bushnell, head of the Uni-
versity of Toledo sociology depart-
ment is expected to be present. At
the museum, the de Riviera murals
will be explained.
Police headquarters will be visited
next, where arrangements haverbeen
made for the students to be shown
through the cell blocks, the rogues
gallery, and other parts of the build-
ing, where police inspectors will ex-
plain general police problems. In-
cluded in the plans are examinations
of the fingerprint and arms identifi-
cation departments. A talk regard-
ing the work of the narcotic squad
will complete the visit.

a. w

-Associated Press Map
This map shows the frontiers of Japanese-advi ed Manchoukuo and Soviet-influenced Mongolia where
a 24-hour battle between soldiers of the two countries was reported to have ended with the retreat of the Man-
choukuans. Each side claimed the engagement was fought in its own territory.

Faculty Concert: The University
Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore,
and Thor Johnson, conductors, will
provide an interesting program in
Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 o'clock, to
which the general public with the
exception of small children is invit-
ed without admission charge, as fol-
Overture, "Merry Wives of Windsor"
........... Nicolai
Symphony in D Minor ......Franck
Lento-Allegro non troppo
Allegro non troppo
Three Dances, "Nell Gwyn"...... .
................Edward German
Country Dance
Pastoral Dance
Merrymakers' Dance
Coming Events
Student Christian Association: The
S.C.A. is sponsoring a Sociology Field
Trip to Detroit for all those students
interested, on Saturday, April 4. The
group will leave from Lane Hall at
1 p.m. sharp and will return late Sat-
urday evening. Registration will be
50c. Transportation will be $1.00 and
dinner will be 40c. Persons interest-
ed may register with Miss Dorothy
Shapland in the Psychology Office,
Room 2125 Natural Science, or with
Mrs. Alber at Lane Hall. The itin-
ei ary will include visits to the de-
Riviera murals, the police depart-
rnent, the jail, the Negro YMCA, the
Hastings Street rehousing area, the
Negro residential areas, the Marin-
ers' Church and the Hungarian
The Student Christian Association
is sponsoring a luncheon for Dean
Thomas Wesley Graham at noon on
Saturday, April 4, in the Russian

Construction Of Tower Delayed
Until Steel Shipment Arrives

Pardon Plans Schedule;
One Story To Be Built
Every 11 Days
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
in a series of articles on the construc-
tion of the Burton Memorial Tower
and the Rackham School of Garduate
Work on the $69,000 Burton Mem-
orial Tower, which will be 193 feet
in height, will begin just as soon as
a shipment of steel to be used in the
concrete for the foundation arrives.
Tests conducted by the Highway
Engineering Department taken dur-
ing the course of the last 10 days
have proved that the earth immedi-
ately under the Tower is completely
satisfactory as a basis for the build-
Edward C. Pardon, superintendent
of the buildings and grounds, is in
charge of the work and has drawn up
a complete schedule for the construc-
tion work. It is planned, roughly, he
said, to have one story of the Tower
completed every eleven days, and the
structure will be entirely built by
the middle of the summer and will be
ready for the instalaltion of the bells
at that time.
The tests conducted by the high-
way engineering department show,
Mr. Pardon said, that the soil bear-
ing is completely satisfactory-that
is, it can bear the.weight of the Tow-
er without causing it to settle too
much. It was found by the depart-
ment that the sand-gravel bed is cap-
able of bearing 6000 pounds per
square foot-the "soil bearing" nec-
essary if the building is not to settle
too much or too unevenly.

deep the foundation of either the
Graduate School or the Burton Tow-
er depends solely on how far down
it is necessary to find a proper basis
for the building. In the case of the
Burton Tower, for instance, the foun-
dation, as can be observed by looking
at the excavations made there now,
will be but about 15 feet down in
the ground.
The Burton Tower, he pointed out,
has already been planned so as to
be stable against the wind pressure,
and this stability was not realized by!
planning the building to set deeply
in the ground.
The "Footings" of the building are
so planned to take care of any pres-
sure from the wind.
suAt its base the Tower will be about
41 feet, 7 inches square and it does
not taper very much at the top. For
instance, at the 10th floor the Tower
will be 39 feet, 7 inches square and
at the eleventh floor will be 38 feet,
7 inches.
Practice rooms will be included in
the first 10 floors and immediately
above them will be the bell cham-
ber, 44 feet high and 38 feet square.
The bells, when they arrive this sum-
mer, will be hoisted into the chamber
by a great derrick stationed on the
tenth floor. They will be brought
up the outside of the building.
The clock will not be installed by

Westerner Crowned
King Of Cigarette
Rollers On Campus
Expert cigarette rollers on the cam-
pus gathered around the renowned
bell at the Pretzel Bell Tavern re-
cently and with its peal was startedj
off in the Gargoyle's "Roll Your Own
Contest" which offered prizes for the
fastest roller, the neatest roller and
the man who combined both in mak-
ing his cigarettes,
After nimble fingers had skittishly
awaited the bell, the speed contest
was run-off and traditions of the old
West were upheld by James Hor-
iskey, '39L, of Cheyenne, Wyo., who'
won the contest and a pipe for his
William C. Hutton, '39A, of Ham-
mond, Ind., won the pipe for the
best-rolled cigarette. The judges for
this and the other contests were John
Neelands, proprietor, Donald Miller,
'36, editor of the Gargoyle, and Nor-
man Williamson, '36, business man-
ager of the Gargoyle.
Neatness and speed were combined
in the judging of the next contest
which was won by William Hutton,,
who had previously taken the prize for
the'best rolled cigarette.


Identifies Reptile
Triassic Rock Strata



A reptile dating from ancient times
when Wyoming was covered by a
sea, and an exceptional discovery be-
cause it shows the half-way stage
in the evolution of an animal from
a land to a water dwelling form, has
been identified by Dr. E. C. Case, di-
rector of the Museum of Paleontol-
The fossil, found in 120,000,000-
year old Triassic rocks near Alcona,
Wyo., is one of the Plesiosaur group
of marine reptiles of the time, and is
approximately three feet in length.











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