The Weather
Showers today or tonight
and probably tomorrow; slight-
ly warmer today.
Sir igan
Foolishness Nip;ed ...
SAd Va fm C . .
Stone Steeplechase
And Etchells Place
Spring Parley
Hits Expulsion
Of 3 Students
Moore Chides Engineers
For Total Lack Of 'Social
Altering Economic
Order Is Opposed
Strong Finish After Losing
Lead BringsWolverine
Star PennRelay Win
Wood, Cornell Star,
Takes Shot, Discus
Eulace Peacock, Temple
Flash, Hurt As Texas
Captures Sprint Relay
PHILADELPHIA, April 24. - (P) -
Walter Stone, Michigan distance star,
competing in the event for the first
time, displayed finishing speed as
well as stamina to capture the 3,000
meters steeplechase in 9 minutes,
44.8 seconds today in the Penn Re-
John Townsend, Wolverine bas-
ketball star, placed second to Walter
Wood, Cornell, in the shot put with
a throw of 45 feet, 5 3/4 inches, and
Widmer Etchells took fourth place
in the discus. His distance was 142
feet, 7 1/4 inches. Wood also won
this event.,
After setting all the early pace,
Stone was overhauled at the start of
the last lap by Walter Nachoney of
Temple who opened up a six-yard
margin, but the Wolverine came back
with a rush after splashing into the
water jump for the last time. Stone's
stretch sprint carried him to a 10-
yard victory over Nachoney, with R.
W. Hills of Michigan State in third
place, 30 yards behind the winner.
With Jesse Owens, famous Negro
athlete, turning in a sparkling 220-
yard leg to put Ohio State back into
the running in the race for the sprint
medley relay crown, the Buckeyes
emerged triumphant as their anchor
half-miler, Charley Beetham, stood
off a stretch challenge by Pennsyl-
vania's Gene Venzke, to win in 3:31.9.
The crack University of Texas
quartet signalized its debut in the
Carnival with a record-smashing tri-
umph that put one of America's out-
standing Olympic hopes, Eulace Pea-
cock of Temple, on the casualty list
While challenging the Texas an-
chor runner, Harvey (Chink) Wal-
lender, in the stretch of the 440-yard
Intercollegiate relay championship
race Peacock suddenly pulled up
lame, limped across the finish line in
second place, ten yards behind, and
then was taken to a hospital.
Dr. Winnacker
To Quit Faculty
For Nebraska,
His Era Passes
Angell Believes Hitler
Employ Heidelberg
For Propaganda
Members of the faculty panel de-
clared themselves definitely opposed
to the ousting of three students from
the University last fall, Naziism was
slapped, and engineering students
were scolded for their lack of "social
consciousness" at the opening session
of the Spring Parley yesterday in the
Five hundred students filled the
north lounge both afternoon and eve-
ning to hear their professors tell
them what they shall make their "to-
morrow,." The student sentiment was
neither radical nor conservative, al-
though there was some of both. Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history de-
partment appeared to be the most
frequently called on, as students for
the most part, wrote their questions
and sent them to the rostrom where
G. Mennen Williams, '36L, presided.
Facult Court far1x c sion.
Sudden Death
Closes Abbott's
[ ltUly pU' l G.USU1
rm y Career Starting promptly at 3 p.m. and
7:30 p.m. today the third and fourth.
sessions of the parley will be broken
up into six different groups. These
Death Either To Facilitate are: Our University, headed by Nor-
Or Complicate Tangled man Sharfman, '37; the Arts, pre-
sided over by Judd Poll, '36; Religion,
Democratic Party chairman, Irving Levitt, '36; the Fam-
ily, chairman, Winifred Bell, '36; Our
By FRED WARNER NEAL State and Economic System, Cyril
The death of Horatio J. Abbott in Hetsko, '36L; and International Rela-
St. Joseph's hospital yesterday brings tions, chairman, Abe Zwerdlinght, Prof.
to a close an. era in Michigan Dem-
ocracy - an era that hinged largely Howard M. Jones, alluding to the
around him. ousting of the three students last fall
said that in any instance no student
Democratic national committeeman should be dropped from any Uni-
from Michigan and chief patronage versity without first having had the
distributor for this State, he was opportunity of a trial before a fac-
stricken Thursday with a paralytic ulty body properly appointed by the
stroke that was brought on by his faculty. To bar a student from a
efforts to settle the tangle within his school is the most severe penalty any
party here. Harried with accusations university can inflict upon an indi-
of desertion and the mutiny of Michi- vidual, he said.
gan Democratic Congressional dele-
gation, he entered the hospital near-
ly a week ago with a nervous break- Great exception was taken to the
down. The end came yesterday, brief talk by Prof. Max Handman of
swiftly and unexpectedly, shortly be- the economics department when he
fore noon. He was 60 years old. termed the present economic system
The funeral will be held at 2:30 in Russia a "fast capitalism" or "an
p.m. Monday from the First Meth- attempt at fast industrialization.',
odist church with which Mr. Abbott Capitalism, he continued, needs to
had long been an active member. The mind that "at least 60 or 70 per cent
Reverend Doctors Charles W. Bra- mfndttaleat6on7erent
shares and Frederick B. Fisher will of ourg ttal population were well off
share officiating ceremonies. Pall even durng the darkest days of the
bearers, men from Mr. Abbott's own depression. Because of this, he asked,
oil distribution plant here, are Edwin can you say the system has broken
J. Huntingon, Herman Schlecht, down?"
Louis Hallen, Russel J. Vial, Henry Professor Handman also pointed
Voelker and Lawrence Voelker. Mrs. out that no change of the present
Abbott and three sons, Floyd, Her- order should be made without at first
bert and Robert, all of whom were being sure the new order would be a
present at the bedside after he re- definite improvement over the old.
lapsed into a coma, survive. "Any violent change means the death
Burial will be made in the Wash- of at least 40 per cent of our pop-
tenong Memorial Park, an enterprise ulation," Professor Handman said.
which Mr. Abbott helped found. To cne of the questions concern-
Mr. bbot's eathwil eiteing academic freedom, Professor
Mr. Abbott's death will either Jones stated, "as for freedom of ex-
citate te alreat nglreatl fea- pression and academic freedom, well,,
the Democratic party in Michigan. all I can say is, mother and child
the emoratc prty n Mchian.are doing as well as can be expected."
His successor as national committee-
man and as chairman of the State The Nazi 'dictatorship in Germany
Democratic central committee will be was called by Professor Slosson
named at the national convention in "nothing but a horrible example,"
June at Philadelphia, although that and he said he thought the Uni-
person will not necessarily acceed to versity's acceptance of the Heidel-
his post of patronage distributor. berg invitations was "more in sym-
Among those mentioned in political pathy for the Germany professors
circles are George Burke of Ann (and people than sympathy for the
Arbor, long an Abbott follower and a Hitler regime." Prof. Robert C. An-
(Continned on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2)
Mimres Initiates 14 Rush Medical
At Annual Banquet Aid To Rescued
Court Review
Being Blocked,
Mitchell Says
Former Attorney General
Criticizes Impeding Of
Constitutionality Tests
Roosevelt Regime
Called Tyrannical
Political Appointments Of
Judges Are Described
As 'Appalling'
The Roosevelt administration was
assailed last night as "tyrannical"
in its policy of deliberately obstruct-
ing tests of the constitutionality of
New Deal legislation by former United
States Attorney-General William D.
Mitchell in his address at the Found-
er's Day dinner in the Lawyers' Club.
A capacity attendance at the din-
ner, including the University Re-
gents and justices of the State Su-
preme Court heard Mr. Mitchell de-
scribe as "appalling" even the pos-
sibility of appointments of Supreme
Court or lower court judges on a
"political" basis.
Clifford J. Ashton and Elbert R.
Gilliom yesterday defeated Jacob
I. Weissman and William A. Mc-
Clain, all second year Law stu-
dents, in the finals of the Case
Clubs contest to win the Henry
M. Campbell Award.
Honorary degrees of Master of
Laws were conferred upon Tho-
mas F. McDonald, '17L, president
of the St. Louis Bar Association
and Oscar C. Hull, '13L, Detroit,
former president of the Michigan
State Bar Association, at a Uni-
versity convocation yesterday
He called upon the entire legal pro-
fession "militantly and vigilantly" to
insure high standards of "judgment,
character and judicial temperament"
and to prevent "political packing" of
judicial benches.
In its obstruction of Supreme Court
review, according to Mr. Mitchell, the
Administration has not only failed
to cooperate in submitting its legis-
lation for tests, but it has expended
the "utmost effort" to criticize any-
one who even questioned the validity
of these acts.
Mr. Mitchell does not believe it an
offense for congressmen to approve
of legislation, the constitutionality of
which is doubtful, but holds it "the
worst sort of tyranny" to impede the
testing of such legislation by the
Supreme Court.
He pointed to President Roosevelt's
(Continued on Page 2)
W.A.A.'s Ninth
Penny Carnival
Opens Tonigrht
Appropriate Excess Profit
For Proposed Women's
Swimming Pool
Offering a variety of entertainment,
the ninth annual Penny Carnival will
open its doors from 8 p.m. to mid-
night today at Barbour and Water-
man Gymnasiums under the sponsor-
ship of the Women's Athletic Associa-
Jean Gourlay, '37, as vice-president
of the W.A.A., is general chairman of
the carnival. She is assisted by the
following committee heads and their
committees: Katherine Buckley, '38,
booth committee; Janet Lambert, '37,
entertainment committee; Dorothy
Shappell, '36, finance committee;
Betty Whitney, '38, dance committee;
Frances Everhard, '38, hostess com-
mittee; and Betsey Anderson, '38,
publicity committee,
The proceeds of the carnival will
support the projects of the W.A.A.
for the coming year. Because all
profits in excess of the necessary
amount will be appropriated for the
proposed women's swimming pool, a
special drive is being conducted to
make this year's carnival a financial
Law Foundation Speaker
Says New Deal Contrary
To U.S. Theories
The time for again amending the
Constitution of the United States has
not yet arrived, William DeWitt
Mitchell, Democratic attorney-gen-
eral under a Republican administra-
tion, declared yesterday in an inter-
Mr. Mitchell, who arrived here yes-
terday from New York City to ad-
dress the Founder's Day banquet in
the Law School and who was so-
licitor-general under President Cool-
idge, despite the fact that he is an
"old line Democrat," asserted that
the Constitution "should not be
changed in times of stress.
"If the Constitution is to be
changed," he said, "you should wait
until the smoke clears and you can
Brucker Stock
Up As He Gets
Republicans, In Detroit,
Boo Couzens, Endorse
Senator Vandenberg
William D. Mitchell Deplores
I Constitutional Changes Now
view the situation clearly and ra-
But Mr. Mitchell does not think
that even when the smoke does clear
away in this instance, the highest
law should be amended. "I see no
proposal for an amendment that I
favor," he explained, "and I do not
think our form of government at
this time should be altered."
He said that the Supreme Court,
in its adverse decisions on Roosevelt
legislation, "has said that the phil-
osophy of the New Deal is not in
harmony with the fundamental phil-
osophy of our American democracy."
"The philosophy of the New Deal,"
he continued, "is one of centralized
control of regulation. It is unde-
niable that many problems are not
handled adequately by the states. But
I believe the effects of taking away
local control and giving it to the Fed-
eral government would be, in the long
run, worse than the benefits."
The future of labor legislation,
under the Constitution as it now
stands, Mr. Mitchell predicts, will be
largely influenced by the Supreme
Court's expected decision on the Guf-
fey Coal Act. As to child labor, he
agrees that nearly everyone is op-
posed to it but, like Nicholas Murray
Butler, he is afraid that ratification
of the Child Labor Amendment, now
a decade before the states, would "put
into the hands of a lot of Washington
bureaucrats the power to dictate to
parents what they should do with
their children."'
After all-night conferences which
failed to settle questions of party
strife but left the formal session A d Ad a c
with the outward appearances of
political harmony, the Michigan Re-
publican Convention in Detroit yes- 13I M en e s
terday found itself forced into the
position of favoring former Governor
Wilber M. Brucker over the incum- Carnegie Scholar To Talk
bent Sen. James A. Couzens for this g
year's senatorial race, by electing At Scientific Fraternity's
Brucker delegate-at-large to the Na- n
tional Convention June,9 in Cleve-I nitiation Banquet May
The selection of 135 members of
In the past two weeks, with county the University to either new or ad-
after county endorsing Brucker for vanced membership was announced
senator, party leaders have been tor- vanmembgrshp wasou
mented by the problem of how he yesterday by the honorary society of
could be omitted from the group of Sigma Xi, whose purpose is to pro-
four delegates to be named by the bmote and recognize scientific research
convention in order not to show him ability and accomplishments. Three.
favoritism above Couzens who would alumni were elected alumni members.
favortism bove ouzen who ould An initiation banquet will b ed
not be appointed to a similar post. An initiation bayqu, i tbe held
at 6:30 p.m., May 6, in the Union.
Brucker Fights For Delegacy Dr. E. C. MacDowell, of the Carnegie
Until Thursday, they believed that ( Institution, will speak on "Wild Blood
Brucker would retire gracefully from Cells."
the field and solve their problem, Members of the faculty who were
but Thursday night the former gov- made full members numbered eight.
ernor tossed a thunderbolt at the They were Profs. Carl E. Badgley and
party pacifiers by announcing that Frederick A. Coller of the surgery
( Continued on Pale 3 11
__department; Prof. T. G. Bernthal of
+ the physiology department; Mr.
Cops S U p icious01 Frank H. Clark and Mrs. Leonora
tGloyd of the zoology department;
Identification Card; Profs. RobertB.zHall andPreston E.
James of the geography department;
Night's Rest Results and Prof. Lawrence C. Maugh of the
civil engineering department.
list of disgruntled hold- The three alumni who were pro-
Add to the lito igute od moted from associate to alumni mem-
ers of U. of M. identification cardsbmhpereas ielo niofem-e
the name of Ed Slezak. He too, bership were Gabrel Kron of the
though the picture of him on the card General Electric Co., F. R. Sherer,
did not do him justice. Nov he Rorchester, N. Y.; and S. W. Wishart,
knows it. Evansville, Ind.
Graduate students promoted from asso-
Hitchhiking back to school from ciate to full membership included the
the East after vacation, Ed was picked following: in the zoology department, A. F.
Archer. E. G. Berry, Pierce Brodkorb, W. M,
up by police officers. Asked for iden- clay, G. P. Cooper, A. S. Hyde, B. T. Osten-
tification, he proferred his U. of M. son, M. R. Raymond, C. M. Tarzwell and
Maurice Whittinghill; in the botany de-
card. partment, Pearl Liu Chen and Rachel Uh-
"You better come with us," Said tile vits; in the psychology department, C. H,
polcetmen, "that it you," s hCrudden and Bing-Chung Ling.
policemen, "that isn't you." In the anthropology department J. B.
GriIfin was advanced; in the geology de-
Next morning the judge agreed partment, H. F. Donner. D. C. MacLach-
with Ed that the picture probably lan anl J. G. Woodruff; in pharmaceutical
was ake whn E wasin ron ofchemistry, R. A. Patelski and G. L. Webster;
was taken when Ed was in front of in physics, E. A. Gaerttner; in the chem-
the camera, and so sent him on his ical engineering department, C. B. Egolf, J.
Well at easthe gt a odA. Hannum, K. C. Lee, A. C. Mueller and
way. Well, at least he got a good H. R. Wilson; in metallurgical engineering,
night's rest. J. W. Freeman,H . .OKirkendall, R. H.
_______ _____Rodrian and J. H. Taylor; in the electrical
engineering department, P. O. Huss and
J. A. M. Lyon; and in marine engineer-
Engneer And Labor ing, G. D. Hertner.
LGraduate students elected directly to full
N l e Die se (Continuea on Page 3)II
$300,000 Union Housing
Addition, To Be Finished
By September, Is Planned
Plan Annex To Alleviate
Present Lack Of Rooms
For Men Students
Union Will Borrow
Necessary Capital
New Addition May Be First
Step Towards Building
University Dormitories
An addition to the Union, termed
the "first step" toward University
men's dormitories and costing ap-
proximately $300,000, will be con-
structed in the near future, Stanley
Walz, manager of the Union, an-
nounced yesterday following a meet-
ing of the Board of Regents.
The Board, which owns the present
Union building, gave sanction to the
borrowing of the necessary $300,000
for the annex, which it is hoped will
be completedxin time for occupancy
in the fall.
As now planned, the addition will
include 109 double and single rooms,
housing about 150 people. These ac-
comodations will alleviate partially
the present Ann Arbor scarcity of
rooms for men students, and the
rooms will be intended primarily for
young faculty men and students.
Available For Alumni
Walz stated that only about two
thirds of the proposed accomodations
would be used for permanent student
and faculty rooms, however. The re-
mainder will be available for the use
of alumni and other guests on foot-
ball week-ends, conventions and other
state or national meetings here dur-
ing the year.
Between $30 and $35 per month
will be charged for the student
rooms, according to the present plans,
Walz said. "In looking ahead, per-
haps five or ten years," he said, "this
new addition to the Union may be
the first step toward the building of
a University dormitory proper. There
is little doubt that the annex will
alleviate the present rooming sit-
uation a great deal."
The annex will start on the ex-
treme south wing of the Union, where
the Union offices are now, and run
directly west for about 200 feet. It
will turn directly south, and run di-
rectly behind the Sigma Chi and Al-
pha Delta Phi houses to Madison
street for about 120 feet. The first-
floor Union dinning room will be
connected with the annex at the
junction of its two wings by a two-
story structure with private dining
rooms on either side of a corridor.
Four Stories High
The arnex, Walz said, probably will
be four stories high, and, it is hoped,
will be ready for occupancy early in
the fall. No plans have been sub-
mitted and no architects have been
selected yet but all the rooms will be
outside rooms.
Several gifts were received by the
Regents in their April meeting yes-
terday. From the President's Birth-
day Ball Commission, $100 was re-
ceived for the Infantile Research
Fund to be directed by Dr. Max Peet.
William Kales, Detroit, con-
tributed $750 for the purchase of a
new 16-inch off-axis mirror for the
Lare Angelus solar tower. From the
Aaron Mendelson estate $1,000 was
received to be used in research in
tissue immunity. The Museum of
Paleontology was given the remainder
of the library and collections of Dr.
Carl Rominger by Miss Marie Rom-
inger and Mark Covill, of Ann Ar-
Three thousand five hundred dol-
lars were accepted by the Board to be
used for chemical research on phe-
nolphthalein to be directed by Dr.
Frederick Blicke. The donors of the
money were the Monsanto Chemical
Co., St. Louis, Mo., and the Charles
Pfizer Co., New York.
Engineering Picture
Committee Named
Kenneth Mosier and John De
Young, both '36E, were appointed
yesterday as a committee to arrange
for the senior engineering class lec-
tures by Robert Merrill, president.
History Instructor
To Begin New
Next September
Dr. Rudolph A. Winnacker of the
history department, authority on the
period of the French Revolution, an-
nounced last night that he will re-
sign from the faculty here at the end
of the semester to take a position
at the University of Nebraska. I
The resignation of Dr. Winnacker,
who is one of the most popular of
the younger faculty members here,
came as a surprise, no hint of it
having been mentioned before.
Dr. Winnacker will teach courses
in the history of the French Revolu-
tion and in modern European his-
tory at Nebraska. The recent death
of Professor Sling of the Nebraska
history department, an authority on
French history, made an opening for
him, he said. At Neoraska, Dr. Win-
nacker will have access to Professor
Sling's collection on the French rev-
olution, one of the best in the coun-
Dr. Winnacker came to the Univer-
sity in 1931, after having studied for
two years at the Bibliotheque Na-
tionale in Paris. He received his
Ph.D. degree from Harvard in 1933,
while still a member of the faculty
I Fi", s. n- . * . MA, IA
Mimes, honorary dramatic socicty
of the Union, held their formal ini-
tiation banquet for 14 members at
the Union last night.
Prof. Louis A. Strauss, Prof. Her-
bert A. Kenyon, Prof. Earl V. Moore,
Prof. H. C. Anderson, Prof. Brucea
Donalgson, and Mr. Daniel L. Quirk,
Jr., each gave short talks. A plea
for more "creative imagination" in
writing an opera book next year was
made by the speakers. Mr. I. K.
Pond, member of the first Michigan
Men In Halifax
HALIFAX, N. S, April 24.- ) (_}-
Special medical equipment for treat-
ment of Charles Alfred Scadding, one
of the two survivors of 10 days im-
prisonment in the old Moose River
gold mine, was being rushed tonight
to Halifax, where the men are pa-
tients in a hospital.
A Dominion government bi-plane,{
piloted by Major Stuart Graham, in-
Performances of a musical melo- A platform discussion on the "re-
drama, written and directed by Dor- lation of engineers to labor" will be
othy Shappell, will be given at 9:45 held Tuesday, April 28 by Sigma Rho
and 11:20 p.m. Tau in the Union, according to Prof.
State College Plans
Cooperative Homes
EAST LANSING, April 24. - (A) -
A "cooperative home" for women
Ar!nnrding to rt-.noris, r raFivr ri by di-
'Robert D. Brackett, faculty adviser.1