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April 25, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-25

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RIL 25, 1934


r' . It _ .


Normal Game

Wrestling.. .
Paper Cups. . .
ACCORDING to a dispatch from
Memphis, Tenn. by the Asso-t
ciated Press, "Chief Chewacki, heavy-a
weight wrestler, was disqualified afterv
he had wrapped a wire coat-hangerv
around the head of his opponent,c
Gino Garibaldi, in a wrestling matchp
here. Garibaldi was declared winner.
After Chewacki and Garibaldi had
won one fall each, Chewacki entered1
the ring for the third tussle and
pulled the hanger from his trunks."s
No matter how hard these char-c
acters squawk about the way news-g
paper people put derogatory pieces in t
the papers about professional wres-t
tling, they can't justify the farceI
stuff when they put it on as crudelys
as that. About a month or so ago,
another "Chief" down in Indiana wasc
severely reprimanded for wearing
sandpaper and carpet tacks in his
trunks while wrestling. His "name,"j
I believe, was Chief Chewchicki. c
Then during the interview betweene
Clifford Keen, Michigan's wrestling
coach who was justifiably angry
about the confusion between profes-
sional and amateur wrestling and
Nick Londes, who resented his re-
marks on the professional "sport,"
Mr. Londes got all, worked up about
the way people run down professional'
wrestling as a pastime where nearly
everything is rehearsed and fixed
WHY, TO HEAR Mr. Londes talk
you would have thought that
wrestling was the finest, cleanest
sport in the world . . . professional
wrestling, that is. The promoter near-
ly had tears in his eyes. I was very
very sorry for him at the time. But
I'm just afraid they were crocodile
I cannot blame Coach Keen for
becoming angry about the stigma
which the antics of the professional
clowns infesting the business have
placed upon amateur wrestling. Inso-
far as such actions in the professional
ring as have been described are very
very far from the wrestling which
the cash customers supposedly lay
change on the line to witness, I should
think that a bout stopped as that
one was should be the signal for a
box-office refund. It is an amazing
reflection on the gullibility of the
American fan that there are people
who still pay to get in, and that no
violence has as yet been used on the
offending wrestlers.
* * *
AN OCCASION for the polite snort
and the raised eyebrow is af-
forded by the decision of Navin Field
and Liquor control authorities to sell
beer in the Detroit ball park . . .
in wax paper cups. Apparently bottles
in the hands of beer-consuming fans
are considered to be dangerous imple-
ments, and I am inclined to believe
that they are right
The beer will certainly not make
the crowd any the less vociferous vo-
cally, however. Apparently the phil-
osophy of the umpires concerned is.
"I don't like passes with bottles and
glasses, but names can never hurt
Coach Thomas Trueblood, Var-
sity golf mentor, issued the follow-
ing statement yesterday:
"Golfers who wish to try out for
Varsity and freshman squads will
meet in a tournament Wednesday
at 1:30 p.m. Scores turned in so far
are not sufficient for coaches to de-
termine fairly the "Who's Who" ot
the squad.,

"The test will be 18 holes, medal
play,. Wednesday and Thursday,
and matches may begin as late as
4 p.m. rry-outs are urged to begin
as early as 1:30 p.m., however.
"Squads for the next week will
be announced in Saturday's Daily
but places are open all spring to
those who play superior golf to any
who are on the squads."

Postponed By
Cold Weather
Pitchers Return 'o Form
As Patchin, Tillotson,
Wistert Hurl Well
The baseball game scheduled yes-
terday between the Michigan nine
and the Michigan State Normal team
was postponed on account of cold
weather. The game will be played off
on an open date during the latter
part of May.
The cold weather didn't prevent
Coach Ray Fisher and several of his
hardy ball players from getting in an
infield workout yesterday. The
smooth play of his infield in the re-
cent Western State and Northwestern
games has been a delightful surprise
to Coach Fisher. On the Eastern trip
the infielders performed raggedly,
but now the boys seem to have
snapped out of it for good. Their poor
showing can be laid to a lack of out-
door practice before the Eastern trip.
Clayt Paulson, second baseman,
who had Coach Fisher extremely
worried by his erratic play, settled
down in the last three games, played
errorless ball, and Coach Fisher is no
longer worried about the keystone
sack. Paulson is leading the team in
hitting with a .343 average.
Batting Averages Drop
Before the Northwestern and
Western State games, six regulars
were hitting well over .300, but now
only Paulson, Artz, and Wistert are
above the mark. However, the figures
lie in the case of Petoskey. "Pete"
was hitting .385 before the last three
games, but he only garnered one hit
in 12 trips to the plate. He hit the
ball on the nose the other 11 times but
a fielder always stumbled into the
path of his drives.
The pitching which was to be the
strongest department, was shaky on
the Eastern trip, but Patchin, Wis-
tert, and Tillotson in the last three
games, have given fine exhibitions on
the slab.
Patchin lost a 3-2 decision to West-
ern State, but he hurled a fine game.
Wistert lost a 3-1 game to North-
western, but it wasn't his fault, as
several bad throws to second in the
eighth inning with two out, cost him
the game. Tillotson and Patchin col-
laborated to beat Northwestern, hold-
ing the Wildcats to seven hits in ten
Cold Weather And
Southpaw Pitchers
Go Hand In Hand
Cold weather and left handers!
That's what the fates have prescribed
thus far as a diet for the Wolverine
baseball team in the way of weather
and pitch ing opposition. Both have
gone hand in hand in the games
played to date.
On the Eastern trip, there were
only two mild days, and both occurred
on days when right handers pitched
against Michigan. In the opening
game at Colgate, Red LaFlamme
would have made it hot for the Maize
and Blue, even if the weather wasn't
so, which it was.
In the second game, a southpaw
named Wright, started against Mich-
igan. Wright evidently wasn't right,
that day, as he didn't last through
the first inning. Another portsider,
Grubb, took up the duties, but that's
all he was--grub- for he lasted
only until the third inning against
the slugging Wolverines. A right
hander relieved him, and immediately
the sun made an appearance from
behind gray clouds. The sun seemed
to be waiting for the demise of the

Rutgers started a southpaw on the
mound, and sure enough it was a cold,
rainy day. In one of the windiest
days the boys ever felt, Temple played
Michigan with a left hander in the
box. This boy lasted one inning; then
he went the way of all left-handers -
to the showers. A right hander took
up the pitching duties and the wind
subsided, but not the Wolverines'
slugging which knocked the hurler

One-Man Track Team-World's Fastest Human
{ \
"_-__ __:Ralph Metcalfe, Marquette
Shades Of Tolan!-Metca fr's
Sup remacy Will Be Questioned

t ___ __ 1


The Olympic Games. Los Angeles. s
1932. Last call for the 100-meter dash.
Several great sprinters have won their i
way to the finals. The spectators,'
however, are agreed that the race has c
narrowed down to two contestants. t
The one -Eddie Tolan of the Uni-
versity of Michigan; the other -n
Ralph Metcalfe of Marquette.I
They're off! Both Tolan and Met- q
calfe get away to a bullet-like start,
increasing speed as they go along. a
At the half-way mark they're leading
the pack, shoulder to shoulder. Thec
finish. Both stars straining every
muscl'e in their bodies.
A Disputed Finish
It looks like a dead heat. No. No.
The officials have awarded the race{
to . . . to . . . Tolan! A race whichY
has since come in for much dispute.
After winniig the 200-meter event
later for the only double victory of the
games, Tolan was hailed as the
world's fastest human. Metcalfe went
back to Marquette to continue his
The Detroit Tigers opened the sea-1
son at Navin Field yesterday after-
noon with a 7-3 victory over the Chi-
cago White Sox. Twenty-four thou-
sand fans braved the cold weather to
see Fred Marberry go the full route
for the Tigers while his mates were
pounding out six runs in a Stronm
sixth inning rally.
Results yesterday: -
American League
Detroit 7, Chicago 3
New York 1, Philadelphia 0.
Cleveland 15, St. Louis 2
Boston 5, Washington 0.
National League
Boston 5, Brooklyn 3
New York 11, Philadelphia 7
Chicago 3, Cincinnati 2
Pittsburg 5, St. Louis 4.
out in the second canto. Another
southpaw came in, and the Michigmn w
were sorry, for the wind began blow-
ing again.
Northwestern used two southpaws
against Michigan last Saturday, and
the double catastrophe sent the mer-'
cury down to 40 degrees. Now, when
the Wolverines hear of a left hander,
they unconsciously associate him with
cold weather.
Purdue's three first string pitchers
are all southpaws. The Michigan boys
are expecting a very, very cold day.
when they meet the Boilermakers atI
Lafayette, May 18.

ollegiate track career - a career
tudded with brilliant victories.
The scene shifts. We're at Des
Moines witnessing the 1934 Drake Re-
ays. Last call for the 100-yard dash.
The pick of the Mid-West's sprint
rop are entered in what should be
he feature event of the day.
But for the spectators the race has
narrowed down to two contestants.
The one - Ralph Metcalfetof Mar-
quette; the other - none other than
Willis Ward, Michigan's great all-
around star.
With the retirement of Tolan, Met-
calfe is now accepted as the world's
fastest human. He holds the Drake
Relay record of 9:5 seconds for the
century. He has just completed an
undefeated indoor season.
Ward scored 18 points in Big Ten
competition last spring. Originally a
high jumper, he has been developed
as a high hurdler and dash man.
He has just completed one of the
most brilliant indoor seasons in Mich-
igan track annals. He scored a total
of 73 points in five meets. He has
gone undefeated in the dash and the
high jump.
And so, ladies and gentlemen, pre-
senting one of the most stupendous,
colossal, breath-taking spectacles in
history - a race between the World's
Fastest Human - and the One-Man
Track Team.
Drake University will celebrate the
silver anniversary of its track and
field games Friday and Saturday at
Des Moines, la. In appreciation of
the quarter of a century since the
evc;nt was founded by Maj. John L.
Griffith, now commissioner of ath-
letics for the Western Conference, an
entry list, which threatens to-pass the
all-time record of 3,000 contestants in
1926, is now in the making.
Maj. Griffith. who has seen every
Drake relay carnival with the excep-
tion of 1919, when he served in the
United States army, will act as hon-
orary referee. He and Amos Alonzo
Stagg, who recently finished 41 years
of service at the University of Chi-
cago, are the only men ever to be
honored twice in this capacity. Others
in this list include practically all of
the central states athletic luminaries.
Maj. Griffith was chief of the
games rin 1920, while Coach Stagg
served in that capacity in 1914 and
Additional features for this year's
celebration will be the selection of a
beauty queen and a concert by a
massed band of 2,500 pieces. The
beauty queen will be chosen from
photographs entered in the competi-
tion by the universities and colleges.


. I






From now on in, the week-ends will hum
with society on the run. House parties,
Parents' Day, Homecoming, May Festi-
val and a host of other functions promise
a full season. It is essential that your
clothes afford you a neat appearance.
R suit or dress has to look right after
our expert Cleaning and Pressing . .


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