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April 30, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-30

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2,500 ExpectedAt Alix Benefit Track Meet This


Trackmen Will
Oppose Normal
In Dual Meet
Recurrence Of Old Injury
At Penn Relays Forces
Ward To Sidelines
Tolan May Compete
Distances Of Track Events
Made Shorter To Insure
Keen Competition
A crowd of close to 2,500 people,
track fans and persons who never
saw a track meet but who will be out
to make a personal gesture, are ex-
pected to see the track team of the
University of Michigan and Michigan
State Normal unite in an exhibition
meet for the benefit of Neree Alix,
the diminutive Michigan star whose
leg was broken as Michigan opened
its outdoor season against California
two weeks ago.
The pick of the two squads has
been entered, with one major ex-
ception, Willis Ward of the Michigan
squad, who was injured in the Penns
Relays last Saturday. After winning
the 110-meter high hurdles in 14.5
seconds, one-tenth second faster than
the Olympic time of George Saling
in 1932, Ward suffered what is
thought to be a pulled muscle in his
leg was leading the first heat of the
100-meter dash.
Injury Not Serious
Ward's injury is a recurrence of the
trouble which he met in the Confer-
ence meet last year although far
less serious and both he and trainer
Ray Roberts look for it to be well
within a week. Ward's injury, be-
sides displacing him in the dash, also
forced him to withdraw from the
broad jump, and although he made
his jump at 6 feet, 2 inches forced
him out of the high jump at 6 feet,
3 inches, as he tied for third.
Although Ward will not be entered
in his five events, his place will be
well taken by Eddie Tolan, the former
Michigan star who is just returned
from winning the world's professional
sprint championship in Australia.
Tolan is expected to make an exhi
bition sprint appearance.
Tickets for the benefit meet have
gone fast, according to the reports of
the freshman and Varsity squad
members who are handling the sales,
with Paul Gorman, junior half-miler,
leading with.sales above the hundred
Distances Scaled Down
The meet, which will not be scored,
will present one of the fastest pro-
grams of the year. All track events
above the hundred have been scaled
down to insure the greatest speed
and maximum competition.
Th s entries of both teams will
include all Michigan Normal squad,
including Bill Zepp at a mile and one-
half, Harold Baker in the 350-yard
event, Ray Lowry, a former Normal
vaulting star, who holds the Yost
Field House record in the event,
and Bowman Hall.
Two relay races will be run at 440-
yards with two Michigan teams run-
ning against each other and a Normal
team and other between Michigan
freshman and Varsity teams.
Today's meet will open the Mich-
igan outdoor competition at home,
and will be a curtain-raiser for the
opening of the outdoor Conference
season with Minnesota here Saturday.
Today's meet will begin at 4:05 p.m.
Tigers Hit Stride
With 18-0 Victory
ST. LOUIS, April 29 - The Detroit

Tigers hit their old stride today when
they smothered the St. Louis Browns
in a slugfest 18-0. Detroit amassed
15 hits off three pitchers and the
Browns got seven off Tommy Bridges.
The Bengals ran up six hits inter-
mittently through the first seven
innings that blasted in nine runs in
the big eighth. Greenberg and Gos-
lin hit homers in the eighth, Green-
berg's coming with the bases loaded.
American League
New York 2, Washington 0.
Boston 10, Philadelphia 8 (11 in-
Chicago, Cleveland, rain.
National League
Boston 7, Philadelphia 5.
St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 2.
Chicago 12, Pittsburgh 11.

Varsity Tine, OnRoad,_Will Meet Hillsdale College Today

Nellie Flag Battles
Tradition That Only
One Has Vanquished S-\R
A tradition that has grown steadily D Nun I
year by year -that a filly will not
win the Kentucky Derby -is only
strengthened by the memory of Re- *-B' ART CARSTENS-
gret's victory in 1915, the lone ex-
ception to the rule. )NE OF THE JUICIEST bits of
Ypn ftp nr rreatfemininP;e nn al ohofohAnn


t a r Pitchers Michigan Ne t
To See Action j Team De f e a t s
Against Dales Detroit T.C.,8-4

Records Prove Capt. Oliver
Hits Them When They Count



Year ai er year gra 1C11Mi SpOrts tamL o ie flashed over
prospects have risen in the two-year- the Associated Press wires in recent'
old ranks, have been entered, and years is this dispatch from London.
sometimes have attained favoritism Can't you just imagine a leg man
or near-favoritism on Derby Day, but making the transatlantic telephone
none other has been able to win. hum with it while statesmen beg for
Last year it was Mata Hari, Charles a chance to talk with Fuehrer Hitler
T. Fisher's temperamental speedster. or Il Duce?
This year it is Nellie Flag. *
Nellie Flag, far from dainty, is a f LONDON, April 29.-- (.4) -The re-
stoutly built and comparatively sea- peal of prohibition in America has
soned campaigner. Starting 10 times forced British manufacturers to use
last year, she became the second larg- a synthetic form of stringing in all
est money winner among the juven- but their most expensive tennis rack-'
iles with victories in five of those ets!{
.,tarts. Only Chance Sun, with his It works out like this, according to
win in the Belmont Futurity, was able the manufacturers.
to earn more. With repeal, they say, America took
Three important stakes were won to drinking copious quantities of lager
by this daughter of American Flag beer; and when the drinkers took to
and Nellie Morse: the Kentucky Jock- beer, they also took to eating sau-
ey Club Stakes, leading purse for sages. And sausage skins are made
two-year-olds at Churchill Downs; with products similar to those used
the Selima Stakes for juveniles at in the manufacture of natural gut for
Laurel's fall meeting; and the impor- rackets.
tant Matron Stakes for fillies at Bel- "It's caused a great dearth of na-
mont. tural gut," explained an official at
The breeding of Nellie Flag is no- the largest racket factory in Eu-
table. Her sire, American Flag, was rope. "As we use 130 miles of gut a
the greatest son of the unforgettable year, we have been forced to turn to
Man O' War, and her dam, Nellie a synthetic product, made from silk
Morse, is a former Preakness winner. and rubber latex."
Although the Calumet Farm has * i *
.ominated five other colts and geld- Rather like that old aphorism: "If
ings for the Derby, it will be Nellie we had some ham, we'd have some
Flag, undoubtedly, who will carry ham and eggs, if we had some eggs,"
the chief hopes of Warren Wright on don't you think?
May 4. Carrying the idea a bit father, one,
is led to fear that maybe we won't
be able to play tennis at all pretty
I-M Golf Tourney soon, if we have to depend upon silk
and latex strings for our rackets.
Starting This Week Do modern girls drink beer and
eat sausages in gingham and sturdy
A new type of medal play system is homespun worsted? No, they wear'
to be inaugurated in the All-Campus silk, at least in Ann Arbor. What
golf tournament, play in which is to will happen then as the depression
begin this week, it was announced fades and more girls start drinking
yesterday by Intramural officials. beer?
After the first round, the players Just this, the poor, over-worked
turning in the four best scores will silkworks will be hustled to the limit
be placed in the first foursome, the producing silk for girl's dresses and
second best four in the second four- there won't be any left over for niak-
some, and so on down the list. There ing tennis strings.
some an soon ownthelis. Tere That will leave only latex to take
will be no elimination. The four- T i a onl e t
th nlace ~of± ut and silk in tennis

Larson And Patchin Lead Michigan
Wolverines In Quest Of ofemate1it
Fourth Straight Win the Detroit
__________ IBlue netter
Michigan's baseball team will be ord for the
trying for its fourth straight victorym
in eleven days when it meets Hillsdale Miller Sh
College at 3:30 p.m. today at Hillsdale. ranking W
Rei ndel wa
With the Wolverines rolling along but finally
in top form, playing the brand of ball only other
they exhibited in their last three con- singles was
tests, the opposition encountered to- ward bowe
day should provide nothing more than the Detroit
a tuneup for the high spot of the set match
home season - the crucial tangle Captain
with Illinois Saturday for the tem- Anderson t
porary supremacy of the Big Ten. Johnny an
Coach Ray Fisher is taking 11 men, feature du
just enough to get through the ball noon by a
game, leaving the remainder of the Reindel br
squad home to play the Freshmen igan stars,
in the first of a series of Reserve- doubles tea
Freshman games, on Ferry Field.
Larson To Pitch Singles:
Berger Larson and Art Patchin, I Siegel (
Michigan's hurling mainstays will di- TC) 7-5, 8-
vide the mound assignment, withA
Larson throwing the first six innings Anderson
and Patchin finishing. Larson has (M) 3-6, 6
instructions to bear down all the Kahn (M
way. He hasn't worked in a game 5-7, 6-3, 6-
since he set Ohio State down with two Rodrigue
hits April 20, and Fisher is anxious C) 7-5, 6-3.
to have his curve-ball artist in prime Grawn (
condition for the Illinois game. (M) 5-7, 6-
Rainy weather has forced the Eskowitz
Maize and Blue to idleness since last TC) 6-1, 6-
Friday. Patchin worked out in the
Field House yesterday. Dean (
Michigan's batting order and line- (DTC) 6-3
up will be unaltered. Coach Fisher Doubles:
is apparently satisfied that his pres- Siegel a
ent combination is producing maxi- G. Reindel
mum results. The lineup in batting 6-1.
order is as follows: George Ford, Kahn an
third George Rudness, center field; Cawley anc
Clayt Paulson, second; Capt. Russ Davis an
Oliver, first; John Regeczi, left field; Sherwood
Jack Teitelbaum, short; Vic Hey-
liger, right field; Kim Williams, cat- Hoxie an
cher; and Larson, pitcher. Joe Ler- kowitz and
ner is the extra infielder, outfielder
or pinch hitter. WHITE
Averages Belie Strength For ME
Despite their batting averages
which belie actual facts concerning H
Michigan's hitting strength, Ford, E n g I i
Paulson, Regeczi, Teitelbaum ands3,
Williams have been hitting hard, but
in hard luck. Oliver and Heyliger
are the only men hitting over .30. -
Hillsdale showed unexpected
strength in downing Northwestern. 4
to 1, and in losing to Michigan State
9 to 8, after leading through most of
the game. The last time Michigan
played Hillsdale, the opening game in
1933, the Wolverines swamped the
Dalers, 7 to 3. Stu
While Coach Fisher and his var- rou
sity are away at Hillsdale, the Re- CA(
serves under the direction of player-
manager Mike (Gomez) Meltzer will
take on Coach Oosterbaan's freshman
nine, starting at 3:30. Meltzer has
intimated that his team will line up
with Patanelli, first; Verbeek, second;
Jennings, short; Ferner, third; Roeh-
rig, Miller and Meltzer in the out-
field; Parker catcher; and Settle,
Butler and Gee, pitching.
Aldo Nadi, famous Italian swords-
man, won his first senior tournament
at the age of 13 and has taken 53
others since.
- ~,

Captain Russ Oliver, the efficiency
's tennis players defeated boy from Pontiac who is now con-
Tennis Club inka series cerned with earning his ninth Mich-
courts. The Maize and igan letter and his third in baseball,
s, still with a perfect rec- leads the Wolverine regulars at pres-
season, smashed the Club- ent with a batting average of .312.
But of more interest to Coach Ray
Fisher, is the fact that he is also lead-
erwood was the only high- ing in runs driven in, with a total of
olverine to lose. George eight, three more than his nearest
is forced to go three sets, ivaCatPusn
won, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. The rival, Clayt Paulson.
Miciga , efa, iThe husky first baseman, who has
Michigan defeat in the the reputation of being a steady, con-
suffered when Ted Thor- sistent performer, with little color,
d to Grawn, president of is efficiently giving
aggregation, in a three- his best again, and
which ended 5-7, 6-3, 6-4. .this time his best
Seymour Siegel and Bob happens to be bet-
eamed together to. defeat ter than his mates
d George Reindel in the.haveto fer
ubles match of the after- . h a y e to offer.
score of 6-3, 6-1. The Whereas John Re-
others were former Mich-..... geczi and Kim Wil-
liams have passed
and have played as a hams he passed
in fr yers.him in the batting
am for years. averages and then
SUMMARIES s1umpe d back
again, Oliver keepsj
.) defeated J. Reindel (D at his average of
-6 -.312 with regular-
nhity. In the spring
(M) defeated Sherwood OLIVER training g a in e s ,
-3, 6-4. Oliver compiled a batting average of
I) defeated Gibson (DTC) .312, with five hits out of sixteen times
4. at bat, exactly his record at present.
z (M) defeated Doeg (DT At that time Williams' was leading
with an average of .333. Starting all
DTC) defeated Thorward over again with the opening of the
3, 6-4. regular season, Regeczi then took the
(M) defeated Strand (D lead. after the Ohio States series, but
0. he slumped in the last two games
when he failed to get a hit in 10
) defeated Brandenburg times at bat. Oliver now leads.
Driving in eight runs has been ac-
comnlished since Oliver was shifted

is notoriously true that a clean-up
hitter usually fails to clean up.
Oliver's runs-driven-in-record tends
to show that it is merely a matter of
getting hits at the right time. Four
of his five safeties have been good
for runs, six in number. His first
hit in a Conference game was a triple
against Ohio State which drove in
two runs, finishing off a seven-run
rally in the fifth. Against North-
western he got a single with bases
loaded, driving in two more. And
against Michigan Normal last Friday,
two of three singles were good for two
runs, a long fly scored another, and a
drive to third base enabled Williams
to score while Oliver was safe on a
fielder's choice.
Coaches and managers like the ball
player who drives in the runs, no mat-
ter if he has a batting average of
.200. Bucky Harris in his first year
as manager at Detroit refused to
trade Marty McManus, third base-
man, for a man who was a better hit-
ter, simply because the records showed
that McManus had batted in more
runs. Coach Ray Fisher has ex-
pressed himself as pleased with the
way Oliver has been coming through
at the clean-up position lately, and it
appears as though he will remain
there unless the unforseen happens.


nd Anderson (M) defeated1
and J. Reindel (DTC) 6-3,
id Rodriguez (M) defeated
d Gibson (DTC) 6-4, 6-2.
id Hodges (DTC) defeated I
and Thorward (M) 7-5, 6-3.
d Fox (DTC) defeated Es-
Dean (M) 7-5, 6-1.
N in 4 styles at $3.50
s h B oo t M ak er
34-536 Forest AveneM

to the clean--up position, a feat which
is all the more noteworthy since it
Something NEW !
2 5C per Hour
Single and Tandem

"Come In
And See M
I am the New ROYAL Porta-
o ble with "Touch, Control."
I can be instantly adjusted
for the light touch of little
sister or the brute strength
L of big brother. And my
curves are the latest thing
0 in streamlining. See me at

somes listed below are for the first
round, and, of course, cannot be
ranked according to scores.
Players listed first in each of the
following foursomes are to get in
touch with the rest of their group and
play off their match by May 3. Four
rounds will comprise the entire tour-
ney, and one week being allowed for
each round.
The groupings are as follows: No.
1, P. Ramsdell, H. Sykes, C. Emil-
ing, and J. Carmichael; No. 2. H.
Reis, H. Seegal, H. Gross, and I. Tann;
No. 3, B. Fantle, G. Tann, J. Mod-
docks, and H. Baker; No. 4, A. Emer-
son, B. Griffiths, B. Sankey, and C.
McKinley; No. 5, A. Abara, R. Heusel,
E. Marder, and G. Fisher; No. 6, W.
Warren, J. Chandler, G. Waterman,
and R. May; No. 7, J. Mooney, R.
Mess, R. St. Clair, and J. Vyn; No. 8,
B. Schaible, W. Taylor, E. Gallos, and
J. Renaldi.

' le p.lte guUm>1K11Glla
rackets. And can you imagine play-
ing tennis with a racket strung with
rubber bands?
One of the girls who are always
leaning over my shoulder as I inditeI
i these things (God bless them) sug-
gests a further step in the fatal chain
z to abolish tennis. Women, she says,
gave up, some time ago, the use of
metal stays in their undergarments
designed to suppress and mould too-
abundant figures. Garments woven
of latex threads, she adds, have taken
the place of the unenticing stays.
Logically, if the girls drink more
beer and eat more sausages, their
figures are going to need more "con-
trol" (read your ads for definition).
Presto, the supply of latex is also used

usiness Training for College Men
COT.rLE, men from all parts of the country come to
B abson Institute for specific preparation for business.
N Thisunique resident school, founded by Roger W. Bab.
son, gives sound training in finance, production, distribu-
n, personal efficiency. Practical business laboratory methods.
idents follow office procedure. 16th year. Nine-montb or two-year
rses. Write for information.


Sole Authorized ROYAL Dealer
302 South State St.
Liberal Trade-In Allowance
on your Old Typewriter

I M-

All freshmen interested in try-
ing out for cheerleading positions
report at the Field House at 5
o'clock today, or phone Bob Burns,
6317. Previous experience is not

INDIANAPOLIS, April 27.-- The
$5,000 Indianapolis Open golf tourna-
ment will be played this year from
Oct. 4 to 6, Jack Pettit, tournament
manager, announced last night. The
tourney originally was scheduled for
July 26-28.
- l - -






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