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March 11, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…, when it defends its Western Confer- ence title in the Sports Building Pool Friday and Saturday. The Wolverines, who will be aiming for their fourth consecutive Confer- ence crown, have *already bettered…

… three of the existing marks in dual ten. The junior distance ace has al- ready been clocked under the Big Ten 220 yard freestyle mark of 2:13.6, established by Wolverine Tom Haynie in 1938, four times in…

… smash may still be intact when the final count is taken Saturday night. Big Gus Sharemet, the handsome Wolverine freestyle star, will be one of the key figures in the attempt to erase these marks…

…:21.8. And on one other occasion he bettered Kasley's mark. Saturday night he may do it again. Baseball Team To Take Usual Southern Trip Wolverines Schedule Four Games In South; Cancel Series With California…

… present an adequate basis of conjecture, the Wolverines will shove the Buckeye record by the boards this Saturday night. This season, Michigan has chalked up a 2:55.6 time in the event; and with Dick Riedl…

…:29.4, against Yale. Coach Matt Mann will send the same crew, with the exception of Bob West for Pat- ten, after a new standard Saturday night, and if the Wolverines can paddle as fast as they did in the ill…

February 11, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

Wolverine evening were the 150-yard backstroke and the 440-yard freestyle. Holiday proved in the longer back- stroke distance that he had plenty of energy left for he surpassed by nearly three seconds the…

… breaststroke start. Bob Knox of State Haughey. Larry Luoto of State came and Dave Levy of the Maize and Blue in third. waged a thrilling fight for second The Wolverines ended the meet by place, with the Spartan…

… behind Wolverine Mert Church in 300-YARD MEDLEY RELAY, won the 50-yard freestyle and a third in Y A MEDLEy RAY, won the 100-yard freestyle. Johnny Patten by Michigan (Holiday, Hayes, Pat won this last race…

… the Wolverines victory of the season the Wolverin will be counting on to turn back the victory of tee the Wrin Boilermakers. The forward positions thisk will meet the Paris A. C are wide open to those…

… State, the Wolverines will send a full squad of thirty men to the Michigan State Relays at East Lansing Satur- day. The only team sending more than Michigan will be Notre Dame with 33 men. Ohio State and…

… champion, will carry the Wolverine hopes. Running against him are Rus- sell Owen, Ohio State, Sugar Bowl 440-yard winner, and perhaps Gene Fehlig from Notre Dame's record- holding mile relay team. Altogether…

… Delaney, shot- putting wizard from Notre Dame. Strong in 880 Tuesday night's meet gave notice to the Big Ten track world that the Wolverines have something this year. Half milers everywhere have room for…

… worrying when reading the results of the 880. The race was a grand slam for Michigan with John Roxbor- ough, Ross Hume and Art Upton crossing the finish line in that order. The Wolverine two-mile relay team…

… Sports EditorA It was a "reversal of position" for Michigan over Michigan State last night at Yost Field House as the sur- prising Wolverine grapplers squeezed out a 16-14 victory before several hundred…

…-Maxwell bout was easily the most colorful and exciting on the program. The Wolverine cap- tam opened with a quick take-down, but Maxwell "escaped" and followed up with a take-down to take a tem- porary lead…

May 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN-DAILY TAGS ms Track Team Will Play Golfers Point Toward Victory over Buckeyes The Wolverine linksmen finally got a break in the weather yesterday, and settled down in…

… avenge the defeat suffered. at the hands of the Buckeyes two weeks ago. The score of that contest was 12-6, but the Wolverine players were handicapped by the tricky greens on the Ohio course. Varsity To…

… Play This time, the Wolverines will have the advantage of playing on their home course, but unless weather con- ditions become more favorable, they will suffer from lack of practice. Also, the course is…

… both Illinois and Purdue in a triangular meet which should test the Conference chances of the Wolverines.,, Netters Hope To Win Twice This Week-End lost to I] Five Outdoor Records May. J Be Shattered…

… Hume Twins Out for Michigan, ConferenceI Outdoor Mile Crown By BILL LAMBERT Saturday's triangular meet in which the Wolverines play host to Purdue and Illinois, will not only show where the Conference…

… second better than the Wolverines' best time yet this year. Both these times are fairly close to the meet mark of 3:19.5, and with the two teams running against each other the time is sure to be fast. The…

March 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…'Cindermen Strong Threat fit Reltty Meet Wolverine Gym Team Ready For Weekend Conference Meet (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of three articles dealing with the forthcoming western Con- ference…

… swimming championships and Michigan's chances of dethroning Ohio State.) By MURRAY GRANT Tonight at 8:00 p.m. Coach Matt Mann and his Wolverine natators will begin their all-out attempt to recapture the…

… pivotal races in these down-to-theiwire meet- ings and the Wolverines will have a difficult task assigned to them in their attempt to cap- ture the 400-yard freestyle re- lay. A Maize and Blue team consist…

… Ohio State barely lost a decision, to him. Don Benson of Minnesota is. also a threat as are Keith Carter of Purdue and Bill Zemer of the Buckeyes. Other Wolverines en- tered in the 100 will be Kogen…

… on a new head, that of Mich- igan. If experts predictions are correct the Wolverines should take the title with about 72 points, while Ohio State just off the pace with about a 64 point total…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…, and guided the Wolverines to a Conference crown in 1944. During the past two seasons, Michigan wrestlers have taken the role of slow starters and quick fin- ishers. In 1948, the Wolverines finished…

…-Alex Lmanian GRUNT AND GROAN-On the balcony in Yost Field House 'above the activity of the track and' basketball teams on the floor, Coach Cliff Keen (standing) directs the Wolverine wrestling team. Long and…

… championships did - the Wolverines rise to the heights, which was to earn them fame as a "great" Michigan mat aggrega- tion. Michigan fought tooth and nail in the Conference championships, finally losing to…

February 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… the affair which is expected to be the most color- ful in its history. The Wolverine mentor was hinting at a new field house rec- ord for his star shot putter Charlie Fonville who last Satur- day night…

Wolverine mentor added however that in the history of the great Michigan teams of the past fifteen years it has been the abil- ity to take a large number of thirds and fourths that has won the Wolverines many…

May 11, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…ITM 94&V-, MAVU SPORTS NEWS, TIW MiU1A1ANm DAILY. WOMEN'S NEWS - - - r G4TU3VM 5 Michigan Nine Faces Tigers in Exhibition Tilt Here Today Marks End. Of Wolverine Home Games EntIre Tiger…

… season. PRO'BABLE STARTING LINEUPS Homecoming DICK WAKEFIELD . . . who returns to Ann Arbor today to play again on the Ferry Field diamond. This time, how- ever, the former Wolverine slugger will be out…

….m. today when it meets the favored Spartans of Mich- igan State on the Ferry Field courts or in the Sports Building, depending on the weather. The Wolverines, back from the loss of three Big Ten matches at…

… doubles tilts to beat the Wolverines for the first time in five years. Jinx Johnson, Michigan's captain, will probably play number one a- gainst Spartan Frank Beeman, who won at number two last time. Roger…

… Mickey Elliot. In the doubles the Wolverines will lineup as they have all season, with Lewis and Wellington at one; Brad- ley and Johnson, two; and Brown and Boucher, three. Golfers Beat Ohio State in…

March 11, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…'s second try at 14 feet . . . He cleared the bar by a mile and clipped it off on the way down with his arm . . . It took the heart out of the Wolverine junior . . . The Purdue Expofient, school paper, giving…

… Stodden of the Wolverines and Artful Amo Bessone of the Illini that, for sheer animal-like ferocity, would be hard to beat. _ From a Michigan standpoint,'the game wasn't so much to rave about since the…

… backstroke position and started the Wolverines off to a 3:10.7 timing. With the veterans taking it easy for a night. Matt's sophomorep took over heavy duty and came out bn top every time. Claire Morse…

… . . . the clean-cut Cardinal narrowly cleared 13 feet 1014 inches, but the other hair of vaulters couldn't follow . . on his second leap the Wolverine jun- ior beautifully cleared the height by several inches…

… . . . the Wolverine leader suffered a recurrence of a leg muscle injury, but went on to win, clear- ing 6 feet 3% inches. Shot-putter Bob Hook flashed marked improvement in his specialty with a throw of 48…

…. Another Wolverine standout was sophomore Bob Ufer who placed second to World Indoor Champion Roy Cochran in the 440 . . . Bob led the Hoosier ace until the final turn, but was finally edged by a scant two…

… (he cuts off the end), the Eveleth, Minn., star turned up in front of the Michigan net so often that Hank Loud, the Wolverine net-minder, began to think he was homesteading there. Five of his shots got…

…:30 and 4:30 p.m. Varsity Coach Ray Courtright when Don Ladd and Harold Heffer- Tough luck coach number one is nan finished behind Wolverine Tom- Coach Fisher A dds Cliff Keen . . . and he sits on that my…

October 11, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

… Torgeson roared home and Elliott reached third. The Winnah! - -- -------- Z - ---- r firom ihe GRANTSTAND By MURRAY GRANT... Daly Sports Editor Those mistakes that the Wolverines committed in the first two…

… or group of plays, the experts said the Wolverines were bogging down. BUT THE TOW-HEADED STAR got those sequences down pat and Michigan began to roll. Now it's going to be awfully tough to stop them…

… Tomasi threw at the Purdue line- backer on Wally Teninga's 13-yard scamper around end for the fifth Wolverine score. IF THE CHUNKY field pilot had missed, there would have been no gain, but he didn't fail…

…-16 triumph over Minnesota and may be withheld from the crucial Michigan battle Saturday. JUNE CHRISTY ""D NAT"ONA"LYFAMOUS*INSR"MENTALIST HILL AUDITORIUM Sunday, Oct. 17, 8:30 P.M. Sponsored by Wolverine Club…

February 11, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…SVNDA T, FEB. 11, 1945. THE -MICHIGAN i7DATILY' PAGE w. ara : i :LL 1 PAGE N.I chi D omintates RelayTs; Bad ers Beat Five Wolverines Take Six Events for New Big Ten Record; Jackson Wins…

… Two Pucksters Win Iowans Down Wisconsin Evens Count Wh Over Waterloo Indiana To ai Wolverines by Winning 55-44 i - 17 f". ' ,C t F is Ff1nvr 1) m r ao JUMKs-ters 3-4 al Dtg -tJenl(IcC Two MileR l…

…('-watrnhndisbdfr Tearn r'in highs. Ted Balogh, a Wolverine huri- Field House record. Witherspoon ! Victory of '45Season ja ta sharenfthned ite bd o filer, finished second and third in finished second, and Purdue's Ben or…

…. Conference last year, wound up third. ine thinclads win six events, the set- In the first event, the Wolverines Michigan Wins Two-Mile Relay By JERRY LEWIS into the loop's cellar as it outclassed ting of a new…

… the ir 19 aity showing that they are still likely to y the baton for Michigan. terloo net. Then Waterloo sped into toh successfully defend their Conference Willard Wins Last year's Wolverine captain…

… 7:14.7sn!rBert Herrmann, Al Kralovansky and whe hereahed6 eet6 38 ichs. terBil Detehaf ofPurueMoore of Western Michigan after a The Wolverines broke into the j Jack Herron found the range. In doing…

June 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…SUNDA Y, JUNE 11, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Nine Clinches Big Ten Title with Double Wolverines Turn Back Boilermakers, 4-2, 3-2 WHAT A RECORD HE'S GOT! Leroy Weir Is Title-Holdiug Coach of Champ…

… title, Michigan hung together 12 hits in the opener to score four runs, one more than was necessary for victory., The Wolverines jumped on Boiler- maker hurler Ed Timms for two markers in the first frame…

… championship in the last 23 years and the eighth for Wolverine squads during the 1943-44 athletic campaign. NOTICE There will be a Sphinx meeting at 1:30 p.m. today in the Michigan Union, President George…

… time his teams have chalked up of his career by whipping George two conference titles. In 1942 the Jennings in a torrid five-set match. Wolverines lost their crown to North- Incidentally, Weir never saw…

February 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…C1 eturn from California Parley See You To Comment Upon ed Offer from Bears i FLASH PICTURES Wolverines Spend Busy Vacation; Win Seven, Lose Three Contests WK MARTIN 0. "Fritz" Crisler re- n…

… athletic set-up. Beyond that I know nothing about it." While Michigan students were convalescing from a stiff round of finals, five Wolverine athletic teams bounced right back from their three-hour tiffs to…

… the Wolverines, 59-52. The cagers then journeyed down to Bloomington and dropped another to Indiana's Hoosiers, This lowered the Michigan five to fourth place in the conference standings, but they…

… bounced back to second with a 56-53 victory over the Buckeyes here last Saturday, night in a rough and tumble con- test which saw one Wolverine and four Ohio cagers foul out in the last two minutes of play…

… sort of a record in the second period by scoring four goals in one miriate, 58 seconds. Bob Marshall of the Wolverines suffered a brain concussion in the Brantford game, but has since returned to action…

…, Wisniewski and Elliott all hit to run the count to 37-36 Michigan. The Wolverines then added four more points to hoist their lead to five points. Lautenbach then took over for the Badgers and sank four baskets…

… class- room and won't be available to the Wolverines for the rest of the sea- son. The loss of this duo will cut deeply into Michigan's strength in the freestyle sprints. Both Moss and Kogen are regarded…

November 11, 1945 (vol. 56, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

… eve- ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. A special read- ing room is maintained by this church at 706 Wolverine Bldg…

… Theaters II Cagers Prepare fr Friday's Op-enr--~-alMiigan Preparing for the opener against C tial Micigan next Friday, Coach Bill Ba'rclay is putting his Wolverine caacmen through'the final stages of their…

…. Last season Central Michigan suf- f( red defeat at the hands of Michi- gan's basketball team. The Chippe- was went down under a count of 3,-27 in the Wolverines' second tilt of the season. Trojan's Bowl…

December 11, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…0 O I I * .,. ~ Michigan Cagers To Meet Toledo RocketsTonight Strong, Polished Ohioans Promise Battle for Injury-Ridden Wolverines By PRES HOLMES Michigan's injury-ridden basketball squad will…

… an entire season, the Wolverines are in for a stiff test'this evening. THE ROCKETS, although they are a little short in the height department, possess an experienced squad that is deep in every posi…

…-handling and lbng-range shooting, which more than compensates for their defi- ciency in height. ** * TOLEDO COACH Jerry Bush will bring to Michigan something which Wolverine fans are already familiar with on the…

… Mack Suprunowicz will operate at forward. IN THE LAST few days three Wolverines have suffered serious injuries. Along with Roberts and Morrill, Bob Olson will probably sit this one out as he injured his…

…'s plenty brewing for Wolverine sports followers this weekend. Action starts at the IM build- ing pool tomorrow afternoon where the annual Swim Gala is being held. Action will start at 2:30 and continue into…

November 11, 1945 (vol. 56, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Tire After Ha Against Middie TAflacks By BILL MULLENDORE, Daily Sports Editor (Special to The Daily) BALTIMORE, Md. Stadium, Nov. 10-Navy's long subdued steamroller finally unwound itself against a…

… of the Naval Academy as they took advan- tage of almost every opportunity to cross the goal line five times. The lighter and younger Wolverines managed to make a fight of it for the first half and went…

… the drive that led to their first score. With Minisi doing most of the ball carrying, Navy roared all the way to the Mich- igan 31 before losing the ball on downs. On the next play, a Wolverine lat…

… Michigan miscue gave Navy its second touchdown shortly after the second period opened. After the Wolverines failed to gain follow- ing the kickoff, Jack Weisenburger sliced an eight-yard boot out of bounds…

Wolverines to the goal. Currence, place kicker extraordinary, converted this time, making the score 13-0. Michigan was not disheartened, ap- parently, and came right back to count its first tally. After an ex…

January 11, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

… THE MTCHTIGAN-OATTY Illini To Cagers, Late Rally Of Varsity Five IT Halted By Rangy Invaders Point Edward Comes From Behind In Final Stanza; Goldsmith Scores Three Times For Wolverines 44…

…-40; Canadians Win Hockey Battle a res tling Team Defeats Penn State, 19-13 .N Victory For Two, Defeat For One Of These Wolverines " Mary Becker Highlights Meet With Win Over Nittany Captai Grapplers…

… Paul Goldsmith, Wolverine hoe-s Mary Becker, junior 155 pounder, key captain, turned in one of his turned in the outstanding perform- finest performances last night in Herb Barnett opened up the ance of…

… Alexander, Nittany Lions' entire game, Goldie made the dif- State's Gardner Lindsey, 15-2, in captain, on a time advantage as the ficult "Hat Trick" of scoring three the 145-pound clash. During the Wolverines

… varsity debut, the Wolverines turned back a power- ful Nittany Lion team by the score of 19-13. Each team scored two falls. State in the 121 pound and heavyweight divisions and Michigan in the 165 and 175…

… Galles of the Wolverines would have no trouble with inexperienced Bob Morgan of State. He didn't. Morgan was prostrate on the mat in 2:59,1 levelled by a combination arm hook and body chancery. The other…

May 11, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… Sets Half Mile Record By BOB STAHL Starting off in high gear and gain- ing added momentum in every event the powerful'Wolverine track jugger- naut rolled over a hard-striving crew of invaders from Ohio…

… the tape in both the high and low hurdles. Wright had it all his own way in the highs, coming in several yards ahead of' Michigan's Frank McCarth 'n the smaller (Continued on Page 3) Wolverines Smash…

… retired with none out in the sixth. He was relieved by-Chuck Campbell who set the Wolverines down without a hit in the last three innings, fanning six of the last seven men to face him. The Wolverines were…

… trounc- ing Ohio State's heretofore unbeaten squad, 7-2, yesterday on. the Palmer Field courts. It was the Wolverines' 12th victory in 13 starts and their ninth consecu- tive triumph of the season. North…

… the views of iso- (Continued on Page 7) New Of ficers Are Announced For Wolverine Prof. Mueschke, Spooner, Sibley, Phillips, Donnelly And Westbrook Elected The Board of Directors of the Michigan…

January 11, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

… Michigan's hockey greats, Vic Heyliger now in the role of coach will send his fighting Illini against the Wolverines tonight at the Coli- seum in the opening game of the Big Ten hockey season here. Still…

… condition. The drubbing they received from the Go- phers gave them the opportunity to ,smooth out the rougher spots in their play and the Illini will face off with the Wolverines tonight on even terms. The…

… Lecture . Tomorrow Disast Are 11 S I f 0 f Two Men KIed ILLINOIS' HEYLIGER, Ex-Wolverine Star p.m. unde ence D. SE General N Dr. Bloo lecturesc Hygiene." cuss the sary for si to disease of minute…

…: What team do you believe should be martched against Michigan to cover the open date in the Wolverine schedule? THE ANSWERS: Tom Phares, '40: "Although an in- tersectional game would undoubtedly furnish…

… more ballyhoo material for the sport writers and would spread Wolverine publicity, a game with Pur- due would be for the best interests of Student Opiion Varies On 1940 Opponent To Replace .Chicago…

… the Western Conference, preferably one which would give the Wolverine gridders some stiff competition. Al- though a top flight team would lessen our chances for the title, it would certainly add to the…

May 11, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…--WEDNEDAT,-M"Y1r,-1949 np red ictable M'Nine Opposes provi ig Titan Hicks, Settle Slated to Sharen *Mound Duties for Miebigait Visitors Boast Record of 7 Wins, 5 Losses; Hot-Cold Wolverines

…, Bob Miller and Ray Pety, are gone, along with the two top receivers, Art Miarecki and John O'Connor. The Wolverines this year found themselves in pretty much the same boat at the opening of this season…

… hand- book up to date was delegated tc the Wolverine mentor by W. Burr Cox, executive director of the V-5 Instructors Association at Annap- olis, Md. * * * KEEN WAS ALSO instrumental in drawing up the…

April 11, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

… what promises to be one of the busiest weekends the Wolverines will encounter this seas- on. On Sunday the squad will travel to Grosse Ile where they will play two different Navy nines in a double…

… them," he summed up. The Wolverine mentor also pointed out that the 37 points scored by the eight men in three events-the mile, half mile, and two-mile-represent the largest three-event total ever marked…

… Michigan after the Humes' de- parture might well look at the pic- ture. Somewhere in that group are the successors to the Humes, men who will carry on in the best Wolverine distance running tradition. And…

December 11, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

… debut of Matt Mann's 1942-43 team, always a great one, and an exposition of future Var- sity swimmers represented by mem- bers of the Wolverine freshman team, the Ann Arbor High squad, and Uni- yersity…

… Franks, driving Wolverine guard, was nanTed All-American at his position an Grantland Rice's selectiens for Collier's star eleven. Franks became the 24th Michigan player to be picked for this team, which…

… Point Edward. This Canadian club has defeated the Wolverines three times in the last three years; but this year the Maize and Blue are stronger and will bid for victory. Eddie Lowrey's boys will have had…

May 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY olverine Nine, Thinclads Routed by Purdue, OSIJ N' Trackmei" Bow To Bucks By 20 Points FOnville Sets Record In Wolverine Defeat Special To The Daily A record breaking crowd of…

… his record breaking ways by heaving the shot put 53 feet 11 inches to break the ten year old record of former Wolverine Bill Watson by nearly a foot. Fonville Double Winner The Buckeyes captured nine…

… fins rounds of golf yesterday to beset a stubborn Illinois links squad by a 27%-8% margin. Ed Schalon again pased the Wolverines as he fired a morn- ing round of even par 72 and then came back in the…

… Ray Kimple. Michigan took three more markers in the number four match when Bill Ludolph and Paul O'Hara teamed to take care halfed his match with Kinple. the Wolverine score when he of John Rief and…

January 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…F .HE MICHIGAN DAILY I i - ' - - -=7- - - Michigan, Minnesota Clash In Conference Game There Golden Gophers Boast 7-3 Record; Five Game Win Streak at Stake for Wolverines By BOB LENT ;Hockey…

…'s Wolverines had to do it the hard way, as they spotted the visitors a goal in the initial stanza before tying up the contest late in the same period. At 7:37 of the second period the Maize and Blue took the…

February 11, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 82) • Page Image 8

…-18 lead at half-time, the Wild- cats steadily increased their margin through the second period and then Withstood a belated Michigan rally in the later stages. After the Wolverines had made it 40-34 with…

…-9, the Gopher heavyweight, Bill Aldworth pinned Wolverine Bill Hol- combe to give his team five points and the draw. Only one other fall was regis- tered as Art Sachsel, Mich- igan's 121-pound entrant…

…, pinned Togami in 4:38. Jim Galles, the Wolverine vet- eran now competing in his fourth year, won his fourth straight match of the seas- on in the 175-pound brack- et. SWEEPING three relays and three…

… individual titles, Michigan's track team made its 1945 indoor debut in convincing style as it dominated the 15-event program of the First An- nual Michigan Relays here. The Wolverine thinclads also picked up…

May 11, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

… Research. In addition Profes- sor Barnes has served as a member of the editorial staff of the Scripps- Howard papers for the past 10 years. Scheibe, Chamberlain Named Heads Of Michigan Wolverine Pictured…

… group. Into the hands of these seven students and two faculty men falls the responsibility of guiding the 'Wolverine, the country's largest stu- dent cooperative cafeteria, through another successful…

January 11, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… Begle, tickets chairman, announced yesterday. Any organi- zation having at least 20 members'. going to the dance is eligible to apply. 9 On The Sports Front: Hockey Team Edged Out, 5-4; Wolverine

… Cagemen GoHungry By STAN CLAMAGE Yes 'it can happen here.' And it was proved at the Michigan Coliseum last night when Point Edward nosed out the Wolverine hockey team, 5-4, in one of the wildest puck…

… race. The Wolverines played their best ball of the season, but the rangy The Wolverine basketball team will leave for Evanston, Ill., today where they will meet the North- western Wildcats tomorrow night…

… local cage fans have seen in many a day. Vance sank six field goals while breaking up numerous Wolverine socring at- tacks. Far East Brought Near: Prof. Bartlett Lectures Today O America And Philippmes…

July 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 183) • Page Image 3

…Y l1, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE Tt~jP Barten, Koutonen, Sohl ualify as Olympic Trials Continue . Joe Verdeur, Keith Carter Edge Wolverine Tank Star Buckeye's W hitfield Shades Barten in 800…

Wolverine was Matt Mann's son, Matt III, who found himself getting another chance at an Olympic berth as he qualified for the finals of the 1,500-meter freestyle in the morning trials. Mann was sixth with a…

…, eighth. It was the same story of frac- tions of a second that has con- tinually plagued the Wolverines as Michigan's five entries in the 200- meter freestyle all failed to qual- ify. Matt Mann III was…

December 11, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 58) • Page Image 7

… stopped dead. The second cup is out. The level of consumption has slumped. But from the Union, the Wolverine, fraternities, sororities, dormitories and restaurants comes the news that students are drinking…

… YOUNG MODERNS y }} w ' i Y~ir~i~..,,'IG r.,lit C.v, ae. ~v. vMP. i.. _. _e.. 7 _ " 2nd Squadron of Wolverines Is Still Open The second Naval Wolverine Squadron, composed exclusively of University of…

January 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 81) • Page Image 7

… made good a free throw to put the Wolverines ahead 38-35. A gift shot to MacIntosh, a long basket by Harrison, and two free throws by Suprunowicz ended their scoring. Elliott Provides Spark Elliott…

…'s return to the Michi- gan line-up provided the extra stimulus to the Wolverine attack. Although he accounted for only three baskets, the red-headed guard seemed to put the necessary spark into the squad…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

… the Library steps. Today's Carol Sing will feature a mixed quartet composed of the sing director, Roger Appleby, '50 SM; Dorothy Appleby, Robert H. Werme, '50, and Nedra Werme, '50. Wolverines

…-3 triumph over McMaster Uni- versity before nearly 3,000 fans in Michigan's revamped Coliseum. For the fifth straight year the Wolverines completely outclassed the Canadians from Hamilton, On- tario, by…

…MASTER SENT Nic Christo- pher to tend goal in the middle period and the Wolverine attack went into high gear. Burford started the onslaught See CELLEY, Page 6 Unions Minits Non-Red Oaths Hit byRuling WASHINGTON…

January 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… night's Gopher battle, bust loose in the second half to tally seven important points as the Wolverines squeezed out a two-point win. ANOTHER CHANCE : Tickets for Rose Bfowl Movie Are Available Today at…

… the Wolverine team Senior Dance Petitions Due Seniors who would like to serve on the Senior Ball central com- mittee have until 5 p.m. Wednes- day to submit their statements of qualifications to the…

… the No- daks 5-2 at the Coliseum last night. For complete story, see page six. swished his first toss. Then M- liott took the ball out-of-bounds and the Wolverines continued to play catch. Roberts Stars…

… the Michigan win. A- ter the first five minutes when the Wolverines presented the Cowles version of the zone defense,Mich- igan switched and alternated be- tween the orthodox man-to-man and zone…

March 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

… for a final O.K. Everyone is hoping it will be O.K. anyho v. S upruhlowiez MostValuable Eight Given Letters By Coach Cowles MANN-SIZED COMPLIMENT: Wolverine Natators Surprise Of Conference Swi M eet…

… valuable player." -d Wolverines placed in every Harrison, a regular forward as a event with harry Holiday and freshman last season, switched to Bob Sohl taking titles in their guard this term and capably…

… diving ever witnessed. Harlan finally dethroned Anderson as Big Nine champ by nosing him out 154 to 151. Wolverines Bill Crispin, Jay Sanford, Tom Coates, Art John- son and Bill Upthegrove, all com…

… Eastern Sec- tion. Slattery contributed 99 points to the Wolverine attack in his 20 innings while teammates Herb Roche, Jim Mummey, Roy His- cock, and "Corky" Corman com- bined talents for the remaining…

January 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… musical world." -es W"We were also fortunate to get Wolverines to Win Ziggy Elman who has formed a i _ M_ -- __ in lonq iiin mc n mc By CLARK BAKER Michigan's swimmers captured seven of nine firsts but it…

… victory preserved a 25-year Maize and Blue domination over their Upstate rivals and stretched the Wolverines string of wins over the Spartans to 24 without a set- back. Tonight the Michigan nata- tor will…

… freestyle relay, closing race of the evening, to snap the Wolverine jinx. But 'the Maize and Blue freestyle quar- tet was equal to the occasion. Charley Moss led off for the Wolverines and after a neck…

April 11, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…, Block, Boim Are Best on Wolverines'/F'onnd Staffj I Dave Barclay Cops Tourney To Grab Number One Golf Slot By JACK MARTIN Sixty-seven high school track teams will converge on Ann Arbor this Sat- urday…

…, while one has played freshman ball and was a member of a summer Wolverine nine, while the fourth is a newcomer to the Michigan baseball scene. Bliss Bowman heads the list of the four moundsmen. The…

… having the most strikeouts on the team he pitched for last year, as he has fanned all of the Wolverine batters repeatedly in batting practice. Three Topfight Caitclhers Create Problerm at MSC' EAST LANSING…

… Marcellus, later captain of the Wolverine '44 golf squad, and two future Big Ten stars from Illinois, Alex Welch and Johnny Holmstrom, to drive through an undefeated schedule. He carded his best score in 1939…

October 11, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

… U.S. Approves Anti-Nazi Leadership In Panama. Within 1 05 Miles Wolverine Pitt Today Eleven Faces Of Russian Capital Soviets Adoit Pressure; Counter-Attacks Cover Retreat To' New Lines Nazis…

… problem of polishing the Wolverine overhead at- tack in order to spread the opposi- tion defense which has been massing to stop the Maize and Blue Kuzma- Westfall power combination. Like- wise from the…

February 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

… Congregational and Bap- tist guild tea to be held at 4 p.m. today at the Roger Williams Guild. Wolverine Club . , . Wolverine club will discuss plans for the spring sports sea- son and distribution of basket- ball…

July 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

… D'yche Stadium.1 The muscular Wolverine ace placed fourth in the field of six who qualified for today's finals. "I really have no excuse for not making that team," he said. "My injured back felt fine…

…- verely strained back muscle. Barten Second Herb Barten, the other Michi-' igan hopeful did much better. Running easily all the way the' Wolverine Captain qualified for the team with five yards to spare…

February 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…ii Ut443tU1 Latest Deadline in the State I See Page 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1947 consin Cagers p Wolverines hriller, 52-51 el Sinks' TwoCharity Tosses nal Three Seconds of…

… crowd of 6,400 screaming fans Enrollment Officials Silent on Investig Increases ' n f 3 ds before, Boyd McCaslin, Wolverine forward, had from Glen Selbo and dribbled half the length of the ffloor to…

… two field relaxation of the goals. ation. For , the Badgers it was Glen hatcher, Adminis- Selbo, ex-Wolverine, who paced t in the Office of the attack against his former warned that stu- mates with 15…

May 11, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… Meet Detroit Here Today Last Home Game for Wolverines Boim, Henshaw Will Start; Entire Bengal Squad To Make Trip By BUD LOW Climaxing the Wolverine spring sport calendar, the varsity nine will face…

November 11, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

… weeks ago, but the cagey Wolverine ticket manager real- ly put one over on the pasteboard hustlers in the Ohio State sell-out. A full two weeks before the Buck- eye game all tickets have been dis…

…- tributed without any of the near rioting or scalping that 'preceded the Minnesota tilt. Secrecy is the key to Tillotson's success. For close to a month now the Michigan ticket agent knew that the Wolverines

March 11, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…. Application should be did 6:42.2, beating by over 11 sec- made before Oct. 21. onds a record set by Wolverines Samuel J. Platt Scholarship for Charley Barker, Beebe, Reidl and law students and pre-law students…

… Iowa City, where they cracked for an unspecified amount. Appli- every long course mark in the books, cation should be made to the Dean the Wolverines swam just fast enough of the College of LS&A or to…

March 11, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

… Sibley, '41, has been ap- pointed to the Board of Directors of the Michigan Wolverine, campus co- operative, to fill the position form- erly held by Galvin Keene. '43L. Other members of the Board in- clude…

August 11, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

… preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A. M. Shakespeare Recordings, chiefly by Evans and Gielgud, will be played at the Michigan Wolverine, 209 S…

May 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

… Cowles Equaled by IU' One of the first positive state- ments to come from the Michigan athletic administration about the rumored departure of Wolverine Cage Mentor Ozzie Cowles was given to The Michigan…

May 11, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

… 12FAdstoand j',Ilert Mani. 11 :45 A.M.: Sit d,,y, ';,f ool. 8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. 't'his clurch maintains a free Reading Room at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at 4th…

August 11, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

… testimonial meeting. This church maintains a free Reading Room at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth which is open daily except Sundays and holi- days from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Here the Bible and…

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