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January 11, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-01-11

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Latest Deadline in the State





Edge Out




Ruthven Asks Specialist'UT

Says Combat
Men Are Not
Only Defense
Cooperation Between
School, Army Urged
President Alexander G. Ruthven
yesterday urged provision for the
training of adequate numbers of
highly skilled specialists in the
Universal Military Training bill
now pending before Congress.
In an interview with the De-
troit Times, Dr. Ruthven said that
"the important issue is no longer
whether we should have compul-
sory military training. A realistic
view of world affairs makes the
necessity clear. The issue is what
kind of plan we should adopt and
Dr. Ruthven told The Daily that
he is "opposed to any form of
UMT that would interfere with
the plans of young men and wom-
en to get the education they are,
best fitted for."
-Adequate Defense
Declaring in the interview that
the traditional training of vast
numbers of infantrymen and com-
bat troops could not give the U.S.
an adequate defense system, Dr.
Ruthven said that complementary
training of experts in every field
of advanced study will be neces-
He listed the physical sciences,
,nedicine, psychiatry, military en-
gineering and radio electronics as
essential to national prepared-
"But these are not all. Demands
for language experts, educational
'program administrators, journal-
ists and others trained in the lib
eral tradition must be anticipat-
ed," he said.
Recognize Needs
Dr. Ruthven said that "we must
recognize the needs of the time.
If the Universal Military Training
bill in its final form includes con-
sideration of the imperative need
for the training of these special-
ists, I will gladly support it.
"Our experiences during the re-
cent conflict leave no doubt about
this need. Universities and col-
leges were drained dry of their
top-flight men in every field by
the demands of the military. Pro-
per training of new personnel in
these fields became most diffi-
cult," he added.
'Foot Sloggers'
"We cannot be 'prepared' in the
true sense of the word we sim-
ply produce the old-type foot-
sloggers and ignore the demands
of modern warfare."
Dr. Ruthven suggested that
plans for close cooperation with
universities and colleges be draft-
ed by military authorities in or-
der to assure the armed forces an
adequate corps of specialists in
the event of another conflict.
Police Attend
Traffic School
New Uniform Tickets
Show Offense Rating
City police-are going through an
intensive training program on
Ann Arbor's new traffic law en-
forcement system, Chief Casper
M. Enkemann announced yester-
Classes began Friday and will
extend through Thursday in two-

hour sessions twice daily. Each of
' the department's 53 men will re-
ceive 12 hours of instruction, em-
phasizing the uniform enforce-
ment policy.
The new traffic law enforce-
ment policy, already in use in
five other Michigan cities, is built
around a uniform traffic ticket
to be given instead of oral warn-
ings. The new ticket also lists vio-
latin nond rondimos affet-

Palestine Fight Kills 20,
Report New Arab Attack
Jews, Arabs and British Clash in South;
Second Thrust from Syria Unconfirmed

NEW SENIOR EDITORS-Dick Maloy, '49, of Lorain, 0., has been
appointed City Editor of The Daily and Harriett Friedman, '49,
of Chicago, has been appointed Editorial Director, the Board in
Control of Student Publications announced yesterday.
* * * *
Maloy, Friedman Appointed
To 'Jaily' Senior Staff Posts
v _ 9

Appointment of Dick Maloy,
'49, of Lorain, O., as city editor,
and Harriett Friedman, '49, of
Chicago, as ,editorial director of
The Daily for the spring term was
announced yesterday by the Board
in Control of Student Publica-
Maloy, an infantry veteran of
the European campaign, was for-
merly a reporter for the Lorain
Journal and radio editor for Unit-
ed Press. He served as news dir-
ector for WHRV in Ann Arbor'
during the fall.
Miss Friedman was formerly
a reporter for the University of
Chicago Maroon and the Chicago
Joan Katz, '49, of Chicago, and

French Decry
Unified Zone
For Germany
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10&-)-
French objections to the latest
British-American decisions on ad-
ministering the Anglo-American
zones of Germany may hamper ef-
forts of the Western powers to
consolidate all of Western Germ-
any into a single economic and
political unit.
Evidence of French disapproval
of the new Anglo-American move
to set up a German administra-
tion over the merged British-
United States zones, apparently
without consulting the French,
developed rapidly today not only
in Paris but also in London and
French Ambassador Henri Bon-'
net is expected to register his
government's protest with the
State Department early next
In London a foreign office
spokesman disclosed that Am-
bassador Rene Massigli had al-
ready called on Foreign Minister
Bevin and expressed concern
that France was not consulted
about the British-American de-
AAUPd Dinner
Set Thursday
Faculty members will discuss
"The Philosophy of Committee
Appointments" at a meeting of
campus chapter of the American
Association of University Profes-
sors, to be held at 6 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Union.
All faculty members, whether
or not they are members of the

Fred Schott, '49, of Mt. Clemen-
were made associate editors, and
Jean WVhitney, '48, of Montague.
was appointed associate womens
Night editors appointed by the
Board are: Gloria Bendet, '48, of
Newark, N.J.; Harold Jackson,
'50, of Grosse lie; Allegra Pas-
qualetti, '49, of Fostoria, 0.; Rob-
Pictures of the two new Daily
associate editors appear on
Page 3.
ert White, '49, of Pontiac; and
Benjamin Zwerling, '49, of Brook-
lyn, N.Y.
New assistant night editors are:
Alfred Blumrosen, '49, of Detroit;
Jacob Hurwitz, '49, of Detroit;
Kenneth Lowe, '48, of Rochester;
and Elmer Miller, '48, of Lansing.
Retiring at the end of the pre-
sent term are Clyde Recht, city
editor; Stuart Finlayson, editor-
ial director; Eunice Mintz, asso-
ciate editor; and Elizabeth Stew-
ard, associate womens editor.
'Inside Russia'
To Be Shown
Bryan Will Appear
Before Lecture Group
The only complete color filn
ever made in Russia will be shown
to Ann Arbor when Julien Bryan
appears in the 1947-48 Oratori-
cal Association lecture course at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Audi-
Bryan made the film, "Inside
Russia Today," on his ninth trip
to the Soviet shortly after the
war. The pictures, which were not
developed until he returned to
America, were not censored by
the Russians.
Included in the film are shots
of Minsk, Kiev, Odessa, Moscow
and some of the noted collective
farms, as well as schools, churches
and other institutions.
Although on his many other
picture taking expeditions, Bryan
has always had assistants, he was
entirely alone on the Russian
filming. From the thousands of
feet he filmed there, he edited his
present movie of the most import-
ant scenes.
Tickets for the lecture will go
on sale tomorrow at the Hill Aud-
itorium Box Office.

By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Jan. 10- The
Jewish Militia Hagana reported
without confirmation tonight that
Arabs again had invaded North-
eastern Palestine from Syria to-
day .and the government said 20
persons had been killed in the
south in a three-cornered battle
of Jews, Arabs and British.
Hagana said several hundred
Arabs had crossed the northern
border near the village of Tel El
Kadi in the same general vicinity
as the first invasion from Syria'
yesterday. They were beaten back
in a Hagana ambush in which
one person was killed and at least
one wounded, the organization
Report Unconfirmed
This report was not confirmed
either by the British army or by
news correspondents who talked
to police and military officials in
the region north of Galilee dur-
of .Explosives
Called Te gal'
ASBURY PARK, N.J., Jan. 10-
(P-The Jewish Agency for Pales-
tine said tonight explosives seized
near Asbury Park Thursday were
"legally procured" and were
awaiting "legitimate shipment" to
Palestine when discovered.
Meanwhile the last of a 199-
ton consignment of war surplus
explosives which police said were
earmarked for the Jewish forces
in the Holy Land, was accounted
for at the Army's Seneca Ord-
nance Depot at Romulus, N.Y.
The Jewish Agency statement,
issued in New York, said "the
Jewish Agency for Palestine has
the responsibilities of a state
about to be born. It must protect
the lives and homes of the 700,-
000 men, women and children of
"The UN decision (tonpartition
the Holy Land) made no provi-
sions for an international force,
but did provide for a Jewish mili-
ita to defend the Jewish state and
to maintain public security. It
therefore devolved upon the re-
sponsible defense forces of the
Jewish community of Palestine to
rush preparations in a race
against time in view of the threat-
ened Arab aggression in defiance
of the UN decision and the an-
nounced early withdrawal of Brit-
ish troops.
Few Students
Get Diplomas
Although almost 1,500 students
will graduate from the University
at the close of the present semes-
ter, only 40 of them will receive
diplomas in the traditional man-
ner, according to Dr. Frank E.
Robbins, assistant president.
The honored graduates will be
members of the last war acceler-
ated class from the dental school,
and of the entire University. Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven will
present diplomas to the senior
dental students at a luncheon to
be held Jan. 31 at the League.
Other graduates will receive
their diplomas by mail a short
time after the end of the semester,
Lou H. Ransom, diploma clerk,

ing the day. The army repelled
yesterday's foray.
The deadly battle in the South
took place in orange groves near
Gaza on the coastal plain.
Arabs of Isdud, north of Gaza,
and Jews of the Yavna settle-
ment clashed. Troops of the Roy-I
al Sussex Regiment and police
rushed in to restore order, put the
battle lasted for several hours.
Twelve of the dead were Jews and
eight were Airabs. There were no
British casualties.
Arab Seige
An Arab force, estimated by
police to number 100 men, also
laid seige to the Jewish settle-
ment of Ramat Rachel on the
outskirts of Jerusalem near the
residence of Gen. Sir Alan Cun-
ningham, the Palestine High
Commissioner. A British police
officer in that area was injured.
In the sniping which preceded
the siege Maj. Nicholas Androni-
vitch, military attache of the
United States Consul General,
narrowly escaped injury when his
horse was shot from under him
while he was riding on a bridle
path nearby. The major's horse
was hit twice by high powered
rifle bullets.
Firing Continues
The British said military armed
cars had been sent to Ramat Ra-
chel, a tiny Jewish cooperative
community with a population of
365. Firing continued there to-
night, however, and soldiers were
sending up flares to illuminate
the scene.
Students Must
Return Rented
IU' Art Prints
Prints borrowed from the Uni-
versity Print Library must be re-
turned tomorrow through Friday
to Rm. 206, University Hall, Eloise
Wilkinson, director, - announced
Five cents will be charged for
each day the picture is held be-
yond the Friday deadline.
The print collection has been
steadily growing through the se-
mester, Mrs. Wilkinson said. Forty
prints were purchased from the
student rental fees for the collec-
tion, Prof. Burton Thuma added
eight prints by American artists
and Prof. Clark Hopkins, three
prints from the Renaissance pe-
Other prints were given to the
collection by Helen Hall, of the
Museum of Art, and by Fred
Smith and Col. Spaulding, Uni-
versity alumni.
The entire collection, which now
totals more than 500 prints, will
be on exhibit Feb. 2 through 6
at Alumni Memorial Hall. Stu-
dents may apply for the prints at
this time and obtain them between
Feb. 9 and 11. The prints are rent-
ed for a fee of 50 cents a semes-
Play Ends Today
"They Knew What They Want-
ed," Pulitzer Prize winning play
by Sidney Howard, will be pre-
sented for the last time by the
Little Theatre of Willow Village
at 8 p.m. today in the auditorium
at West Lodge.

SECOND-HALF SPARK-Mack Suprunowicz, Michigan forward
who was held scoreless in the first period of last night's Gopher
battle, bust loose in the second half to tally seven important points
as the Wolverines squeezed out a two-point win.
Tickets for Rose Bfowl Movie
Are Available Today at Hill

Students who failed to pick up
tickets for the today's Rose Bowl
movies will have an extra chance
to obtain them today between 1
to 5 p.m. at Hill Auditorium, Dean
Erich A. Walter announced late
last night.
Members of the Undergraduate
"M" Club will be on hand to issue
tickets to all students presenting
identification cards. Tickets for
any one of the four showings at
3, 5, 7, and 9 p.m. today are still
Busy Grocers
More than 10,000 students
nearly depleted the canned-food
supply from city grocer's yester-
day in a rush to get their "ad-
mission price" to the Bowl mov-
ies. Grocers indicated that stud-
ents made wise choices in buying'
mainly staple foods such as corn,
peats, tomatoes, and creamed
The Ann Arbor Junior Chamb-
er of Commerce will collect the
canned food brought as admission
price and add it to Ann Arbor's
contribution to the Friendship
Food Caravan, which will go to
starving Europe.
Showings of the Bowl films will
be held for townspeople and Uni-
versity staff members at 5, 7 and
9 p.m. Monday, also in Hill Audi-
torium. Tickets for these per-
formances may be obtained from
10 a.r. to noon, and from 1 to 4
p.m. Monday, at Ferry Field, the
Chamber of Commerce office, and
in Rm. 2, University Hall, for the
University staff.
Same Admission
One article of a canned staple
food will also be required for ad-
mission to Monday's showing of
the films.
Members of the Wolverine team
Senior Dance
Petitions Due
Seniors who would like to serve
on the Senior Ball central com-
mittee have until 5 p.m. Wednes-
day to submit their statements of
qualifications to the Office of
Student Affairs in University Hall.
Mary Ellen Gray, vice-presi-
dent of the senior class in the lit-
erary college advises interested
students to include in their state-
ments past experience, ideas for
the dance and positions desired
in order of preference.
in addition to general chair-
man, the following posts are
open: tickets, refreshments, fin-
ance, orchestra, patrons and pro-
grams and publicity.
The exact date of the dance
which is scheduled for next May,
will be announced next week.

will make personal appearances
before the showing of each film,
and Robert 0. Morgan will give a
running commentary on the game
Will Itemize
Aid Program
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-(R)-
The State Department agreed to-
day, at senatorial requests, to cal-
culate how much of the European
aid program will be spent for 're-
lief' and how much for "recovery."
The Department's spokesman,
Ambassador Lewis Douglas, also
agreed with a senator's estimate
that the United States may re-
cover up to $2,800,000,000 in loan
repayments out of the $6,800,-
000,000 which President Truman
and Secretary of State Marshall
asked to finance the first 15
months operation of the program.
Douglas, Ambassador to Great
Britain, told the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee it is "al-
most impossible to segregate" the
relief and recovery phases of the
program. Nevertheless he pro-
mnised chairman Vande nberg he
would supply a breakdown rome-
time next week.
The State Department witness
tol dthe Senators that some of the
16 nations would receive "almost
nothing" under a staight relief
Demands for the breakdown be-
tween relief and recovery, "cou-
try by country," came first toda-,
from Senator Hickenlooper (R-
Iowa). He said such a segregation
of "relief, raw materials and cap-
ital goods" would prove a very
helpful yardstick" both for the
Congress and for the administra-
tion of the program.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press,
TOKYO, Jan. 10-In calming
seas, Russian rescue vessels are
taking passengers off the distress-
ed Russian ship Dvina off the
east coast of Hokkaido, U.S. Navy
authorities reported tonight.
* * *
NEW YORK, A threatened
strike of 1,0 oil barge and
Tanker crewmen which Mayor
William O'Dwyer said would
have paralyzed New York City
was averted tonight by an
agreement reached half an hour
before the midnight strike dead-
** * *
Independence Hall Anti - Draft
Rally attracted less than 200

Victors Flash
Good Defense
To Gain Win
Harrison Cops 'M'
Scoring Honors
Michigan's cagers served no-
tice to the Big Nine basketball
powers that they are ready to put
in their bid for the Conference
title, by edging Minnesota, 43-41,
last night at Yost Field House.
For the last two minutes of
play, the 8,000 screaming spec-
tators were on their feet constant-
ly as Michigan defended their
slim margin.
With the score 42-38, Minnesota
elected to take the ball out-of-
bounds to try for a two-pointer
rather than attempt a free throw.
Center Don MacIntosh blocked
the ball on the throw-in and fiery
guard Pete Elliott scooped it off
the floor.
Close Scare
High scoring pivot man, Jim
McIntyre, was awarded two
charity tosses, and after making
the first one good, the Gophets
took the ball on the sidelines a-
gain. McIntyre received the ball
again and dumped it into put the
Gophers within one point of
Michigan began to stall after
this bucket with slightly more
than a minute to play. Mack Sup-
runowicz was fouled and he
Michigan's skaters avenged
the 6-5 loss suffered the other
night at the hands of North Da-
kota as they dropped the No-
daks 5-2 at the Coliseum last
night. For complete story, see
page six.
swished his first toss. Then M-
liott took the ball out-of-bounds
and the Wolverines continued to
play catch.
Roberts Stars
In this last minute, Michigan
players were fouled five times, and
each time they elected to play
the ball from the sidelines.
To six-foot-six inch Bill Rob-
erts must go a great share of the
credit for the Michigan win. A-
ter the first five minutes when the
Wolverines presented the Cowles
version of the zone defense,Mich-
igan switched and alternated be-
tween the orthodox man-to-man
and zone defenses.
The first few minutes McIntyre
was under the vigilence of both
Ro bertrs ad Maci nt oh, who
started Uo)nibt forthe Arsi-time
thi irc n ~Cox\ ;:s srprising
defensivea inenuver.
MIntyre Held
Roberts then took personal
c iage of McIntyre and held him
to three field goals before foul-
lUg out with four minutes left to
MacIntosh limited the towering
Gopher ace to one more basket.
McIntyre made good eight foul
Catholics Hit
Eight Students Resign
At Baldwin-Wallace
CLEVELAND, Jan. 10--()--
Some 155 Catholic students at
Baldwin - Wallace College will
meet tomorrow night to determine

whether they will follow eight
other undergraduate Catholics,
who have resigned in protest to a
required course in religion.
Dr. Louis C. Wright, president
of the college, announced with-
drawal of the eight students from
the Methodist institution last
night, and said the Catholics also
objected to required attendance
at chapel programs.
Msgr. Vincent B. Balmat, chan-
cellor of the Cleveland Catholic
Diocese, declared: "A Catholic
may not under any circumstance
or pretext attend a class of this
Dr. Wright replied in a state-
ment. "If the authorities of the

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