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May 11, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-11

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Eleanor Clay Ford Endowments
Awarded To Six Junior Women

Barnes To Talk
Here Thursday
("P1 War Crisis
Will Discus,, Backgrounds
Of Present onflicts
In Uniiiversity I Aeture
Noted historian and sociologist,
Prof. Harry E. Barnes of the New
School for Social Research, will speak
on "The Present World Crisis" at
4:15 p.m. Thursday in the Rackham
A feature of the University Lecture
series, his talk is under the auspices
of the Division of the Social Sciences.
Professor Barnes, who is best known
for his work in combining the social
sciences into one study course, will
devote most of his speech to a discus-
sion of the backgrounds of the pres-
ent conflict and the prospects for
the future. He will continue his dis-
cussion at a dinner of the Division
of Social Sciences at 6:30 p.m. Thurs-
Born in Auburn, N.Y., in 1899, Pro-
fessor Barnes attended the University
of Syracuse, where he received his
A.B. degree in 1913, and Columbia
University where he received his
Ph.D. in 1918.
Among the subjects he has taught
are history, sociology, penology, poli-
tical theory and historiography at
such schools as Clark University, Am-
herst College and the New School for
Social Research. In addition Profes-
sor Barnes has served as a member
of the editorial staff of the Scripps-
Howard papers for the past 10 years.

Scheibe, Chamberlain Named
Heads Of Michigan Wolverine

Pictured above are the winners of the Eleanor Clay Ford Endow-
mnents. First row, left to right: Jane Krause, '41, Mrs. Frederic Crandall,
director of women's intercollegiate forensics, and Betty Shaw, '41.
Second row: Jean Maxted, '41, Elizabeth Lightner, '41, Mary Virginia
Bush, '41 BAd, and Barbara Newton, '41.

vanu Dutuwc h , . " £ - Six women honored for outstand-1
vania Dutch."k fdd
The rest of the magazine com- ing work in forensics were awarded
prises poetry by John Brinnin, '41, the Eleanor Clay Ford endowments
John, Keats, '43, Howard Moss, '43, by Mrs. Frederic O. Crandall of the
N'ancy Mikelson, '43, and Frank Con- speech department, director of wo-
way, '40E, also book reviews by Ed- men's debating, at the annual ini-
win Burrows, Grad., Morris Glazier, tiation banquet of the national hon-
Grad., Oscar Miller, Grad.; Char- Iorary speech society, Delta Sigma
les" Leavay, '40, and Swados. Rho.
Intercollegiate debating partici-
Petersen Defends pants Jane Krause, '41, Jean Max-
ted, '41, Elizabeth Lightener, '41,
Friers Hitchhiker Barbara Newton, '41, Elizabeth Shaw,
1' .1 41, and Mary Virginia Bush, 41BAd,
each received $50, the annual en-
Motorists in the vicinity of Ann dowment from the $8,009 fund es-
Arbor probably agree with Carl Peter- tablished by Mrs. Edsel Ford to rec-
sen, '40, retiring editor of The Daily, ognize achievement in women's in-
in his zealous defense of University tercollegiate debating activities.
hitchhiking honors in a letter to the Also honored at the banquet was
editors of Look magazine. William Muehl, '41, who placed sec-
In the latest edition of Look, Peter- ond in the annual oratorical inter-
sen defends Robert Friers, '40, as the collegiate contests sponsored by the
world champion thumber with his Northern Oratorical League recently
total of 104,900 miles and 31 countries at the University of Minnesota. The
visited. award was made by Prof. Louis M.

Eich of the speech department, di-
rector -of men's speech activities.
Besides activity in intercollegiate
debating the women honored have
been active in the participation and
direction of intramural activities.
This year women's campus forensic
is directed by Jean Maxted, who was
also pledged to membership. William
Muehl has been prominent in stu-
dent affairs as president of the Stu-
dent Religious Association. Jane
Krause, recently appointed women's
advertising manager of The Daily,
has been chairman of League com-
mittees, Lantern nights, and the tu-
torial system.
Besides these initiates, R. Edwin
Bowers, '41, John R. Huston, '41,
Karl Olson, '40, and William Muehl
received citation from Mr. Arthur
Secord of the speech department and
director of men's intercollegiate for-
ensics for their participation in this
year's series of debates.
His appearance, traditional at
speech banquets at the University,
Prof. T. C. Trueblood, the founder
of Delta Sigma Rho, was honored
as the "length and shadow of speech
activity of the organization" by Prof.
Kenneth G. Hance of Albion College
in his address to the educational
forensic group.

Into the hands of these seven students and two faculty men falls
the responsibility of guiding the 'Wolverine, the country's largest stu-
dent cooperative cafeteria, through another successful year. Left to
right (seated): John Scheibe, '42Med; Prof. Paul Meuschke, Mr. Robert
Iforner, and John Spencer, '41E. Standing are Arthur Kepka, '41L;
Kenneth Nordstrom, '41L; Gahlin Keene, '40; Alfred Hafke, Spec.,
and Calvin Chamberlain, '41L.


Woman Flyer
Talks To Club

Mrs. H. B. Britton
Piloting 'On The


Thrice president John Scheibe,
'42M, Grand Rapids, was re-elected
yesterday afternoon to serve again
as head' of the board of directors of
the Michigan Wolverine, the largest'
student cooperative cafeteria in the
United States. Calvin Chamberlain,
'41L, of Erie, Pennsylvania, begins
his second year as vice-president
and secretary of the board of direc-
Five student members and one fac-
ulty man have been selected to mem-
bership on the executive board. They
are Galvin Keene, '40; Arthur Kepka,
'41L; John Spencer, '41E; Kenneth
Nordstrom, '41L; Scheibe, and
Robert R. Horner of the economics
departments. All but Nordstrom, who
received a one year position, were
elected to two year terms. Previous-
ly elected members of the board
include Prof. Paul Mueschke of'the
English department, Alfred Hafke,
Spec., and Chamberlain.
Appointment of two of tetaoinshr
administrative officers of The Wol-
verine was announced yesterday by
the board. Joseph Gardner, '41BAd.,
is the new treasurer and John Spen-
cer, '41E, the personnel director. A
purchasing agent will be selected in
the near future.

Chosen as members of the execu-
tive committee of the board to oper-
ate in the intervals between meetings
were Keene, Kepka and Chamber-
Major objectives of the Wolver-
ine for the past year have been to
improve business, to improve the
plant and its facilities, and to
achieve greater campus recognition.
To accomplish these ends steps have
been taken to improve the menu,
provide a more attractive dining
room and sponsor social activities.
The 900 odd student members of
the Wolverine spent over $70,000
for meals in the fiscal period Sep-
tember, 1939 to April of this year.
Last year the cooperative earned well
over $5,000, which is almost double
the earnings of the previous two
Edmunds In Washington
Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, chairman
of the Department of Materia Medi-
ca and Therapeutics, will attend the
Eighth American Scientific Congress
as a representative of the National
Research Council. The Congress is
to be held in Washington, D.C., from
May 10 to 18.

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302 South State St.

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' The use of the turn, bank and air
speed indicators as well as the tech-
niques of blind flying were explained
to the Flying Club Thursday evening
in the Union by Mrs. H. B. Britton,
well-known Ypsilanti flyer, who ob-
tained her instrument rating last
fall after intensive training in pre-
cision flying and radio work.
Mrs. Britton outlined the succes-
sive stages in working toward an in-
strument rating and presented dia-
gramatically a method whereby a
pilot may locate his position in the
air by radio. She gave an explana-
tion of the proper method of "flying
a radio beam" into the airport.
Acute vision and auditory atten-
tion together with a high degree of
physical coordination and mental
1 alertness were emphasized as indis-
pensible qualities in blind flying. An
added difficulty connected with blind
flying, Mrs. Britton noted, is that the
pilot cannot tell whether he is fly-
ing upside down or right side up.






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t li

1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister.
Lillian Dilts, Assistant.
William N. Barnard, Director of Music.
9:30 A.M. Church School Classes for all age
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Services. "A Day
of Worth-Ship" will be the subject of the
sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
5:00 P.M. Westminster Student Guild will hold
a concert of recorded music with Bert Ludy,
'42, in charge. The records to be played in-
clude Tschaikowsky's Fourth Symphony.
6:00 P.M. Westminster Student Guild will meet
for a picnic supper at the council ring with
Ina Cox, Jack Edmonson, Cicely Duggan, and
Harvey Spencer i4 charge. At 7:00 o'clock
there will be an address "The Mission of
Syria" by Mr. Fakhri Maluf, an exchange
Fellow from the American University at
Beirut, Syria. Frances Chalmers will have
charge of the devotionals.
8:00 P.M. The Sunday Evening Club will meet
at the Church and then go over to the Uni-
versity Broadcasting Station at Morris Hall
where they will have a demonstration.


Catherine at Division Street.
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector.
Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Minister.
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by Rev.
Henry Lewis.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten in Harris Hall.
7:00 P.M. Student Guild in Harris Hall. Prof.
Arthur Dunham speaks on "Christianity and
Social Adventure."
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.-,
432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 8498.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship.
6:00 P.M. Student Fellowship.
6:30 P.M. Young Peoples League.
State and William Streets.
Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister.
Director of Music, Donn Chown.
Organist, Mrs. Mary McCall Stubbins.
9:30 A.M. Junior and intermediate departments
of the Church School.
10:30 A.M. Primary and kindergarten depart-
ments of the Church School.
10:45 A.M. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will speak
on "The Ministry of the Beautiful."
4:30 P.M. Student Fellowship picnic at Dexter
Park. Meet at Pilgrim Hall.
5:30 P.M. Outdoor meeting of the Ariston
League. Lois Kivi is in charge of the pro-
gram. Meet promptly at Pilgrim Hall.
State and Washington Streets.
Charles W. Brashares, Minister.

in the
Dining Room
Bacon and Tomato Sandwich
on Toast
Shoe String Potatoes
Pineapple Cake or Ice Cream
Casserole of Italian Spaghetti
Hearts of Lettuce Salad
Fruit Cup with Cookies
or Orange Chiffon Pie
Assorted Cold Meat Plate
Potato Salad Tomato Slices
Strawberry Sundae
or Date Torte
Tomato Juice
Grilled Lamb Chop, Bacon Strip
French Fried Potatoes
New Green Peas
Orange Chiffon Pie
or Fresh Pineapple Sundae

Handy Service
Cash Rates
12c per reading line for one or
two insertions.
10c per reading line for three
or more insertions.
Charge Rates
15c per reading line for one or
two insertions.
13c per reading line for three
or more insertions.
Five average words to a reading
line. Minimum of three lines per
Our want-Advisor will be de-
lighted to assist you in composing
your ad. Dial 23-24-1 or stop at
the Michigan Daily Business Office,
420 Maynard Street.
TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., Phone 5689. 374
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34

LOST Monday on
billfold address
Please return and

LOST-Phi Sigma Delta pin of great
sentimental value-Reward. Call
George Nadler, 8590. 424
LOST--Gold Lady Bulova between
Mary Lee Shop and Jordan on
Wednesday. Reward. Call 395
Jordan, 2-4561. 421
TO RENT for Summer-seven-room
furnished house. Available June
15. Call 2-3643. 428
STUDENT COUPLE desires to re-
serve furnished apartment for next
fall. Write c/o Box 7, The Mich-
igan Daily. 427
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16
CANARIES - Guaranteed singers.
Findhes, bird cages, foods, pet sup-
plies. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 South
Seventh, Phone 5330. 426


523 Packard.
receive reward.

FOR SALE--Ford 5-passenger con- WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL -
vertible; 1931; good condition; Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
$85.00. No trades. Phone 8675- Killins Gravel Company. Phone
1402 Stadium. 425 7112. 13

Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Services.
11:45 A.M. Sunday School.
Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Evening Meet-




. l

6 to 7:30





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