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May 11, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-11

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Generally fair
Saturday and Sunday.


sit igau


Keynes Performs
A Service...



Fierce Conflict Rages On

Western Front;


Questions Hemisphere's I mmunity



Ypsi Coeds Besiege Ann Arbor;
Signs Ridicule Michigan Men

ControlOf World,
President Warns
Asks American Republics To Reconsider
Relationship Of 'Rest Of The Globe'
In A 'Peaceful Construction Policy'
WASHINGTQN, May 10.--(R)-President Roosevelt warned the Amer-
icas tonight that modern conquerors seek to dominate "every mile of the
earth's surface" and disputed any contention that this hemisphere's
distance from Europe gives it a "mystic immunity."
In terms of modern invention, he asserted, the distance is less than
that covered by the "chariots of Alexander" rolling down Macedonia to
Persia, or the "ships and legions of Caesar" moving "from Rome to Spain
or Britain."
He questioned whether the new world could continue its policy of
"peaceful construction" if another principle of life spread over all the
rest of the globe. The American republics must ponder the problem deeply,
Mr. Roosevelt added, and "act with unanimity and singleness of purpose."
He spoke before the Eighth American Scientific Congress. His audience
was composed of scientists from all

Daily Photo by Will Sapp
When 20 Ypsilanti coeds staged an impromptu sitdown strike in
the Parrot yesterday afternoon, Paul Chandler, city editor of The Daily,
attempted to persuade them to leave. It was a waste of breath however.
because the women insisted they were disgusted with Michigan men,
The Daily, and everything connected with them.
* *

sections of the hemisphere. The ad-
dress followed an anxious day of
reading despatches telling of the
Nazi invasion of Holland and Bel-
gium, and conferring with his ad-
visors on how best to shield America
from the impact of the broadening
war in Europe.
Applauds Queen's Act
At a press conference during the
historic day, he applauded aproe-
lamation in which Queen Wilhelmina
of The Netherlands summoned her
soldiers to fight the invasion and
voiced a "flaming protest against
this unexampled violation of good
In the speech tonight, he ' told
the scientists:
"What has come about has been
caused solely by those who would
use, and are using your inventions
of peace in a wholly difference cause
-those who seek to dominate hun-
dreds of millions of people in vast
continental areas-those who, if
successful jn that aim will, we must
now admit, enlarge their wild dream
to encompass every human being
and every mile of the earth's surface.
'Our Solution'
In the new world, he said, "we live
for each other and in the service of
a Christian faith." That, he termed
"our solution." But he asked whe-
ther this solution is "permanent or
safe" if it solves the problem for
the American nations alone. That,
he said, was "the most immediate
issue" before the Americas.
"I am a pacifist. You, my fellow-
citizens of American republics, are
"But I believe that by overwhelm-
ing majorities you and I, in the long
run and if it be necessary, will act
together to protect and defend by
every means our science, our cul-
ture, our freedom and our civiliza-
War Bulletins
Rotterdam, May 10.-(/P)-Ger-
mans fighting in the center of this
Dutch seaport landed reinforcements
for their hard-pressed parachute and
shock troops late tonight and fight-
ing in the streets became intensified.
* * *
Ruba, Netherlands West Indies,
May 10.--)-One hundred and fifty
French marines, from the cruiser
Jeanne D'Arc, landed here tonight.
They were fully equipped.
* * *
London, May 11 (Saturday)-(P)-'
The air, ministry announced early
today that German troop-carrying
aircraft had been destroyed by Royal
Air Force fliersFriday afternoon on
the beach near The Hag'ue, the
Netherlands, and on the air field
near Rotterdam.
* * *
The Hague, Netherlands, May 10.

Barry Breaks
Losing Streak;
Beats OSU, 4-1
Freak Play In Ninth Robs
Varsity Ace Of Shutout;
Pink Bats In First Run
It was the Jack Barry of old who
strode to the mound yesterday after-
noon at Ferry Field, stood the Ohio
State batsmen on their collective ears
and pitched the Wolverines to a 4-1
triumph over the Buckeyes.
The Katonah, N.Y., righthander
was complete master of the situation
as he snapped out of a prolonged los-
ing streak that had been dogging
him since Michigan's home opener
against Wisconsin.
Ohio State hadn't sent a man past
second base since the fourth inning
when pinch-hitter Tom Dumitre
opened the ninth with a single to
center field. Ralph Waldo was sent
in to run for Dumitre.
Fran Stevens skied to Charlie Pink
in center, Capt. Cliff Morgan was
retired on a grounder to Bill Steppon,
advancing Waldoto second, and it
looked as if the Buckeyes had drawn
a blank for the day.
But Dick Fraker, the next batter,
and base umpire Ed Walsh turned out
to be the flies in Barry's whitewash
(Continued on Page 3)
Caihorn, Thompson
Will Support Star
In 'Pygmalion' Cast
A graduate of London's Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art and a
born and bred New Yor ker will bring
their cosmopolitan experience Mon-
day to the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre at the 1940 Drama Season's
Louis Calhern, the son of New
York, and Barry Thompson, who has
toured England and most of the
dominions, will play featured roles
in Ruth Chatterton's starring ve-
hicle "Pygmalion." The curtain rises
i t 8:30 p.m.
Arriving here Monday night, Cal-
hern was entertained Wednesday at
the Kappa Sigma fraternity house
by James Hoch, '42, whom he con-
tacted upon the request of a mutual
friend in the East.
All reserved seat tickets for the
dramatic season must be called for
at the box office by Monday, it was
announced yesterday. Tickets for
each production are still available.

They said they were "mad," but
mostly they were cute-those Ypsi-
lanti coeds who descended on the
Michigan campus here yesterday
presumably to gain revenge for "in-
sults" which have appeared in The
Daily recently.
Armed with every female propa-
ganda device in the books, the twen-
Inter frate(rnt
Sing Chairmen
Choose Judges
Dean Alice Lloyd, Prof. Arthur
Hackett and Hardin Van Deursen,
both of the School of Music, have
been named judges of the annual
Interfraternity Sing which will be
held at 7:15 p.m. Thursday on the
steps of the Main Library.
Twelve of the 28 fraternities en-
tered will be selected for the finals
at a preliminary Sing at 7:15 p.m.
Tuesday in the League and Union.
The 12 finalists will compete for
cups to be awarded to winners of
first, second and third places.
Sororities will sponsor the var-
ious entrants, names being drawn
blindly to determine which house
each group of girls will back, Blaz
Lucas, '41, president of the Inter-
fraternity Council, and John DeVine,
'41, 'secretary-treasurer, co-chair-
man of the committee in charge of
the Sing, announced yesterday.

ty-girl blitzkrieg began in the middle
of the afternoon with the arrival of
a chartered bus, and ended half an
hour later when they piled back in
the vehicle and departed quietly.
Angell Hall and The Parrott were
picketed for several minutes, as the
coeds marched two abreast carrying
such signs as "Down With Mich-
igan Mugs," "Droopy Sox," and "We
Hate Conceited Men."
Strangely enough, The Daily it-
self took lots of abuse from the sad-
dle-shoed warriors. One of the signs
read "Down With The Daily," and
the girls themselves made utterances
that were hardly as.<discreet.
"We wanted to show these guys
'hat Michigan Normal coeds aren't
what The Daily says we are," one
)f the girls explained. "Michigan
tnen have a lot to learn," she added.
Football star Tom Harmon was
chased out by the army, and the
girls posed for photographers with
their tongues stuck out in an un-
friendly gesture toward the Mich-
igan All-American.
The feud first began, it is said,
when Ellis A. Wunsch, a senior from
Detroit, wrote a letter to The Daily
saying that the Ypsilanti coeds had
been trapping Michigan men by "ar-
tificial lures." One of Wunsch's chief
attacks-and this is odd-was upon
the way that the girls fixed their
hair. After Wunsch's first charge,
a lively letter-writing battle began
between the two campuses.
Joe Walker, '42, of Boston, and
Dave Zeitlin, '40, of Bridgeport, at-
tempted to stowaway in the bus for
a ride back to Ypsilanti, but the
power of clacking female tongues
brought an end to the plan.

Quaal Named
New Judiciary
Council Head
Campus Group Presidents,
Daily Editor, Dean Rea,
Appoint_7 Men To Posts
Wheeler Retires
From Leadership
Ward Quaal, '41, of Ishpeming, was
named the new president of the Men's
Judiciary Council yesterday by the
outgoing presidents of Congress, he
Union, and Interfraternity Coun-
cil, the retiring managing editor of
The Daily, and Acting Dean of Stu-
dents, Walter B. Rea.
Also appointed to the seven-man
council were: Peter Brown, '41E, of
Galesburg, Ill.; William Harrison,
'41A, of Chicago, Ill.; William Jack-
son, '41, Lansing; Russell LaBelle,
'41F&C, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Robert
Morrison, '41E, of Trenton, N.J., and
Harold Singer, '41, of Detroit.
Carl Wheeler, '41E, of Western
Springs, Ill., is retiring president of
the Judiciary Council. The council,
organized only last fall, is another
attempt to institute a larger degree
of student government at the Uni-
versity, Quaal said. Its primary func-
tions are the conduction and super-
vision of student elections, and the
regulation and review of the programs
of the various student honorary
Quaal has been a member of the
staff of the 'Ensian for three years
and is the present president of Delta
Tau Delta fraternity.
Brown served on the junior execu-
tive council of the Union during the
last year and is a member of Sigma
Chi fraternity.
Harrison, active in the affairs of the
Architectural School, is president of
Architectural Council, student govern-
ing body of the school. Jackson has
been very active in Congress, and
was recently appointed to the execu-
tive council in charge of special pro-
Beach Conger
Witnesses Nazi
Abduction Plot
Former Daily Night Editor
On Hand At Attempt
To KidnapDutch Queen
Beach Conger, former Daily night
editor, and now foreign correspond-
ent for the New York Herald Tri-
bune, popped into the news again
yesterday with a radio dispatch from
Amsterdam that he had been in on
the frustrated Nazi attempt to kidnap
the Netherlands' Queen Wilhelmina.
In a story by the Associated Press,
Conger and Edwin Hartrich, foreign
CBS correspondent, and American
newsreel man Norman Alley, bumped
into a full pitched battle on the out-
skirts of Valkenburg, five miles from
the Queen's summer home A flight
of 16 large Junkers had landed at
the local airdrome laden with Nazis,
whose evident intent was to surprise
the summer palace guard, and to
make away with Wilhelmina.
But, as Hartrich reported in a cable
to the CBS, the invaders were met
with sudden death and failure. This
is not the first time that Conger has

been in the center of hot news, for
several months ago, the Nazi govern-
ment paid tribute to his keen sense
for news by giving him 24 hours to
get out of Germany. Safely across
the Dutch border, he filed a story
confirming rumors of dissention be-
tween high Nazi officials and army
Since that episode he has been in
the Netherlands, finding himself in
the middle of the war's newest spread.

Churchill Head
Of New Cabinet


uick Move

French Engage Germans In Luxembourg
English Land Troops In Netherlands
As Allies Begin March Into Belgium;
Belligerents Boast Of Early Victories
BRUSSELS. May 11 (Saturday).--(R -British and french troops,
pelted with flowers by the cheering populace, moved last night and
early today into the most important centers of Belgium while King
Leopold, a fighting king in command of his own army, proclaimed that
the Belgians were battling "foot by foot" to halt the German invaders.
Exact location of the Allied troops was a government secret.
PARIS, May 11 (Saturday).-(IP)-- raid sirens sounded an alarm
in Paris at 6:13 a.m. (12:13 am, E.S.)m sd ayd
An alert was sounded in Central-Eastern France at 3:05 a.. (9:05
p.m., E.S.T. Friday), and this was followed by anti-aircraft shooting
Another alarm roused the southeastern region of France at 2:30
a.m. It came to an end 30 minutes latr.
The French high command said the Allies were advacing on o
front that reached from the North Sea to the Moselle River at the
German-French border.
AMSTERDAM, May 11 (Saturday).-(P)-A Netherlands commu-
nique early today said the number of German planes shot down over
Holland now exceeds 100, in addition to 14 captured at reconquered
(By The Associated Prss)
Adolf Hitler's terribly, typical lightning invasion of the Netherlands,
Belgium and Luxembourg, with simultaneous bombings of England and
France, drew quick and ferocious retaliation from the aroused Allies last
night and today while the invaded low countries answered the Nazi chal-
lenge with fire and flood.
The British wreaked havoc on German aerl troop transports at Rotter-
dam and The Hague and landed troops on The Netherlands coast; the
French thrust into immediate fighting contact with the German legions
in Luxembourg, and forces of both Allies marched into the most important
regions of Belgium to the cheers of flower- ossing citizens.
The Germans protested violently that Allied planes had killed at least
24 civilians in bombing a southwest German town. The French, however,
listed more than 50 persons killed by German bombings of French cities,
and said they had shot down at least 44 Nazi raiders on French soil.
The British denied any raid on German cities, but said they bombed
Nazi troops on the Western Front. The Netherlands claimed more than
100 German planes had fallen to their barking guns, and the total claimed
by the French, Dutch and Belgians were more than 150. The Germans
said they downed about 100 enemy planes.
Holland airports, seized in the first pre-dawn German sortie, all were
recaptured with one exception, the Dutch announced, and 14 Geraan
planes were seized with them.
Churchill Replaces Chamberlain
In full stride, the British got rid of the shaky cabinet of Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain, replacing him with the belligerent Winston Churchill,
and hastened planes and men to the fighting fronts.
The German high command contended that the stern resistance of
The Netherlands and Belgium was being broken at every point, but the
unyielding defenders declared the German strategy of surprise had been
thwarted and that German footholds behind their defensive lines had
been gained only at horrible costs.
Adolf Hitler went to a secret headquarters on the front to direct per-
sonally this boldest of all the bold strokes which have marked his career
as Germany's man of dictatorial destiny.
None doubted his declaration that this was the "hour of decision" and
that the conflict must "decide the fate of the German nation for the next
1,000 years."
In Berlin, Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop soothingly insisted
to foreign correspondents that Germany merely had gotten the jump on
the Allies and done something they had planned.
His story was similar to the reasons given for the German invasion of
Denmark and Norway 31 days ago. But the move into the low countries
was no pushover parade.
The German command claimed its men in gray had taken bridges over
Belgium's important Albert Canal, had seized the strategic cities of Maa-
stricht and Malmedy, and were penetrating throughout both Belgium and
Holland. The assaulted lowlands disagreed.
Hollanders Claim VictOry
The green-clad men of Holland, fighting an invader of their homeland
for the first-time in 145 years, declared they had shot down 100 German
planes, destroyed four German troop trains, and were giving their mechan-
ized and winged attackers a spectacular taste of their own medicine in
gory battles in the center of the great seaport of Rotterdam.
According to German reports, this was not long in coming. German
authorities said three "enemy" planes had bombed the "open city" of
Freiburg, in Southwest Germany last night, killing 24 civilians, and that
Germany's air force would answer five-fold.

Thinclads To Meet Buckeyes;
Tennis Men Bow To Ohio, 5-4

The Wolverine track express with
Freshman Coach Chester Stackhouse
at the throttle pulled into Columbus
at 10 p.m. last night, an overwhelm-
ing favorite to stave off Ohio State's
efforts to derail it in their dual meet
engagement this afternoon.
Aiming for its 23rd consecutive win,
Michigan's well-balanced Big Ten
championship cinder squad antici-
pates little trouble in rolling to an
impressive team triumph in the Buck-
eye's Memorial Stadium. But several
of the individual events promise to
be bitterly fought, and should be pro-
ductive of excellent times.
Expected to result iri the best race
of the day is the duel between Ohio's
ace, Capt. Jack Sulzman, and Michi-
gan's smooth-striding Warren Breid-

(Special To The Daly)
EVANSTON, Ill., May 10.-Ohio
State won its seventh victory today,
beating the Michigan net squad, 5-4,
in a close match.
This afternoon's victory marked the
first time that a Wolverine tennis
team coached by Leroy Weir has been
beaten by an Ohio State squad. As
has been the case in so many of
Michigan's dual encounters this
spring, the outcome of the match
depended upon the result of the third1\
doubles match. Each team had takent
three singles matches and were de-
pending on their strength in the
doubles to win. After spliting the
first two doubles matches, Harbrecht
and James, Ohio State's third com-
bine, took Bob Jeffers and Wayne

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