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January 11, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-11

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Professor Curtis
Will Be Missed.,,

Partly Cloudy and Warmer.




Barkley. Calls
Much Altered
Price Control
'Farm Relief'
Farm Bloc-Dictated Ceiling
Leaves Food Costs Free
To Soar 25% Above Par
Anti.nflation Bill
To Return To House
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. - VP) -
The Administration's wartime price
control legislation emerged from a
weary Senate today so much amended
by its farm bloc that Democratic
leader Barkley (Ky.) called it a
"Farm Relief Bill."
The vote on passage was 83 to 1
with Senator Nye (Rep.-N.D.) cast-
ing the only dissenting tally. Before-
hand, however, the farm bloc, in a 55
to 31 division, had succeeded in writ-
ing in a series of restrictions on ceil-
ings over agricultural 'products with
the result, Administration men said;
that many farm commodities were
left free to rise 25 per cent or more
above present levels.
Goes Back To House
The far reaching and complicated
measure-intended to help prevent
inflation and sky-rocketing living
cost-now goes back to the House.
A Senate-House conference commit-
tee is expected to be appointed to
redraft important sections before the
measure comes up for final' consider-
Whether this group could work out
and secure Senate and House ap-
proval of a measure satisfactory to
the Administration was, however, an
open question.
When the bill passed the House
last month with a provision allowing
sharp increases in farm prices the
word was passed around that Presi-
dent Roosevelt would veto it if it
reached him in that form.
The Senate Banking Committee
knocked out the House farm provi-
sion objectionable to the Administra-
tion, but the Senate went beyond the
House. in approving restrictions on
farm price-fixing.
Farm Bloe In Control
With the farm bloc in complete
control, the Senate adopted 55 to 31
an amendnient by Senator O'Ma-
honey (Dem,-Wyo.) providing:
First, that no price ceiling should
be placed on a farm product below
the 1919-29 average price of that
commodity-a period when farm
prices were the highest in history.
Second, directing that the Federal.
Reserve Board's index of industrial
wages should be used as a factor in
calculating parity figures.
The effect of this latter provision,
it was explained, was to raise parity
about 10 per cent.
Parity is the price at which the
agriculture departrhent figures that
a farm product has the same pur-
chasing power, in terms of non-farm
products, that it had in the 1909-14
The Administration was agreeable
to two restrictions on ceilings on
farm products: That none be set be-
low the average market prices last
Oct. 1, and that none be set below
110 per cent of parity.
In addition to the Oct. 1 date, the
Senate directed that rno ceiling be
below the average price on Dec. 15.
Price Ceilings Set
Thus it wound up forbidding any
farm ceiling below:
110 per cent of parity (figured on
a basis making it 10 per cent higher

than heretofore); the Oct. 1 or Dec.
15 price; or average price in the years
The farm bloc's runaway with the
measures had been forecast yester-
day when the Senate, by a 48 to 37
vote, inserted a provision giving the
Secretary of Agriculture a virtual
veto over any farm prices fixed by
the administrator empowered by the
bill. This ignored a direct request of
the President.
Viat stos To Tfalk
On Skepticism
One of the leading younger think-
ers in protestantism in this hemi-
sphere, Dr. Gregory Vlastos, profes-
sor of philosophy at Queen's Uni-
versity in Kingston, Ontario, will
discuss "The Failure of Skepticism"
at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 18, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The third and concluding speaker
in a series sponsored jointly by Hill-
el Foundation, the Newman Club

Speaks Here 'today

* * *
A first-hand insight into the na-
tions dominating the Pacific-Japan,
China, Malaya, the Dutch East In-
dies, the Philippines and Guam, an
insight 'vital toward understanding
the world-shaking news breaking in
these areas every day will be given
in the lecture-color movie "Circle,
of Fire" at 8:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Auditorium.
Tickets will be on sale today at
the League. The film is sponsored
by the Art Cinema League.
Embodying a new type of motion
picture technique evolved by Francis
R. Line, a University graduate, and
one of America's foremost color pho-
tographers, "Circle of Fire" reveals
the whole significance of the Pacific
area in most graphic form.
To produce this film, with its ac-
companying lecture, Line spent five
months in the Orient in the summer
and fall of 1940 and travelled 25,000
miles-by clipper, auto, horse and
steamer-to virtually every "hot
spot" in the Far East.
Winter Parley
Panel Groups Will Discuss
'America At War'
Campus opinion and opinion-mak-
ers, from Gargoyle to the Interfra-
ternity Council, will be represented
on four panel groups in the annual
Student Senate Winter Parley sched-
uled to open its two-day session Fri-
day, Jan. 16.
As announced yesterday by the'
Senate Parley Committee, the all-
campus forum on "America at War"
will be under the chairmanship of
Bill Muehl, '44L, while Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver of the English depart-
ment will present the closing sum-1
mary Saturday.
. The irstpanel, headed by Norm
Call, '42, will deal with the econom-
ic problems of providing "arms for'
America." Allen Axelrod, '43, Tom
Marshall, '42, and William Todd, '42,.
will comprise the rest of the panel.
Defense training and other educa-
tional aspects of the war will be dis-
(Continued on Page 7)#

War Stamp
Drive Opens
January 23
New Tag Day Campaign
Will Enlist University
For Defense Savings
Sponsors Set Goal
Of 5,000 Albums
Campus peg-tops and porkpies will
give way to the savings habit Friday,
Jan. 23 when University minute-men
will open a tag-day drive for student
participation in the Government's
defense stamp campaign.
With a goal of 5,000 10-cent al-
bums, Ann Arbor's Junior Chamber
of Commerce will work with a faculty
group and the Committee of 1942
to reach "those persons who cannot
afford to set $18.75 away all at once."
The defense savings albums, de-
signed to hold 25 10-cent stamps, will
be sold in fraternities, sororities and
residence halls Jan. 22. Ann Arbor's
downtown area will be covered Jan.
24 when local merchants will ask
both students and residents to "take
part of your change in defense
Purchasers Get Tags
A round tag, bearing the national
drive's minute-man symbol, will be
given to every album's purchaser.
Each book will contain one 10-cent
stamp, and permanent defense sav-
ings stations will be set up on cam-
pus to provide the other 24.
The city of Ann Arbor has al-
ready amassed the highest per capita
savings of any city in the country
as over $2,500,000 has been contribut-
ed by townspeople-almost $100 per
resident. With the University a vir-
tually untapped source, this total is
capable of only an upward revision.
According to the drive's faculty-
student sponsors, two campus groups
have joined the campaign even be-
fore its official announcement. The
J-Hop Committee, originators of a
plan being adopted throughout the
nation, will substitute 1,400 25-cent
stamp albums for favors at the coun-
try's biggest college dance. Phi Eta
Sigma, freshman honor society, will
purchase 60 books at its meeting to-
Stamps Exchangeable
The stamps are exchangeabl for
Series. "E" defense bonds, maturing
in 10 years with a value of $25. The
bonds will be redeemable at any time
before date of maturity for $18.75
plus interest.
Co-ordinating University partici-
pation in the drive will be Prof.
Charles Jameson of the business ad-
ministration school and Burton Ru-
bens, '42. Reardon Peirsoll will re-
present the Junior Chamber of Com-
Campus workers will be provided
by the Committee of 1942, composed
of every major student organization.


All-Out Japanese Attack
Is Expected As Activity1
Lulls On Both Sides
MacArthur Holds
Corregidor Lines
SINGAPORE, Sunday, Jan. 11.
-(P)-The "scorched earth" policy,
effective in China and Russia, is
being carried out with a vengeance
by British forces retreating slowly
before the' Japanese invader, re-
ports from the Malayan front said
early today.
(By The Associated Press)
American-Filipino Army facing over-
whelming forces of Japanese above
and on the Batan Peninsula of Luzon
Island in the Philippines, still have
their major battle ahead of them,
miliIlary tacticians said here tonight.
Despite the lull in military activity
on the peninsula, with only scout-
ing flights and sporadic artillery fire
by both sides, there was every indi-
cation that the Japanese fully intend
to drive Gen. Douglas MacArthur and
his men off Luzon Island.
MacArthur Strengthens Position
However, it was indicated by the
tacticians, who based their opinions
on fragmentary news dispatches from
the Luzon front, that General Mac-
Arthur was taking advantage of the
lull in activity to strengthen his
position on a line on an arc-like
front above the peninsula, and Subic
Bay, the flanks of which are pro-
tected on one side by Manila Bay
and the other by the South China
The terrain, the experts said, pro-
vided MacArthur with a natural line
of defense, but that any further
forced retreat would mean withdraw-
al farther south, with the consequent
abandonment of Subic Bay and the
secondary naval station, Olongapo,
which is situated on it.
MacArthur May Move
After a last stand fight, it was be-
lieved, MacArthur x(ould attempt to
move as many of his men as possible
to Corregidor Island, just off the
mainland of the Batan Peninsula.
Corregidor, considered impregnable
by many experts, is built of almost
solid rock, and controls Manila Bay
whichtprevents the Japanese from
using it as a naval base.
Meanwhile, the news indicated
that the Japanese might be planning
an immediate full scale assault up-
on the Dutch East Indies, simultane-\
ously with one against MacArthur's
This view was bolstered, tacticians
said, by army reports of an enemy
fleet concentration off Mindanao,
the southernmost of the large Phil-
ippine Islands, together with a mass-
ing of Japanese reinforcements on
the Luzon front.
Additional Landings
The Army announcement of enemy
ships off Mindanao foresaw addition-
al landings on that island and
stopped there. Looking further a-
head, some observers thought Mm-
danao would be used as a base for
the attack on the East Indies. It is
so situatedi that it could be used as
an important depot on the Japanese
line of communications.
The nearest major island is that of
Borneo, on the northern coast of
which, in Sarawak, the Japanese
have already established themselves.
Beyond lie the Dutch East Indies.
It was recalled that American
bombing planes raided Japanese con-
centrations at Davao, on Mindanao,
a week ago with highly successful
results, and there was much conjec-
ture as to whether the blow could be
'U' Graduate Flaherty

Killed At Pearl Harbor
University authorities were in-
formed yesterday of the war death
of a second graduate, Frpncis Charles
Flaherty, '40.
Word was received from the fam-
ily of Flaherty that he died in the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on
Dec. 7. Late last night the only other
information available was that he

Nazis Plan Spring Offensive-
Fuehrer Asks Faith At Home.
Recruiting Drives Launched In Occupied Countries
Suggest Internal Weakness Of German Army

MAN FRONTIER, Jan. 10.-(1P)-
Reports persisted tonight, despite
official denials from Berlin, that
Finland is seeking peace with Rus-
sia through Stockholm intermedi-1
Behind the feeling for peace,l
these reports said, is Finnish dis-i
couragement with present hard-
ships, food shortage and limited
(By The Associated Press)
FRONTIER, Jan. 10.-The German
Army, depleted by huge losses in the,
now apparently hopelessly lost Rus-
sian campaign, has launched a re-
cruiting drive stretching beyond Ger-
man borders into Nazi occupied coun-
In every available quarter, the
Nazis are seeking new manpower for,
the army in the hope of rebuilding a
fresh force for the planned spring
offensive, wherever it may strike.
Highly reliable advices said that
because of German losses, and the
need for a far greater army for the
new push, the recruiting drive was
underway in the.Baltic States, Bul-
garia and even Norway.
The bid for new soldiers followed
admissions which, coupled with ap-
peals for a renewal of faith in Fueh-
rer Adolf Hitler, showed that the
winter campaign in Rusia is written
off by the German le ers as lost.
The Nazi leadership, however, has
taken extraordinary measures to deny'
reports of incipient revolt within the;
Reich, advices to this border point
Nazis Worried7
These measures -including the
awakening of foreign correspondents
in the middle of the night to inform
them of the rumors and the Foreign
Office denials-came at a time when
Adolf Hitler's own press chief and all,
the German newspapers were ac-,
knowledging the gravity of the mili-,
tary situation in Russia.
As far as the internal German situ-I
ation goes, it is known here that the
first German failures in the East in-
spired feelings of concern and unrest
at home. However, the correspon-
dents who were called from their beds
to hear telephoned denials of reports,
of an imm'ent state of revolution
said it was quite apparent that there
was no evidence of such a thing in
Berlin, and the best information ob-
ainable elsewhere is that no organ-
;zed effort to revolt exists or is likely
o exist soon.
Newsmen Surprised
Yet, the correspondents expressed1
surprise that the drastic form of de-;
nial was deemed necessary in the
In making its denials, the Foreign
Office blamed the reports on British
and American sources. Today the
Berlin radio, quoting the Berlin cor-

British Facing Desperate Struggle
In Singapore, Commander Warns;
Vital Philippine Battle Imminent

respondent for the Rumanian news-
paper Timpul, said that "rumors of
growing dissatisfaction in Germany
.. were launched in the hope of in-
fluencing the forthcoming confer-
ence (of American Foreign Minis-
ters) at Rio de Janeiro." By indirec-
tion, the broadcast said' the rumors
had it that machine guns were
mounted on the roofs of Berlin hotels,
adding that Rumanian journalists in
Germany could themselves see that
this was not true.
Dr. Otto Dietrich, Hitler's own
press chief, told newspaper readers
in a universally-published article that
German military operations "have
entered an extremely serious and in-
deed critical phase." He asked the,
people to remember that the Fuehrer
had led them to victory in the past
and urged them to believe that he
would, do so again.',
"Der Fuehrer will know how to
overcome this crisis," said Dietrich.
Survey Proves
24-Hour Basis
Still Far'Away
Many Of Vital Industries
Face Serious Barrier
To All-Out Production
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. -(Wide
World)-- The twenty-four hour day,
seven-day production week which the
President called for In his historic
address on the State of the Union
is already a reality in some key war
plants, is being rushed in others, but,
still moy be months away for the
country's war industry as a whole.
A survey of delense centers by
World Wide today showed three prin-
cipal factors standing in the way of
complete and immediate realization.
of the President's goal of clock-
around operation for the $50,000,000,-
000 arms program:
1. Lack of some critical materials.
2. Need for time to train skilled
3. Engineering, managerial and
maintenance problems in wide vari-
But still the swing toward continu-
ous use of production machines since
the first bombs fell on Pearl Harbor
Dec. 7 has been impressive and is
growing steadily, the survey showed.
In Washington leading defense of-
-ficials are convinced the drive to-
ward all-out factory operations can
be accelerated much more, despite
some of the handicaps mentioned'by
In many factories producing war
materials where all-day, every-day
production had not yet been achieved,
the check-up 'showed intermediate
(Continued on Page 6)

Japanese Meet Stubborn
Resistance In battles
In Slim River District
'Hairpin' Strategy
Traps Nazi Force
SINGAPORE, Jan. 10. -- () -
Driven back relentlessly after a brief,
hard stand along the Slim River, 220
miles north of here, the British were
told tonight by their commander,
Gen. Sir Henry R. Pownall, that they
faced desperate days ahead in de-
fending the most vital areas, includ-
ing Singapore.
(A Japanese broadcast heard in
San Francisco by CBS claimed the
capture of Kuala Lumpur, Malayan
rubber capital only 180 miles north
of Singapore, after attacks from the
north and northwest.
(Earlier Japanese claims hinted
that the British had abandoned the
Kuala Lumpur area after the Japa-
nese had occupied an airfield but two
and a half miles southwest of the
city and started an all-out attack
upon the town from the rear.)
Gen. Pownall told the defenders in
a broadcast tonight that their task'
was one of hard fighting on the
"Japan has the advantage which
lay with the other aggressor nations
-she was able to get her blow in
first," he said.
"Here, as elsewhere, our first task
has been to ward off that blow so
that the enemy gains as small a
chance of success as possible.
"Our second task is to hold the
enemy from vital areas and as far
from them as possible while we re-
new, regroup and supplement our
"Then we will be able to bring the
enemy to a halt and later drive for-
ward ourselves.
"We are engaged in the second of
those tasks.
"The most vital of the areas which
are to be defended and the one
which we are absolutely determined
to defend is Singapore," he concluded.
(The British radio said the Japa-
nese had been able to throw 12-ton
tanks into the battle, reinforcing the
much lighter two-man tanks which
they previously had been using.)
The most optimistic feature of a
desperate situation was the growing
activity of the British air force which,
according to today's communique, de-
livered telling blows upon three Jap-
anese aviation and communication
bases, smashing planes, runways and
stores and setting fierce fires among
buildings and military objectives.
Nazis Meet Setbacks
On Russian Front
LONDON, Jan. 10.-(A')-Like a
heavyweight champion keeping his
foe off balance, the Soviet army to-
night was reported pressing its un-
interruptedycounter-offensive with
conspicuously successful blows in the
central sector northwest and south-
west of Moscow.
The two arms of the pincers seek-
ing to trap perhap 100,000 Nazis
about Mozhaisk, 57 miles west of
the capital, were extended further.
Below Mozhaisk the Red army
claimed recapture of Mozalsk and to
the north the Nazis were said to be
retreating from Staritsa toward Rzhey
-placing the Soviet advances at
least 30 miles beyond Mozhaisk on
either side, with the jaws of the
pincers drawing ever closer.
In the Staritsa-Rzhev uarea the
Germans apparently were trying to
make a stand, for the Moscow radio
broadcast a dispatch to the newspa-
per Izvestia reporting that the Nazis
were rushing up planes "and infantry
units are being brought up from
deep in the rear."

Booth Application
Is Due Wednesday
Booth applications for the 1943
J-Hop must be turned in by Wednes-
day, Bob Begle, tickets chairman,
announced yesterday. Any organi-
zation having at least 20 members'.
going to the dance is eligible to


On The Sports Front:

Hockey Team Edged Out, 5-4;
Wolverine Cagemen GoHungry

Yes 'it can happen here.' And it
was proved at the Michigan Coliseum
last night when Point Edward nosed
out the Wolverine hockey team, 5-4,
in one of the wildest puck battles
ever played on the Michigan ice.
The small number of attending
fans will never see a more thrilling
athletic' contest for some years to
come. Before anyone had a chance
to catch their breath, the ice was
heated with the play of a rejuvenated
Wolverine sextet. And the play didn't
let up until the final gun ending the
sixty minutes of play.
Sparking the entire Michigan play
was Captain Paul Goldsmith. Goldie
pulled the old "hat trick" last night.
by powering three hard goals into
the Point Edward nets, two of them
But it wasn't only a sparking of-
fensive play that Goldsmith con-
tributed to the night's play. He
checked hard all night, and his stick-
handling was fine. Next to the Wol-
verine captain, Johnny Braidford
turned in a more than creditable
performance. He set up play after
play, two of which were directly re-
sponsible for two of Goldsmith's
markers. But despite the fine play
of Eddie Lowrey's team, a last period

Michigan's victory-starved basket-
ball team made another game at-
tempt to chalk up its first Big Ten
win of the season at Yost Field House
last night, but met a tartar in the
powerful Illinois quintet and suc-
cumbed, 44-40.
It was the sixth straight loss for
Coach Benie Oosterbaan's men and
the third consecutive setback in the
current Conference campaign. The
victory for the Illini, their seventh
straight, helped them maintain their
lead in the Big Ten title race.
The Wolverines played their best
ball of the season, but the rangy
The Wolverine basketball team
will leave for Evanston, Ill., today
where they will meet the North-
western Wildcats tomorrow night
at 7:30 p.m.
Illini cagers were just a little too
polished for the Varsity.
Led by the brilliant performance
of their sophomore guard, Eugene
Vance, the Illini executed some of
the most dazzling plays local cage
fans have seen in many a day. Vance
sank six field goals while breaking
up numerous Wolverine socring at-

Far East Brought Near:
Prof. Bartlett Lectures Today
O America And Philippmes'

The Philippine Islands, America's
malignant territorial headache, will
be discussed at 4 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall by a man who
has been exploring, investigating and
teaching in the Far East since 1918.
The man, Prof. Harley H. Bart-
lett, chairman of the botany depart-
ment, will deliver a public lecture
under the auspices of the Committee
to Defend America. The subject,
"America and the Philippines," will
be as timely as the last news-wire
bulletin in today's Daily. ,
As an agent for the Department of
Agriculture last year, Professor Bart-
lett travelled throughout the islands
studying potential sources of qui-
nine and rubber for the United

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