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October 11, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-11

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Latest Deadline in the State




Worl Series with'4-3 Victory

* * * *

Fraternities Pledge 535 New Men

UN 'Neutrals'
Near Failure
In Mediation
Western Powers
Firm on Demands
PAPEIS - (/P) - Desperate at-
tempts by "neutral" nations in the
United Nations Security Council
to mediate the Berlin crisis appar-
ently were stalled.
Spokesmen for the United
States, Britain and France de-
clared that the Western Powers
are standing firm on their demand
that the Soviet blockade be lifted.
The three powers were reported to
feel that there had been enough
time for mediation and the Coun-
cil should go ahead with meetings.
ARGENTINE foreign Minister
Juan A. Bramuglia talked private-
ly again with Russia's Andrei Y.
Vishinsky. Informed sources said
the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minis-
ter told him that no answer had
been received from the Kremlin on
mediation efforts.
Western Power spokesmen
said in the absence of new Soviet
proposals they assumed Moscow
still insists that the Berlin case
must go to the four-power coun-
cil of foreign ministers packaged
with the whole German problem.
The spokesmen repeated that
"the blockade must be lifted be-
fore we go to the council of
foreign ministers.".
One high diplomatic source said
the attitude of the United States
has toughened in the last two
* * *
insky, Bramuglia was reported to
have dined with John Foster
Dulles, U.S. delegate and foreign
affairs adviser to Gov. Dewey.
A high informant said Dr.
Philip C. Jessup, United States
Security Council deputy dele-
gate, told Bramuglia at a week-
end conference that the U.S. ap-
preciated his efforts but that the
Argentine 'did not understand
the Russian minds This inform-
ant quoted Jessup as saying
Americans believed any negotia-
tions would be fruitless.
Bramuglia was represented as
feeling that a tougher American
attitude sprang from the disclo-
sure that President Truman
planned to send Chief Justice Vin-
son to Moscow and the cancella-
tions of the plan after talks with
Secretary of State Marshall,
IN THE FACE of the apparent
deadlock, the Security Council is
expected to meet Wednesday or
Thursday to go over the Berlin
situation and perhaps open full-
scale debate. Only the Western
Powers have spoken so far, accus-
ing the Soviet Union of threaten-
ing world peace. Russia is boycott-
ing the discussions.
Berlin occupied the major
share of attention in UN halls
but arms reduction and Pales-
tine came up.
Britain put a resolution before
the Assembly's political committee
which would blame Russia for lack
of agreement on slashing arma-
ments. Last week Vishinsky ac-
cused the Western Powers of
blocking disarmament plans for
the last 20 years.
THE SOVIET Ukraine, Yugo-
slavia and Czechoslovakia support-
ed Russia in today's debate. El
Salvador, Canada, China and
France spoke in opposition.
On Palestine the British were

reported desirous of having a
meeting of the Security Council on
Holy Land problems. It was said
that they especially wanted to
know what has been done about
apprehending the assassins of
Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN
mediator who was slain in the
Jewish section of Jerusalem.
Ypsi Dorm Burns

Magidoff To Tell Trials
And Problems in Russia
Oratorical Lecture Series officials have Russia to thank for the
appearance of Robert Magidoff as guest lecturer tonight.
Magidoff, who will speak at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, was
ousted on suspicion of espionage after twelve years, in Russia as an
American correspondent, lecture officials explained.
* *'* *
MAGIDOFF CONTENDS that the Russians have a propaganda
plan designed to make the Russian people believe that all foreigners
are spies. It is to this that he attributes his expulsion.
fie was ousted on evidence presented by his secretary, a Rus-

* * *

... thank Russia

U' Scientists
Attack Lopyalty
Activities of the government's
loyalty boards and the Un-Amer-
ican Activities Committee were
criticized by the Association of
University scientists in a forum at
Rackham last night.
Dr. Edwin Maise, of the mathe-
matics department, moderated the
discussion in which the attacks
on scientists such as Dr. Condon
were debated.
FORMULATING a letter to
President Truman, Tom Dewey,
Rep. Parnell Thomas, Senator
Hickenlooper and David Lilienthal,
the scientists pointed up "errors"
in the government loyalty checks.
They said that as a result of
recent events, working for the
government has become unpop-
ular because of fear of a black
mark on one's reputation.
They suggested that hearings
should be held privately, and that
reputations should be protected as
much as possible.j
Dr. Maise quoted Lilienthal and
Truman in speeches against un-
necessary probes of the govern-
ment's scientists and said that a
poll of scientists who developed
the atom bomb showed that 75
per cent have declined or are re-
luctant to accept government em-

sian citizen, who charged him
and his publisher with espion-
However, no official investiga-
tion followed the charges. Instead
of a large trial with much pub-
licity, which would undoubtedly be
fitting to a spy, Magidoff and his
wife were allowed to leave the
country. Magidoff points to this
fact as evidence of his innocence.
* * *
Expelled from the Soviet Union,"
Magidoff tells of conditions in
Russia today. He will also make
some observations about Russian
moves in the field of international
Russian-born, Magidoff came
to this country when a boy, be-
came a citizen, and after attend-
ing the University of Wisconsin,
returned to Russia to work as a
correspondent. His voice should
be familiar to many for he cov-
ered the Russian front for NBC
in World War II.
Master of ceremonies tonight
will be Prof. G. R. Garrison of the
Speech and Radio Department.
Tickets for the lecture are on
sale today at the Hill Auditorium
box office from 10-1 and 2-5 daily.
Season tickets for the complete
lecture course will be available
through Oct. 12.
AYC Deleurates,
To BeElected
Emergency Meeting
As a continuation of the Oct. 7
meeting, the campus chapter of
AVC will hold an emergency meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the
Union to elect delegates to next
month's national AVC convention
in Cleveland.
Acting chairman Ev Bovard de-
clared that although there may be
charges of irregularities in the
election of delegates, those elected
will represent the true choice of
,the membership. He said that he
will certify those chosen at the
In addition to the election of
delegates the agenda includes ac-
tion to be taken on a plan to insti-
tute the Hare System of propor-
tional representation in the selec-
tion of delegates; and nominations
for local chapter offices for an
Oct. 2.1 election.

Houses Take
Record Class
List Tops Last Year
Total by Seventeen
Five hundred and thirty-five
men were pledged to fraternities
in ceremonies throughout the
campus last night.
The figure sets a new record on
the Michigan campus, topping
last year's record breaking total
by seventeen men. However, this
year thirty-seven houses are
men against last year's thirty-
The list of pledges follows:
Dwight F. Bickel, Paul S. Brent-
linger, Paul B. Campbell, James L.
Glidden, David Heggen, Donald C.
MacGregor, Herbert E. Neil, Jr.,
Can Saka, Philip M. Smith, Ray-
mnand S. Tittle, Jr., Charles R.
Walli, Ronald A. Watts, Warren P.
Williamson, Douglas C. Gordon.
Anthony Carpenter Buesser,
Harold Sheldon Bump, Robert
Beach Carpenter, Robert Fletcher
Cole, Robert William Donovan,
Daniel Winthrop Fowler, Alan Vic-
tor Kidd, Richard Morrissey Noel,
Richard Hugo Perkins, John E.
Riecker, Francis Livingston Smith,
William L. Bachtel, Everett Bal-
lard, John W. Bauer, Richard
Breithart, William O. Dresser,
Harry S. Dunn, George G. Gan-
non, William W. Henderson, Jr.,
Merlin H. Hughes, Robert J. Jerm-
stad, Robert Kopka, Arthur B.
McWood, Otto L. Reisman, Rich-
ard N. Roberts.
Herbert Byron Ailes, Thomas
Dudley Brown, David Patrick Cor-
bett, Myron John Craver, Jr., Ray-
mond Eugene Culver, Robert W.
Dingman, Ibson Dana Eloar, Rich-
ard Keith Greenlee, Jr., Milton
W. Handorf, Norman Hingston
Hill, Jr., Peter Davenport Klein-
pell, John Pirson Matheson,
Charles Perrin Byrd Pinson, Gene
Allen Roth, Meredith Werner
Shields, Gilbert Paul Smith, Paul
Harry Smith, Frank Herman
Trinkl, Robert Louis Vedder,
Dwight Harold Vincent, Robert
Earl Warner, Fredric Henry Wey-
any, Robert Clayton Wismer,
Richard C. Frank, Gordon Jay
Walter Atchinson, John Baker,
Thomas S. Dimond, Franklin C.
Hale, John R. Hultman, John J.
Johnson, John W. Klap, William
R. Morton, John S. Murphy, Don-
ald W. Porter, Robert Schopps,
John G. Wright.
John Allwood, Edmond B. An-
drews, Robert L. Bunn, Richard
Carlson, Charles R. Clark, Jerry F.
Gooding, Charles F. Hamilton,
Joseph S. Hazelett, David G.
Jennings, Robert J. McLeod, How-
and Roodvoets, Clifford L. Sadler,
Herbert A. Spene, Thomas A.
Stenglein, William C. Stenglein
John C. Thomas, Carl Ulbrick.
Daniel W. Burlingame, Clifford
W. Dolan, Jr., E. James Erwin,
Richard E. Evans, Duane E. Gale,
John T. Headington, Harold I.
Lawrence, James T. Leban, George
E. McKean, James K. Newton,
Robert G. Schirmer.
James D. Capo, Edward F.
Cashin, John C. Conroy, Asa Rob-
ert Crawford, Denzel D. Doline,
James Donovan III, Robert E.
Hastings, Jr., Ian Jensen, Raffee

D. Johns, Robert B. Meese,
Thomas E. Parker, Jay J. Pease,
Luther D. Rudolph, Alexander E.
Szymanski, William L. Vander-
werp, Loy S. Weston, Henry F.
Winchester, Jr.
Richard M. Anderson, Trevett
C. Chase, Burton R. Corbus, Philip
C. Cornelius, Robert Scott Daugh-
erty, Arthur L. Dunne, Larry C.
Hardy, Victor W. Hughes, John A.
IngoldrLesl~ie T.TJones, Robert R.

A student who loses his religion
in his first term at Michigan prob-
ably never had one in the first
place, according to Prof. Frank L.
Huntley, of the English depart-
ment who has just returned from
a conference of college trustees
and presidents at Spokane, Wash-
"Should a State University
teach courses in religion?" was the
SL Voting Aid
Continues Today
About 224 students took ad-
vantage of the Student Legis-
lature's voting assistance pro-
gram in its first day of opera-
tion yesterday.
The program will continue
today, from 8 a.m. to noon and
from 1 to 5 p.m. in the base-
ment of Angell Hall.
Advice is available on out-
state balloting, according to
John Swets, S.L. campus action
World News
At a Glance
(By The Associated Press)
House disclosed that $88,275,170.02
has been handed over as military
aid to Chinese Central Govern-
ment in its fight against Commu-
nist forces in the last six months.
** *
PARIS-The French Govern-
ment refused Communist de-
mands for wage increases in the
nationalized railroads and
threatened to fire any strikers
who keep others off the job.
of a Negro graduate student to
the University of Oklahoma was
ordered by the University of Ok-
lahoma Board of Regents.
The regents directed Dr. George
L. Cross, President of the Univer-
sity, to admit him "on a segregat-
ed basis."
MOSCOW-The Russian peo-
ple were told today that differ-
ences exist between President
Truman and Secretary of State
Marshall over the Berlin ques-
DARTMOUTH, Eng. - Sodden
messengers plodded through a
driving rain today to deliver
housewives a leaflet from the City
Council urging strict economy in
the use of water "because of the
continuing drought."

question to which 120 trustees
and university presidents studied
for five days last week.
* * *
DR. HUNTLEY, only professor
present at the conference, was one
of a group of three round-table
speakers which included Presi-
dent Robert L. Stearns of the Uni-
versity of Colorado and Mrs. Mar-
jorie Dawson of the movie indus-
Dr. Huntley discussed the
spiritual crisis of our times. He
spoke of our search for spiritual
security, and said that it is the
duty of state universities to
'offer courses in religion-aca-
demically sound courses, free of
political prohibitions---to help
satisfy this need.
He suggested courses about re-
ligion, distinguishing them from
courses in religion in that they do
not have conversion as an objec-
* * *
ment, for instance," Huntley said
after his return to Ann Arbor
"could give a course in the psy-
chology of religion. The same
could be done in the language, his-
tory, and other departments. A
course in the literature of the Bi-
ble, now offered at the Univer-
-sity, is in line with this policy.'
Irresident Stea(rns discussed
portions of a recently-complet-
ed report dealing with an evi-
dent moral decline in the coun-
try's student population. The
report indicates an increase in
cheating and stealing among

. . . tough fight . . . victory smile
Student Who Loses God
Never Had HimMM-Huntley
t U>

Bearden Salvages
Victory for Tribe
Cleveland Staves Off Boston Rally
To Win 1948 World Championship
BOSTON-(AP)-Thanks to stout-hearted relief pitch-
ing by Gene Bearden in the tense closing minutes of play,
the Cleveland Indians staggered through to a 4-3 victory over
the Boston Braves in the sixth and deciding game of the World
In winning its first championship in 28 years, the Tribe
also was the beneficiary of a lucky double play in the ninth
whch probably saved Bearden from serious trouble.
One moment the crowd of 40,103 was sitting on the edge
of the seats, expectant of a rally that would square the series at three
games apiece, and carry the play-off right down to a seventh contest
The next moment it was all over for the Boston fans but for
the sad filing through the exits, and the Indians were boisterously
pounding Bearden across the back and half-carrying him in tri-
umph off the field.
Eddie Stanky, a steady little character right through the series,
opened the ninth by drawing a walk as the crowd raved. Connie Ryan
ran for him. Then came the heartbreaker. Sibby Sisti went in to pinch-
hit for Warren Spahn, who had done a brilliant piece of relief chunk-
ing for two innings, and attempted to sacrifice Ryan to second
with the tying run.
INSTEAD, HE BUNTED under Bearden's pitch and lofted the
ball straight up, directly in front of the plate. Catcher Jim Hegan
snared the horsehide and fired it to Joe Gordon.
The Braves were dead Injuns. Tommy Holmes, hero of Bos-
ton's victory in the opening game, lined out to Bob Kennedy In
left field to end the contest and make all Cleveland happy.
. Only the previous inning, the eighth, the Braves brought the
customers to their feet by slugging Bob Lemon, Cleveland's starting
chunker, from the hill and scoring twice to draw within a run of the
* * * *
WHEN BEARDEN inherited the ugly situation, the bases were
loaded with Braves and only one was out. Two Bostons scored on a
long fly to center by Clint Conatser and Phil Masi's ringing double
off the left field wall. Both Conatser and Masi were pinchhitters. But
that was all as the great southpaw bore down to get Mike McCormick
on an infield roller.
Cleveland scored its first three runs off Bill Voiselle, one of
them a home run over the left field wall by Joe Gordon in the
sixth. Spahn, doing his second relief chore in as many days, gave
up the last Indian marker in the eighth, before he got his bearings.
It proved, of course, to be the winning run of the series.
See LEMON, Page 3

" I

Hawk New Look' Gargoyle
Bargain Basement Today

Jazz Fans:
If you know your jazz, espe-
cially the Stan Kenton variety of
it, here.is a chance to make your
knowledge pay off.
Write 150 words or less on why
you like or dislike "Progressive
Jazz." Entries are to be turned in
to Rm. 2 University Hall before
4:00 p.m. Friday.
To the first place prize winner,
the Wolverine Club will award
two tickets to Stan Kenton's con-
cert on Sunday, Oct. 17. Second
place will be worth an album of
Kenton records.
Eight No Trump?
Student bridge sharks can get
their hand in at 7:30 p.m. Each
Thursday when the local branch
of the Contact Bridge League
holds its weekly duplicate tourna-
ment in the League.

Even the Gargoyle can't, with-
stand the progress of time.
The latest innovation in the
complete facelifting job being
done on the Garg this year is a
plan to sell the new magazine by
Going on sale today at booths
set up along the diag, the subscrip-
tions will cost a dollar for the five
issues which will appear through-
out the year. In this way students
can save 25 cents and will receive
the magazine by mail.
to subscribe tomorrow will have
a chance to sign up by mail later.
Coupon blanks which may be sent
to the Gargoyle offices in the Stu-
dent Publications Building will
appear in The Daily later this
"Autumn" will be the theme
of the first issue of the Garg
which will appear during the
first week of November.
Among the new features will be
a pictorial section and several ar-
ticles of a more serious nature.

Union Issues Call for Atlases
To Carry on Campus Work

COMMENTING on the com-
plete reorganization of the maga-
zine and its staff, Gene Hicks,
sales manager, said, "We're going
all out to make the Gargoyle the
'campus magazine' this year."
"Still," he promises, "it will
have some of the traditional Garg
Cites Problems*
"The field of business manage-
ment is no place for the meek or
the nervous of mind today," said
Dr. Wendell G. Wilcox in an ad-
dress before the economics club
last night.
In support of this statement, Dr.
Wilcox, speaking from long ex-
perience as an economist, business
executive and chemical engineer,
went on to describe some of the
confusion which has resulted from
a recent Supreme Court decision
on price discrimination.
"Although this decision would
seem to render illegal certain pric-
ing techniques, the exact nature of
what may be termed 'illegal prac-.
tices' has not been determined,"
Dr. Wilcox said. "It is possible to
receive widely divergent opinions
from top legal consultants on the
same case," he commented.
Yom Kippur
Services to commemorate Yom

In the Union there is strength!
To remain strong however and
to continue to function efficiently,
the largest campus organization
requires a capable staff.
To fill that need a staff meeting
which all tryouts are invited to
attend will be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
* * *
POSITIONS on all Union com-
mittees are open to eligible second
semester freshmen and sopho-

ties of each of the committees
from their respective chairmen.
Dick Hitt, Publicity Chairman,
emphasized that "all men, re-
gardless of their abilities or inter-
ests, can find a suitable position
on the Union staff."
* * *
valuable experience to be gained
from serving on any one of the
Union committees.
Union President Bob Holland
will nreside at tonuight" session.

Prof. Swinton Surveys SL Project

The ruined library buildings of
the University of the Philippines
were seen blanketed by a three
foot layer of book ashes in 1945
by Prof. Roy Swinton of the En-

sored by the Student Legislature
to get funds for books for the li-
brary of the University's sister in-
stitution will take place Friday.
Forbthe third year, students
will- be asked to contributeI

to Prof. Swinton who helped set
up the engineering department
there in 1911.
* *
Ii 40aETURNED to the islands
Sn14, was captured by the Jap-








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