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July 09, 1948 • Page Image 1

…Only Michigan THE JEWISH NEWS Newspaper With Complete Coverage of A Weekly Review Jewish News VOLUME 13—NO. 17 2114 PenOtoscol- Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Warrior With a Dream The Life Story of Dr. Chaim Weizmann . Installment One This is the story of a dream, borne ceaselessly in the minds of men for more than 2,000 years—and it is the story of a man. The man and the dream are inseparable. For though this dream burned like a flame ...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 2

…Juniors Cover 350 Slips in Clean- 'The Judge' Reaches 50 Charles Rubiner Wins Respect Of Civic, Jewish Communities In a one-day clean-up campaign, "Operation Completion," workers in the Junior Division of the Allied Jewish Campaign conducted a "cam- paign on foot," Sunday, June 27, and covered 350 slips, bringing in nearly $600. Working on preparations for breakfast, which preceded the leg work are, left to right: TILLIE FEINBLOOM, SHIRLEY...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 3

…ZOA Convention Postpones Action on British Boycott PITTSBURGH — Spirited de- bate at the 51st annual conven- tion of the Zionist Organization of America on a proposal for the inauguration of a boycott of British-made goods resulted in a decision to refer the matter to the new administration for fur- ther study. Dr. Abba Hillel Sil- ver suggested that other organi- zations and the State of Israel should be consulted on such pro- posals. Dr. Em...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS The Mockery Member Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Independent Jewish Press Service, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Palcor Agency, King Features, Central Press Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publish- ing Co., 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich., WO. 5-1155. Subscription, $3 a year: foreign, $4. . Entered as second-class matter Aug. 6. 1942, at Post Of- fice, Detroit, Mich.. under Act of March 3 1879. Na...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 5

…World Congress Delegates Attain United Jewish Front MONTREUX, Switzerland, (JTA) - Despite the fire- works during the first day's general debate, the World Jew- ish Congress sessions are marked by the delegates' desire to present a united Jewish front to the world. A great impression was made by the representatives of the displaced Jews of Germany and Austria who repeatedly told the convention that they i• were through with the Diaspora, ask...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 6

…Israel's Banner Hoisted Over Port Area in Haifa HAIFA, (JTA)—The last Brit- ish soldier left Palestine soil June 30 and the 31 ,year British rule of Palestine ended by proc- lamation of Lt. Gen. Gordon H. A. MacMillan, last British mili- tary commander in this country. The military administration, which began with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem • by Gen. Edmund Allenby at the head of a British army in 1917, ended 1n •good order with the l...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH NEWS-7 Clarence H. Enggass, Diligent Community Leader, Reaches 65 Friday. July 9, 1943 David S. Isenberg Dies at Age of 108 One of Detroit's most devoted community leaders, Clarence H. Enggass, will celebrate his 65th birthday July 15. Noted for his un- flagging efforts for the betterment of humanity, Enggass is acclaimed in mercantile circleS, as well as in almost every phase of Jewish communal life. He was born in Detroit, Jul...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 8

…To Wed in the Fall Rabbi Adler Awarded Farband Branch Honor; Dickenstein Greets Unit HARRIET ILENE EISENBERG • Mr. and Mrs. Manny W. Eisen- berg announce the engagement of their daughter, Harriet Ilene, to Marvin Weingarden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weingarden of San Juan Drive. A fall wed- ding is planned. Women's Club .CLUB 2 OF PIONEER WOMEN will hold ,an afternoon tea to honor two members, Rae Levine and Jeanette Serling, at the home ...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 9

…▪ Jewish Center Activities (The Jewish Community Center, 8904 Woodward, is a Red Feather Agency) Dr. Paul Butterfield, assistant professor of history at Wayne University, will be featured at the July 14 meeting of the WEDNESDAY EVENING DIS- CUSSION GROUP to be held in the outdoor court of the Center. * * * The CENTER FILM PRO- GRAM is ,sponsoring a special summer program to be held in the outdoor court of the Center at 9 p.m. every Monday, ...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 10

…Une Bride • • • ciwthco i i n Society The following are guests at Ramona Park Hotel. Harbor Springs, Mich.: Mr. and Mrs. Murray Belkin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Levett and Mr, and Mrs. Sam Jacob. Dolores Groode, formerly of Detroit. now residing in Los Angeles, Calif., is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rickman of Parkside avenue. Miss Shirley M. Schwartz of Monica Ave. was graduated from University of Michigan June 12 and is now vacationin...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 11

…1 AdivitieJ in Society Mrs. Harry Newman of Lawrence Ave. and her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Zernon of Roslyn Rd., left for an extended visit in California. Dr. Jacob Lewin-Epstein, who recently completed graduate work at Columbia University, was the week-end guest of his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Hershman of Calvert Ave. Mr. and Mrs. I. Rodman Myers of Hotel Seward left for Los Angeles, Calif., where they plan to spend the summer. Miss E...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 12

…News Brevities RICHARD E. GUTSTADT, ex- ecutive vice-chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, was presented with the "America's Democratic Legacy" medallion from the League at the banquet of the annual con- vention of District Grand Lodge No. 6 of Bnai Brith in Chicago. * * * ZIONIST WOMEN'S LABOR ORGANIZATION, a sister agency to Pioneer Women, the Women's Labor Zionist Organization of America, was founded in Eng- land. Mrs. Isra...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 13

…NIM111111111111t911110MINIIIIIIIIIIIIMIINIUM11111M11411111111111111WHINIIIIIMMIIIMMIIIM111111111111M11110111111111111111111111111111111111HIIIIIV. THE JEWISH NEWS—!3 Friday, July 9, 1948 Danny Raskin's L ISTENING Blood for Israel Donated by 9,000 0 rjr 51111111111111111111111111WIIIIH111111111111111111111111111111/11111111111111111M11111111111111111ThitIMI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111161111111111111t111117: - OF ...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 14

…/ 14—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 9, 1948 Obituaries ISRAEL PILTZ, 3903 Somerset Drive, died June 29. Services were held at Kaufman Chapel with Rabbi Adler officiating. • He leaves his wife, Sarah; one son, Albert; two daughters, Mrs. Sam Wesley and Mrs. Hyman Adler of Los Angeles; one brother and two sisters, all of Toronto. Inter- ment was in Ostrovtzer Ceme- tery. * * * ELAINE DRESNER, 43, of 3222 Richton, died July 5. Rabbi Josh- ua Sp...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH NEWS-IS Friday, July 9, 1948 Prof. Gray on European 'Jewish Committee tvlission Protection of the Jewish dis- placed persons and provision of adequate guarantees of civil rights in Western Germany, in the event t h e projected West German state is established in t h e American, 'British and '"French zone s, are among the major subjects to be investigat- cl during a two- month mission to Europe under- Prof. Gray taken by Prof. Her...…

July 09, 1948 • Page Image 16

…Warrior With A Dreanit I6—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 9, 1948 Tie First Instaftrnen't in the Life Story of Dr. Chaim Weizmann • (Continued from Page 1) - They might walk in leaking boots and threadbare coats, but it did not matter. Their fore- heads were touched with the -glory of ancient Israel; they .heard in their ears the wondrous words of the Law, and they kept high their hope in the Messianic -promise that they would be free men ...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 1

…For Victory Buy U. S. War Savings Stamps and Bonds VOL.. 3—NO. 16 E JEWISH NE S A Weekly Review 2114 Penobscot Bldg. RA. 7956 For Victory of Jewish Events . Buy U. S. War Bonds and Savings Stamps 34054!1". 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Detroit, 26, Michigan, July 9, 1943 Urge Allied Nations to Modify Blockade to Feed Nazi Victims Page 3 Russian Delegation Pleads for Unified Action By Soviet and U. S. Jews in War Against A...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 1

…• lavish Periodical Cotter CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 43 VICTORY BUY Mr. rud- , een vish ew- inal will tes. pity rere ern- xon for- Vei- rites ions by ;ant heir se- tion aers fi! WAR ONDI A•D PS VOL. 45, NO. 28 28th Year of Service to Our State and Nation Detroit and Jewish Chronicle The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1943 Secy. Ickes and Hoover Head Conference to Save Jews Emergency Convention To Be Held in Ne...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE JEWISH NEWS Heard in The Lobbies Friday, .Yuly 9, 1943 Quotation of the Week "The experience of two world conflagrations in a short period of one generation, with their immense, incredible havoc, is an indica- tion of the size of the problem faCing society . . . The responsibility for thought and action rests on the governments and peoples of the United Nations. The League of Nations might have had a much better success than ...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 2

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle CHILE—A NEW HAVEN July 9, 1943 A Pre-Flight View of the World tural activities, as for instance, colonization, a fund for honor schools, charities. During Past History, Present Conditions and Future Possi- loans, the period of arrivals of immi- bilities for Jewish Immigration in One Part of grants, the Circulo cooperated with the HIAS-ICA. The Presi- Western Hemisphere Graphically Describ...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 3

…Friday, 'July 9, 1943 THE JEWISH NEWS Weekly Review of the News of the World (Compiled From Cables of Independent Jewish Press Service) AMERICA The investigation into "racial antagon- ims" that has been undertaken by the Dies Committee is "a cure worse than the di- sease," it was asserted by Congress- man Emanuel Celler of Brooklyn. He ob- served that the Committee's ardor for in- vestigation has diminished when it came to "the many Fasci...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 3

…tlish late, sitiet zned The I un- gram evic- tions n to once. its ition e its forts nises when ttest the the Jews tion, or- wish !der- of pro- . be and iody pos- Americiii lavish Periodical Carter .LIPTON 1 Amu*. CINCINNATI 20, OHIO July 9, 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle -:- CENTER ACTIVITIES -:- Soprano and Violinist In Concert July 14 3 ORDAIN (Continued from Page 1) Dr. Hiram B. Weiss, chairman of the co...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE JEWISH NEWS THE JEWISH NEWS Gangway! Member of Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Independent Jewish Press Service, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Religious News Service, Palcor News Agency, Bressler Cartoon Service, Wide World Photo Service, Acme Newsphoto Service. Published every Friday by Jewish News Publishing Co., 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Telephone, RAndolph 7956. Sub- scription rate, $3 a year; foreign, $4 a year. Cl...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 4

…Iii!inemmempow..--- amull. "'""""111141011 510111111111111111111111:111111, ! ••••• ■■•••■*■■■•■•■ 4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Detroit Jewish Chronicle Propaganda Shift and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE According to a recent report from Ber- li n, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goeb- bets called upon the German people to fight for themselves and not for the F ue h re i • Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. JACOB H. SCHAKNE Pres...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 5

…Friday, July 9, 1943 THE JEWISH NEWS 'Zionists to Elect Officers, 'Delegates to ZOA. Parley Philip Gilbert Heads Nominating Committee Preparing Slate for Election on July 15 at Shaarey Zedek; Local Membership Drive Continues Officers and members of the board of directors of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, as well as delegates to the 46th annual convention of the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica, will be elected at a meeting of the lo...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 5

…A itericim lavish Periodical Carter 1943 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO July t 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin Elects Its Officers on June 28 J ddies were o pity til I get was t hat (- mt. van- iould to a don. ar- n of .hay. idn't get the 'hich >nes. cowl .day. look t nee. your to : at. 'eck. ,ve re .a ir. odd Itors roily. that 'fight :art- look tion 're's :ret- tat's ) on...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Six Friday,- July 9, I 943 Saga of Cohens Continues Nationalism In Music 4 More Battling Members Of Tribe on War Fronts By BEN SAMUEL (Copyright, 1943, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) One good Cohen, it seems, de serves another. The. tribe is still leading on all fronts this week. wife and five-year-old son, Ed- ward, live in Mt. Vernon, N. V. His brother, Joseph, is a sergeant in the Signal Corps, training at a ...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 6

…1 _ DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle July 9, 1Q43 In the Realm of Local Society .. . Pfc. Herbert Richard Buckner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buckner of Pontiac, has left for Oberlin College, Oberlin, 0., where he is enrolled in the Marine Reserve Corps. He is a graduate of Cran- brook School, 1943. Air Cadet A. Arnold Agree, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farbsten have Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fink , BETROTHED son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. ret...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 7

…Friday, July 9, 1943 Protestants to Remove Anti-Semitism in Texts 1,012 Ministers Pledge to do all in Power to Eliminate Discriminatory Passages from Textbooks; Hope To End 2,000-year-old Christian 'Sin' NEW YORK (JPS)—A pledge to do all in their power "to obtain th removal of discriminatory passages from text- books" that are anti-Semitic in character and "to undo through our preaching and teaching the ill effects of previ- ous false teach...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 7

…Astericim 'apish Periodical Cotter 1943 July 9, 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronic!. CAN WE WAIT? In every epoch, through all ages, Our blood has stained the pages Of History . . From the Pharaoh's Egyptian rule To the beasts of Hitler's school They hunt us eternally .. • Fink, , have lice at Trio of Noted Authors To Be Judges in National Jewish One-Act Playwriting Contest For geese and ducks They have a season . . For...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 8

…Page Eigh• THE Women's Clubs JEWISH NEWS Building a Strong Generation Women's Aid for Servicemen will hold its second annual luncheon and card party at the Women's Guild, 13th floor of Metropolitan Bldg., at 12:30 p. m., next Wednesday. Proceeds will be used to further the war ef- fort. * * * Women's League for Sabbath Observance will sponsor a meet- ing of its 12th St. branch at 2 p. m. next Wednesday at the Beth Tefilo Emanuel Synagogue...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 8

…July 9, 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle = THE EFFECT' OF THE ELECTIONS ON JEWISH COMMUNITY LIFE Belgian Underground Stage Fights with Gestapo to Save Jews from Deportation By M. MALDWIN FERTIG RABBIS PREPARE FOR ACTIVE SERVICE AT HARVARD CHAPLAINS SCHOOL NEW YORK. (WNS) — Mem- As chairman of the Bronx and none of which will any long- bers of the Belgian underground movement stage fights with Ges- Election Committee...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 9

…Fticlay, jury 9; I443 THE it WISH NEWS , ' Page Nine SOCIAL EVENTS-NEWS OF NTEREST TO WOMEN Betrothed ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY . „ • • ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laib of Strathcona Dr. had as their guests last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. John Cohn of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Levin of Cambridge Rd. are spending a few weeks in Hilton Beach, Ont. Mrs. Harry Newman of Lawrence Ave. is spending the summer in Charlevoix. Miss Alice Greenbaum of Orl...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 9

…A mericillt lavish Periodical edgier CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO July 9, 1943 "A Little Bit of Heaven" Right Name for Levin's Resort at South Haven ly 4 4 9 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Tau Sigma Alpha held its final meeting for the season, June 27 at the home of Miss Ellen U • 20000 Steel Ave. at which ti!, e plans for the following were discussed. Meetings will resumed early in the fall. Michiga...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten Duration Term For Roosevelt Urged by IOBA THE JEWISH NEWS Jap Suicide Submarine On Display Here for 2 Days Brith AlDraham Convention Yates to Buy 2 Million More in War Bonds SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., (JTA) — A resolution express- ing the hope that President Roosevelt "will continue his great services • to humanity until the war is successfully termin- ated with unconditional sur- render of the Axis powers," was unanimously adopt...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 10

…July 9, 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 6.°51RICTLYCONFIDENTIAL•• Hillel To Hold First by Phineas J. Biron Words and Music • • e The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion at the University of Michi- Visitors' Schedule: Are there union troubles in t he gan will hold its first summer at the moment is the Gershwin Not all the activities of the offices of the New York Unite d dance on Saturday evening, July Gershwin, Six Years...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 11

…Friday, July 9, 1943 THE JEWISH NEWS Mordecai Soltes Elected 3rd Time By Book Council Community Council Again Elects Ellmann President Delegates Re-Elect Bernstein, Droock and Garvett As Vice-Presidents; Changes In Constitution Adopted at Biennial Elections (Continued from Page 1) Samuel Lieberman, Abraham Meyerowitz, Gus D. Newman, Herman M. Pekarsky, Samuel J. Rhodes, Rabbi Max J. Wohlge- lernter. For a one-year term: Alex Belk in, Davi...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 11

…Amerkint 'apish Perk/Seal Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO July 9, 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Veteran Flag of the "X" vsessr..r 4 -7,7,707-717157 II GEARED FOR VICTORY j r e .r.- :., ‘ .1. •K g , will come to the annual convention Zionist Organization of America in September with an unprece- dented record . . . Its member- ship will have reached a new high of 50,000 . . . If Judge Levinthal...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE JEWISH NEWS Mikhoels, Feffer Ask Unity Between Soviet, U.S. Jews aussian Blumenfield Cites Shortage Of Educators Jewish Delegation in Plea for Unified Action Appeals to American Youth Against Axis; USSR Cited as Only Nation To Pursue Career as Where Anti-Semitism is Outlawed Hebrew Teachers NEW YORK, (JTA)—Unifying the activities of the Jews in the United States and those in the USSR in the war against the Axis is an imme...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 12

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 12 embraced, almost in their en- LANDSTEINER tirety, the German racial doc- trines, except for the obvious (Continued from Page 1) (Continues from Page 1) fact that it failed to take ac- count of the inferiority of the have been useless. He would have Avowedly ante-Semitic periodicals (above all, II Giornalissimo and "Mediterranean" to the "Nordic" refused. I just walked in on him races. It af...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 13

…Friday, July 9, 1943 THE JEWISH NEWS 56 Per Cent of Chaplains Come from Reform Ranks Central Conference of American Rabbis Hears Report on Outstanding Record Established by the Liberal Jewish Group Page Thirteen. Congregational Activities Rabbi H. Z. Margolis Heads HUC Alumni Rabbis Friedland of Pontiac Brickner, Mann Appointed to UAHC Board Rabbi Frain, to Talk On 'Zionism and Reform Judaism' Fifty-six per cent of the Jewish Chaplai...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 14

…Page Fourfeen THE JEWISH NEWS At the Michigan Summer Resorts !Jassy on Duty Golfing and Riding at Michigan Beach Hotel Martin Eichenbaum invites you to spend a vacation at the Mich- igan Beach Hotel, South . Haven, Mich., where the rustic sur- roundings and the breezes from Lake Michigan make you feel hale and hearty after a year of hard work. A pleasant, private, sandy 'beach is at your disposal. Take an early morning dip in Lake Michigan...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 15

…Friday, July 9, 1943 THE JEWISH Jews in Rumania Must Pay 14 Million 'Special Tax' NEWS Jewish Youth's LISTENING Page Fifteen H. Himelhoch Called by Death Convention Launched by Mail by AZA WASHINGTON (JPS) — The Former President of Himel- Aleph Zadik Aleph, Bnai Brith Face Deportation to Trans-Dniestria Unless They Meet Balance of 28 Million Dollar Assessment by August 12, Government Warns hoch Bros. & Co. Had Been ill for Five ...…

July 09, 1943 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixfeen THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 9, 1943 What's Happening in Detroit DOINTING out that its work is a direct contri- bution to the war effort, the Jewish Vocation- al Service, of which E. William Wineberg is ex- ecutive director, will continue to strive toward expanding its work, according to the JVS report for 1942 submitted by its president, Harvey H. Goldman. Eight special wartime functions since the start of the war are pointed...…

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