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July 09, 1943 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1943-07-09

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Fticlay, jury 9; I443


Page Nine




. „

• ;

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laib of Strathcona Dr. had as their guests
last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. John Cohn of Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Levin of Cambridge Rd. are spending a few
weeks in Hilton Beach, Ont.
Mrs. Harry Newman of Lawrence Ave. is spending the summer
in Charlevoix.
Miss Alice Greenbaum of Orlando. Fla. is spending several
weeks visiting with her cousin, Fred M. Butzel of Mack Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lambert of Whittier Dr. and Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Dreifus of Birchcrest Dr. have returned from a week end
cruise to Mackinac Island. -
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baer of Fairfield Ave. have as their guest
Mr. Baer's mother, Mrs. S. Baer of Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. Eugene Arnfeld and her small daughter, Joarine, of War-
rington Dr. will return on Saturday from a three weeks' visit with
Mrs. Arnfeld's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wineman, at their
lodge in Gaylord, Mich.
Mrs.. Lee Farbsten and her small daughter of Chicago are
spending several weeks as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farbsten.
of Burlington Dr.
Mrs. Judith Lewin-Epstein of Brooklyn, N. Y., arrived on
Thursday and will make her home with her son-in-law and daughter,
Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Hershman of Calvert Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton G. Steele of Monterey e Ave. have as
their guest Mrs. Steele's sister, Mrs. Mordecai Ezekial of Washington,
D. C.
Miss Julia Klein and her father, Aaron Klein, of Chicago Blvd.
have returned from a few days' visit to Cleveland and Lorain, 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Alter Shrier of Boston Blvd., were hosts at a
cocktail and formal dinner party at the Book Cadillac Hotel in
honor of the graduation of their daughter, Shirley, who will enter
Michigan State College in the Fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Amberg of West Hollywood Ave. are
spending a week at Gratiot Beach.
Mrs. Ben Shwayder and her son, Richard, of Fairfield Ave. will
-leave on Monday for Denver, Colo., where they will spend a month
visiting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Michel have moved from Pemberton Rd.
and are now residing in their new home on Boston Blvd.
Mrs. Samuel Lieberman of Birchcrest Dr. accompanied her
mother, Mrs. Louis Fred of Waco, Texas, to Old Orchard, Me. Mrs.
Lieberman will 'return in two weeks but her mother will remain
:there for the summer.
Dr. and Mrs. 'Harry Bennet of Normandy Ave. will return this
Friday from a week's stay at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosman and their daughter, Gloria, of Bos-
ton Blvd. and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Shevin and their two younger
sons of Parkside Ave., left last Friday to spend a couple of weeks
in South Haven.
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Eskow of 2493 Glendale Ave. celebrated
their 19th wedding anniversary last Tuesday.
Miss Marian Goodman of Collingwood Ave. and Miss Eleanor
Cohen of Cleveland, 0., have left for a vacation trip to the west
Miss Mildren Ruth Jakont has returned home after an extended
vacation in Miami, Fla., and a visit in Orlando, Fla., with her
brother-in-law and sister, Cpl. and Mrs. Irving Trebuck, of the
Quartermaster Aviation Division of Orlando, Fla.
Mrs. Abe Felstean has returned to her home in New York
City following a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Glazer of Merton Rd. have returned from
a week's visit in Wauwasee, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Baron of Tyler Ave. are taking a cruise
this week-end to Mackinac Island.
Mrs. Nathan Yoskovitz has come from San Antonio, Texas,
where her husband is stationed to spend a few weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hirsch of Grand Ave.
Franklin David Siden has enlisted with the U. S. Navy and is
at present stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in
Chicago. His brother, Pvt. Irving Bernard Siden, is with the U. S.
Army Air Corps at Shephard Field, Texas. They are the sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Siden of LaSalle Blvd.

Bir t h s

Prof. Brodetsky

to Retain Post

LONDON (JPS) — Prof. Selig
Brodetsky will continue to serve
as President of the British Board
of Jewish Deputies, it was re-
vealed here with the announce-
ment that there will be no can-
didate to contest his re-election.
Owing to the Zionist majority
on the Board, it was stated, non-
Zionists refused to stand against
him. Non-Zionists, however, are
concentrating all their efforts on
the re-election of Sir Robert
Waley-Cohen as vice-president.
Zionist candidates for the posi-
tion are Prof. Samson Wright
and Barnett Janner.
A point of contention at the
forthcoming annual meeting, will
be the non-Zionist-sponsored res-
olution favoring the maintenance
of the Board's agreement with
the Anglo-Jewish Association,
giving the latter a voice in the
conduct of foreign policy.

June 12—To Mr. and Mrs. Sid-
ney Weinberg (Frances Gene
Merliss) of 3745 W. Grand Ave.,
a daughter, Susan Anne.
* * *
June 22 — To. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Wonboy (Lucylle Golden)
of 3819 Clements ave., a son,
Ronald Allan.

Officers Installed
By Pioneer Women

Massada Chapter of Pioneer
Wcmen's Organization held its
installation dinner at Huck's
Redford Inn, on June 30.

The retiring president, Mrs.
Harry Kay, gave a review of
the year's activities. The follow-
ing officers were installed:
President, Mrs. David Colman;
vice-presidents, Mrs. Herman
GaCh and Mrs. J. J. Karbal; re-
cording secretary, Mrs. Simon
Karbal; corresponding secre-
tary, Mrs. Abe Heller; financial
secretary, Mrs. Sam Schulman;
treasurer, Mrs. Robert Wise.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rosen-
man of Webb Ave. announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Rhoda Hilda, to Lt. Raymond
Bloch of Camp Picket, Virginia,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bloch of
Detroit. The wedding will take
place in the early part of August.

J. D. C. Increases
'43 Appropriations


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Salomon
of McQuade Ave. announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Thelma, to Sgt. Norman Stein,
son lof Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Stein of Philadelphia Ave. Sgt.
Stein is stationed at Boise, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wiat-
rak of 3729 Burlingame Ave.,
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Fay, to Pvt. Sey-
mour A. Genden, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Genden., - of 3740
Duane street. •

Gift Declared an Answer
To Action of the
Agudath Israel

Declaring that "this is the only
answer we should give to the
Agudath Israel" for interfering
with Youth Aliyah efforts in
Palestine, Theodor Herzl Lodge
of Bnai. Brith and its Ladies'
Auxiliary this week announced
a contribution of $1,245, to the
Youth Aliyah fund to settle ref-
ugee children in Palestine.

Theodor Herzl Lodge and its
Ladies Auxiliary embrace 80 per
cent of the Downriver Jewish
community, namely, 150 famil-

Eugene Roth, secretary of the
lodge, • stated this week that the
Agudath Israel controversy has
increased interest in the Youth
Aliyah fund and has encouraged
larger giving.




A rising tempo of American
Jewish assistance overseas—pre-
saging the large-scale relief and ri1111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)111;
reconstruction programs that are
expected to follow the liberation
lbs. beef and veal ground
of Axis-occupied countries by the
% cup bread crumbs
Allied armies—was indicated in
2 eggs
the announcement by Joseph C.
Salt and pepper
Hyman, executive vice-chairman
1 head of cabbage.
of the Joint Distribution Com-
mittee, that in the first six
Separate leaves from cabbage
months of 1943 the organization and soak in boiling water until
had allocated $5,208,400 for aid flexible. Fill each leaf with mix-
to refugees from Hitlerism and ture of meat, egg, bread crumbs
to war-r avaged Jewish commun- and seasoning to taste.
ities abroad. This represents an
Simmer for one hour in a sour
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Schol- increase of $1,582,090 over allo- sauce of tomatoes (canned or
nick of 18983 Parkside Ave. an- cations during g similar period fresh) 1 cup water, 2 lemons, 3 t.
brown sugar.
nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their of 1942.
son, Sheldon J., to be observed
on Saturday morning, July 24, at
Congregation Shaarey Zedek. At
home Saturday evening, July 24.
No cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Weinger of
1247 Lakeview Ave., announce
the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Harold, on Saturday morning,
July 17, at Congregation Bnai
Jacob, Linwood near Richton. A
dinner in honor of the Bar Mitz-
vah will be given at 6 p. m. Sun-
day, July 18, at the Bnai Jacob
Major and Mrs. Raymond Win-
terfield of Fort Brady, Mich.,
formerly of Detroit, announce the
Bar Mitzvah of their son, Burt,
to be observed on Friday eve-
ning, July 16, at the Fort Brady
Chapel. A reception will follow
at home, 1025 Parnel Ave., Sault
Ste. Marie, Mich.
a slip
Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Gross-
man of 19035 Parkside Ave, an-
nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their
to treasure
son, Mathew Glenn, to be ob-
served Saturday, July 17, at the
Shaarey Zedek. At home that
evening, 8 to 12; o'clock. No cards.


Bar Mitzvahs




4 ■


Winter Clothes Fur Coals

Against Fire, Theft
and Moths




OCD Offers Speakers
For Group Meetings


At the request of the Intelli-
gence Divisions of the Army and
Navy and the FBI, the Detroit
and Wayne County Councils of
Defense will provide volunteer
speakers for group meetings dur-
ing Ju3y, to emphasize the need
for guarding military informa-
tion, Frank M. McLaury, direct-
or of the Detroit OCD, an-
, flounced'

The following committee
chairmen were announced at the
closing meeting held at the
home of Mrs. Norman Kanter:
bond and war effort, Mrs. J. J.
Karbal; National fund, Mrs. S.
Gaull; publicity, Mrs. A. Heller;
program, Mrs. M. Goldman and
Mrs. J. Salle; hospitality, Mrs.
J. Pliskow.

Youth Aliyah Gets
$1,245 Gift from
Herzl Lodge Here

.Cash and

Stores in
To Serve

■ Ny. •

iNe• .4.


.... 411, • • •

You'll wear and cherish a beautiful slip by

Radelle for a long time. They're of soft rayon

Satin Songeffe, richly banded with lace, with

flattering hourglass fit. White and




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