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July 09, 1948 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1948-07-09

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The Mockery

Member Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Independent Jewish
Press Service, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Palcor
Agency, King Features, Central Press Association.
Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publish-
ing Co., 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich., WO. 5-1155.
Subscription, $3 a year: foreign, $4.
. Entered as second-class matter Aug. 6. 1942, at Post Of-
fice, Detroit, Mich.. under Act of March 3 1879.

Nathan Ausubers BooL
Great Literary Product


VOL. XIII—No. 17

Page 4

July 9, 1948

Sabbath Scriptural Selections
This Sabbath, the third day of Tammuz, 5708,
the following Scriptural selections will be read
in our synagogues:
Pentateuchal portion—Num. 16:1-18:32.
Prophetical portion-7I Sam. 11:14-12:22.

Unhappy Truce

Only one thing was required—last Nov-
ember—to assure the final solution of the
Palestine problem: honorable adherence to
the decision of the United Nations. Dilly-
dallying, attempts to scuttle the Jewish posi-
tion, the anti-Semitism of Ernest Bevin and
the unfortunate position of the U. S. State
Department created a crisis which resulted—
contrary to the expectations of Jewry's an-
tagonists—in the self-liberation of the Jew-
ish people and the establishment of the State
of Israel. .
May 14 is a. far More significant, date in
Jewish and world history because it marked
self-emancipation for Israel rather than the
tolerant granting of rights to Jews. A people
is far greater when it liberates itself. Israel
has liberated herself.
It would be too millenial for the matter
to resolve itself peacefully. It was inevit-
able that there should be trouble, that Arabs
should cause trouble, that bandits bent on
looting Jewish colonies should have started
trouble which resulted in a war between two
kindred peoples. Then the UN and its medi-
ator, Count Folke Bernadotte, stepped into
the picture and there began a four-week
truce which ends today.
It was an unhappy truce, marked by
constant abuses from Arab quarters. The
proposals of Count Bernadotte are most un-
realistic, in view of the reality of the exist-
ence of the State of Israel. It is preposterous
and thoroughly unrealistic to think in terms
of an Arab-controlled Jerusalem, with Jews
in the majority in the Holy City. No earthly
power can enforce such an unjust solution.
Meanwhile, our people are hoWing their
positions—and extra ground to boot. Jaffa
is in Jewish hands,—and Acre,—and Tiberias.
And—Israel controls Haifa. Something of
great historic significance happened on June
30 when Israel boats took charge of the Haifa
harbor, when Jewish officials unfurled the
White and Blue with the Star of David over
the Haifa port area. Jews no longer are the
humiliated and hounded people of the ghetto.
If the truce fails, it will not be Israel's
fault. Bernadotte will have to carry most
of the blame for yielding to unrealism. It
was his duty to be firm with the Arab
brigands who have sought to destroy Jewish
freedom. A world can not be half slave and
half free—neither can the Mediterranean
area. Israel is determined to make that part
of the world free. The State of Israel will --
succeed in this task—already having freed
the People Israel.

Unnecessary Confusion

One of the many readers of The Jewish
NeWs who have taken the trouble to seek
clarification of the fund-raising issues has
submitted through us an additional gift to
the Allied Jewish Campaign with the sug-
gestion that a campaign of enlightenment
be conducted to advise our people on the
validity of national causes.
While there has been a constant effort
to guide Detroit Jews along the path of
proper allocation of gifts, this reader (he
prefers that he be referred to anonymously)
is right in making his suggestion in view of
appeals that have been directed to Detroit
Jews in recent months by dissident groups.
Our reader calls his additional gift "con-
science money" because he and his partner
had refused to purchase tickets for shows
claiming to gather funds "for Israel." Both
men, convinced that the only way of aiding
Israel is through the recognized agency—the
United Jewish Appeal. which receives its
support through the Allied Jewish Campaign
—have proved their sincerity to those whose
appeal they -rejected by making the gift di-
rectly to the approved Detroit fund-raising
The Allied Jewish Campaign has ended
officially but still is short $450,000 of the
established goal for 1948. Those who are in
earnest that support for Israel should be of
the most effective character have an oppor-
tunity, whenever they desire to give addi-
tional money for the State of Israel, to send
their gifts to the Allied Jewish Campaign.

'Treasury of Jewish Folklore'

Stop Supporting the Dissidents!

In the midst of a threatening internal conflict in Israel
pro-Irgunists in this country committed the outrageous crime,
which is referred to in Jewish tradition as a Hillul HaShem,
of inserting large advertisements in the non-Jewish press in
this country attacking the integrity of the Provisional Gov-
ernment of Israel and of publicly condemning the heads of
the Jewish State as betrayers of a sacred trust.
These advertisements appeared after the Israel Cabinet
voted confidence in its Prime Minister and Minister for For-
eign Affairs. After the Mizrachi leaders, who had resigned
their posts, had returned to the Cabinet—they were absent
from their positions only for one day—the dissidents in this
country made a public issue of a matter that was resolved in
Tel Aviv to the best interests of the State and People Israel.
After it was decided that there is to be only one defending
army in Israel—Zva Haganah—the dissidents in America
started a fund-raising campaign and the rallying of public
meetings in defiance of the will of the Jewish people.
It is clear, from all indications, that the trouble-makers
are not in Israel but in New York and in Detroit, that the de-
stroyers of unity are not in the State of Israel but on foreign
soil, that the fomenters of treasonable acting and thinking
are running loose and are misleading people into giving funds
for an unauthorized movement.
For a number of weeks, national and local organizations
have been issuing statements warning people against those,
outside the ranks of the United Jewish Appeal, Allied Jewish
Campaign and the Provisional Government of Israel, who are
seeking funds for purposes which they have failed to explain.
In view of Irgun's submission to national rule in Israel, their
support must come from the official government quarters and
funds raised in their behalf here are not authorized.
One of the Revisionist spokesmen here has brazenly un-
dertaken to propagate the Irgun cause in the name of the
Revisionist party and with the Hutzpah that is typical of
dissidents assumes to relate a story of his own with regard to
"discrimination" by the Israel government against his (the
Revisionist) and Irgun pals. The facts, definitely established,
that Israel's people and Cabinet endorse the action taken to
suppress any type of "putsch", speak for themselves. Zionists
will have to be on guard against destroyers of unity; they dare
not encourage destruction of Jewish honor within Jewish
ranks; anyone who dares to bore from within should be
expelled with dishonor from Israel's ranks.
In some instances, fund-raising has been conducted
through misuse of the name Haganah. Those who have
made contributions have a right to know—and it is their
duty to investigate and inquire into the matter—whether
their money is being used for Israel or whether it is being
misused for the insertion of advertisements in non-Jewish
newsnapers, in a spirit of Hillul HaShem, to abuse Israel.
The New York Post gave the proper answer to the dis-
sidents when it refused to accept a paid advertisement ap-
pealing for funds for the Irgun. Ted 0. Thackrey, N. Y.
Post's editor and publisher, explained:

"Although I have attempted to follow as free a policy as
possible in permitting conflicting points of view to be aired in
paid space identified by signature of a responsible organization,
I simply did not feel that I could accept an appeal, couched in the
most violent terms, for funds to promote the civil war in Israel
between the government and the Irgun." Declaring that he
mourns "bitterly and deeply" the Jews who died when the
Israeli Government suppressed an Irgun attempt to land arms in
defiance of the UN truce, the editor of the N. Y. Post said:
"I would mourn the death of Israel even more, and all of my
days. I cannot, and shall not deliberately assist in a course
which I ant convinced would promote that monumental grave-

Mr. Thackrey has outlined a course of action to be fol-
lowed by all newspapers. But if such a step is to be effective,
Jews themselves must refuse to give funds to dissidents. Last
week, in a public address, Henry Morgenthau Jr. stated with
reference to Irgun's actions: "Whatever may have been the
virtue of this activity before May 15, we should recognize that
now such financial support, intended to weaken the internal
authority of the State, is a stab in the back of Israel. Irgun
has done more to shatter the authority of the State of Israel
than all of the preceding attacks by the Arab League." Nation-
al Hadassah, in a directive to its 20,000 members, warned
against support for the Irgun and Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin,
Hadassah president, stated that "funds collected largely in
America made it possible for the Irgun to embark on an ir-
responsible, subversive effort, hazardous in the extreme for
Israel's independence and unity."
Now it is up to the American Zionist Emergency Council,
to the Zionist Organization of America and to all American
Jews completely to repudiate the dissident group in order
that there should be an end to stabs in Israel\ back.

Nathan Ausubel has made excellent use of his
heritage as a member of a Hassidic family. His
latest book, "A Treasury of Jewish Folklore: The
Stories, Legends, Traditions, Humor and Wisdom
of the Jewish People," is one of the truly great
literary products of ow time and is a volume that
will enchant the reader and will be kept on Jewish
bookshelves for generations to come.
Just issued by Crown Publishers, 419 Fourth
Ave., New York 16, N. Y., this 760-page volume
contains 750 stories, carries inter-
esting evaluations of Jewish
humor and folklore and in addi-
tion has a series of 60 songs and
dances—music as well as text—
filling a very great need in Jewish
communal circles which are crav-
ing for programs of a traditional
as well as historical nature. Ausu-
bel has shown an understanding
of his subject that surpasses all
combined previous similar efforts
at compilations of Jewish folklore.Nathan Ausubel
"The unique wit of the Jewish people," quota-
tions from which would fill scores of columns, is
aptly titled by the able editor of this splendid
volume as "Jewish salt." Written in excellent Eng-
lish and marked by superb style, Ausubel has in-
corporated into this section some of the best
humorous stories. The second section in the book,
dealing with "Heroes," touches upon the parables
and wisdom of Akiba, Yochanan ben Zakkai,
Maimonides, Rabbi Simeon bar Yochai, Hassidic
and other Rabbis and Holy Men; King Solomon,
Elijah, Hillel, Rabbi Levi Yatzchok of Berditchev,
and scores of others, martyrs in Jewish history
and saints; Cabbalists, wonder-Workers and mys-
tics; Messiah stories as well as tales of scoffers and
skeptics; stories about fighters and strong men—
including the stories about Bar Kochha, battlers in
revolutions, the story of the Warsaw Ghetto strug-
gle; the lives of Daniel Mendoza, boxer,-Houclini,
magician, Breitbart, strong man.
In every instance, preceding each specific sec-
tion, there are explanatory introductions which
are most valuable for an understanding of the
numerous subjects selected by Ausubel for in-
clusion in his great book.
The third part of the book, "The Human
Comedy," deals with droll characters (schnorrers,
Hershel Ostropolier, Chelmer Naronim, schlemihls,
etc.), rogues and sinners, cantors, rabbis, preach-
ers, scholars, merchants, matchmakers, etc.
Then there is the section on "Tales and Le-
gends"; a special part devoted to proverbs and
riddles and the part devoted to songs and dances.
Famous men in Israel are quoted for their wit
and wisdom, among them being Chaim Weizmann,
Israel Zangwill, Moses Montefiore, Stephen S. Wise
and many others.
Ausubel, who has written a very important
biography of Frederick the Great, has edited other
important works, is famed as journalist and trans-
lator and his history of Yiddish literature is
scheduled to be published in 1950. He is about to
make a lecture tour and Jewish communities would
do well to book him. He was a close friend of
Jakob Wasserman. His "Treasury of Jewish Folk-
lore" is the crowning work of his career and this
reviewer is prepared to state, from personal
acquaintance with the man, that many more great
works are certain to bring him forward as one of
the very great literary men of our time.
—P. S.


Bible Quiz With Answers


Sy Dr. Solomon Goldman

What do you know about the
Bible, its history, its people,
and its influence on the world?
Test your knowledge in this
quiz by Rabbi Solomon Gold-
man, author of the new thir-
teen volume commentary, "The
Book of Books." The answers,
from Dr. Goldman's monumen-
tal project in Biblical scholar-
ship, are printed with special
permission of the publishers,
Harper & Brothers.

Do the Jews believe in the literal truth of
every word of the Bible?
The Jews have always. revered the Bible as
being of divine origin, but there was far more
healthy criticism among Jewish scholars through-
out the ages with respect to it than is usually
recognized. The scientific method of searching the
Scriptures, or Biblical Criticism, has, without
doubt, • broadened our knowledge and deepened
our understanding of the Bible immeasurably, but
modern clay Biblical Criticism is far more under
obligation to the Jewish Scholars of the past than
is generally acknowledged.
Modern students of the Bible have come to
regard the results of their own researchers as a
veritable revelation, and to create the impression
that for a period of 2,000 years there existed among
JewS a uniform, credulous, obstinate acceptance
of every Biblical letter as having come down from
heaven in the form in which it now stands in the
text. The Jewish sages, to be sure, never elabor-
ated the questions they asked and the answers
they proposed into anything like a system. But
no more does that prove that their reading of the
Bible was uncritical than does their failure to
formulate a theology prove that their religious
faith was untroubled. They were simply no adepts
at the making of systems, whether in matters of
religion or of criticism.
What famous American motion picture di-
rector said: "You can take any fifty pages a
the Bible and make a good picture?"
This statement was made by Cecil B. deMille,
American motion picture director who produced
"The Ten Commandments" and other Biblical

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