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April 06, 1979 • Page Image 1

…The Passover Message: Freedom and Its Obstructions Commentary, Page 2 Editorials, Page 4 VOL. LXXV I No. 5 of Jewish Events A Weekly Review 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $12.00 Per Year: This Issue 30c . "Every person in every generation must regard himself as having been personally freed from Egypt . . . It was not only ovr firthers thut the Holy One, blessed be He, re- deemed, but ourselves also did He...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 2

…2 Friday, April 6, 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary The Historic Aspects of the Festival of Freedom, Inspirations That Invite Generations' Identification By Philip Slomovitz Passover's Message, the Historic Values Inviting Continuity of Interest Passover, in its continuity of historic interest, keeps issuing the invitation name will not be found in the Haggada text. The reason: Jewish tradition does for participation as wel...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 3

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 6 1979 3 — THE FIRST KNOWN PRINTED FIND ILWSTRYITED PPSSOVErZ 1mE.j4 In our traditional way, on this . festive occasion wewish you a 1-73;ppV 171:1 S S OVE 13v GERSHD113 ICOPEN PRAGUE 2B7 ?27 Shortly after the Jews were liberated from 210 years of Egyptian slavery, the custom was instituted to relate the story of the Exodus on the eve of Passover (Pesach) by the father to his children. This was p...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 5

…THE DETROIT 1EWIS6 NEWS • Peace Process Continues With Exchange Next Week That Formally Puts Israel-Egypt Treaty Into Effect Friday, April 61919 5 r . "JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Premier Menahem Begin informed the Knesset Wed- nesday of the agreement he" reached with President Anwar Sadat during, his two-day visit to Cairo this week. , The main points are the exchange of letters of ratifi- between Israel and • cat' which will put their E pea tre...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 6

…6 Friday, April 6, 1919 Commercial THE. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • Industrial lu • r Evron Will Address Campaign Closing; Report Meeting to Hear Israel Politician Residential Israel's new ambassador to the United States, Ep- hraim Evron, will speak at a reception 8 p.m. April 26 at Cong. Shaarey Zedek which will celebrate the close of the 1979 Allied -Jewish Campaign - Israel Emer- gency•Fund. tire FULL TIME PROTECTION FROM MARV CHECK ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 7

…Friday, April 6 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Alfred Deutsch's 65th Birthday • O Begin Asks for U.S. Support for Egypt's Econornic Growth The Sensational PEOPLE'S CHOICE Ouartet ccasion for Communal Encomia NEW YORK (JTA) — Is- would be removed for • 4 Singers+Horns +Guitar raeli Premier Mena-hem American investors. • Recant U.S, Tour. selling steamship tickets to Begin urged American His active involvement in The Israeli premier de- • Ru...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 8

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS - litit$11 ?it- I*11 ' * he most splendid thing that ever happened one-week vacations: The Queen. Step aboard the Queen and you've entered a world of incomparable luxury- and glamour, adventure and excitement. She's 1,000 feet of ocean-going splendor, 13 stories of restaurants, nightclubs and pools. And this year, you can enjoy it all injust 7-10 days, with one of the Queen's special 1979 cruises. Most sail from...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 6 1979 9 HAPPY PASSOVER TO 1111) PLAYA BLANCA MEXICO BAHAM AS is only one en of the hiddget free extras you at Club Med on Pradise Island in a the Bahamas. And at the Bahamas, like at Tennis az FROM THE Sailing is only one of the hidden extras you get Med Jr ee at Club Blanca. in Playa And Playa Blanca, all of Club Mediterranee's 77 can e resort ine worldwid you get all the d food villages, you...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10 Friday, April 6, 1919 Detroiters Attend Builders Campaign Hits $13.9 Million Conference Held in Israel tion included panel dis- cussions, visits to build- ing sites in Tel Aviv, Beersheba and Jerusalem, focusing on financing, inflation, land allocation, quality assur- ance, low-cost housing and rental units. The conference was held under the auspices of Is- rael's Ministry of Housing, and was organized by the Fede...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 11

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 6 1919 11 Temple U. Offers Law Classes With Hebrew U. PHILADELPHIA — An opportunity for American law students, lawyers and select graduate students to study law in Israel is being offered for the fifth year by the Temple University Law School_ in Philadelphia in cooperation with Hebrew University. The six-week summer io n will run from July 9 •ough Aug. 20, on the .,..Lount Scopus Campus of Hebrew Unive...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 12

…12 Friday, April 6, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Prosecutor Seeks Acquittal for Guards CONGREGATION B'NAI MOSHE presents a CANTORIAL CONCERT NEW YORK (JTA) — The Anti-Defamation League. of- Bnai Brith criticized the recommenda- tion by a West German pro- Featuring Cantor Jacob Ben-Zion Mendelson Sunday, May 6, 1979 — 8 P.M. HAPPY PASSOVER secutor to acquit four former Nazi concentration camp guards accused of par- ticipating in the murd...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel Notes Achievements in Solar Energy Research By ARYEH GREENFIELD Municipality of Jerusalem JERUSALEM — Resear- chers at the Hebrew Uni- versity, most prominent among them Prof. Zvi Tavor, have made many important achievements in the field of solar energy. More than 20 years ago, Tavor perfected a selective coating for flat plate solar co" -ctors. This simple-to- a material enhanced racuation absorption from th...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 14

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14 Friday, April 6, 1919 Rabbi A Forerunner of Zionism 1 BORENSTEIN'S Complete Selection Of PASSOVER WINES By RABBI MARC ANGEL Carmel - Schapiro - Kedem - Manischewitz From the driest White Wine to the Richest Red Wine - Cherry, Blackberry, Honey Wine ECTET: y r r 0q ( Wi,nz galtE Champagne and other sparkling wines Ask About Our Special Prices By The Case All Wine At Discount Prices And Grape Juice All Kos...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 15

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Open a Tax-Deferred Individual Retirement Account You still have time to get an extra tax deduction fol. . 1978 while you start building a pension plan for the future. If you're not covered by an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you could be eligible to open an Individual Retirement Account at Metropolitan Savings and take your contribution as a 1978 income-tax deduction. With an I.R.A., you can save up to $1,500 o...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 16

…r!) 1 16 Friday, April 6, 1919 7 " ' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED FREE Consultation— Doctors Refereals Bloomfield Hills Hair Removal Clinic Corner of Maple &-Orchard Lake Rd. Registered Electricologist 626-1990 Aline': Focus of Thomas Wolfe's Love, Bias NEW YORK — Thomas Wolfe loved one uncommon woman in his short, chaotic life — Aline Bernstein. She A BARGAIN IS WORTH SMILING ABOUT! When ENCORE says bargains,...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 17

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • • • .:,.:;•••••• Friday, April 6 1979 11 .„„ • •',. watowiewintm. . • . , • • • 601.10.t. Why is this Passover different? Because, this year, we can do more than commemo- rate the miracle of the Exodus from Egypt. Because, this year, we can do more than celebrate the , liberation of the children of Israel 4,000 years ago. We can begin a new era. We can be part of a modern miracle. For 200,000 childr...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 18

…18 Friday, April 6, 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS U-M's Jewish Student Congregation and the Union Service By IRVING I. KATZ Beth El for nearly 50 years, surveyed the situation' of Jewish students at the Uni- versity of Michigan in 1914 for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. He found that a number of fraternities, literary societies, etc., existed on the campus, whose membership was exclusively Jewish. Chief of these was the Michiga...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 6 1919 19 Rights Meeting Attendance Asked h. 7 ( i --- WASHINGTON — Two major American organiza- tions last week, urged Vice President Mondale to encourage the federal gov- ernment to begin planning for U.S. participation in a conference on human rights to be held in Madrid, in No-- vember 1980. The purpose of the Mad- rid conference will be to re- _ w how the 35 signatory tions to the Helsinki Ac-...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 20

…• 20 Friday, April 6, 1919 . 7.1 "... ME DETROIT JEWISH NEWS APARTMENT OWNERS AND INVESTORS: Is your building generating the highest degree of CASH FLOW? If not, you are not receiving your maximum DISPERSEMENT potential. • Even if you are 100% occupied, you may not be earning maximum profits. • Is constant turnover diminishing a large percentage of your cash flow? • Who is profitting from your buildings? Your management company or you. • I...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 21

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I _ Friday, April 6 1919 21 LASALLE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY IS INTRODUCING THE 1979 CHAIN GANG. GOLD, GOLD & MORE GOLD. La Salle has just received a huge selection of 14K Italian Chains.& Bracelets from Italy. Included are Serpentins, Cobra, Foxtail, Heiringbone, etc. with bracelets to match. (Both for ladies & gents). Plus an assortment Of 14K GOLD CHARMS. 0 OFF All Lengths & Sizes From 15" to 36" Reg. Retail From ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 22

…22 Friday, April 6, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Agreement OK'd Happy Passover To All Our Friends & Customers 31455 Southfield Between 13 & 14 Mile • 645-5560 JERUSALEM — A scien- tific and academic coopera- tion agreement has been signed by the Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem and the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main. Exchange of professors and students, joint re- search, scientific symposia and publications, and...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 23

…▪ Friday, April 6 1919 23 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS `Out of the Ghetto' Background of Jewish Emancipation By ALLEN A. WARSEN The relationship between Jews and their gentile neighbors in the 18th and 19th Centuries and factors • responsible for cultural changes _within the Jewish • community are examined by Prof. Jacob Katz of the ▪ Hebrew Univer-sity of Jerusalem in his volume "Out of the Ghetto," subti- led "The Social Back- ound of Jewish...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 24

…24 Friday, April 6, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 Adat Shalom Will Install Rabbi Spectre geJt 14A34eJ for a ji appy Pa33over SIPS Adat Shalom Synagogue will install its new spiritual leader, Rabbi Efry Spectre, April 20-21. The installation will begin with a Kabalat Shabat service 6 p.m. April 20, followed by a Shabat family dinner at 7 p.m. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, rabbi emeritus at Philadel- phia's Har Zion Temple; will be the fea...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 25

…• Friday, April 6 1919 25 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • Womens Groups Ou t of Touch' NEW YORK — Jewish women's volunteer organ- • izations have failed to ad- dress themselves seriously to the changind needs of contemporary Jewish women and are out of touch • with the needs of their own members, according to Dr. r Paula Hyman, assistant professor of Jewish History ►. at Columbia University. The analysis by Dr. yman appears in the latest issue ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 26

…26 Friday, April 6, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Passover Observance Commences Wednesday Evening at First Seder (s ynagogue Passover, the Jewish fes- tival of freedom, will be celebrated by Jews around the world beginning at sun- down Wednesday. Congregations who have made their Passover service and Seder schedules avail- able are: SHALOM ADAT SYNAGOGUE: Services for the Fast of the First Born will be held 7:15 a.m. Wed- nesday, with Erev P...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 27

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 6 1979 21 If the message underlying this year's Allied. Jewish Campaign - Israel Emergency Fund has a familiar ring, it is no accident. L For Renewal is.a Passover concept. From generation to generation, since the Exodus from Egypt, Passover has come to embody the spirit of rebirth' -- of national revival and of personal, spiritual renewal. The special meaning of Jewish Renewal at Home and Overseas re...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 28

…28 • - Friday, April 6, 1179 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS riASSPORTI PHOTOS IN COLOR WHILE YOU WAIT $ For j REGISTER NOW FOR BEGINNERS PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES LENS OPENING CAMERAS E VIDEO 353-5330 NO MOUE OUR PRICES. NOT OUR SERVICE Nelson Opens House Session Concert Slated at Bnai Moshe • The Cong. Bnai Moshe Cultural Commission will present. Cantor Jacob Men- delson, Cantor Louis. Klein and the sisterhood chorale ensemble in a Town Hall ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 29

…Friday, April 6 1919 29 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS You saw it on television ... now remember it alW ays with the historic EYEWITNESS® commemorative of The. Signing of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treat • , • • Artist's conception of medal design is shown here 11/2 times larger than actual:39mm size. Available only until April 30, 1979 _ . On March 26th, you were an eyewitness to history.... For on that day, you actually saw—on television—...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 30

…30 Friday, April 6, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Reform Congregations Join for Annual Wise Sabbath ENJOY 'THIS PASSOVER WITH THE FINEST KOSHER L'PESACH PRODUCTS wilno t°Mr*I1 4Cq , kosher Under Strict Rabbinical Supervision U.S. Gov't Inspected J=L • BOLOGNA • CORNED BEEF • FRANKFURTERS • SALAMI - WILNO KOSHER 60609 SALAMI • FRANKFURTERS • CORNED BEEF • BOLOGNA LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR: JULIUS 14558 Wyoming Detroit 48238 Cream Pink Con...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 31

…Friday, April 6 1979 31 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Fond Remembrances of Einstein on His Centennial By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1979, JTA, Inc.) ;-; The world is marking the 100th birthday of albert Einstein. I remember Eins- tein's first public appear- ance in America. It was at a meeting under the auspices of the Zionist Organization of America. It took place at Carnegie Hall. On the plat- form sat Einstein sur- rounded by a group of Ameri...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 32

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32 Friday, April 6, 1919 Leonard Baron Will Direct Shaarey Zedek Synagogue CATALINA POOL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL POOL OPENING Leonard E. Baron has Hermelin, vice presidents; been elected president of Myron Milgrom, treasurer; Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Re- and Marvin Fleischman, presenting the third gener- secretary. A leader in religious, civic ation of his family, he has been a member of the con- and business activities in ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 33

…7—TIEWIEWISIFIEWS - Soldier's Death Leads to Haggadot Collection By MOSHE RON The Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent TEL AVIV --- Israel commemorates the Jewish communities in the world which were destroyed by the Nazis by naming Passover Haggadot after them. Now a special Haggada haS appeared. Thirty-one years' ago, on the Passover before the establishment of the state of Israel, a baby was born to a couple of new immigrants who had...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 34

…34 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 6, 1919 Prof to Address Cardozo Dinner W.C. Trojan NEW YORK — Telford Taylor, distinguished pro- fessor of law at Yeshiva University's Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, was the guest speaker at the Cardozo Parents Council Dinner March 25 at the Waldorf-Astoria. The dinner honored the first graduating class of Cardozo. "Son of C. Trojan" CUSTOM FURNITURE & CARPET CLEANING ON LOCATION I-HEE ESTIMA...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 35

…• 411.1104 - WoMPOtlf MOWN. 41 6111 0Mili4 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Camp Tamarack: Developing Jewish Values A good camp experience involves more than swim- ming, sports and singing around a campfire. At the Fresh Air Society's Camp Tamarack, a member agency of the Jewish Wel- fare Federation supported by the Allied Jewish Cam- paign - Israel Emergency Fund, the emphasis is on in- terpersonal relationships and Jewish values, as well as on t...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 36

…1 36 Friday, April 6, 1919 :fie .=; O ■ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Shaare Zedek Hospital Has July 30 Trial Date Is Set Own Search for Leaven Rite in U.S. Case Against Trifa THE FINEST AND LARGEST POOL BUILDER IN THE MIDWEST • A July 30 trial date has indicted May 15, 1975. The by those which are per- JERUSALEM — Shaare been set in Detroit in the U.S. Attorney's Office in missible on Passover. Zedek Hospital in Almost a quarter of a centu...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 37

…Friday, April 6 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Conversion of Non-Jews Debated at Convention of Reform Rabbis PHOENIX, Ariz. — Con- version of non-Jews to Judaism was a major topic of discussion at the 90th convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis which met in Phoenix last week. The rabbinical body dis- cussed the proposal by Why A Diamond? For many, the diamond is a symbol of eternal love and committment. For others, it will ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 38

…94 11 1. ?1r:t 111 1f1t , Friday, April 6, 1919 38 3-f THE DETROIT'JEWISH NEWS Caricatures Sweden, Russia Exchange Notes on Wallenberg , By MAURICE World War II after saving SAMUELSON thousand of Jews from Au- LONDON (JTA) — The schwitz. for your party longest running "missing The Russians, with ill- person" case of the century concealed anger, repeated By has taken a new turn with their argument, used for the an exchange of notes be- p...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 39

…,•• ■ •-••••• • • • ••■■ •A•r, ••‘• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Congress. Is Tightening Purse Strings Against Arab Opponents of M.E. Peace WASHINGTON (JTA) — The House Foreign Af- The focus of U.S. attention fairs Committee, acting on on the Middle East has economic aid for the coming shifted to Congress, fiscal year, chopped funding r America's costs and ote for both Syria and Jordan. It involvement in the reduced the requested $60 Israeli-...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 40

…• • 40 Friday, April 6, 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS LISTENING POST YOU SHOULD HAVE been there . . . and seen a mighty sight to behold .. . About 70 red-fezzed men of Crescent Shrine Club stood very very tall as they as- sisted in helping 1,457 crip- pled, retarded, leukemia and otherwise victims enjoy -- the Shrine Circus last week. You should have been there when one • of the Shriners gave a hot dog to one of the kids, who said, "You m...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 41

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CHINESE FOODS CARRY-OUT 354-9077 Carry-Out Service .Catering To Parties Available. - Exotic Cocktails 8410 W. NINE MILE RD.—OAK PARK • THE GOLD - COIN CHINESE-AMERICAN CUISINE 24480 W. 10 MILE (IN TEL-EX PLAZA) MON.-THURS., 11 to 11 p.m. FRI. & SAT., 11 to 12 Mid. SUN., 1 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 353:788 47 CAR NOW EVERY THURS. ATILOON COMPLET KlassicKollettiontid Presents Informal Modeling Of Ladies Fashions ......…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 42

…4211iFfiday: April 6; Mr' —110OPTR0Ir1EVISIM FIND YOUR NAME IN OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION F AND WIN A FREE... A: ast.Irc> PASSBOOK' WHICH OFFERS: • All regular coupons valid on weekends (Friday and/or • AU regular coupons valid until December, 1979. Saturday), as well as during the week. • Over 800 coupons, all offering 50% off, or 2 for the s Ten Toronto hotels offering 50% off (Including price of 1 (Up to tine value of pass). THE INN ON THE P...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 43

…rl y, pr.! VINCENZO'S Dalian-American Cuisine 18211 JOHN R Bet. 6 7 Mile Rds. 869-5674 Telegraph Rd. Southfield COUNTRY INN WISHES EVERYONE A HAPPY PASSOVER 45199 CASS* UTICA 731-4440 "In The Big Red House" DISCOUNT ON ENTIRE CHECK! (Advertised specials not included). Fine Dining and Dancing Bthat, WISHES ITS , CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS A VERY HAPPY PASSOVER • Cocktails • Luncheons • Dinners • After Hours Menu DANCING WEDNESDAYS TH...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 44

…44 Friday, April 6, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Best of Everything) "Where Old Friends Meet" THE OAK PARK HAPPY PASSOVER LANDMARK (Continued from Page 43) CAESAR'S Pizza Station is considered to be the first mean winning the game in the restaurant business .. . real alternative in fast food, REST VI R1 NT It's a whole lot tougher than with fresh, oven-baked playing baseball . . . and pizza in 15 seconds . . : The at Lincoln new No...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 45

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cairo Synagogue: Mixture of Joy, Sadness ( CAIRO (JTA) — Suzy Eban, wife of Israel's former Foreign Minister, Abba Eban, was born in Egypt and remembers well the Shaar Shamayim Synagogue in downtown Cairo. The contrast between her memories and the shabby, nearly deserted as- pect of the synagogue on Monday brought her to tears. The Ebans were among the guests Premier Menahem Begin invited on his trip to the Egyptian ...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 46

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 46 Friday, April 6, 1979 LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS ITALIAN RESTAURANT Pizza rated No. 1 by Channel 7 News SENIOR CITIZENS 20% DISCOUNT "1 DAYS A WEEK _ 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. BEER & WINE MON. THRU FRI. Daily Hours: MON. THRU THURS. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. FRI., 11 a.m. to 12 Mid . SAT., 4 p.m. to 12 Mid, SUN., 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS & HEALTHY' - PASSOVER NORTHWESTERN HGWY. M 12 MILE & FRANKLIN IN FRANKLIN...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Sinai Evacuation to Cost McDONALD'S SULTAN'S TABLE ' Israel 10.5 Billion Pounds 25060 SOUTHFIELD & 10 MILE 557-5035 WISHES ITS FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A VERY HAPPY PASSOVER 2 000000000000000000000000000 . 2 3 WATCH FOR icSUTTON DELI'S DINNER & CARRY-OUT 0 0 SPECIALS AFTER PASSOVER S I CUSTOM TRAYS BY ,29 8 DAVE PERLIN 357-5656 et 23145 LAHSER AT 9 MILE 6000000000000000000000000006 STEPHENSON CLUB - 24931 N. C...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 48


April 06, 1979 • Page Image 49

…Potpourri From the Film Capital By HERBERT LUFT (Copyright 1979, JTA, Inc.) HOLLYWOOD — Susan Strasberg co-stars with Tom Berenger and Karen Black in the provocative love story, "In Praise of Older Women." Most of the action is set in Hungary and the theme is very French — but the picture,was actually produced in Canada, with George Kaczender directing from a screenplay by Paul " Gottlieb based on Stephen Vizinczey's modern classic. Stephen...…

April 06, 1979 • Page Image 50

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS '50 Friday, April 6, 1919 Men do not stumble over mountains, but over molehills. —Confucius EX CALIBUR .Hair Styling Salon _ ALEX CARAWNA El Al Increases Denmark Flights COPENHAGEN (JTA) — El Al has been authorized to add an additional flight from Copenhagen to Tel Aviv. The Danish Civil Avia- tion Board granted this permission in view of the fact that the current flights are booked at nearly 100 percent occupan...…

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