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November 11, 1977 • Page Image 1

…Christian Role in Partnership with Israel's Defenders and Supporters of Status of Jerusalem Commentary, Page 2 THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Wiesenthal's Courageous Leadership in Exposing the Nazi Murderers Editorial, Page 4 VOL. LXXII, No, 10 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $12.00 Per Year_This Issue 30' November 11, 1977 Dorder Threats Are Forcing Israel Into Increased Security Postu...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 2

…2 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary `Remember, Do Not Forget' ... the Warning to Be Aware of Impending Dangers from the Beasts Who Caused the Holocaust ... Mayors Who Cause Concern cally glorified as the Hasidei Umot Haolam, the saintly among the nations of the world. They are among us now. They are those who hate hatred and are adamant in their demand that all vestiges of pre- judice and bigotry should be ...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 3

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 3 era's itir at we offer our custorne A Many Convenient Savings Plans A Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) A "His and Hers" IRA A Passbook Loans A Check-a-month Accounts A Automatic direct deposit of Social Security checks A Check-a-quarter Accounts A Save by mail plan A Keogh Accounts A Residential Mortgages A Commercial real estate A Travelers Checks A Customer check cashing A Utilit...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 4

…r hl3 „..4 JFWISII INFNN . .4 11,(•)17)1)•01Ilil Tlif 1)000 .lc/11S11 Mcntlicr .10,1 Nti r hig ;t 1 1 Associalii,ti The Jc\\ N•\, , cv•r Sccurid-('lass histag, Paid Slitithfichi, Michigan and Aiiditifflial PHILIP SLOMOVITZ . 4 , 1 411 ciwimuticlily 11•1, 11,1 Suit, 1)(•itai CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher Editor...11•11)1 Nlich SI 2 .••;ir DREW LIEBERWITZ Business Manager AIAN 1.'61 Nat Advertising Manager NI•...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 5

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 5 We are giving too little when the people of Israel need our help the most. Cutbacks Austerity measures Decreased earnings Jewish Agency Budget cuts: Housing stopped Education stagnating Our cash response: The Critical Difference Please pay your 1977 pledge now Allied Jewish Campaign:Israel Emergency Fund Phillip Stollman Philip T. Warren General Chairmen 163 Madison Avenue, Detroit,...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 6

…6 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Sloppy Nazi Case Preparation Is Charged by Paper (Continued from Page 1) Witnesses also testified that they saw Hazners pish- ing and beating Jews and 54.SOUTII WOODWARD (Nr. Maple 'BIRMINGHAM MI 2-4150 Dailytios;tal Sympathy FRUIT BASKETS, 3 Times Daily', Nation-Wide ' Delivery $13,95.. RODNIek--- McINERNEY'S 779-4140 772-4350 forcing Jews to move inside the burning Choral Syna- gogu...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 7 IBM rypewriters Selectric etc. '400 Adm Administration Won't Be Swayed on Mideast By JOSEPH POLAKOFF WASHINGTON (cJTA )— The Carter Administration Add 'n Type is spreading the word that 342.-7800 399-8333 342.1221 its Middle East policy is a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i dad ll: . a 0" 10 COMPLETE LOCKSMITH SERVICE: • 26661 Coolidge Just S. of 11 Mile ...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 8

…8 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ENJOY YOURSELF SEAAL 191-E 0o- Free yacht cruise Free chaise lounges mats /Free self parking/ Color TV, Radio, Refrigerator it every room "Entertain- ment lately Cocktail Party day, per pers. dbl. occ. 100 of 25Orms., now to Dec.18 830 Dec.18 to Jan.3 NUDES TWO DELUXE PEALS DALT Children free, link 2, under 12, in same room with parents '20 Winer of Creneet Society Food Award Special ra...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 9

…Don't just fly to Florida. JOY DELTA THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 9 New Jersey. Holds Pro-Israel Rally WAYNE, N.J. (JTA)—An outpouring of support for Israel and her people was loudly and dramatically expressed by some 1,000 people who attended a "Rally for Israel" spon- sored by the Jewish Feder- ation of North Jersey Oct. 30. Jews and non-Jews joined together to indicate to com- munity leaders and the Car- ter Administ...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 10

…10 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS TRAVEL UNLIMITED... NEW YEAR'S IN MIAMI de tooled e4 weatia9 opt v oa SKI THE ROCKIES (CANADIAN) NEW YEAR'S IN LAS VEGAS DEC. 29-JAN. 1, 1978 At a Price You Can Afford! • Lake Louise • Sunshine Village • Mount Norquay • JANUARY 3-10,1978 • JANUARY 10-17,1978 Your Ski Package includes: • • • • • • • Round trip daytime air flights via Wind- sor/Calgary. 7 nights hotel accommodati...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 11

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 11 TRAVEL UNLIMITED presents 2 great destinations... Unbelievable Price...Fantastic Value to: SAN SALVADOR IN EL SALVADOR, CENTRAL AMERICA 35 Miles north of Venezuela, South America in the Netherlands Antilles 8 Days and 7 Nights in Paradise • Once in a lifetime price! JANUARY 27 to FEBRUARY 3, 1978 DIRECT NON-STOP flight from DETROIT ONE FULL WEEK OF FUN and SUN... SATURDAY, FEBRUARY...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 12

…12 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 42nd ANNIVERSARY SALE! Fabulous Savings! HARRY THOMAS FINE MEWS CLOTHING FOR 42 TEARS 24750 Telegraph at 10 Mile Next to Dunkin Donuts Daily to 6, Thurs. to 8. Sunday 11-4 26th Annual Jewish Book Fair to Open Saturday Evening (Continued from Page 1) At 8 p.m. Sunday the Synagogue and Temple Men's Clubs will co-sponsor author and war hero Ben Dunkleman, author of "Dual Allegiance." His...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 13 Most Polish Jews Assimilated, Bias Remains, Israel Backed By EDWIN EYTAN By European Bureau Chief (Copyright 1977, JTA, Inc.) (Editor's Note: Edwin Eytan was in Poland recently to investigate the status of that country's remaining Jewish popu- lation. His report follows.) Anti-Semitism continues to exist in Poland, espe- cially among the older people and especially in tman towns and the ...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 14

…14 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS AA MufflerEtBrake Kissinger Says He Believes Palestinian State Would Jeopardize Middle East Peace C5 63-2388; LIMETIME GUARANTEE ON - MUFFLERS & SHOCKS. As Long As You Own Your Car 10520 W. 7 Mile Rd. at Mendota 4 Specializing In Estate Sales and Purchases Custom Designs-Italian Gold Jewelry and Exquisite Diamond Pieces Norman Allan (3t • 111 0 /09 1. and Iti,,,,,,,,(0/09i3/ 3...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 15

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977.15 Rocket Attacks Force Retaliation (Continued from Page 1) recent spate of rocket attacks launched from Lebanon," State Depart- ment spokesman Hodding Carter said. "We condemn those attacks." Carter said he had no comment on reports of Israeli artillery fire at points in Lebanon from which the attacks were apparently launched. Responding to questions on the new round of fighting between Pale...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 16

…16 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Dinner Aids Lubavitch Cheder Germany's Unsettled Conditions Helped Hitler Come to Power By ALLEN A. WARSEN "would take great pains to conceal." "How...did this man who' At the end of the war, Hit- looked, as one observer said, like a beach photogra- ler returned to Munich where the Raete Republic pher at some shabby resort, had been proclaimed by the with little formal education Communis...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 17

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 17 Flatto Mesmerized JERUSALEM (JTA)-Is Samuel Flatto-Sharon play- ing Trilby to someone's Sve- ngali? That question arose in the Knesset when it was reported last week that the French-born MK is learning Hebrew under hypnosis to save the time that would be consumed by more conven- tional instruction methods. The matter was raised by Labor Alignment MK Moshe Shahal who wondered if Knesset mem...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 18

…W-^ 18 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Then... Take advantage of this MONEY-SAVING SPECIAL ENROLLMENT OFFER FOR THE HEALTH CLUBS! The Jewish Community Center Health Clubs or General Membership If you join between now and December 1st, you get 14 months membership for 12 months dues. If you are a present member and bring in a new member, you get an additional 2 months free when you renew your membership (both men and wome...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 19 Israel and Jerusalem's Christians By ROBERT D. KAPLAN World Zionist Organization Delicacy is the touchstone of daily Israeli government policy towards its Christian minorities in Jerusalem. Officials must maintain a deft juggling act between the various estranged deno- minations, many of whom .command powerful support from outside the Jewish state, yet within the country are as one pundi...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 20

…▪ 20 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS **************** *MICHIGAN THERMAL * -0 INSULATION ▪ -0( -s e Save S-ENERGY Finest spray blown oroducts available All seat•cn comfort BEST PRICE FAST SERVICE Free Estimates LICENSED & INSURED 626-3204 air 4, Larry Shalit, Pres. • **************I `You and Your Aging Parent' Tells the Pitfalls and Benefits of Old Age A Review By JENNIE KENT "You and Your Aging Parent," by Barba...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 21

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 21 Our Product is a Shade Better GREENE Old Orchard Shopping Center, Maple at Orchard Lake Phone 626-2400x 15150 W. 7 Mile Rd. 342-8822 . ‘14.0 s voc\eS‘ HEAT LOSS SPECIAL 50% OFF COMPLETE INVENTORY INC. SPECIAL ORDERS offer good thru 11/26 measuring and installation available (previous sales excluded) Come in To The WEST BLOOMFIELD Location to_ fill Out Your GRAND OPENING The w...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 22

…22 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS GRAND OPENING SALE at Our New Location Readers Forum We Invite You to Come In and Help Yourself to Materials submitted to the Readers Forum must be brief. The writer's name will be withheld from publication upon request. No unsigned letters will be published. Materials will not be re- turned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. GREAT SAVINGS Israel Seen as Standing Al...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 23 Southgate Legislator Visits Hadassah Hospital on Trip Representative Thomas J. Anderson, center, of Southgate and a member of the Michigan House of Representatives, meets former Detroiter Dr. Eddie Superstine, while in Jerusalem as part of a delegation of the National Confer- ence of State Legislators. Shown at right is Mrs. Anderson. JERUSALEM—Southgate ance funds and a govern- Representa...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 24

…24 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'Torture Charges Badly Handled' Concern in Israel Over British Supply of Weapons to Egypt LONDON (JTA)—Pre- mier Menahem Begin is expected to complain to Prime Minister James Cal- laghan about the scale of British arms supplies to the Arabs and the danger this poses of a new war in the NEddle East, when he visits Britain later this month. Israel's anxiety has been heightened by confirmat...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 25

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 25 Boris Smolar's 'Between You . . . and Me' Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1977, JTA, Inc.) CJFWF ASSEMBLY: The General Assembly of the Coun- cil of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds—the parlia- ment of the organized Jewish communities in the United States and Canada—is not a political body. It concentrates primarily on contributing to the welfare, education and development ...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 26

…26 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I ■ wism.1111, The Finest In Musical Entertainment ERIC ROSENOW AND HIS ONTINENTALS 398-3664 Square Dance Set Temple Beth Jacob will have a square dance 8 p.m. Dec. 3 in the temple. There is a charge, and guests are invited. For reservations, call Barbara Schreier, 642- 0111. Caution at first is better than tears at last. Interfaith Thanksgiving Rites Scheduled at Temple_Beth El The...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 27

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 27 • • • • • • .• * * * ** * • • • MOVING. • HOUSEHOLD SALES IN YOUR HOME • • • ESTATES LIQUIDATED • IRENE EAGLE • : 626-4769 626-8907 . Wine Wilt Focus on New Testament Lawto' ns Plant Woodland My heart melts for thee, for I have nothing to give thee. —Vayikra Rabbah Rabbi Sherwin Wine of the • Birmingham Temple will present a series of five Monday lectures on "Jesus and the New Te...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 28

…- . Ammompomja 28 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FOR THE BEST VALUES ANYWHERE! ON THE FINEST • 14 Kt. GOLD JEWELRY RINGS, EARRINGS, PENDANTS, BRACELETS WATCHES, DIAMONDS & MORE SEE MORRIS or JOEL WATNICK `Sadie Shapiro in Miami' Book Entertaining Light Reading By HEIDI PRESS How could anybody's bub- bie cause such a com- motion, in Miami Beach of all places? Sadie Shapiro, the "Picasso of knitters" did, and that's the ...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 29

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 29 Danny Raskin's Chilean Asserts Jews Are Satisfied LISTENING SANTIAGO, Chile (ZINS) — According to - Gil Sinay, president of the Representa- tive Committee of Chilean Jewry, relations between the 30,000 Jews of Chile and the government are very good, with no obstacles to cultural, religious and Zion- ist activities. Sinay also believes that relations between the Chilean govern- ment and I...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 30

…30 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Y UR GUIDE TO GOOD INNING CHINESE FOODS CHINA CITY KING 'LIM'S GARDEN Owned IL Operated By May 14 Stephen Tom Hon Authentic Mandarin & Cantonese Food 8410 W. NINE MILE RD.; OAK PARK 24535 W. 12 MILE RD. AT TELEGRAPH , • Private Dining Room • Businessmen's Luncheons : 4_ SERVICE 422-5370 TriE GPEAT W RESTAURANT Speciali:ing in . . . Cantonese-American Cuisine * Tantalizing hors ...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 31


November 11, 1977 • Page Image 32

…32• Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . George and Sicilia Grego Invite You To Enjoy (Continued from Page 31) COMO'S RESTAURANT 548-5005 22812 WOODWARD at 9 Mile CHOICE COCKTAILS AND FINE ITALIAN WINES HOURS 11 a.m. 101 a.m., SUN. THRU THURS. 11 a.m. TO 4 a.m., FRI. & SAT. "The Home Of Baby Spare Ribs Since 1941" /# 5 Hours: 11 to 11 r Til 1 a.m. Fri. & Sat. LOCATED FOR 36 YEARS AT 998 W. HURON (M-59). 3 BLOCFS SOUT...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 33

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 33 Having An Affair? (Continued from Page 32) name a few years back on W. Eight Mile...Akron, Ohio with only 300,000 people but one of the world's largest restaurants—Tangiers, seat- ing up to 1,000 ople...Word SEE US AT OLD TIME DELI 27701 Orchard Lake Road Near12 Mile 553-2191 Specializing in Authentic Italian-American Dining Lunches and Dinners EXCELLENT BANQUET FACILITIES 7225 W. McN...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 34

…?!, 34 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish Mothers I Israel Activists to Hold Meeting LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS MON. THRU FRI. DAILY HOURS: NON. THRU THURS., 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. _ ITALIAN RESTAURANT Pizza rated No. 1 by FRI., 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. SAT., 4 p.m.` to 2 a.m. SUN., 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. CARRY-OUTS AVAILABLE Channel 7 News BEER & WINE NORTHWESTERN HGWY. AT 12 MILE & FRANKLIN \ IN FRANKLIN SHOPPING PLAZA 357-...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 35 Reconstructionists Will Celebrate 10th NEW YORK—Publisher Charles D. Lieber, president of Lieber-Atherton, Inc. will chair the committee for the New York celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Reconstruc- tionist Rabbinical College, in Philadelphia, under the auspices of the Jewish Reconstructionist Founda- tion. Inaugurating the year of celebration throughout the Unit...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 36

…36 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ( Caricatures YOUR WEDDING— BAR MITZVA ALBUM SAM FIELD FINER WINE 399-1320 for your party By WILL BE WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY Call AND ASSOCIATES 357-1010 11111=111111111 ■ 1111•1 I 1 11111111111110 ABE CHEROW, President CALL LU 4-5900 _ 1 • LAMP&G/fT SHOP OUR NEW POLICY on every item over $10 Free Gift Wrapping Cash Refunds "SHOP WHERE SHOPPING IS UNIQUE" For All Your HAN...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 37

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 37 Women's Clubs I MAGICIAN Available For All Occasions 25 years experience MAGICAL MEL 547-2464 rr cc (Continued from Page 36 Berger and Sharon Taylor. Proceeds will benefit men- tally impaired children. The Best Disco In Town" ANKEft4, 7 tc• Disc Jockey *1** 4 4, Parties Dance & Special Occasions 546-5797 / \144-0454 WOMEN'S BICUR CHO- LEM ORGANIZATION will hold its Honor Ro...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 38

…38 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Associate Chairmen. Named for Allied Jewish Campaign LENNY LIEBERMAN Orchestra 399-1301 Phillip Stollman and Philip T. Warren, general chairmen of the 1978 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund, have ) Special Government program for PERSONS OVER 61 or handicapped or disabled • Pay only 1/4 of your income for rent and utilities • Beautiful one-bedroom apartments. Some are gard...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 39

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 39 One good deed leads to an- other; one sin leads to an- other. Hint News Oak Park Zionist Youth,Units Plan Fall Parley MACK PITT and His Orchestra Why go elsewhere! For Smart Ladies' Fashions Now Open Thurs. Nites till 9 and Sundays Noon till 4 Always a 2V discount 9 Mile & Coolidge . 358-3642 FELDBRO QUALITY MEATS ORDER YOUR STRICTLY FRESH TURKEYS, CAPONS, ROASTING CHICKENS, GEES...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 40

…- 40 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS good times, good food, good friends come enjoy life with us at .. . ■ 4 • Ilk CLUB an adult community _ 28301 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan Now accepting reservations please call Mrs. Neville at 353-2810 to obtain information or arrange an interview. from 5535 per month eitatee Singles Events JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER'S Single Young There is a charge. For information, call...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 41

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 41 *ere You Save Money On Your Favorite Foods THIS AD -EFFECTIVE ONLY AT THESE FARMER JACK'S .0,1411b SUPERMARKETS THE GREAT FOOD STORE ON ❑ 8 Mile Rd. at Grand River ❑ Greenfield near 8 Mile ❑ Southfield at 13 Mile Rd. ❑ ❑ 7 Mile Rd. at Evergreen ❑ COOLIDGE AT 10 MILE RD. Lahser at 8 Mile Road Coolidge at 10 Mile IS STILL DEXTER DAVISON BUT IT'S FARMER JACK, TOO! 11 Mile Rd. at...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 42

…: 3, .1 r • - 42 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PLO Snubbed WANTED! Senior Citizens To join a Social and Fraternal Lodge For information call 354-6288 Leo Kaufman BELGRADE (JTA)—The United States and West European delegates attend- ing the Helsinki Act review conference here blocked a Soviet move to allow the Palestine Liberation Organ- ization to address the confab. SPORTIN GAL A veteran of Hagana, Dr. Plotkin i...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 43

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 43 Dr. Thursz to Present Award at Bnai Brith Event Tuesday Dr. Daniel Thursz, execu- tive vice president of Bnai Brith International, will 1 HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH HAL CORDON Musical Entertainment Big Bands or Small Combos 355-4999_2 DR. DANIEL THURSZ present the Bnai Brith International Humanitarian Award to William G. Meese, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the Detroi...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 44

…44 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Show on Balfour Anniversary Herzl Reborn in Hadassah RALPH YAMRON'S Orchestra Theodor Herzl and his leg- acy came to life in an ani- mated one-man show at the Hadassah cabaret night at Adat Shalom on Nov. 2. In "The Man Behind the Legend," Harold Herbst- man re-enacted the life and activities of the founder of _the political Zionist move- ment, in a play by Yaacov Orland which was produce...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 45

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 45 Beth Yehudah Schools 63rd Annual Dinner to Honor Norman Allan, Dr. Goodstein Nov. 20 Pianist Performs Pianist Audrey Spiwak will give a recital 3 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Birmingham Community House. • She will perform works by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, Ravel, Debussy, Chajes and Chopin. The Beth Yehudah Schools will hold their 63rd anniversary dinner _7 p.m. GENUINE CARTIER TANK WAT...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 46

…46 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS THE LOCKER ROOM AT JONATHON'S BNAI MOSHE youth will Is the New Leader in Elegant be the focus of Shabat morning services Saturday. Bar Mitzva Suit Fashions Newly elected officers of the groups will be installed, and the youth will read from the Torah and lead the services. Kidush and lunch- eon will follow: Junior congregation elected Andrew Lippa presi- dent at its recent election me...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 47 1 Youth News _ (Continued from Page 46) James I. Gordon of Young Israel of Oak-Woods with the dedication of the awards booklet. The group will meet 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Young Israel of Greenfield for a road rally. Refreshments will be served, and there is a charge. For reservations, call Mira .Goldner, 557-7629. YIT will attend the Israeli Hasidic Festival Sunday, meeting 6:45 p.m. at Y...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 48

…48 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish Woman Pilot Undaunted by Pregnancy, Earns License Susan Siporin didn't have enough to worry about, pregnant with her third child and working as a sub- stitute occupational thera- pist, so she took up flying. NoW the owner of a pri- vate pilot's license, Mrs. Siporin got the notion to take up flying three years ago, but didn't start taking lessons until this past April when she enrol...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 49

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 11, 1977 49 Bnai Brith Activities AHAVA CHAPTER will hold a make-up bowling ses- sion 9:30 a.m. Sunday at =Strike 'n Spare lanes. Mem- bers interested in volun- 'leering for the Bnai Brith Blood Bank Rally to take 151ace 5-10 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the Eleanor Roosevelt Service Center may call Phyllis Berlin, 559- 5365. The group will hold a , general meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the home of ,A...…

November 11, 1977 • Page Image 50

…50 Friday, November 11, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 41. Detroiters Assigned Leading Roles at Dallas CJF Assembly Sessions 41 ■ 11111.1111111111•11. FIRESTONE JEWELRY halesnle Diamonds & Jewelry emanating. feuwlri & U null Repairing SUITE 3)8 ADVANCE BLDG. 23077 Greienfieldat 9 Mile. (313) 557-1860 Officers and executive directors of several Greater SAID SHOE REPAIR guaranteed work Harvard Row Mall 11 Mile Lahser 355-3628 M-F 9-7 Sat...…

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