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April 10, 1942 • Page Image 1

…A merica yewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOL. 44, NO. 15 and The Legal Chronicle 10. 1942 DETROIT, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. APRIL Dr. Barnett R. Brickner Guest Speaker At Community Council Dinner At Temple Beth El April 12 Beth El Sisterhood To Hear Russell Barnes on April 14 Pioneer Women's Org. Observed International Women's Day, April 4 Joseph E. Davies and Gov. Lehman Send Heartening...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 1

…For Victory Buy U. S. Defense Savings Stamps And Bonds VOL 1 NO. 3 — THE JEWISH NEWS For Victory Buy U. S. Defense Savings Stamps And Bonds A Weekly Review [4:K of Jewish Events 2114 Penobscot Bldg. Detroit, Michigan, April 10, 1942 RA. 7956 34 tiA 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy 10c CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS, JEWS ASK U.S. CRACK DOWN ON SOCIAL JUSTICE AND BAN IT FROM MAILS Page 8 HUNDREDS of Dutch Jews Die in Slave Labor Camps ...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 2

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Ladies' Auxiliary 230, J.W.V., To Hold Card Party on April 21 - Lieut. Eli Levin Ladies' Aux- iliary, No. 230, J. W. V., is holding a first aid claSs every Tuesday evening, beginning April 14, 7 to 9 p. m., at Jericho Temple, 2705 Joy Rd., under the directorship of Mrs. Eva Mann. Mrs. Mary Rosen is instructor. For future enrollment please contact. Mrs. Mann, Ve. 5-8826. Also the Auxiliary i...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 2

…1,111. eit,Trau, 441 -MtineR . April 10, 1942 1 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Two MARVIN LOWENTHAL TO ADDRESS Church Abhors Campaign Officers Chosen; TWO DETROIT CAMPAIGN RALLIES Anti-Semitism Henry Wineman is Chairman of the Executive Committee at Luncheon Report Meeting of Will Speak at Dinner Opening Youth Drive on Sunday and Women's • Division Monday Cardinal Hinsley Tells of the Attitude of Roman Catholic Leaders The drive is on ! Prelimin...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 3

…A merica Pal ish Periodical Cotter April 10, 1942 CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 3 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle dawn and work on the fields till this business of increasing our darkness and then do odd jobs yield, but we're not afraid of in the outhouse, there is not work. Instead of starting with A Palestine Village in 1941 much time or energy left for the morning sun we'd start an cultural life. Yet Nahalal sti...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH NEWS April 10, 1942 Page Three UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS WERE Detroit to Pay DR. BARNETT R. BRICKNER AT ORGANIZED HERE 23 YEARS AGO High Honor COMMUNITY COUNCIL INSTITUTE Resume of Activities Shows Interesting Development of Detroit's Educational System While not in even numbers, the vision and guidance, making it a 23rd anniversary of the United He- -total of five units managed by the brew Schools, being observed, this United Heb...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 4

…4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Detroit and Jewish Chronicle THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post. office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. General OfRoe and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Telephone: CAdillac 1040 Subscription in Advance Cable Address: Chronicle $3.00 Per Year JACOB MARGOLIS Publi...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 4

…_Vs ihisomMieies Page . April 10, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Four Can Money Be Spent for Relief Today? A Searching Study of Existing Conditions Indicating creased Obligations Placed Upon U. S. Jewry by War Conditions In- 15,000 Turkey Central and South 450,750 America Miscellaneous Countries: Bombay, Australia, blew abroad. 66,000 Zealand, Burma "Is it still possible," they ask. "to 107,000 Passover Relief bring effective aid to them? What...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 5

…A merica Awish Periodical &ter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 5 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle April 10. 1942 PLAIN TALK Local Jewish Youths Physical Education Instructors in Navy II AL aGAL "One More Chapter" I have just been reading "Jews in a Gentile World," a very learned book about us written by I nthropolgists, sociologists and psychologists: Who 'Lire we and how we get that way and why we aren't liked. ...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 5

…Women's Clubs HEARD HOME FOR AGED The Women's Auxiliary of the Jewish Home for Aged at its an- nual meeting installed Mrs. M. J. Greenberg as president for the corn- ing year. Other officers are: Vice- presidents, Mesdames T. Lebovitz, S. Benjamin A. Homonoff, Philip Gorelick, J. Kavanau. N. J. Lippitt; reccrding secretary, Mrs. M. Green; corresponding secretaries, Mesdames M. Benach, and S. Levison; special corresponding secretary, Mrs. S....…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 6

…6 DETROIT' JEWISH CHRONICLE and th; • tgal Chrcnicic April 10, 1942 IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY Miss Jeanne Levitt of the In- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Agree of dia Village Manor visited in Chi- Fullerton Ave. are vacationing in cago with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miami Beach and Havanna, Cuba. Oppenheim. Mrs. Maurice Morse of Wilde- mere Ave. visited with her par- ents in Milwaukee the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zackheim of Webb Ave. spe...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 6

…V.v... :ay. •••••,•• ■ ••••••••••-••• ••••••••-, THE JEWISH NEWS Published every Friday by the Jewish News Publishing Co., Inc., Penobscot Bldg , Detroit. Mich. Telephone RAndolph 7956. Sub- scription rates. $3 a year: foreign. $4 a year. 'Member of Jewl.•,h Tel^zraphic Aeoney. Independent Jewish Press Service, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Religious News Service, Palcor News Agency. flre.-1:r Cartoon Ser ice. 2114 MAURICE H. SCHWARTZ a...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 7

…v 4meriam Apish periodical Carta April 10, 1942 MARRIAGES CLIPTON AVENUE CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 7 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle peoples' English-speaking branch, English Branch of Workers' named in honor of Joseph Alliance To Be Installed Brenner, marks its latest achieve- BETROTHED GLAZER - OPPENHEIM The marriage is announced of Mrs. Louis Oppenheim (Julia Nark()) and Stanley I. Glazer, son of Mrs. Louis Glazer of Ke: ...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 7

…!AprO Page Seven THE JEWISH NEWS 10, 1942 SOCIAL EVENTS NEWS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Henry Levitt of Indian Village Manor, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jeanne Lorraine, to Martin Oliver Oppenheim of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Oppenheim of this city. • • • Abraham Greenbaum of Cortland Ave. announces the engagement of his daughter. Dorothy Anita, to Harold Frank Moran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 8

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Pythian Sisters To Fete 15th Anniversary The Pythian Sisters, Greater Detroit Temple No. 152, are celebrating their 15th anniver- sary on Monday, April 13, at 8 p. m., at Castle Hall, Erskine and John R. The grand chief of Michigan, Hazel Lawler, will be the guest of honor and all Pythian Sisters are invited to attend and ex- tend a hearty welcome to our grand chief. Banquet May 3 A Mothers a...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 8

…"CRACK DOWN ON SOCIAL JUSTICE" IS DEMAND OF ENTIRE COUNTRY REPORT ANTI-SEMITES, KALTENBORN URGES PROTESTANT ORGAN'S PROTEST TO ROOSEVELT NEW YORK (JPS)—Pointing out that the stirring up of racial ha- . treds and prejudices is one of the Fascists' favorite devices for divid - , ing their foes, H. V. Kaltenborn, noted radio commentator and jour- nalist, urged his nationwide Sun-1 day afternoon radio audience to'rei port to the Federal Bureau ...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 9

…A mericam (eivish Periodical Curter April 10, 1942 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle SHORT HISTORY OF UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS OF DETROIT During the Passover festival Hebrew Schools became one SECRETARY KNOX ASKS U. S. A. "LEND PALESTINE YOUR STRENGTH" of o f the year 1919, the first unit the first constituent agencies of o f the system of schools known the Federation. THE SECRETARY OF...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 9

….44 10, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS The War As It Affects the Detroit Symphony Orchestra By HERMAN WISE music editorial Jewish Composers Will Be Featured United States, have stood by and nonchalantly permitted such a dis- graceful happening? Deep down Page Nfris A Serious Challenge We commend to our readers' attention the courageous article by Mr. Herman Wise who contributes the music Make no mistake about it, the column to this issue of ...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 10

…10 DETROIT "The Promise," New Film, Depicts Wartime Activities of United Jewish Appeal JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle COMPOSERS Hebrew School Synagogue Conducts Daily Services (Continued from Page 1) Presents Dramatic Portrayal of World Front for Jewish Survival in European Countries and the Jewish Homeland in Palestine "The Promise", a new sound film dramatically portraying the world front for Jewish survival in war, and the...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 10

…• In Lighter Vein (1/" ) The Week's Best Stories • Aprl 10, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten write and tt., k them to come here. - • • • TELEGRAPHIC ECONOMY The proud young father in Buf- fah: tvired to his parent, in Kala- gave birth son— - Wife mazoo His sae's grandfather—an ortho- dox sl t gentleman--in spite of hi.; at the happy occasion re- own ns!: • i'ed with the father on his ex! a. in sending a message to Iss p..rents. "A tele...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 11

…A merica/I Avish Periodical &err April 10, 1942 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWisti CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Matinee Performance For Russian Relief Folks Committee Confer- ence at 10 A. M. Instead Of Afternoon of April 12 As the Folks' Committee cam- . paign for Russian War Relief approaches its climax, attention is focused on the forthcoming benefit performance starring Molly Picon, in person, with her troupe ...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 11

…April •10, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS JEWS on the DIAMOND An Interview With Ford Frick, President of the National League By AL LURIE ■ I mi l w rnie r.W pw ).■ )1•W pm ) ...) .1• 1 ■ 11 .1 m ilmir inwi pma )1■ 1 ■P The baseball season begins on April 14. More recreation is the order of President Roosevelt, as the nation turns to its favorite pastime. Al Lurie, outstanding sports commentator, re mind in g America that Jews are part ...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 12

…12 DAVIES B. Keidan, Meyer L. Prentis, Charles C. Simons, Andrew Wine- man. (Continued from Page 1) , Treasurers: Samuel T. Gil- equip and maintain the Allied bert, Herman Osnos. Special Prospects Committee : armies of the Middle East. And in the countries of Latin Amer- Rabbi Morris Adler, Harold C. ica, 115,000 Jewish men and Allen, Nathan Bolin, Hyman C. women and children are speedily Broder, Samuel Frank, Alexan- adjusting themselves to...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE JEWISH NEWS April 10, 1942 Activities In The Detroit Congregations Temple Beth El Tuxedo Synagogue: Services: Dr. B Benedict Glazer will speak this Friday evening, April 10. at 8 o'clock. at the Sabbath Eve aervices on "Deliver Me From My Brother A Reply to Those Who Write About Jews." Dr. (.11azs, r will some Of the wider implica- tiona of recently published articles which have a direct bearing upon the welfare of the J...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 13

…41' April 10, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Hails Heroism of Jewish Boys Jewish Soldiers In The War Bayer and Nagler Corp. Sabbota Safe Join U. S. Navy In Phillipine Fight As Petty Officers While in the Philippines, Gen- B U. S. Senator arbour Lauds Military Record and Patriotism e'ral MacArthur and his men Pvt. Eimer Ras- Among the Detroit Jewish men carved an impressive niche in Am- kin, son of Mr. erican history by their heroic stand and Mrs....…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 14

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Fourteen How Molly Picon's theater Autobiographical Honor A.Littman Play Was Prepared at Performance Purely COMMENTARY By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ YIDDISH THEATER'S FUTURE Molly Picon, the charming actress who is beloved not only among Jews lialt also among non-Jews. is mak- ing a cony-back on the Yiddish stage. "Suet- A Life" is the title of her play, and we are told that her cast will include 33 good act ors. Can Molly do...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 15

…• Apr;I 10, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Wayne Frat. Jews After War inducts Pledges to be Discussed by Round Table The Gamma Kappa Chi fratern- ity at Wayne University has in- ducted • the following as pledges: Henry Bodzin, Gerald Bright, Irv- ing Cohen, Joe Fischoff, Max Gar- ber, Sam Garfinkel, Al Geffen, Sy- mond Gotlieb, Meyer Kravitz, Ruben Kurnetz, Paul J. Miller, Leo Mil- man, Jack Portney, Seymore Ribiat, Murray Sherman, Herbert Silver- m...…

April 10, 1942 • Page Image 16

…AP- See. 512. P. L. & THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review H U. S. POSTAGE FAIR DIIMLOIT, MICH. Permit No. fl of Jewish Events Detroit, Michigan, April 10, 1942 THREE ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN LEADERS SAMUEL T. GILBERT Treasurer DR. LEO M. FRANKLIN Honorary Vice-Chairman MEYER I.. rarens Honorary Vice - Chairman U.P.A. RETRAINS YOUTH FOR PALESTINE AGRICULTURE WITH U.J.A. FUNDS RECONSTRUCTION GOES FORWARD. A group of young German Jewish...…

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