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April 10, 1942 - Image 3

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1942-04-10

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April 10, 1942

Page Three


Resume of Activities Shows Interesting Development of

Detroit's Educational System

While not in even numbers, the vision and guidance, making it a
23rd anniversary of the United He- -total of five units managed by the
brew Schools, being observed, this United Hebrew Schools.
In 1922, when the Hastings Street
week. is an important event for the
It was on Wilkins St., near Hast-
ings that the first branch of the
schools was formed during the
Passover of 1919, and was known
as the Wilkins St. Talmud Torah
and Kindergarten.
The first president of the school
was the well known Hebraist, the
late Esser Rabinowitz.
In 1920 the Division Street Tal-
mud Torah, which had been in
existence long before the erection
of the Wilkins School and which
bras supervised and directed by the
scholar and educator. Hyman Buch-
halter, was merged with the United
Hebrew Schools and became a con-
stituent part of it.


section showed a tendency of mov-
In 1921 the Talmud Torah Ohel ing north between Forest and Med-
Moshe of the congregation situated bury, a second unit was erected on
at 29th and Michigan. bearing the the corner of Kirby and St. An-
same name, was turned over to the toine, known as the Kirby Center
United Hebrew School's for super- School.
At-- the same time, Congregation
There was one problem with
Ahavath Achim on Delmar and
which the management of
Westminster transferred its school
schools was faced. and that was
to the United Hebrew Schools
how to focus the attention of the
The Hebrew Free School of Con-
public upon the problem of Jewish
Mogen Abraham of
. education and how to bring the
Farnsworth Street was also given
public nearer to the work. activi-
over to the management of the
(Continued on Page 15)
United Hebrew Schools for super-

Blumberg Re-elected President
of Congregation Shaarey Zedek

To Dr. Silver

Z.O.A. Chapter 1
Concludes Drive
For New Members

'dent: Harry M. Shulman. secretary:
and David S. Freedman. trealsurer.
Irwin I. Cohn, Maurice Landau.
Ben Sidlow and Irving Blumberg
were elected members of the board
for a three-year term.
Rubiner was elected a member of
the board for a one-year term.
Morris Blumberg, Isaac Shetzer
and Abraham Srere were elected
members of the board of Clover
Hill Park Cemetery for a six-year
Reports were submitted at this
meeting by officers. chairmen of
committees and heads of auxiliary

Symposia at Temple Beth El on Sunday,
April 12

Will Be Tendered Dinner by

Group of Admirers
April 15

Dr. Barnett R. Brickner, rabbi of Euclid Avenue Tem-
ple in Clveland, and one of the foremost Jewish leaders
in this country, will be the principal speaker at the dinner
One of world Jewry's outstand- which form part of the Fifth Anniversary Institute of
ing leaders—Dr. Abba Hillel Silver Detroit's Jewish Community Council, Sunday afternoon.
of Cl e veland, national chairman of April 12. in Temple Beth El. Dr. Brickner's subject will
the United Palestine Appeal—will be. "The Community Council in Action.'' Dr. Brickner,
be signally honored by a group of
noted writer. orator. and fearless liberal leader, Nvill be
Detroit men. why n he comes here

next Wednesday evening to be their
dinner guest at the Book-Cadillac

'introduced by Fred M. Butzel. who
will act as toastmaster.
address by Rabbi Morris Adler. as-
The afternoon program of the sociate rabbi of Congregation
institute will open with a keynote Shaarey Zedek. on the subject The
Community Council Idea." R.
tration for the institute will begin
at 1 :30 p. ne. and Rabbi Adler's
address will be delivered at 2 p. in.

having returned from a
three-weeks' stay in England. where
he conferred with British author-
ities and with Jewish leaders, Dr.
Silver brings to Detroit Jews im-
portant messages from the free
Jewish communities of Europe.
The meeting on Wednesday will
be patterned after a similar inti-
mate gathering held last year with
Dr. Chaim Weizemann.
I The leaders of the 1942 Allied
'Jewish Campaign, who have band-
ed together to honor Dr. Silver,
have arranged this dinner as means
I of showing the appreciation of the
Detroit Jewish community to the
!national head of the United Pales-
tine Appeal for the distinguished
services he has rendered Jewish ,
causes durinc the last two decades.
Dr. Silver has been principal speak-
er at opening dinner-meetings of
the Allied Jewish Campaign in De-
troit for a number of years.

Victory Garden
Classes Planned

in Victory Gardening will
I be Courses
offered under Jewish Commun-

Officers and Directors Chosen at Annual Meeting; Cem- ity Center auspices. beginning next
etery Directors Elected; Reports
week. The session of six weeks are
;planned so that the entire course
are Submitted

At the annual meeting of Con-
. : ation Shaarey Zedek. held on
onday evening, Morris H. Blum-
• rg was re-elected president for a
. nd term.
Other officers were elected as
follows: Harry Cohen. vice-presi-

Eminent Cleveland Leader Will Address Dinner to Follow

may be completed before mid-June
A gardening course of adult
women will be presented at the
House of Shelter. 1620 Taylor Ave..
Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m.. beginning
April 13. Mrs. Edna Northrup is the
A Tuesday evening class. for both
men and women will be conducted
by Ben Desenberg, at the Center.
from 7:30 to 9.30 p.m.. beginning
Tuesday April 14
Mrs. Mary Vartanian will con-
duct gardening classes for Center
club members. Sundays from 3 to
5 p.m . and Mondays from 8 30 to
10 p m.


Four round table disciission.s will
be featured during the afternoon.
At 2:30 p. in.. two round table dis-
cussions will be devoted to, "Com-
munity Relations and Anti-Defama-
tion," and - Internal Jewish Com-
munity Relations." In the first of
these James I. Ellmann, Rabbi Leon
Fram. Isaac Franck. Samuel Lieber-
man. Nathan Milstein. and Philip
Slomovitz will participate. In the
other round table. Joseph Bern-tem,
Gerson B. Chertoff. Mrs. Max R.
• Frank, Judge Charles Rubiner. Ben
Wilk. and Rabbi M J. W, hleele
renter will take part.
Two otner round tables wilt he
held at 3:45 p m One will b-


(Continued on

Page 121

Hundreds of Dutch Jews Die
In Nazi Forced Labor Mines

Slovak Jews Lose Citizenship; Jews Told to Mark
Doors With Yellow Stars; Barred From
Receiving Rations

Nether- of 800 Jews in Amsterdam in Feb-
lands Government in Exile an- -ruarY . 1941. in a round-up on the
and the seizure of 400 in
flounced this week that 1.200 Dutch
other Net herlands towns a few
Jews. sent by the Germans to en- weeks later. and added: "Terrible
forced labor in the salt and sulphur rumors about their fate have been
(Continued on Page 14)
mines at Mauthausen, have died I
and that the Germans had delib-
erately sent them without protec-
tion into the "no:serious vapors."
'The protests of the civilized
world. when informed by the Neth-
erlands Government were unavail- '
mg." the announcement. made on Sent
to Jews of Detroit
Peidio Orange. said.
Through Altman's
The statement recalled the arrest

Chapter One of the Detroit Zion-
, t Organization will conclude its
gill, D. Brandeis Memorial Mem-
• - rship Campaign with an open
eetmg at the home of Lois Lin-
•en, 2097 Oakman Blvd.. on Thurs-
•ay evening, April 16. This meet-
ng is the last in a series held during
he membership drive of the Zion-
Camp; Urgent Plea Made to Yishuv
t Organization as a tribute to the Government Releases Children at Athlit
emory of the late Louis D
for Speedy Enlistment; Chief Rabbi Herzog Issues Special
Prayer Over Palestine Radio
At its last open meeting. Mrs.
orris Adler gave an informative
.1k on the life of the late Justice
TEL AVIV (JPS-Palcor)—The alterm...tive facing the Jewish people "is either the
: randeis.
soil of Palestine or the deeps of the sea." Samuel Dayan, colonization expert of Nahalal,
Ruth Friedland is chairman of declgred as he opened the Agricultural Conference of the Iiistadruth to consider the
he program committee.
current status of colonization and to plan for the expansion of agricultural production.
Chapter One was formed to pro-
Abraham Harzfeld, head of the colonization department of the Histadruth, stressed
de an outlet within the Zionist the development of the five wartime colonies—Ramath Hashofet, Avukah in the
• rganization for activities of the
Beisan Valley, Vale Taamra in the Valley of Jezreel. and Doroth and Gath in the
-ounger people of the community.
been offered for large-scale new colonization. Harz-
411 the young people of the coin- south. Surveying plans that have
. unity are invited to attend the feld declared that twice the
amounts now available would have • either with the forces or on the war multiplied, the Jewish ccmmu-
ext meeting.
to be forthcoming, trebling the farms, he declared.
nity of Palestine was called upon
number of settlements. There are
in an extraordinary message to
1.200 working families which are
volunteer its manpower for the
awaiting settlement on the land.
British forces to defend this sector
tribution of the Jewish National
ANKARA, (JTA)—Scores of Jews he pointed out.
of the democratic front.
Fund to the upbuilding of the Jew-
ere hauled off trains running on
One of those who addressed
Recognizing the hesitancy in
the Passover eve conference was
was opened here in the form et an some quarters because of the failure
week and placed under arrest
an army corporal, a veteran of
exhibition called "Redemption of of the British Government to create
or violating the recent decree that
the Land in Pictures and Figures " a Jewish Army of Palestine's man-
the kvutzah Kinneretb, who re-
orbids Jews to travel, it was
The exhibition coincides with the newer. the Executives of the Jew-
earned here. The arrests took ported that over 3,000 Histadruth
celebration of the 40th anniver- ish Agency and of the Vaad Leumi
settlers are at present serving in
•lace when the Bulgarian police
sar• of the Keren Kayerneth. joined in issuing a proclamation
the Army. He urged additional
uddenly halted several trains and
Placed in the Keren Kavemeth calling attention to the serious-
volunteers to come forward.
xamined the papers of all the
Yochiel Duvdevani, an officer of house here. the display contain ness of the military situation and
urging all married men between
Anti-Jewish activity in Bulgaria, the Nir Colonization Company of pictorial and statistical surveys of
the ages of 20 and 30 to enlist and
hich has been greatly intensified Givath HashlosIi, disclosed that Jewish National Fund activities
. aleo calling
upon at least a thou-
King Boris openly aligned during the period of the war Jew- since 1902.

; sand women to enlist at once in
:ulgaria with Hitler, continues ish labor's farming output had
the Women's Auxiliary Territorial
abated, reports from Sofia dis- trebled, although the number of PLEA TO YISHUV FOR
lose. An unnamed Jew has been settlers had not increased, owing SPEEDY ENLISTMENT
The special m'ssage of the Jew-
ted for employing a Bulgarian to army enlistments.
JERUSAI.F:1`.1 (JPS-Palcori — As
•ho was wearing the uniform of a throughout the Yishuv has a spe- rumors of an imminent crisis in . ish Agency and the Vaad Leumi
cial obligation at this time to serve I the Middle Eastern sector of the
(Continued on Page 13)
1. jor in the Labor Corps.

Palestine Conference Told There Is "Either
Soil of Palestine or Deep of Sea" for Jews


Radio Hour

A stirring message. emphasizing
:he importance of the Passover call
to freecicin. was sent to
of Detroit last week by U.Sthe
e s
Prentiss M. Brown.
Senator 13rown's message, sent
through Hyman Altman. director of
the Jewish Hour broadcast on Sta-
tion WJLB and read over the radio
last Sunday: states in part:
"In every part of the world where
freedom of .censcience and of •or-
, ship is alloWed; Jews are now en-
gaged in observing the festival of
Passover. the oldest religious festi-
val known to man. It marks the
deliverance ,of ancient Israel from
Egyptian bondage, that very old
order which in these days is being
:heralded by Hitler. Mussolini and
Hirohito as the new order fcr the
iworld which they hope to conquer.

Hitler Copies Pharaoh

"In synagogue services and home
observances. Jews have reiterated
the story so dramatically told in the
Book of Exodus, a story which
should be familiarly known to every
man. woman and child born into
civilization. Egypt, mighty and ar-
rogant, ruled by a Pharach who
lusted for ever-increasing power.
„ had cast the Children of Israel into
crushing slavery, the like of which
!was not known since his time but
now widely re-introduced in Europe
by Hitler and his satelites, with mil-
lions of Jews and non-Jews as
their hapless victims.
"The Passover. which for thou-
sands of years has instilled hope
and courage in the Jew. deserves
, fuller evaluation for the universally
significant event which. in very
truth, it commemorates. If there is

(Continued on Page 15)

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