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April 10, 1942 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1942-04-10

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A merica/I Avish Periodical &err

April 10, 1942


DETROIT JEWisti CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle

Matinee Performance
For Russian Relief

Folks Committee Confer-
ence at 10 A. M. Instead
Of Afternoon of April 12

As the Folks' Committee cam-
. paign for Russian War Relief
approaches its climax, attention
is focused on the forthcoming
benefit performance starring
Molly Picon, in person, with her
troupe of well known Yiddish
artists. The show, "What a Life,"
will take place at the Wilson
Theater, 350 Madison, on Sun-
day, April 19, at 2:15 and 8:30
p. m. Reserved seats can be had
at $.83, $1.10, $1.65 and $2.20
by calling Mr. Barnett, chair-
ma n of sales, Ty. 7-1827. Only
the afternoon's performance is
for the benefit of the Russian
War Relief.
In order that delegates might
be permitted to attend the Jew-
ish Community Council meeting
of Sunday afternoon, April 12,
the conference of the Folks
Committee for Russian War Re-
lief originally scheduled for that
time has been shifted to Sun-

day, 10 a. m., in the Butzel Hall
of the Jewish Community Cen-
ter. At that time contributions
and receipt booklets held by
delegates will be accepted and
checked. Ticket sales for the
Picon show will also be account-
ed, and more distributed to those
who desire them. Henry Abramo-
witz, chairman of the committee,
requested that all delegates and
interested he present at this im-
portant session.
In the last meeting of the ex-
ecutive committee, the necessity
of bringing the drive to a suc-
cessful early conclusion was
stressed so that there would be
no interference with the forth-
coming Allied Jewish Campaign.


Yoe will be glad to know that
the beauty editor of the Asso-
ciated Press has chosen Dinah
Shore, the Tennessee thrush, as
the Girl of the Month for April.
That Samuel Rosen who died
recently was one of the veteran
advertising men of the Jewish
Morning Journal staff, and not
the Samuel Rosen who is the
Yiddish publicity head of the
Jewish Army committee.


English, Citizenship, Yiddish,
nished room in small adult
family. Garage if desired. Rea-
Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah.
sonable. Near Dexter bus line.
Reading and writing guaran-
3336 Pasadena. TO. 6-4387.
teed. Free trial lesson. 2275
W. Philadelphia. Davison 9392
FOR RENT—Clean, nicely fur-
or Tyler 4-9522,
nished room in home of small
family near bus and car lines.
TO. 6-4439.
FOR SALE—Well established and
profitable L a dies Reducing Salon
located in downtown office build- FOR RENT — Beautifully fur-
nished room for lady or woman.
ing; excellent clientele. My ex-
Kitchen privileges. Good trans-
perienced and licensed opera-
tors will agree to remain for
portation. Reasonable to right
party. 2952 Elmhurst. Upper.
new owner. If you are looking
TOwnsend 6-8196.
for a well paying business, in-
vestigate this. I must sacrifice
it. For complete details call FOR RENT — Nicely furnished
room for gentleman in home of
ARlington 6642, between 2 and
6 p. m.
small family. Garage optional.
Near Fourteenth car and Dex-
ter bus. 3316 W. Grand Ave.
North of Curtis; price reduced
$1,000.03 account of son in FOR RENT—Clean, nicely fur-
army; 4 bedrooms, tile bath,
nished room for gentleman in
stall shower, vanity, air condi-
private home. With or without
tion insulated, first floor lava-
board. All conveniences, shower,
tory, venetian blinds, recreation
private telephone. Good trans-
room, ,10 ft. lot, farm cololial.
potation. 14th coach or Trum-
Mr. Hannifan, UN. 2-2104.
bull car line. 2210 Pingree Ave.
Apt. 311. TYler 4-3752.
front property on Cass Lake. FOR RENT — Couple will rent
Furnished modern 11 rooms.
singly or together -two lovely
8 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. In-
newly decorated rooms — one
spection by appointment. 2 boats
furnished — one unfurnished.
included. DA, 1570.
Kitchen privileges, complete run
REFINED BUSINESS WOMAN of home. 2467 Gladstone. TY-
let' 4-7433.
would like to make the ac-
quaintance of refined gentleman.
References exchanged. Call Ty- FOR RENT — Room and board.
Excellent meals. Comfortable
ler 6-3083, Mrs. Lewis.
room. Good transportation.
Pleasant environment, 2074
WANTED—A-1 bookkeeper. Take
Taylor Ave. TY. 5-8766.
charge of office. Good salary.
Steady work, Kaplan and Stern
Plumbing and Heating. Co. FOR RENT — Large, beautiful,
furnished room for gentleman,
LA. 6626.
in home of couple. Good trans-
WANTED — Middle-aged house-
portation. 1618 Glynn Court.
keeper or cook. For motherless
TOwnsend 6-1134.
home with adult family. $60 a
month. Call after 11 a. m. FOR RENT—Clean, bright room
in home of small family. 4249
TO. 5-7124.
Waverly near Petoskey. One
WANTED — Housekeeper who
block south of Davison. Good
.v.shes a good home. Father
transportation. DAvison 9745.
and son, 17, in the family. Call
RENT — Clean, attractive,
Saturday or Sunday, 3342 Cort-
airy room in quiet, congenial,
land Ave., lower. TO. 8-4726.
private home for young man
W ANTED — Jewish housekeeper
or woman, two gentlemen, or
for orthodox home. NOrthlawn
couple. All home comforts and
0 581.
conviences. Good transportation.
3791 Carter. Ave. TYler 7-4137.
W ANTED—Refined, reliable home
for two children. Boy, 8; Girl FOR RENT—Comfortable mom.
31 ..! years old. TO. 8-8311.
Private home. Convenient trans-
portation. Good neighborhood.
ANTED—Business girl to share
2046 Collingwood Ave. TOwn-
comfortable upper income. N.W.
send 6-0860.
'section. Home privileges. Refer-
ences exchanged, TO. 7-7283.
FOR RENT — Beautifully fur-
nished room for employed
FOR RENT — Beautifully fur-
couple or gentlemen, in home
nished room, or will share
of small family. Near bus and
apartment, with one or two per-
car lines. Reasonable. Garage
sons. Small adult family. Un-
if desired. 2682 Richton. TOwn-
limited phone service, home
send 7-7315.
privileges. Board if desired.
Good transportation. Chicago WANTED—Housekeeper for two
Blvd. TYler 5-2289, evenings.
adults in three room apart-
ment. Home evenings. Refer-
FOR RENT — Nice, large fur-
ences. Call Tyler 5-0748.
nished room with private porch
in home of couple. Unlimited FOR RENT — Room in private
telephone. Good transportation.
home for gentleman. Refer-
2481 Calvert Ave. TOwnsend
ences. Good transportation. Call
TO. 5-6638. 2724 Glendale.


RUSSELL WOODS — 4077 LESLIE, near Petoskey


Open Sunday from 12 fo 6 or by Appointment

Nutrition Classes

At Public Library

The Public Library has sched-
uled three new nutrition classes
for homemakers. Each course
will consist of from four to six
weekly meetings and will lie
open without charge to anyone
interested. Opening dates . and the
places where the classes will
be held are given below.
Monday, April 13, 1 :15 p. m.,
in the Main Library Auditorium,
Woodward and Kirby ; instructor,
Miss Marion Kelly of the dietary
department of harper Hospital.
Wednesday, April 15, 1:15
p. m., in the Main Library Au-
ditorium; instructor, Miss Doro-
thhy Hacker, nutritionist for the
Visiting Nurses' Association,
Thursday, April 16, 1 :30 p.m.,
at the Duffield Branch Library,
2507 W. Grand Boulevard ; in-
structor, Mrs. George Sands.
These classes are a part of
the national nutrition program,
administered by the Nutrition
Division of the Office of - Defense
Health and Welfare Services of
Federal Security Agencies. The
local sponsor is the Wayne
County Nutrition Committee, of
which Miss Leila McGuire is

Hebrew Ladies' Aid
Annual Dinner Is
Scheduled for April 26

The annual dinner of the He-
brew Ladies' Aid Society is
scheduled for Sunday evening,
April 26, 'in the banquet hall of
Bnai Moshe. A full course
chicken dinner will be served
at it nominal price. There will
be cards and mah jong follow-
ing the dinner. Reservations can
be made by calling Mrs. Louis
Kepes, To. 7-5971, or Mrs. E.
Ehrenwald, Ty, 6-0282.
Another evening meeting for
the members and their husbands,
together with their friends, will
be held Tuesday evening, April
21, at the Dexter-Lawrence Hall.
By courtesy of Pfeiffer Brewing
Co., Bob Hall will be a guest
at this meeting. Refreshments
will conclude the evening.
Inasmuch as there are a num-
ber of matters of importance to
be considered at the next busi-
ness meeting on Wednesday
afternoon, April 15, the presi-
dent, Mrs. Paul R. Freeman,
urges all of the members to

Council of Jewish Women
Elects Its Officers

To fill Board of Directors' of-
fices for the coming year, an
election was held at the regu-
lar monthly meeting of the De-
troit section, National Council of
Jewish Women on Monday, last,
Mrs. Manuel E. Arden, Mrs.
Clement A. Hopp and Mrs. Sid-
ney Weisman were re-elected to
the Board of Directors for a
second term. The following were
elected to the Board of Directors
for a first term: Mesdames Leo
.1. Croll, Seymour Frank, Law-
rence Freedman, Samuel Hart-
man, Ben Jaffe, Herman Lewis,
Gilbert Michel, Max Osnos,
Ralph Shroder, Henry Van Baa-
len and Miss Sadie Hirschman.

"My Sister Eileen" at

"My Sister Eileen," the up-
roarious laugh comedy which en-
ters into its fourth week in De-
troit at the Shubert-Lafayette
Theater next Sunday night, is
proving one of the most popular
theatrical attractions that has
conic to the city in a long while.
Incidentally, there is more
than passing interest locally in
the fact that Robert Bernard is
a member of this company. His
mother lives with his sister on
Webb Ave., while a brother lives
on Richton ; still other relatives
live on Collingwood Ave. The
Bernards came to Detroit from
Baltimore back in 1922, but
Robert remained in the East to
pursue a stage career.

Washington is beginning to
appreciate the need for a George
Creel in this war, and among
the people who are being given
a serious consideration for the
job is news columnist Walter
Lippman—who, we submit, would
be an excellent choice as head-
man of all official wartime infor-
mation . . . Henri Torres, the
French Jewish lawyer who had
to get out of his country in a
hurry when the Nazis came, be-
cause of the brilliant defense
he had put up in the famous
Herschel Grynszpan trial, is
writing a new book, with Hit-
ler's Darlan as the villyan . .

Sacrifices Position to
Join Armed Forces

The honor roll of Jewish men
in the service was increased this
week with the voluntary enlist-
ment of Raymond Winterfield, a
prominent Detroit business exec-
M r. Winter-
field has been
s . associated
t h e Three Sis-
ter s organiza-
tion as mirchan-
disc and sales
manager for
their midwest
stores and re-
signed this lu-
crative post in
order that 1w
may do 'his bit'
for the war ef-
Mr. Winterfield fort,
Before joing the Army he was
an indefatigable worker for the
volunteer defense at Harper
Hospital and "I'll Do My Best"
Committee, Aged 44, married,
and the father of two children,
Mr. Winterfield, in choosing to
enlist, stated, "I am conscious
of my duty to my country. All
Jews should be ready to defend
and cherish the principles of
justice and independence with
which we are blessed in this
great land."
For the next 30 days Mr. Win-
terfield will be stationed at the
officers training camp at Fort
Meade, Md. After receiving his
commission he will be transferred
to some other post.
The Winterfield home is at
2753 Burlingame, where Mrs.
Winterfield and their two sons,
Burt and Peter, are rather proud
of their "daddy".


The United Hebrew Schools
gratefully acknowledge the re-
ceipt of one-half scholarship to
the Scholarship Fund, from Mr.
and Mrs. Sol Gura of Monterey
Ave., in honor of the Bar Mitz-
vah of their son, Leon.





owners very definitely now be-
long to the Independent class. Firm
rents—no vacancies. No worries.
;let the Pacts ek figures front Mr.

GRAND MI ER $5,000 down. 10
itit y 4
room apts. plus 4
stores, always rented wall ing
Sold 1 , 11,0 $90,000. Estate close out
only $25,000. NO more like this.

15% 0011'N — Small 4 t % terms.
Vine property Ouster Linwood. All
new ref ri g cl nvps tankless water
heater roof fireproof lockers. Save
$20,000 below building costs.

VOU CAN BUY for $50,000 (re-
placement cost $2011,000) lin e Co re.
conditioned. Terms 15% down 4%%
— 15 yr lutulls.

ellie.160 BLVD. A beauty like
new. Earns 12 net on foreclosed
half price. Terms $25,000.



new cost 1145,1 5 10 to build. Nets
15% on our price 195,000. Terms

111G111,ANG PARR • — Fireproof

1 . 011orefo floors. Our former $125,000
listing. Need money interlace only
$511,000 terms half cash.

PARE $11,0110—cost $150,000. Ex-
clusive location. Modern liropertY•
Need $35,000 cash to deed and mtg.


5S Years' Dependable Service

Dime 11111g.

Ca. 0321


Fine Watch Repairing. One Year
Written Guarantee


l'hone anytime—we pick up & deliver
3787 Atkinson, Upstairs—Ty. 7.8635

Rev. Cantor

Silverman .

25 Tenn'
Recommended b
Pnyelcians an


TY. 4.0062



In loving memory of my dar-

ling angel mother, Millie C. Berg,
who passed away April 15, 1934.

The Well Known Rev.

Hyman Schulsinger

Ws lonely Ilene without you dear,
I miss
t1 film',!
And life has never been the same
Slurp You were called away.

of Cong.
Beth Tefilo
capable and


Her loving son, Harold.



Services In Eng-
lish end Yiddish

The relatives and friends of
the late Samuel August wish to
express their appreciation for
the many kind expressions of
sympathy extended to them in
their bereavement.


Funeral services for Moses
Fivenson, 86, 514 North Jeffer-
son St., who (lied Wednesday at
the Brown Nursing Home, were
held late Wednesday afternoon
at the Vallender Funeral Home.
Rabbi Mendal Glancz and Rabbi
Leon W. Rosenberg officiated.
Mr. Fivenson, who was born in
Russia, made his home here for
43 years. He is survived by his
widow, Tillie ; one (laughter, Mrs.
Kemmel Patterson of New Jer-
sey; four sons, Oscar of Cadillac,
Arthur of Alpena, Fives of Tra-
verse City, and Dave of Port-
land, Ore.; three sisters, Mrs.
Leah Goldberg of Flint, Mrs.
Dora Goldberg and Mrs. Fannie
Lutren of Bay City. Burial was
in the Temple, of Abraham cein-

of 11187 Roxbury Ave., 31 years
old, a member of the bar, passed
away after a three months' ill-
ness, on April 6. Funeral services
were held Tuesday, April 7. Ho
is survived by his wife, Sophie;
a son, Stewart Allen; his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ulan-
off, and five sisters, Mollie and
Sarah Ulanoff, Mrs. Ray Lieber-
man, Mrs. Harry Komer and
Mrs. Sol Golden. Mr. Ulanoff had
been treasurer of the East Side
Lodge of Bnai Brith.

Judges seem to be performing
a lot of marriages these days,
what with the non-church nup-
tials of Ensign Robert W. Sar-
noff, son of RCA's David Sar-
noff, and the former Esme
O'Brien, and the civil marriage
of foreign correspondent Quen-
tin Reynolds to Virginia Pine,
who used to be Mrs. Edward
Lehmann of Chicago . .



1934 Hazelwood

TLIer 6.6960

Rev. S. MOGI!"


TOwnsend 9-0344


Marriages Performed

Rev. Cantor

Detroit's Favorite
Al 0 II 13 I.
TYler 0-0490
IVedding Ceremo-
nies Performed al
Home and by Ap-


Garbage, Mb and Rubbish.
Reinforced Concrete. Fully
Guaranteed. Priced


579 Kenilworth

To. 8.5889


Manuel Urbacb


and Marble Monnments


TYler 0-7192

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