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April 10, 1942 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1942-04-10

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle

Pythian Sisters To
Fete 15th Anniversary

The Pythian Sisters, Greater
Detroit Temple No. 152, are
celebrating their 15th anniver-
sary on Monday, April 13, at 8
p. m., at Castle Hall, Erskine
and John R.

The grand chief of Michigan,
Hazel Lawler, will be the guest
of honor and all Pythian Sisters
are invited to attend and ex-
tend a hearty welcome to our
grand chief.
Banquet May 3
A Mothers and Daughters ban-
quet will be given at the Wil-
shire Hotel on May 3.



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Mt. Sinai Women
Maintain Canteen in
Federal Building

Mrs. Charles Gitlin and
Aides Serve Food, Coffee
To Navy Recruits

Since the surprise attack on
Pearl Harbor, Mrs. Charles Git-
lin has created, maintained and
supervised a canteen for the
Navy Recruiting Station on the
third floor of the Federal Bldg.,
which is under the direction of
Commander Carson R. Miller.
This recruiting station is one of
the most active in the country
and has a service canteen for
the benefit of recruits maintained
by the women of the Mt. Sinai
Hospital Association, with food
and coffee donated by several
Detroit merchants. Recently a
new electric refrigerator was
donated to the cause by a pa-
triotic appliance dealer.
One of the most unusual fea-
tures of this canteen, Mrs. Git-
lin pointed out, was the serving
of matzos and eggs, traditional
Passover and Easter foods, to
both Jews and Gentiles.
Every day except Saturday the
women of the Mt. Sinai Hospi-
tal Association are on duty to
take care of the recruits. On
Saturday a staff conosisting of
employees of Cunningham Drug
Stores under the guidance of
Mrs. Maddox are on duty. All
branches of the service, Army,
Navy and Coast Guard, are of-
fered the use of the canteen.
Mrs. Gitljn gratefully appre-
ciates the loyalty of the women
who staff the canteen daily,
among whom are the following:
Mesdames Jacob Cohen, Dan-
iel Greenblatt, David Garfield,
Raymond Steinberg, Benjamin

April 10, 1941

Ben Zion Witler Star at
Littman's for April 10-12

The final performance of the
season will be given at Littman's
People's Theater on Friday eve-
ning and Sunday matinee and
evening, April 10 and 12. The
attraction for these dates will
be the famous European star,
Ben Zion Witler, who will star
in his own production, the ro-
mantical musical hit, "His Great-
est Love". Immediately follow•
ing the last performance, the
talented star will leave for
Hollywood where he will be fea-
tured in a new refugee motion
The occasion will also mark
the final performance of the sea-
son for such stars as Lily Lili-
ana, Leon Leibgold, Abe Lax,
Ethel Dorf, Mischa Fishzon and
others of the Littman company
who have delighted Detroit audi-
ences all season.


Saturday, April 11, marks the
next important day for the mem-
bers of XI Chapter of Kapp
Sigma Tau Sorority. They are
giving a bridge-luncheon in the
'Power Room of the Women's
Guild in the Metropolitan Bldg.
Luncheon will be served at 1
p. 01. and there also will be en-
tertainment and prizes.
A hike is also scheduled for
Sunday of that week, which the
members hope will be the first
of many such affairs during the
ensuing season.

Tower, Samuel Atlas, Charles
Rosenbaum, M orris Soloman ,
Wallace Newton,, Max Rosen-
baum, Henry Wagner, John
Isaacs, Betty Reis, Mildred Yar-
rows, Eleanor King, Merry Fen-
ton, David Saffir, Mrs. Sally
Fields and Miss Jean Tower

Trees Planted in
Palestine Forests

The Jewish National Fund
Council of Detroit announces the
planting of trees in Palestine
forests as follows:
Butzel Forest : One tree in
memory of Mrs. F. Bronson, b y
Boesky Family Club ; two trees
in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of
Leonard Nathaniel Servetter, by
parents; one tree in memory o f
Sam August, by Dr. and Mrs.
L. Goldberg; one tree in mem-
ory of David King, by M r. and
Mrs. M. Davis.
Ehrlich Forest : One tree in
memory of Sam August, by Mr.
and l‘Irs. Aaron Green and fam-
ily; two trees in memory of Ja-
cob Solomon, by Myron, Mildred
and Joann Steinberg,

Truly Patriotic Gesture

A truly patriotic gesture on
the part of Miami Beach hotel-
men was revealed recently.
Nat Ehrlich, manager, and
Mrs. Charles Ratner, owner of
the Clevelander Hotel, an.
nounced that 20 per cent of the
guest capacity of the hotel
would be set aside to acommo-
date free of charge parents of
men in service stationed in Mi-
ami Beach. That is, of course,
unless the army leases the hotel
in its projected air corps expan-
sion program. The accommoda-
tions to parents would be limited
to one week so that as many
families as possible would be
able to take advantage of the
No doubt many parents of
service men would like to take
advantage of this invitation.
Many conceivably could not af-
ford to visit there otherwise.


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Mt WWII( MINFIS CS. 1011111

'lie spirit of Passover is vividly linked with the
resent struggle for liberty and the fight against
islavement. The remembrance of our victory
or the oppressors of ancient days through the
,0dus from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the
romised Land of Palestine is not only a source
hope in the world crisis of today but must in-
lire all of us to work for victory in the survival
f the Jewish people from the heels of their op-
ressors and the freedom for which all Ameri-
Ins are striving. American Jewry has enlisted
a nationwide effort to rescue large numbers of

Jews on three fronts of constructive action. It is
manning those fronts through the United Jewish
Appeal for Refugees, Overseas Needs and Pales.
tine which raises the funds for the Joint Distri•
but ion Committee, United Palestine Appeal and
National Refugee Service. In observing Passover
we must give concrete assurance to the suffering
Jews in countries throughout the world, to tho
Jewish pioneers in Palestine and to the refugees
in the United States, that they will share in the
ultimate victory of all freedom-loving peoples.

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