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April 10, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1942-04-10

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A merica yewish Periodical Carter


Detroit Jewish Chronicle

VOL. 44, NO. 15

and The Legal Chronicle
10. 1942


Dr. Barnett R. Brickner Guest
Speaker At Community Council
Dinner At Temple Beth El April 12

Beth El Sisterhood
To Hear Russell
Barnes on April 14

Pioneer Women's Org.
Observed International
Women's Day, April 4

Joseph E. Davies and Gov. Lehman
Send Heartening Messages to
Allied Campaign Chairmen

"Defense—Things We Do Not
Know" will be the general sub-

Rabbi Adler to Open Institute with Address on
ject of the meeting of the Sis-
"The Community Council Idea"; Four Round Table terhood of Temple Beth El, Tues-
day, April 14 at 2 p. m. in the
Discussions To Cover Whole Question
Brown Memorial Chapel of the
Temple, Woodward at Gladstone.
Dr. Barnett R. Brickner, Rabbi of Euclid Avenue
Russell Barnes, foreign af-
Temple in Cleveland, and one of the foremost leaders fairs editor of the Detroit News,
in this country, will be the principal speaker at the hits just returned from England
dinner which will form part of the Fifth Anniversary and will speak on "What I
e w ill
Institute of Detroit's Jewish Community Council on the Learned in London." loom s

10c Single Copy: $3.00 Per Yes

Telegram to Fred M. Butzel Characterizes Wartime
Programs of J. D. C. National Refugees Services
and U. P. A. as "Splendid and Highly Efficient"

Fred M. Butzel, chairman of the 1942 Allied Jew-
ish Campaign, has received a message from Hon. Joseph
E . Davies ' chairman of the President's Committee on
War Relief Agencies, and former United States Ambas-
sador to Soviet
the Russia, UnitedAppeal for

gees, Overseas Needs and Pales-
masks and other interesting
gas masks
tine would meet with a. Success-
Brickner's subject will be "The
souvenirs he brought with him.
ful response from the Jewish
Community Council in Action".
Hugh J. Sheean of the Wayne
communities t h r o u g h o u t the
Dr. Brickner, noted writer, ors-
County Council of Defense w ill
tor, and fearless liberal leader,
speak on "Defense in the Home'
In his telegram to Mr. Butzel
will he introduced by Fred M.
a subject he is particularly well
as loud campaign chairman, Mr.
who will act as toast-
fitted to discuss.
Davies characterized the wartime
master at the dinner.
The date of this meeting has
programs of the Joint Distribu-
The afternoon program of the
been changed from that origin_
Committee, the United Pal-
Institute will open with a key
ally set in order that the Sister-
estine Appeal and the National
note address by Rabbi Morris
hood might have these two un-
Refugee Service as "splendid,
Adler, Associate Rabbi of Con-
usually interesting speakers.
highly efficient and fine work."
gregation Shaarey Zedek, on the
A complimentary dessert lunch-
subject, "The Community Court-
Mr. Davies' statement was
eon will precede the meeting
cil Idea". Registration for the
made public as Detroit takes its
which is for Sisterhood members
Institute will begin at 1:30 p.
place along with 1275 other cities
i atoughout the United States in
111., and Rabbi Adler's address
will be delivered at 2 n. in.
a spring campaign ( 1 ) to pro-
vide immediate relief assistance
Four round table discussions
A. C. Lappin Named
to Jews in many European lands
will be featured during the after-
including 150,000 Jews in France
noon. At 2 :30, two round table
and 600,000 Polish refugees who
discussions will be devoted to
are now destitute in Russia and
"Community Relations and Anti-
A. C. Lappin has been in-
to aid Jewish refugees in South
Defamation", and "Internal Jew-
vited by The War Labor Board
America ; (2 ) to speed assistance
ish Community Relations". The
for the upbuilding and defense
discussants in the first of these
Service to come to Washington
of the Jewish National Home in
will be James I. Ellmann, Rabbi
to confer with reference to the
Palestine which is now holding
Leon Fram, Isaac Franck, Sam-
eg of service
possibility of being
a crucial sector in the
ucl Lieberman, Nathan Milstein
as an arbitrator in industrial GOV. HERBERT H. LEHMAN Eastern defenses of the Middle l
and Philip Slomovitz. In the DR.
-- labor disputes. Mr. Lappin just —
Nations and ( 3) to help large
other round table, Joseph Bern-
returned from Washington after
numbers of the 200,000 refugees
stein, Gerson B. Chertoff, Mrs,
accepting an appointment as see -
who • have found a haven in the
Max Frank,-Judge Charles Ru-
cial arbitrator from Dr. John
' --
United States to do their part
biner, Ben Wilk and Rabbi M.
R. Steelman, director of con-
on the production front for de-
J. Wohlgelernter will be the ilk-
ciliation, with Detroit as head-
inocrac y.
Pelley Arrested On
quarters. He has already been
a message to Detroit Jew-
Two other round tables will
assigned several cases and more
Sedition Charge; Would ish In leaders,
Gov. Herbert H. Leh-
Spies, Saboteurs and the will soon follow.
be held at 3:45 p. m. One will
Segregate Jews
man of New York, declared that
be devoted to 'Discrimination in
Mr. Lappin was until recently
the rescue and reconstruction
Employment", and will have as
a member of the Michigan Labor
INDIANAPOLIS. ( W N S) -- activities supported by the Uni-
discussants Aaron Droock, Charles
"Spies, Saboteurs and the Mediation Board and has been ac a _ William Dudley Pelley, anti-
Feinberg, Myron Keys, M. Wil- FBI" will be the subject of a strong advocate of voluntary in- Semitic chieftain of the Silver red Jewish Appeal constitute "it
liam Weinberg and Harry Yud- talk by John S. Bugas on Tues- bitration in commercial and in direct service to the cause of de-
Shirts and leader of other pro- moc•acy here in America and
koff. The other round table will day evening, April 21, before dustrial disputes for many years. Nazi
movements, disclosed that everywhere else in the world."
treat the subject of "Coordina- the Men's Club of Temple Beth
he has a plan for the Jews of Governor Lehman stressed the
tion of Educational and Cultural El. Mr. Bugas is the special
the U. S., following his arrest fact that a democratic system in
Activities". The discussants will agent in charge of the Detroit
by Department of Justice agents this country cannot be main-
he S. Bercovitch, Lawrence W. area of the Department of Jus-
on charges of sedition.
twined unless the spirit of de-
Crohn, Maurice A. Glasier, Ber- tice, Federal Bureau of Investi-
Pelley, who was arrested by mocracy is kept alive everywhere
nard Isaacs, Dr. S. Kleinman and
FBI agents at the Darien, Conn., else in the world.
Aaron Rosenberg.

r, and
A question-and-answer period
me of George B. Fishes
Business Meetings
He pointed out that the Jew-
l backer,
of his financial
At 5 p. m. the regular guar- will follow Mr. Bugas' talk.
brought to the Marion County ish lives saved from Fascism
terly business meeting of the
jail here, told reporters that, in through American - Jewish help
Community Council delegates will Mr. Bugas has led a varied rind
contrast to Hitler he "absolutely represented victories over the
convene, and this will be fol- interesting career. He was born
and definitely would not" treat Axis powers.
lowed by a general discussion in Rock Springs, Wy., on April
"We have had our victories too
the "Jewish problem" in this
session on the subject, "What 26, i908. He attended the Up i-
country as was done in Germany. in the Jewish lives we have saved
W e Expect of the Jewish Com- versify of Wyoming at Laramie,
Rose Cooper and Lare
"The happier solution," Pelley from Fascism," Governor Leh-
munity Council". Criticism, eval- obtaining a law degree therefrom
said, "would be to have one city man said. "Besid"s the 200,000
Wardrop Will be the
nations and suggestions will be in 1934 and graduating with
in each State for Jews. Let them refugees in the United States,
welcomed at this session. Dele- hop ors. During his undergradu-
Soloists at Concert
live there and run it and have there are 300,000 more who have
zales and the community at ate days, he played on the West-
With a unique program, de- their own culture." The would- reached Palestine, where they
in rge are invited to attend both tern Collegiate championship bas-
of be American "fuehrer" did not have become valuable aides in
th e afternoon sessions and the ketball team of the University voted entirely to the works
living Jewish composers, the explain how his plan for Jewish that nation's drive to arm and
of Wyoming.
Mr. Bugas was admitted to Michigan WJA Symphony Or-
The dinner, at which a kosher
See DAVIES—Page 12
See GHETTOS—Page 9
See BUGAS—Page 12

Ghettos for Jews
Advoea. ted lit li.e

Beth El Group
TO. Hear Bogus

Works of Jewish
Composers On
en ter p rogram

See BRICKNER—Page 10

Philip Adler To Address
Temple Israel Sisterhood

Demand Social Justice
Be Barred From Mails

WASHINGTON. I WNS ) — A and to the Justice Department.
The petition charged that So-
1 movement to bar Father Cough-
lin's newspaper. Social Justice, cial Justice violates the Penal
from the United States mails on L aw statutes of almost every
the ground that it "utters, pub- state in the Union, making it a
lishes, disseminates and counsels crime to incite a riot, and ad-
treason to the United States," vising, counselling, urging vio-
with the pies- lence and injury to person and
was launched herewith
entation of a petition, signed by property; that . . . it fosters,
10,000 persons, including a large promotes, encourages and advo-
number of Catholics, to Post- cates race hatred, sets class
master General Walker,. urging against class, race against race,
offending pub- creed against creed and derides,
him to remove the offend
combats, opposes and ridicules
lication from the mails.
Mr. Adler has met and inter-
The petition, signed by the the efforts of the United States
his viewed among many others such
sia. in 1591, and received
executive officers of the Ameri- Government, its Allies and its
In 1907, Philip
Adler personalities as Mussolini, the chestra will present the fourth can Protestant Defense League officials to prosecute the war and
Rev. Thomas E. Little, the to bring about a successful ter-
came to America. He attended present
of the Jewish Common-
sent ruler of Manchukuo, the concert
i . y Center
spring series, oil t Rev. Archibald F. Fulton, the urination of the war."
and graduated from the Univer- Premiers of China and Japan, t
At the same time, the Catholic
sitY of Wisconsin, majoring in the Dukes of Austria and Italy, Tuesday evening,
Rev. Fred J. Peters, the Rev.

Philip Adler, staff correspond- guages and has written a i•ticles
ent for the Detroit News, will on various subjects. Ile has
the guest
at Temple
the next traveled extensively. In 1934 he
of the
a trip around the
Israel Sisterhood on Monday af- was sent on
ternoon, April 13, at the Jewish world by the Detroit News and
spent some time in China and
Community Center.
Philip Adler has had a very Japan. In 19:17 he went to Eu-
colorful and eventful life as a rope and made trips into Russia,
Siberia. Italy and Germany. He
•orld war veteran newspaper -
England in September,
col respondent, traveler and lee- was in
the present war broke

philosophy. He then worked as and Albert Einstein. His. topic 8:30, at the Center, Woodward
at Holbrook. Under the baton of
a reporter and correspondent en will be "The World Today."
Valter Poole, the orchestra will
Mrs. Bayne Levin,
various newspapers in the court-
preside. of feature two soloists, Rose Coop-
will president
try and in December, 1922, the
Rabbi Leon Fram will introduce er, soprano, and Lare Wardrop,
joined the staff of the Detroit
speaker. A social hour will
See COMPOSERS — Page 10
Mr. Adler speaks many Ian- follow.

John Reeves, the Rev. John J.
Pelley, was presented to the Post
Office Department by Joseph
Goldstein, former New York
City magistrate. Copies were de-
livered also to the White House

Archdiocese of Detroit formally
disavowed any connection with
the radio priest's subversive pub-
lication and stressed that it as-


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