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December 05, 1958 • Page Image 21

…Prof. Yale's UM-Published 'Near East' Full of Misstatements and Innuendoes \ /- "The Near East," by Prof. his conclusions were bases for and humanitaranism. Prof. Yale William Yale, of Boston Univer- many experiments that were ap- doesn't miss the chance to men- sity is heralded by the pub- plied not only in Palestine but tion this lone group of which it lishers, University of Michigan in other areas, including the has been said that it is n...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 22

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Fr i day, December 5, 1958-22 Urge Social Work by Draft-Exempt Women JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The left-wing parties in the Ben- Gurion coalition Government: have renewed their clamor for social service in immigrant settlements for young women exempted from military ser- vice on religious grounds, it was learned here. No decision has yet been taken by the Cab- inet. The social service as an al- ternative for military duty w...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 23

…`The Anglo-Saxons,' Novel About J Bar-Ilan IJ"; Initiates Laity Lecture Series Israel's War of Independence Lestern Gorn is highly qual- ified to narrate the story of Is- rael's War of Liberation. He was the only American com- manding officer of the Israel ground forces. He fought in the Negev and directed Israel's quickly-mobilized forces in some of the most dangerous spots in the land. In the final objective of Is- rael's southern drive, du...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 5, 1958-24 Dr. Israel H. Levinthal's `Point of View' within ivory towers but to util- ize their endowments for his- torical research. * * Rabbi Levinthal approaches Reconstructionist Judaism "with a great deal of diffidence." Granting that this movement has had an influence on the other three groups, and that Reconstructionist a i m s have been noble, he declares that "a religion cannot be influential...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 25

…Women's elith activities PURITY CHAPTER, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold an executive meeting at 7:30 p.m., Monday, in the home of Maida Krause, 18442 Lauder. Plans for a luncheon Feb. 2, at the East- ern Star Temple, 80 W. Alexan- drine, will be discussed. * * * EZRA AID TO ISRAEL will hold its annual donor luncheon at 12 noon, Monday, in the May- fair Room, according to Rose Sharkey, chairman. Proceeds will go to the Pioneer Women's Mo...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 26

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 5, 1958-26 Bar Mitzvahs AZA-BBG Area Confab in Detroit, Dec. 25-29 Betrothal Revealed at Cocktail Party AZA-BBG Michigan regional convention in Detroit, Dec. 25 to 29 will highlight athletics for the first time in four years. In addition to the AZA and. BBG bowling tourney, AZAs will participate in a basketball tour- nament, while the BBGs play vollyball at the Mumford gym. All athletics will be on ...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 27

…activities in Society Mr. Jacob Flincher, a Detroiter until moving to Los Angeles, 10 years ago, will be in Detroit through Monday, before leaving for Israel to take up permanent residence. Friends interested in contacting Mr. Flinker should call the Yeshivath Beth Yehudah, WE 1-0203. Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Stark, of 19169 Irene, on Monday celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a family dinner party at the home of their children. Mrs....…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 28

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Fr iday, December 5, 1958-2 8 News Brevities EMANUEL FINEBERG and DAVID ZEFF recently received Scout Leader training awards at the annual dinner meeting of District 11, Boy Scouts of Amer- ica. Leland S. Smith, newly- installed District chairman, pre- sented the awards to Fineberg and Zeff for having received training and experience as Scout leaders. * * * I. F. STONE, 30-year news- paper veteran who had been covering...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 29

…Roe lin-Zane Plan Dec.21 Nuptials MISS AUDREY ROCKLIN At a cocktail party held re- cently in their home, Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rocklin, of Ohio Ave., announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Audrey Sharon, to Alan Irving Zane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Zane, of Hubbell Ave. Mr. Zane is a junior at Wayne State University college of med- icine, and is affiliated with Phi Delta Epsilon fraternity. A Dec. 21 wedding has been planned. ...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 5, 1958-30 Lipkin, Olefsky to Give Recital Pianist Seymour Lipkin and cellist Paul Olefsky will be heard in joint recital at the Ma- sonic Temple Scottish Rite Ca- thedral, at 8:30 p.m., Dec. 17. Olefsky has been acclaimed nationally for his virtuoso cello playing and took the 1953 Mi- chaels Music Award from the now renowned Van Cliburn. Olefsky is cellist with the De- troit Symphony Orchestra and ha...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 31

…Afteffin-Nemer Plan CBS to Televise One-Hour Tribute March 8 Wedding to American Jew MISS GAIL STEFFIN Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steffin, of Robson Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Gail Toby, to Basil B. Nemer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nemer, also of Robson Ave. Miss Steffin attended the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, and is presently a student at Great Lakes College. Mr. Nemer is a graduate of the University of Michigan college of a...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 32

…ISH NEWS—Friday, December 5, 1958-32 THE DETROIT Lion Stars to Spark Skit to Feature SZ Men's Sports Night Sisterhood Event Three of the top stars of the mw; Detroit Lions football team will entertain members and their children at the annual sports night program of the Shaarey Zedek Men's Club. The buffet dinner program, to be held at 6:30 p.m., Wednes- day, in the Shaarey Zedek social hall, will highlight the appear- ance of quar- terback ...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 33

…"Once Upon a Lifetime" by Dr. Sylvan D. Schwartzman, pro- fessor of Jewish religious edu- cation at Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion, published by the Union of American He- brew Congre- gations, offers a birdseye view of young Jewry's reli- gious activ- ities. Actually, it is a resume of a youth's lifetime. Schwartzman It begins with a voyage—the arrival of the Jew for a trip and then the tour itself. And then come the Bar Mi...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 34

…er 00 L'") $250,000 in U.S. Funds to Aid Israel Farmers Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News THE DETH4 HT JE W ISH NEW S r-I JERUSALEM — The United States will allocate nearly $250,000 from counterpart funds here for basic research in the fields of agricultural production and marketing, H. Marston, head of the -U.S. De- partment of Agriculture survey team disclosed here. The counterpart funds were received from the sale of America...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 35

…Baritone Thrills Met's Audiences; Started as Cantor in Synagogue By DAVID HOROWITZ says Lawson, "and the greatest villain produced in recent years George L o n d o n, originally is a young, handsome Canadian Burnstein, is considered by crit- with the build of a pole vaulter ics to be "the greatest baritone and a voice touched with the of our time." magic of a Caruso or Chaliapin. When the Metropolitan Opera Some have said that London 'came o...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 36

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S—Friday, December 5, 1958-36 New Street in Ashdod Named for Bnai Brith Protection Against ASHDOD—An avenue named The new s t r e e t, officially Bnai Brith leads to this ancient opened last week and named in Biblical site soon to be a thriv- honor of the world-wide organi- ing modern-day metropolis. zation, is the main gateway to what will be a major Mediterra- nean seaport on Israel's coast. The Bnai Brith name was s...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 37

…NEW YORK. (JTA) — A col- orful report on the life of Jews in Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan, Australia and Iran was presented at a press con- ference by Moses A. Leavitt, executive vice chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee, following his return f r om a four-month survey of Jewish and refugee problems. Leavitt emphasized that Jews in Southeast Asia are scattered in small groups of 50 to 150 per- sons. He reported that in Tokyo...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 38

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 5, 1958-38 • Holiday Best Wishes NATIONAL COAL & COKE CO. Just Good Coal 9141 MONICA & PMRR WE 3-4444 Ninety Jews Who Helped Establish the Republic 1776-1865 - An AJP Hanukah Feature In his recent book, "Jewish Notables' In America," (Green- berg, Publisher), historian Harry Simonhoff puts before us a clear picture of 90 great siewavisviss ■ zoimevome ■ Season's Greetings Hanukah Greetings M...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 39

…Season's Best Wishes BURCH ASSOCIATES Field Interviewing 7310 GRAND RIVER -t 0t L 01 1 0 Sincere Holiday Wishes D 0 TY 8-0885 so El DEALERS DRIVE-AWAY SERVICE CATHERINE RAE, Prop. 21721 GRAND RIVER 0 KE 4-0610 or 0 El Best Wishes for a Happy Hanukah to Our Friends and Customers of the Last 22 Years BLAINE SANITARY MEAT & POULTRY MARKET (KOSHER) 26035 Coolidge, in Oak Park Ll 7-4121 Across from Lucky Market Happy. Hanuk...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 40

…I1 ■ 041111111111H1111•111KMEN.1.11•16.0.11•11.Nall.0111111111 ■ 114111111•141.1111111 THE DETR OIT JEW ISH NEWS— Friday, Decem ber 5 Holiday Best Wishes Mr. and Mrs. MORRIS SPIRO & FAMILY CHAPMAN'S TAILORS Custom Tailoring & Alterations 4057 Tireman, Nr. Gd. River TY 8-4178 Hanukah Greetings CLIFFORD CUSTOM TAILORS Cleaning - Pressing - Alterations Suits Made to Order 2316 CLIFFORD WO 3-4225 Happy Holiday Greetings WEST WARREN BA...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 41

…• • ***O m 0000••••••••••••4100111••••••••••••••••••0041r i Holiday Good Cheer • 1 • VICTOR'S SYSTEM • • Spinoza's Works : : • in Paperbacks Open 24-Hours Daily All-Beef Hamburgers — Good Coffee • UUL SULA C Cordial Greetings on Hanukah HAIR FASHIONS BY LOUIS • • Louis Walley—Winner of the 1958 Hair Cutting Competition of the Michigan Hair Dressers Assn. 12962 WOODWARD TO 6-9556 • • 2931 EAST 6 MILE TW 2-9472 • : . 1440 GRISWOLD...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 42

…WitiSiMisuisuutiti9' Holiday Greetings Holiday Greetings CAPOZZOLI RESTAURANT Chicken - Steaks Chops - Bar-B-Q DREWS RECORD STORE 1 Coin-Operated Juke Boxes 10487 Gratiot, at French Rd. WA 1-0952 8532 TWELFTH TR 1-3424 icincrinrinna-6-6-615-ifrniM5 . Greetings an Hanukah Greetings on Hanukah DETROIT BAR & CAFETERIA Women's & Misses' Apparel SUE-ANNE SHOP 6064 WOODWARD AVE. 722 WEST McNICHOLS SU 8-6063 TR 1-6722 agASULSULAMQ LUI...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 43

…Greetings on the Hanulcah Season > Exceptional Banquet Facilities-Private Rooms for Business Meetings Weddings - Parties - Luncheons - Dinners - Closed Sundays Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Dinner 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. TR 1-1665 Greetings on the Hanukah Season TOPINKA'S COUNTRY HOUSE LORI-LYNN HAIR FASHIONS WEST 7 MILE at TELEGRAPH Serving Lunches, Dinners, Late Suppers Catering to Parties & Banquets-Open Daily & Sunday, 12 to 12 KEnwood 1-90...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 44

…THE DETROIT JEWIS H N EWS— Friday, December 5, 19 58-4 4 ••••41.111,01111•1•11•1 ■ 0•11“.1111.•/ •••0 Holiday Greetings ■ 1111.0 ■ 0411=1114111111•01 Season's Best Wishes White Hawk Cafe t I i Specializing in Broiled Steaks and Chops Bar-B-Q and Chicken 13139 EAST JEFFERSON Next to Savarine Hotel 1 VA 2-9305 1 I NIMED ■ 0 4111111111.0.111111-041M11.0 0 I PALMER HOUSE RESTAURANT Businessmen's Luncheons Full Course Dinners - C...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 45

…elmuistsuutuusuuuuutsus Greetings on the Holiday Season Random House Prints 'The Visit' THE STOCKHOLM "Only Swedish Restaurant in Detroit" Smorgasbord — Charmong Cocktail Lounge 1014 East Jefferson Closed Monday WO 2-1042 Best Wishes of the Season SILVER DRAGON RESTAURANT Chinese-American Restaurant Cantonese Food - Chow Mein - Chop Suey - Steaks - Sea Food Carry-Out Orders 19558 KELLY, Harper Woods DR 1-2752 Delicious Pit Barbecu...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 46

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 5, 1958-4e Music Study Club Artists Concert Stars Youthful Violinist, Soprano Holiday Greetings HAIR DESIGN STUDIO Individualized Hair Shaping Permanents 10615 WEST 7 MILE at Pinehurst UN 4-3004 Tom Hatch, Style Director Holiday Greetings PARADISO CAFE Specializing in Steak Dinners Businessmen's Luncheons 17630 Woodward TO 9-3988 11 041000i0 ■ 000 ■ 001111.t.s00 . 1110•01,!0410110.1 A Detro...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 47

…CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individ- uals by Telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Dead- line for display classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charges $1.00, or $2.94 per column inch. CALL VErmont 8-9364 10-ROOMS FOR RENT WOMAN OR COUPLE. Kitchen privileges, good transportation. Reasonable. WE 4-6145, TE 4-8831. CURTIS - WYOMING. Comfortable room. pleasant home, good trans- ...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 48

…▪ ▪ 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE VASSAR DRIVE at OUTER DRIVE DUPLEX Greenlawn - Outer Dr. CALL H. GOLDMAN, UN 4-0600 Gorgeous 3 bedrm; 2 bath Colo- nial; only 6 lrs. old; beautiful front paneled den; lovely break- fast rm; spacious living rm. and dining rm; unusually at- tractive paneled rec. rm., gas air cond. heat; exquisite car- pets and drapes throughout. UN 4-4600. O'Donnel Madsen Co. J. WM. KLEM All brick, very clean,...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 49

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE Wisconsin, 18653 Happy Hanukah to All Bari Mar% FIRST 0000004000 KEY TO LOTS LiLIVIN' OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 17—HOUSES FOR SAtE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE Open Sun. 2 - 5:30 Very 1st offering of this custom Col. 3 spacious bedrms., pan. libr. 1st. lay. rec. rm. lovely carpeting and draperies, lots of extras and blt.-ins. Perfect for schools, etc. UN. 1-1411 or LI. 7-72,22. Risdon Realtor OPEN SUN. 2-5 Freela...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 50

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 5, 1958-50 See These Choice Homes Sunday 2-5 Chosen for Their Excellent Value 19219 WARRINGTON DRIVE Sherwood Forest Comfort deluxe in this lovely 4 bdrm. 2 bath English. A.C. ht. Frnt. pan. den, brkfst. rm., scrnd. porch, 3 car brick garage. 60x200 ft. lot, Esther Letvin, 18685 MENDOTA If a BARGAIN is what you want, see this charming 4 bdrm. grey brick C.E. Colonial today. Early American decor. Pa...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 51

…• SEE GROSS OAK PARK Open 2-5 Sun. And Get the Most 24641 Gardner nr. 10 Mi. CLOSE TO NEW SYNAGOGUE Brick ranch 3 bcdrms. and rumpus room, carpeting, drapes, tile base, side drive and gar. beautiful lands. $19,500. These Choice Homes Burt Road 18474 3 bedrm., 1 1 :, bath. ranch. Cus- tom blt. in '56. Pass hall, lovely kit., n o o k, lge. closets, nice bsint., gas ht.; Borg. yard. Nr. tra.nsp.; school, shop s. Only $20,500. Mrs. Gates, M...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 52

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 19483 Appoline OAK PARK Open 2-5 Sun. $900 DN., 3 BEDRMS., GAR., fenced yd. W. of Coolidge. Oak Pk. School dist.,. close to schools & Syn., Carpets, awnings, alum. siding, no painting necess. Full price $12,900. • PRICE REDUCED TO $20,950 Owner moving next week. 3 bedrm. and rear den. Farm Col. 2 car gar. grade lay. gas ht. A real bargain. Extra lot available. Edith Goodman, DI 1-1540 or VE 8-0077. 3 BEDRM. FACE BRICK....…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 53

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE GREENLAWN 17382 OPEN SUN. 2 - 5 OAK PARK ROSEMARY-MORITZ 4 BEDS., DEN, $19,900 Lovely 3 bedroom ranch, spa- cious living room, dining L., large kitchen. Corner lot, loads of extras. 1 block to school. MR. SEIDON UN 4-4600 Beautiful 2-story, 11:, -bath brk., in lovely neighborhood, many extras. Open to offers. Mr. Couchois. Gentile Realty UN 1-4918 17—HOUSES FOR SALE APPOLINE 7 OUTER DRIVE OPEN SU...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 54

…birds as symbols in Jewish art, as well as fertility symbols- In sheep, hare, shell, cornucopia and centaur. In his summary of OD FOR LEASE the discussion of miscellaneous 5 modern stores now under con- 1.4 fertility symbols, he states: struction. New neighborhood. Jews who used this vocabulary "seems to have become Jewish, Two more volumes have just us 20315 W. 8 Mile Rd. Corner "The symbols strengthen been added to the "Jewish Sym- of symbol...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 55

…Australian Jewish Leader, Gerald Vahl Davis, Dies ) Moishe Oysher Called Monument Unveilings SYDNEY, (WJA) — Gerald by Death at Age of 52 de Vahl Davis, Australian Jew- Moishe Oysher, who has ish leader, died suddenly here starred in Yiddish motion pic- last month. A former president tures, on stage and radio, died announcements may of the New South Wales Board be (Unveiling Nov. 27 at the inserted by mailing or by call- of Deputies, one o...…

December 05, 1958 • Page Image 56

…Heinrich Heine's Grave BY JOSEF FRANKEL • i Letters Published Are • • from the Montmartre Administrative Bureau rtamottaimoos ■ oll•wommo•o•Now n Boris Smolar's 'Between You ••and Me' Empress Elizabeth, who some In the rue d'Amsterdam, not is also incorporated, the writ- years previously had called far from Montmartre, lived ing now almost indecipherable: upon 87-year-old Charlotte Heinrich Hein e, the first Where shall I, of wandering...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 1

…Remarkable Jewish Terms Dictionary • . UN Human Rights Declaration . Yiddish Stage Future Commentary Page 2 Religious Teachings in Our Schools ... Challenge to UN on Refugee Problem . , Wanted, Consistency Editorials Page 4 E JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME XXXIV—No. 13 100 (TinigiolIn Sh%p 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35, N...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 2

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 28, 19 58-2 Purely Commentar y• • Remarkable Dictionary on By Philip . Yiddish Jewish Terms ...Yiddish Theater . . . Bit of Humor J/OMOVitZ Book Fair Audiences Set Records experimentally scrawled the words "tempus fugit" several times thereon. How does one go about securing definitions of basic Jewish The pretty girl, deeply intrigued, handed him another terms? Without going into very deep study of...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 3

…ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — (JTA) — Addressing the an- nual convention of Mizrachi- Hapoel Hamizrachi, Rabbi Isaac Stollman, of Detroit, the organ- ization's president, called on American Jewry, as "the larg- est and most powerful religious community in the world" to take the lead in helping Israel become the center of spiritu- ality for Jews throughout the world." "Israel," Rabbi Stollm an said, "should subscribe to these religiously exalted and pr...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS 6,1\02E Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Offic,.., Detroi...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 5

…• THE DREDEL WITH On continental confections by pARTONS MARY MORGAN * * Israel Fashion Show on Monday Mrs. Alexander Simson, na- tional sponsor chairman of the Women's Division, State of Is- rael bonds will be guest speak- er at the Israel Fashion Fes- tival, it was announced by Mrs. Philip Hellman, chairman of the Detroit Women's Divi- sion. The festival will be held Monday, 1-p.m., at the Scottish Rite Auditorium, in cooperation with ...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 6

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 28, 1958-6 Top Israel Bond Saleswoman Cite Local Federation for Publicity Work hs The Jewish Welfare Federa- tion recently won two awards for outstanding publicity at the national community inter- pretation exhibit held at the 27th annual General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Fed- erations and Welfare Funds. Federation was cited for the best Women's Division inter- pretation and the best set of ...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 7

…Dead Sea. Community Described in Oppenheimer B-G Launches Drive for 20,000,000 Pound WSU Lecture by Monsignor Skehan Guest Speaker at Immigration Fund with Own Contribution "Despite a crack army which In a two-hour lecture, illus- in 31 BC there was an earth- JERUSALEM — Prime Min- is considered one of the best, it trated by slides, the Very Rev. quake in which 30,000 people Weizmann Fete is the bitter truth that we are Direct JTA Teletype Wi...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 8

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Fri day, November 28, 1958-8 The Suburban Community. Some Problems, Simchas and • • a Lade Girl for Sale Cheap , By the Oak-Woodser Somewhat . exaggerated, yet with the typical message of Jewish hopefulness was the Dayenu cartoon which appear- ed in last week's issue of the Jewish News. Showing two men in con- versation, one is saying to the other, "Me worried, Sam? Rid- iculous! Besides fears of anti- Semitism, une...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 9

…"Starting an Art Collection" will be discussed by local ar- tist William Whitney at a meet- ing of the Suburban Branch, National Council of Jewish Women, to be held at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the home of Mrs. Gerald Richter, 8544 Hunt- ington, Huntington Woods. In addition to the speaker, who attended the Corcoran Art School in Washington, D. C., and„reeeived his bachelors and Masters degrees from Cran- - brook Academy, there will be an art ex...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 10

…SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Fete Goldsteins at Beth Shimiel Banquet Dee. 28 CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Sabbath services at 4:45 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Dr. Abraham J. Heschel will occupy the pulpit. The Bar Mitzvahs of Larry H. Jones and Kenneth Rosen will be observed. TEMPLE BETH EL: At 8:30 p.m. services today, Rabbi David A. Baylinson will preach on "Departmental Religion." At 11:15 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine will s...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 11

…AL BORMAN JOHN ISAACS PHILLIP STOLLMAN MORRIS BRANDWINE John E. Lurie proudly announces the Second Annual Detroit Dinner on behalf of YESHIVA UNIVERSITY honoring Judge Nathan J. Kaufman Sunday, January 4, 1959 ..... .. .. • SHERATON-CADILLAC HOTEL Every once in a while an event takes place that sparks the imagination of the entire community and unites everyone in a common bond of enthusiasm and purpose. Such an event, we feel, wi...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 12

…r-1 00 00 c-q z ;14 z CI) )to O PT4 t Gaza Film, Opposed by DAYENI Britain, France, Israel, Withdrawn by the U _ N UNITED NATION S, N.Y. (JTA)—The United Nations has cancelled "at this time" any re- lease of a film entitled "Blue Vanguard" made to depict the creation and operation of the United N a t i-o n s Emergency Force ,along the Israel-Egyptian frontiers. The cancellation • was ordered by topmost officials of the UN after th...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 13

…Detroit Round Table of the National Conference of Chris- tians and Jews observed its 30th anniversary at a dinner held at Masonic Temple, last week. Nate S. Shapero was introduced as the new Jewish chairman of the Round Table at the dinner. Featured speaker of the eve- ning was Ford vice-president William T. Gossett, 54, of Bloomfield. Gossett, active in the Round Table for many years and an attorney for almost 30 years at the time he joined F...…

November 28, 1958 • Page Image 14

…Technion, Elects 1958 Officers; cc 20th Anniversary Dinner Jan. 10 xe3 00 c./ 0 >7. U) z U) 1-5 O At a meeting of the board of directors of the Detroit chap- ter, American Technion Society, on Nov. 21, the following were elected as officers and directors for the coming year: - Chairman of the board, Mur- ray Altman; vice-chairman, Sal- man Grand; president, Jul- ius W. Lev; vice-president, Jay Kogan; sectetary, Na- than H. Scher- mer...…

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