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October 10, 1958 • Page Image 1

…Blintzes Flavor Politics • Adam (s) and the Bible and a Fish Story Commentary' Page 2 THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME XXXIV—No. 6 Printed in a 100% Union Shop Remember the Auschwitz Crimes • Southern Tensions Editorials Page 4 1710u W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364--Detroit 35, October 10, 1958 $5 Per Year; Single Copy 15c Fictitious '...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Sale of Two Submarines by Britian to Israel Called 'First Drop' in -World's Irresponsibility in Arming Egyptians' THE DETROIT JEWISH NE Blintzes for Rockefeller in Glorious America! Non-Jews are known to love "gefilte fish", "kosher corned beef" and other so-called Jewish delicacies. Why not? It has been said that if anti-Semites were given a taste of "knishes" they might transport good will from stom...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 3

…Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. — Mrs. Golda Meir, Foreign Minis- ter of Israel, Tuesday chal- lenged the entire United Na- tions to close the gap between pious expressions for "good neighbor" policy in the Middle East and Arab-Soviet attacks against her country. In a formal address before the plenary meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly—a speech con- sidered by most observers as the sharpest she has ever de- liv...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish. Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Offict., Detroit, Mich.....…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 5

…Continued from Page 1 your book with thanks and will read it with the greatest inter- est." In reply to a question about the possibility of an Israeli at- tack now, Nasser said: "As far as I am concerned, I expect an attack from Israel against the Arabs at any moment. The U.S., Britain and France support Is- rael. These states may consider that Israel should complete her armed intervention, which be- gan last July following the Iraqi revolutio...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 6

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Octo ber nwit frith Councils to Hold Two-Day Blood tank Rally The above scene will be repeated scores of times on Oct. 13 and 14, when the Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Men's and Women's Councils hold their joint •wo-day blood bank rally. Monday's rally is at Clinton School, in Oak Park, and Tuesday's takes place at Adas Shalom Synagogue. Shown here, just after giving blood at a recent rally are an unident...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 7

…memimmulemenimmiwommol A program of action for Jew- ish community relations agen- cies during the coming year is proposed in a joint program plan issued by the National Community Relations Advisory Council. Kay Named Chairman of Education Month to outlaw the National Associa- tion for the Advancement of Colored People. The 18 projects recommend- ed to all Jewish community re- lations for priority attention in 1958-59 as a means of attainin...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 8

…THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, October Fete John Isaacs on 50th Birthday The 50th birthday of John Isaacs, a leading citizen in De- troit's Jewish community, will be celebrated this Saturday, with a cocktail party and dance given by a large group of his many friends at Knollwood Country Club. Born in a little country town in Hun- gary, Oct. 12, 1908, rsaacs came to the United States in 1920, at the John Isaacs age of 12. At 19, he went t...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 9

…The first annual meeting of the SOUTHFIELD HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION will be held at 8:30 p.m., Monday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Sofferman, 24641 Templar. There will be elec- tion and installation of offi- cers. * * The Wayne State University Theater season opens Oct. 17 with "THE BOY FRIEND," Sandy Wilson's musical about the Twenties. Mayor to Serve on Beth Yehudah Dinner Committee Mayor Louis C. Miriani this week accepted the in...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 10

…SYNAGOGUE SERACES TEMPLE ISRAEL: At 8:30 p.m. Sabbath services today, Dr. Leon Fram will speak on Harry Golden's book, "Only in America." The Bar Mitzvah of Michael David Elkins will be observed. At 11 a.m. services Saturday, the Bar Mitzvah of Robert Samuel Eichenhorn will be observed. EVERGREEN JEWISH CONG: Sabbath services at 6 p.m., today. Rabbi Hyman Agress will speak on "The Story of Creation," at 9 a.m. services Saturday. CONG. BETH J...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 11

…Two nationally-famed archi- tects, retained by Congregation Shaarey Zedek to plan their projected new synagogue, will address the semi-annual meet- ing of the congregation, next • Tuesday, at 8:30 p.m. Percival Goodman, of New York, and Sol King, president of Albert Kahn, Inc., Detroit, will present their ideas about Brochure Describes Religious Schools' Council Activities Rabbi Steinhouser Alive in New York Hillel School Parents to 'Keep U...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, Oc tober 10, 1958- 1 2 I S By LINDA REISTMAN CENTRAL L I I) Workmen's Circle Sets Culture Institute P I N G S By JUNE LEVY Senior activities for the grad- uating class of January, 1959, Central industriously begins are under way with the primary her second century of existence election of class officers held as the centennial spirit and fes- Tuesday. tivities are carried into the new The steering commi...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 13

…The Suburban Community Advances in Medicine Bring New Techniques in Banking By the Oak-Woodser hers feel about the necessity of Centuries ago, the practice of having a blood bank that they blood-letting was widespread in would not miss one of the four the healing of the sick. The rallies Bnai Brith conducts dur- theory then was that to rid the ing the year. They call it a body of "bad blood" was to rid matter of common sense—a sort the patie...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 14

…(/* Bond Women Add Holiday Pledges as Brith 40 rn Marjorie Rowin Sets Nov.2 Wedding Date Miami Social Club to Meet Activities Among the 50 volunteers from the Israel Bond Women's Division who worked at the High Holiday cash collection break- fast taking prospect cards which totalled $300,000 are, left to right, front row, Mesdames JOSEPH KATCHKE, honorary chairman; BEN Z. FREEMAN, cash collection co-chairman; PHILIP HELFMAN, Women's Div...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 15

…omen's Mrs. Bernice Heller, program chairman of the WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of the ACCOUNT- ANTS GUILD, announces that a dessert luncheon and meeting will be held at 1 p.m., Satur- day, in the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Boone, 19938 Asbury. A social hour will follow. * * * CILIA activities KINNERET CHAPTER, Pio- neer Women, will hold a lunch- eon at 12:30 p.m., Saturday, in the home of Mrs. Sarah Kaplan 3280 W. Outer Dr. Mrs. Pauline Sherman is co-h...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 16

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ® Friday, Octo ber 10, 1958- 1 6 • Federation Women to Commoice Leadersh i p Course on Monday The Women's Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation will hold the first session of its 1958 L e a ders h i p Training Course start- ing 9:50 a.m., Monday, at the Fred M. Blaze' Memorial Building. Women at- tending the course will learn about Federation, its affiliate d agencies, a n d their plans for the future, Mrs. Gross...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 17

…gewry en Ar: This Week's Radio and Television Programs of Jewish Interest FAITH OF A JEW Time: 9:30 p.m., Sunday. Station: WJBK-TV (Channel 2). Feature: The culture com- mission of the Jewish Com- munity Council is presenting this special telecast, which ex- plains some of the Jewish cus- toms and ceremonies. Partici- pants are Rabbi Jacob Chinitz, of Cong. Ahavas Achim, Stuart Stahl, Elizabeth and Rubin Weiss and Mary Lou Zieve. • * COUNCI...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 18

…00 an THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEW S — Friday, October r-4 activities in Society U of AI Students Plan August If red.di g Mr. and Mrs. Jack Iden (Shirlee Rose), formerly of Ard- more Ave., are now residing in their new home at 10005 Elgin, Huntington Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Prady, of Oak Park, have recently re- turned from a trip to Long Island, N.Y.., where they visited their children, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen. S. Cohen (Barbara Ann Prady), a...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 19

…to Wed Detroiter MISS SHEILA DREZNER Dr.. and Mrs. Henry Drezner, of Trenton, N.J., announce the engagement of their daughter, Sheila Sue, to Cyril Freedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freedman, of Elmhurst Ave. The bride-elect was graduat- ed last June from the Univer- sity of Michigan, where she re- ceived a BS degree in zoology. Miss Drezner, a member of Del- la Phi Epsilon sorority, was employed at the Sloan-Ketter- ing Research Institute ...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 20

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Fr iday, Oc tober 10, 19 58-20 Set WinterDa e SANDRA SCHOENFIELD Announcement is made of the engagement of Sandra Gail Schoenfield, daughter of Mrs. David Keats and Dr. Gilbert Schoenfield. to Charles Edward Tobistnan, son of Mr and Mrs. Jack Tobisman. A December wedding is planned. Downriver Sisterhood Slates Season's Events A full calendar of activities is planned by the newly-organized Sisterhood of the Downr...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 21

…WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The State Department considers the United Arab Republic within its rights in barring former Jewish residents from returning to Egypt and questions the extent to which anti-Jewish discrimina- tion is applied by the UAR against American Jews. Assistant Secretary of State William B. Macomber, Jr., in a letter to Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, said that insofar as it affects entry to the UAR, an Egyptian decree bar- r...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 22

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NE WS — Friday, Octo ber 10, 195 8- 22 ADVERTISEM E NTS CLAM Liners accepted From responsible firms or individ uals by Telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Dead- line for display classified ads is 4:30 p.m., 'Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, nainianum charges $1.00, or $2.94 per column inch, CALL VErmont 8-9364 10-ROOMS FOR RENT WIDOW desires working couple or woman. Meyers-7, privileges. UN 4-0816. i 13-FLATS, INCOMES AND A...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 23

…Holly Hill Farms The Ranch Beautiful . Open Sun. 1-5 P.M. SUGAR SPRING ROAD, 29485. Seller-artist already • transferred to New York. Priced below cost. Exquisite ranch home, right out of House Beautiful, less than 1 yr. old on about 1• acre wooded site, nr. 13 Mi. & Middlebelt Rds. % mi. W. of Northwestern Hghwy., in a lovely community of professional people, engi- neers, artists, etc. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, family room, ga- rage, landsc...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, October 10, 1958-24 - 17—HOUSES FOR SALE * 4- * * * * * * * * * 17—HOUSES FOR SALE SOUTH F I ELD'S FINEST 17—HOUSES FOR SALE -sc New beautiful center entrance ranch homes with 3 bdrms., * pan. den, 2 full baths with stall shower, gas heat, wet * plaster, 60 ft. wide lot and introducing OUR NEW DREAM 9c KITCHEN FOR 1959. PRICED AT $22;900 15736 HILTON SUSSEX 23121 Ridgedale-Oak Pk. Blvd. $2,200 D...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 25

…17--HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PARK 23230 KENOSHA 17—HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PK. BLVD.-15210 CURTIS CORNER GRIGGS 1 blk. S. of Oak Park Blvd. and community. Recreat. facilities. Owner trans. Best reasonable offer takes 3 bdrm. brk. ranch, 4 yrs. old. Lge. liv. and Din "L", 16 ft. kit., alum. S&S, carpeting, tile basem't, fence, disposal, drapes, gas ht. Nr. schools, synagogues, shopping and trans. on street with other homes valued at $10,000 more. ...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 26

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fr iday, October 10, 19 58-2e 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE EVERGREEN - 8 Mile section. Open Sunday. Erick ranch. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, garage, gas heat. drapes. carpets, near synagogue. by owner, 20220 Kentfield. KE 4-5525. OAK PARK, 22150 WHITMORE. 3 bedrooms brick ranch. rec. room, carpets, drapes, storms and screens, fenced and landscaped, owner moving. no reasonable offer re- ...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 27

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE CURTIS 16141 OPEN SUN. 2-5 . Hurry!! 3 bedrm. Col. Excel. cond.; fam. kitch.; glassed terr.: pass hall. Newton School. Cor. St. Mary's, nr. Greenfield. Ex- cellent terms. MiSs Weitzman/ Miss Kessler. GROSS REALTY NORTHWEST OFFICE UN 4-3100 13420 W. 7 MILE Basil 20434 OPEN SUN. 1-5 Priced reduced on this large 3 bedrm. home, liv. rm., dining rm., breakfast nook and den. Extras: spinkler, dishwasher. finished basement...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 28

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fr iday, October 10, 195 8-28 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER, face brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, garage, 10840 Oak Park Blvd., Oak Park. LI 1-2938. 19157 FERGUSON, $13,500, 3 bed- rooms, baths, ranch, $1,0(0 down. Open daily 2-7 p.m. SAN JUAN at THATCHER HUNTINGTON WOODS Colonial Supreme! First time offered. Open 2-6 Sunday for your inspection. 26'.:38 Dundee in the - Proper". 4 b...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 29

…OAK PARK OPEN SUN. 2-5 Open New Section of Compton Village 21121 Westhampton. At only $21,500, a beaut. '7 rrn. ranch with pine den and att. gar. 80x144' lot with huge trees. A step to buses and shopping! Mr. Williams. GROSS REALTY NORTHWEST OFFICE UN 4-3100 13420 W. 7 MILE 18975 INDIANA OPEN 2-5 SUNDAY Low dn. paym't to FHA, 25-yr. mortgage will get you an attrac- tive 6-room bungalow; 3 bdrms, 2 baths, gas ht., drapes, carpet- ing, ...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fri day, October 10, 1958-30 Fanfani Delays His Israel Trip; to Visit Nasser Philanthropic History to Mark 60th 'Blood Libel' Causes United Jewish Charities Birthday Pogrom in Soviet A history of Detroit's Jew- out in his announcement of the ish philanthropic endeavors, approaching anniversary that ROME (WNS)—Prernier Am- being prepared by Irving I. the UJC and its successor, the Federation, "had the continu- intor...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 31

…Mrs. Celia C i t r i n, of 2673 Glendale, a long-time supporter of community-wide projects to- gether with her husband, Bar- ney, a founder of the Citrin Oil Co., died Oct. 4. She had served as president of the Chevrah Kadisha of the Hebrew Benevolent Society and was one of the organizers of the Beth Jacob School for Girls, a division of the Beth Yehudah Schools. Only last March, Mrs. Citrin and her husband were honored by Cong. Beth Shmuel, a...…

October 10, 1958 • Page Image 32

…___y____„,imwawmwip.wswpo•gmwnwmwmpmmp. Plans Announced by Sliaarey Ledek for $3,500,000 Synagogue on 40-Acre Site Congregation Shaarey Zedek this week announced plans for the erection of a new syna- gogue and adjoining buildings for its schools, library and other needs. The building program calls for a $3,500,000 development of a 40-acre site at North- western Highway and 11-Mile Road. Announcement of the devel- opment plans was made by Lou...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 1

…2 HE JEWISH NEWS YEARS OF SERVICE A Weekly Review FIGHT INFANTILE PARALYSIS MARCH of DIMES ' , Tents ei of jet, "`t V.) A () Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incor VOLUME XXXI I — No. 19 "V 100 F :r1 11-1 v...OhnS”op 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 5.0: 0,000 Jew.: 8-93' A co pes ` s? roit Jewish Chronicle Expose of Irresponsible Action by Unauthorized Rabbis on Religious Clause in Census Questionnaires Commentary, Page 2...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 2

…Friday, January 10, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S-2 Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Back on Agenda: Religious Question in Census The issue over the inclusion of a question on the religious identity of Americans in the forthcoming U.S. Census question- naires is back on the agenda. It has been revived by the New York Association of Rabbis, "a division of the Rabbinical Association of America," an ortho- dox group that has broken away ...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 3

…Max M. Varon,. Counsul of Is- rael in New York, will speak at the first fund-raising meeting of the 1958 Allied Jewish Cam- paign, announces Mrs. Eugene J. Arnfeld, pre-campaign chair- man of the Women's Division. The meeting, for women who contribute $500 or more, will be held at the home of Mrs. Aaron Gershenson, 1700 Wellesley Drive, 1:30 Thursday. "In the 1957 Campaign, 269 women in the pre-campaign di- vision raised $366,753. In view of m...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 4

…r- THE JEWISH NEWS Our Obligations in 1958 Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle, commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers. Michigan Press Association. National FAiitoria] Association. Xtr-124-.75„ • iy 4. •, • • •-.4 Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 1'7100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich.. VE. 8-9364 Subscription $5 a year. Foreign Entered ...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 5

…Maurice Samuel, noted authOr and lecturer, will appear in a "Star Night for Israel,"• at Con- gregation Beth Abraham, 8100 W. 7-Mile, Jan. 30, at 8 p.m. The affair is sponsored by the Detroit Council of Bnai Brith in behalf of State of Israel Bonds. Appearing with Samuel will be "the nation's fast- rising humor- ist," Hy Sands. The young comedian has entertained on television with Milton Berle, Martin and Hy Sands Lewis and MAURICE SAMUEL Kate...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 6

…Friday, January 10, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-6 Inbal Troupe Scores Great Y Triumph Goldoftas to Speak on 'Times of Moses' JA to Mark 20th Year June 24-26 at Israel Parley Details of a program of spe- tour from New York which the Israel Army and Air Force Movsas Goldoftas, principal cial events for attendees at the offers a full sightseeing pro- will stage special maneuvers. of the United Jewish Folk UJA's 20th anniversary confer- gram ...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 7

…B-G Outlines Coalition Cabinet Plans Continued from Page 1 and ■ possibly more from a fund goVernment. which, on the surface, would be controlled by Pakistan, Iraq "The Ministers bind them- and Turkey as members of the selves to preserve complete Bagdad group. secrecy in matters of security and foreign policy, without ex- Another Dulles plan is re- ception, if the government portedly to have the Security decides that secrecy shall apply Counc...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 8

…JEWISH NEWS-8 The Suburban Community Recalling Great Man's Fight Against a Crippler of Men There are others who have By the Oak-Woodser Around this time of year, contracted the disease in years when cannisters are placed in past who still are under the care of the National Foundation business establishments, and we are all urged to contribute to for Infantile Paralysis. Indeed, the March of Dimes, it's almost there is no guarantee yet that ...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 9

…• Circle to Brut °. Yiddish Theater Back to Detroit The first Yiddish play to be presented in Detroit for a num- ber of years will be seen on Feb. 9, when the Workmen's. Circle sponsors the appearance here of a well-known group of Yiddish actors. The cast, headed by Victor Packer and Sonia Zomina, will offer "Menachem Mendel in Miss Zomina Packer America" at 8:30 p.m., that day, in the Detroit Institute of Arts auditorium. Both of the pri...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 10

…Equality Club Plants Grove of 1,000 Trees in JNF Israel Forests MRS. MAX STOLLMAN (right), president of the JNF Ladies Auxiliary, presents a certificate on behalf of the JNF and its Auxiliary for a grove of L000 trees in Israel to the Equality Club, which has financed the grove. (Left to right) Mesdames OSCAR SCHWARTZ, Equality Club president; MICHAEL J. KUSHNER, tree chairman; and DAVID ROSEN- BERG, vice-president, accept the certificate. s...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 11

…Detroit Gifts to Techniort Rise to $365,000; Warsaw Ghetto Hero, 'Capt. Antek,' DoriAcelaimedbyLocalLeaders,Educators to Spark Histadrut Workers' Rally Gen. Yaacov Dori, who di- rected Israel's defense army during the War of Liberation in 1948, and who now heads the Israel Institute of Technology- Technion—at Haifa, as its pres- ident, was given an enthusiastic reception here at the annual dinner of the Detroit Technion Society, Saturday even...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 12

…ell z Detroit Mizrachi-Hapoel Ha- mizrachi Organization an- nounced this week that it will ti again supervise the sending of CARE packages for Passover O to Israel. Needy families will be pro- E* ; vided for through this special W C:1 Passover undertaking. Details regarding this effort may be obtained by calling the Mizrachi office, 12238 Dexter. co ”4 Resume Study Courses at Beth El Monday Cu The winter semester of Beth El College of Je...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 13

…Honored by Friends Co-Workers Sponsor 50th Birthday Party for John M. Wise Friends and co-workers in many communal causes with Traffic Court Referee John M. Wise have combined to honor him at a dinner, next Thurs- day evening, at Holiday Manor, on the occasion of his 50th birthday which he will observe with his family the following day. . Thirty of Wise's friends are co-sponsoring the dinner in his honor. Wise, who resides at 20259 Warringt...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 14

…Fri day, January 10, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S- 14 • Marshall Lands Israelis 'An Bantpiet Vitality . at Record Barahla 11-Pervasive Ambassador Lourie to Be Speaker at CJC Regional Parley in Windsor The Windsor Jewish commu- will be the official opening ses- Rabbi Kirshblum joined with "Dr. Churgin," he added, "had A gathering of 550—a record attendance for any similar event the others on the program in the great vision to help build ni...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 15

…CITY OF HOPE CANCER FIGHTERS will hold a board meeting at 12 noon, Monday, at Mar-Gene Catering, 18410 Wyoming. According to Mrs. Sidney Deitch, chairman, hos- tesses will be Mesdames Abe Feldman, Philip Feigenson, Harry Fink, Al Gaynor, Louis Garvin, Jack Gorback and Irving Gold. Tickets for the annual cocktail party are avail- able from Mesdames Earl Ship- per, EL. 6-1585, or Ben Caron, UN. 2-8359. • * * Final plans have been made for the an...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 16

…Friday, January 10, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S-16 Set Spring Date MISS PEARL BERGER Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Berger, of Hartwell Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Pearl Jean, to Allan D. Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ellis, of Huntington Rd. An early spring wedding is planned. An exhibition of 29 new works by MERVIN JULES will be shown at Garelick's Gallery, 20208 Livernois, beginning Sun- day and concluding on Jan. 25. ...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 17

…Misc Nedelman Wed Sports in Israel in Double-Ring Rites to Get Boost MRS. MAURICE BE-TMAN Bernice Nedelman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nedel- man, of Elmhurst Ave., became the bride of Maurice Betman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bet- man,,of Tuller Ave., in a double- ring ceremony at Beth Aaron Synagogue on Dec. 22. Rabbi Benjamin Gorrelick and Cantor Ihil Gildin officiated. The bride wore a gown of white silk taffeta designed with a scoop d...…

January 10, 1958 • Page Image 18

…Friday, January 10, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS- 18 Bnai Brith Activities Mrs. Abraham Waronoff, pres- ident of TIKVAH CHAPTER, announces a meeting at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, at Rainbow Terrace. An afternoon of games and mah jongg is plan- ned, and prizes will be award- ed. Friends and family are in- vited to participate. 0 0 * IVAN S. BLOCH LODGE will hold its annual sports night at 9 p.m., Jan. 20, at Jericho Tem- ple, 18495 Wyoming. Award...…

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