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November 01, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…,, -_- - \ r = Y = jl 7....__ 'S _- . .- . - :1. VOL. I. No. 30. JNtIV THE NEW HOSPITAL. The Facts Regarding the Action of the Regents. A few days since a vituperative Detroit organ censured the Re- gents of the University for ex- eeeding their authority in letting the contracts for the new hospital St P at7V8,000. Upon investigation the facts 8iow that the Regents pursued the only available -course. The neW buildings must accommodate both the...…

November 01, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. C.i of' taro. We would suggest that the S TU ODEN TS'7 BOO KS- Pother swan's mouth be enabled to BUY YOtUR COLLEGE the Coree ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. Subscripttiton rice *,5 0 pr year, invariably in advance. Sinigle cttpira 3 rests. Olt tale at Sheehan's and Peat Ofire nesa stand evorey eveatng at 60osclock. Subscription may be left at the otice of tthe DAILY, Opera House block, at Sheritan's, at Stofi...…

November 01, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SA MS, SMOKING JACKETS!1 S=FiT TlT THE NEW ASCOTI. ha~ Arbor sIoa1 bC m llllr . VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, W1ORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Otfice.- 23 South Fourth Ave. S-L N iS E LE Of Old U. of M. shcould have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaraniteed every inch of the road. Violin amd5( Guitar Strings, 10 eta.; Banjo and vlandol...…

November 01, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…T IF fr A.M DA I7 I J. 8L WAN77...E1E1. . Z .4 It - CLTHIN:G HOUSE,, 7 715'~owr vneDtot i l 0 0UDE,, 7,[3 te\cowr AeaD j '11& 1O{ cpIIRhN' I1 nys CLOT HRING HTEA E 0F v Latest Noveltes ArrvmL 2DaLJ.-mi NEW BOOK STORES, ICLU DI G- Wriglht's Health Underwear. Blacki Under-Near. Medlicott Goods Natural WXool, and Chbeaprer Grades. This --Display --is --Unsurpassed. 6 Sout Mal Street 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, T T OT Medical Boo...…

November 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…_ E ,; , ,/ -i 7 _= 4-r . p '" ' 1 _ _-. s'._.-.- .- - y a VOL. I. No. 31. ~oc I.No.31. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1890. PIE3CNS PRICE 3 CENTS. U. OF M., 34; PURDUE. 6. gets it. Grosb thon redeemns 'ePurdue Boys Disapponted in himlself by a long run to 20 yd. the Result of the Gains. line aided by good interference. TIhe knowledge of Purdaes leeott advanices bull to 5 II line. csecore with the Chicazo Tim- (irosis finds a bole...…

November 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF C. o~f Ytxfl New York, since this tine .the t Y band has traveled all over thie Published Daily (Sunttays excepted) during world; everywhere drawing atnd the College dear, by delighting immense audiences. THE U. of M. INDEPENDENT AWOCRATION. At the Centennial celebration, _____ Mr. Gilmuore gave sixty concerts; Sutbscriptiont price C!,5per year, invariably also lie hats given matty conicerts in advance. Sinsgle cspies 3 etnts. Ott sa...…

November 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…AT THE TWO THE U. OF M. DAILY tSA MS, Of Old UT. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; B~anjo and Mandolin Strings, C11.2 cts. Everything in proportion. L.I.dement, ALL~~E IIO OGI o SMOKING JL- THE NEW A SCOTT. TRA.IXE ATm .BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND HURtON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK 01' TOILET GOODS AND FINE CIGARS, TOBIACC...…

November 03, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…R~ ~ TH 11~V~i , r+ P fit TOTI ---THE' NEW- ___IS SHOWING CLOTHING HOUSE, * DiEN 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michiage1?: U P R OR.I) R E Men's, CEL'lIt". iN~liiS _ICUIG Boy'sLTW ~It(~\ Children' O 11I.LGU T(T,;rrt9 ft'\IltdJ T5e/1\IY)qt l1Latest Noveliecs Arriving aLy. Black Underwear. Medlicott Goods, Natural Wool, and Cheaper Grades. NEW BOOK .PTM.R~p q 'LKJ This DirDlav -:Ts : nurassed. Y, 0IN A-P fl IGC, T 0F TI~ 6 South Mainj ...…

November 04, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…t ,. __ 3 ~{ { 1 /J/ rho.,, y r . : /i ' 11F f , ' _.. - :; _ . _ VOL. I. No. 32. VO.I.N. t. UNIVERSITY OF M[CI1[IGAN TUESDLAY) NOVEMBER 4, 18900. PCE3CNS PRICE 3 CrNZS. NEWBERRY HALL. Saturday Evening's Concert. About $4,000 Still Necessary io Tfj concerct last Saturday E'ieol Complete the Work. t~ams i piOs001i~ It is statedl that the expenldittire1 for the imiisical season011 iss'Ails of buit x1,00011101e will finish thelie r Ol1e is, witli...…

November 04, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ofaPblihed tiily (Sndays excepted) during the Collee 3oear, by THE U. of M. INEPENIENT ASOCATION. subecriptin pice r-0 per year, invariably in adance. Single copies 3 cet. Ott sale at Sherhan' ad Post tOfice aets statd eey evening at iociock. sbsriptisanmay be left at theOffie of the DAILY, Opera Hose block, at shehcta's, at Stotiets, o twth any of tte editors. (wtttnttleattions soldat reach te oice by 105 A. tey are t...…

November 04, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY I AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKING *JACKETS!1 THE NEW ASCOTI. ,[ J Il1L i BEST WORK IN THE CITY ! STATE ST 1 TAILORS, CORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 'SECIAL7ItRATES TO STUDENTS. C L Offlce. - 23 South Fourth Ave.,IPL /N ]3E S I Of Old U. of M. Should have ai University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the roati. Violin aind Guitar ;strings, 111 cts.; Banjo and Mdandolin S...…

November 04, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…'lT4IT UnqA'TMTDAILY ---THE N EW IS SiiOW'ING- CLOTI-ING HOUSE' ,IP+0NION { c~y (taci" p1 1A1 jE AlMND A SLatst LNoveltieis PrrivlniL7Dily-,m2 ___NCLLUItI)G- Wrighlt's Health Underwear. Black Underwear. Medlicott Goods, Natural Wool, and Cheaper Glades. This --Display --is --Unsurpassed. SI I WTi .L 1% 1:.1 Y Y .LJ NWX %.! .L36. R.J 1% ,, .L V J J A.J 7 6 SOLdh Maiq Street. 41-SoliSteSre, UNIVERSITY TEN 5013 C}', 0 TT-2 =o T~T MedicalBooks, La...…

November 05, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…VOL. I. No. 33. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1890. PSICE 3 CENTS. THE NEW HOSPITAL.- ralged at present our Riiugb team HARVARD AND PRINCETON. THE EW H~PlAL. anicd a preent____I Wriqht, Kay & Co. $100,000 to he Expended In the Near Future. There are to be two wards built soon, on the grounds purchased by the University, north and west of the Observatory grounds. The are laid out in such a way that there can be two additional W...…

November 05, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. x x_ x. x:K , ;;: IC, of 3?(. .ait~g. ]Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Coree3ear, by THE U. of Mt. INDEPENIENT ASSOCIATION. one that showed neither skill nor originality. We are glad, thought, to niote that thie greater part of the (depredations, around the cam- ps , were siot conmsitted by Usni- versity' students. But ott such a STUDENTS' BOOKS_ 'BUY YOUR COLLEGE TEXTT Bons, LAW ANDP MEDICAL BOODS NOTE BOOKS,...…

November 05, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKING JACKETS I TH-E NEW ASCOTT. A Mi Alorp~~1 Lallllry VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, CORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. tIP5PFCIALORATES TO STUDENOT. t ice 23 South Fourth Ave. -fL - L EELE Of Old U7. of M. should heave a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and M...…

November 05, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…'TRE U (VP M. DAILY - ~VB1E, 4 V lT l CLOTIN{II OLJSE, oiBTT L'D0, 71, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue;,Detroit, MicigatI iii1K KH iL f , I L IS OJN \4'-' ChldeIAJJ.LOTH] NGHATS IANDaCF~ C- "Latost Novelties Arrivingl Dao L NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Maid Streut. 44 South Stat Street U NIXVERSITY 'INT-B3001KS, S TATIOrhT=ON Modical Pooks, Law Books, DI r.ANK louis, LX ii vS, .Alij~ooks Used in City Schools. Students, Rote Books and Padts, Draft- Comple...…

November 06, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…S I'i' t "_ .~ ' L .. i ' . 1r , _ ,. y: ; ~ , __ 0 " . No. 34. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1890. PRCE 3 CENTS. OUR ELEVEN. Traiiiie, I. g., played last Year. Ills chief fault is that e i+t., A Review of the Players. I pugh acious and is apt to be riiled Candidates for the eleven are ioff in 2Igame. fery slowly getting into shape. Malley (capt.), r. t., tle oldest Tire trouble withiiost of themen player on the team and the on...…

November 06, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…r U.of 'c. T"Itj Putblished Daily (Sundays excepted) iu the Colleat 3caar, by THlE U. o M. lNDEPENIElNT ASOIA1 Subcriptio price $2,55per year, inavr in advance. single otis :3 ents. On sa Sheehan's and Pst Otfice news standc evening at 6i o'clock. Sbsription mna left at te otie of tte SAnta, Opera Hi block, at Stsetan', at Stotlet, or wt of the editors. Coammsnations rihould rests th' otis 10 A. M. it they arc to appear li.sasmae Address all t...…

November 06, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE__TWO __1SAMS Prince Albert Suits, cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, ---- JUST ARRIVED See Yonman's Hlat, Knox's Hai, Silverman's Hlats and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS L 131 ITZ. sT , W~~T Of Old U. of M,, should have a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Quality hiighiest. Guaranlteed every inch of the roadl. Violin avid Guitar Strings, 10 ets'.; Banjo and Mandolin Str~ings, 5t cts. Everything ia proportion. L....…

November 06, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…TH-E U C)P M. DAILY Tl NEWJ V Ye ±~Y~~fI~I C LODTFHIIJG IHOLJSE .TF< KK 1A, ,:tIT2 iYIN .i7 Mien's, fI T( (liNrtLiMIN I' liIz t= Cilclews CLOTlhIN'GHk\T0>A\N~D 5AF tAQQDh {istQrz ~LatesL Novoltios PArrvino Li . NEW BOOK STORES, a6Sut iq Street 4-13 Sou taeStr cc UNIVERSITY TENT-BOOKS) T1 MediclBooks, Law Looks, 1BLAN 1Ilociw Am ii. Iiso. Allooks osed iin City Schools. Stidents, Note Books aiid Pads. Draft- (Coplete Line of Sporting {goods., lo...…

November 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…-_ t , _ "' r. .. - _ , i _ VOL. I. No. 35. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. FRIELD DAY SPORTS. trie for the Contests To-mor- The Rugby directors, last even- g, arranged the entries for the eld day sports, to-morrow. En- tes have been received for most of the events advertised. The garnes will commence at 2 o'clock. 8 is always the case with fall 'aes, the contestants are not very numerous, but they include all ...…

November 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…M. DAILY. THE U. OF 'C. of 'niF. Iaiu. Publishest Daily (Sandays excepted) during the College tecar, by THE U. of IM. INDEPENDENT ANSOC1AT1ON. Subscrption price g2.50 per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Onesale at Sheehan's and Post Otice newt statnd every evening at 6 o'clock. Subscription masy be left at theoflice of thelDAtLY', Opteta touse block, at Shehan's, at Stotllet's, or tih any of te editors. Comtnmsnicationo sho...…

November 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS' Prince Albert Suits, cutaw~,vSits, and Fine Dress Suits, JUST ARRIVED- See Yonman'.s Hat, Knox's H~at, Silverman's Huts and Caps, AT'THE TWO SAMS A llL . T Z A o r S p i j j l la p fry V O O R H E IS & I T S BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, *WOlRXCALLEDF OR and DELIVERED. FI RST CLASS WORK. UI-SPiCIAi RATES TO STUDENTS.IC I 4Office._ 23 South Fourth Ave. PILL AIl] SEE LUS, Of Old U. of M. should hav...…

November 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…T4EU n'MDAILY THE Nis RW - CLOTHING HOUSEK 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigarn . #fK RR4 THE BYR ra Rs K Men's, Er1 j ~NTLEMEN's FURNISHINGS. Chl clrz ens H 1 GM ATS AND {AF S 13 0 eoFF the atesf Qraze, 1Latest Novelties Arrivino Dail. NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Mair Street. 44 Soutt State Street UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, 3 T 1 rT4 -- Q- - R ' Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK BooKs, ALL KINDS AllBooks used in City Schools. Students, No...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…Nii~g~zsALI VOL. I. No. 36. The Medic Sports. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. Alpha Nu. DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. Wright, Kay & CO I Pm~t nhcaWrTinha, KI yrt& C . In the heavy-weight wrestling, The regular meeting of the Adams, 'i4, won from McClurg, Alpha Nu Literary Society was '92, after a hard struggle. The held last evening on account of 100-ydl. dash was won by Bur- the meeting at University Hall gess, '...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…r y IMEL- M1 - F i. oL. I. No. 36. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. 'V Fij Fischer was givenl the running: EX T R A.IEUE'? broad andrunning high lop, Iby default. Three legged race was not con- FALL FIELD DAY. tested. __-- Tug-of-War. - Prof. De Pont WA EA AS L acted as referee. This took place WEATHER AND A SMALL . on the muddy track in front of CROWD. the grand stand. On the first good pull the rope broke an...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…'TIU J. COF M. DAILY. 'SG. of 1Wf. Tarty. Published Lacliy(udays excepted) during the College3 ear, bye THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASOCIATION. Subscription price F150 per yer, invritbly in advance. Single cpe a cents. Onoalct Shehans and Poet Offico new standecery rveniag at 6 o'cock. Sbcrititnemay be left cC the ofie oifte DAILY OpernHottec blur, at Sitcchu'o cC stfettee, orsit cnp of the eitor. Cmaattnicatis sotld rechitheticeic by 10 A. 5. It ...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THEX.. OF M. DAILY. "'C. of 1 1f. t ait Publishedt Paily (Sutndtays excetptedt)Idurittg the College dear, by THlE U. of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. Subscription price V,71 per year, intvaritably in ttdvantce. Single copies 3 centst. Ott sale at Shleehan'sad Pit w 011cc tnt Cstandteverty evening at t o'clock. Stibarittittttmty be left at ttte cttiee of the tDAttY, tOpeaHiuet black, at Stteehaan's, ttStotttet's, orawittttany of ttte editars. Com...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE U. 0. ATHE TWO SAMS" Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, JST ARRIVED- See Youin's Hat, Knox's Hat, Siloverman's 1-uts and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS L~ 131I1rLrZ. F M. DAILY Of Old U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, (4uality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin alnd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything in proportion. :3 S.Mi S.. ALLMELDI1TGRP...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE U. 01 AqT THE TWO SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, -- LIUST ARRIVED ------ See Youisian's liat, Knox's lit, Silverman's Hlats and Caps, FM. DAILY Of Old UT. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar$ Prices lowest, Quality Highest. Gu~aranteed every inch of the toadl. -Violin hnod Gnitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banljo and Mandolin Strings, e ts. Everything ill proportioi) L. I. (ainet.nt, ALLMKEITDIIIGLL ?IA...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…' M. AILY-_ 'TT4E U, ( CLOTHING--THE N ry E O 171, 73, 175 Woodward Avenue, DotroA, Mchgq o RR~i1 (j LX~~ %H1 L 1O ~ i Men's, (1 V h fN 1 iENTJ, MEN'S Ft iNIttiNO- Children S U-IIIM WS ~ / r--,'Latest Novelties rriia Dail .4s: NEW BOOK STORES, 1JI Q U ff -the Latest Qraze, As- :Z ZTCm''' .LC.U)ie1 _4 ; F- HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- 6 South Main Street. 44 South~ State Streot, G. .WILD UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S.TG.TH. 0W LT, Medical Books, Law ...…

November 08, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…TT-4E1J; nP M. DAI)Y C O H NG HOUSE, IIT73717<Wodwrd veueDetoi, Ii VYKr) -I1 men's, T IG G?,N'rLI MLNi 'UR ,SIICS Children's JCLO. 1JN AJKIS\Q A\ND 06AFSK ic-LatesL Novelties PArrvrna llU.~j NEW BOOK STORES, 1~~Q~QU1F& theiJ atest Qraze, ~ ~AT Jv < <R1 IE Ii ~~D~~ HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- 6 South Main Street. 44 South State Street, UTNiXERSITY 'TEXT-l300KS, - " .- .*. Medical Books, Law Books, BIkAzvl BOOKS, ALL INDS, All jlooks used in Cit...…

November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…1 - _.. + y t ) .,, . . f OL" I. No. 37. UNI THAT aOPHOMORE FLAG. Ai xcited Freshman on the War Path. Last Saturday forenoon six jo- Sophomores made up a scheme to out-do the Freshmen at the Fiel D - SFteld Day games. With the two co-ed Sophs., a large ag Was made of the class colors, we in large figures on its lve of these six fellows got in- to the judges' stand on the fair greflfs- A few other Sophs. Were en to the scheme by this fpe Just a...…

November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THEU. OF M. DAILY. 'I C of . Tatm. THE CAMPUS. STUDENTS' BOOKS. J. B. Field &' Co., of Detroit 13UY YOUR COLLEGE Publshed Daily (Sundays ecpedduring lave 1preseted Abbott, catcher TEXT Bonrs. LAW ANDP MEDICAL BCOO the College)ear, by and right fielder of last years NOTE BOOKS AT THE THE U. o M. INDEPENJENT AtS@IATION. team, with a bat and bat bag for STUDENTS' 1B00K STORE, STATE STREET havinig the best batting average Second-land books at low ...…

November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT _ ETWO SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fite Dress Suits, --- JUST ARRIVED- - See Younman's Hant, Knox's Hant, Silverman's flats and1 Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS Ji 13 LILr. A~l A~o 8tall glll~y, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WOBR CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SPECTIAL RATEiS Cii TTUDENTS. Office{ - 23 South Fourth Ave, -J LALJ3E i Of Old U. of M. should have a University of ...…

November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…TIrEEN U M DAILY CLOTHING HOUSE 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MichigarH Y -r CLOTI1sIIrtn GENTLEMENsS FLRIIIG 1 bens UH/ATS AND OAFS 7Latest Novelties Arrivinrt Daly. NEW BOOK STORES, I ~QO~Q1FFfI, the saest Qra- e, 4 Az HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. 6 South Mai'r Street. 44 Soutl State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, GT rWL DI O - Medical Books, Law Books, BLAiK Boors, Ari. KINDS, A m * All3ooksiused in City Schools. Stidents, Note Boo...…

November 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…l . \f 0 OL. I. No. 38. UNIT CLASS SPIRIT. Fther Developments of the Trouble Between Freshmen and Sophomores. Tiere seems to be a decided bracing up of class spirit. Tlis leOrnillg Freshmen and Sopho- 1ores were gathered in groups of siX to a dozen discussing the atest developments in the contest between the two classes whieh ihas been in progress since last Satur- r It seems that some of the shmen have persisted inl dis- piaying on every safe...…

November 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. "U. of 'm1f. Iilu. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the COlurse 3 ear, by THlE U. of M. ThUEPENIIEIIT ASSOCIATION. Subscription pricen$2,l0 per year, usoathy in advance. Single eopies 3 cencts. tic iIsle at Sheehan's and lus6t Ofice news stand every evening at 6i-o'clck. Subseel tics smay he lift nt the ofcite ofthe tDAttv, iljseu01s block, at Sheelian's, aus toitet's, o ith ii ay of the editoes. tCmmnicatios shldt...…

November 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF. M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS f ldt7 University of 19 Prices lowest, Quality highest. Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Stuits, 5 cts. EveryGutartings, ioi and Fine Dress Suits, L 1. Cleiment,' LMLI 5. M tti n St. --JUST ARRIVED-- --------- See Xoninans lHat, K%'nox's Isar, Silveonsan's lhats and.1Caps, BRFO\AJN4 S AT THEF' TWO SAMS O ESMI1 IL ii rri'z LAsosRGST oic OKETui r( S=TTY1T of M. should have a Mi chigan Guitar. 4 ets.; Blanjo and Ml...…

November 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…TT4E U nflPMv. DAILY CLOTHVING HOUSE, T~(O ~LO Men, 173 175Todwad Av nue eroit,},Mic ie ,r Rl[ ' FT-UH( S- R ) H ( ) 1 Mey's (1il IIRI-u- L/ 'STQ RNISHINGSZ rLi LatestrNoveltiGs Arrvirp.Daftjy NEW BOOK *STORES, ~ ~T 6 South Mali Street, 44 South1 State Street, UNIVERtS YTEXT-B3OKS, ' TA''T=CAN Medical Books, Law, Books, 13"A K I OOKs, ALL KiNDs, All Booki used in City Schools. Stuidents, Note Books and Pads, D)raft- Complete Line of Sporting (...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…VOL. I. No. 39. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. TIME FOR A HALT! very anxious to excite resistance so as to have some excuse for ar- REST FIVE STUDETS ANAR- esting more students And making A TOWN BOY ON VERY a stronger example. II. L. SLIM PRETEXTS. Crumnner had started home in the ipu company of two others, wAhen lie nds are to be Raised to Defend the Boys and Prosecute was ordered to move on; but an- the ...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…THE ,U. OF M. DAILY. ,j C of M . c* V teams. A trip could be taken STUDQE N TS' BOOKS. Pthrough Mew England playing a BUT YOUR COLLEGE Publihted Paily (Sundas exrcreted) during number of gamnes and enabling TEll Booms L!W A kP MEPIQAL BoRS the Cllegeeyear, by the teamr to see the Y'ale-Hlarvard Y Y NOTE DOORIS, AlTHTIE THE U. OF; M. INDEPENLENT ASSOCIATION,. match on Nov. 22f; or a N ew4 STUDENTS' 1300K STORE, STrATE STREET. _____York and Pe n...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…THE U. I OF M. DAILY Al THE TWO SM Prince Albert Suits, Cutaw'av Suits, anti.Fine Dress Suits, JUST ARRIVED- ------ See Younlaan's Hat, Ktnox's Hat, Silverman's liats and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS IL ,131. lTZ. Alli ArbFor XofiLalllfrY VOORFHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! 'STATE ST. TAILORS, OUALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SFOIiAi, RATF To STUDENTS. -f~c *23 South Fourth Ave. -PLAN]SE i, Of O1d U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of M...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…T-4E U OP 1M. DATLY CLOTH7IN~G HOUSE, T ,V K . TrI TYKN ~ Iiyld'' e' CLOTH .LINGTHWTS ANDPYTAIFZS 15JAQi QOF >the LJ.,ettQraze, -IiLsitesL NovelteiG APrriV.) r iljAT NEW BOOK STORES, -s--i Z_4 YY*±11 ' ± TA±fLf ' HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- 6 Sc iial 1Street. 44 South Sate Steet UNIV ER. ITY TEXT-BOOKS, ~ oT = y-G. H. WILD, Medca BooksLasw Boos, IANKi Boo.- ALL KisA Aliooks usedI in City Schools Sudenst, Note Books and Pads.IDraft- is showing-...…

November 13, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…-- 1 , x ;" -f= . _ \6 % . -a . _ -- o. I. No. 40. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. RYthe boys were quiet, to hear what IVIDE R" *R lie had to say. His speech was a _________________ single sente-nce: ''This is the biggest crowd of ignorant people ENCOUNTER BETWE EN I ever saw." Of course this did STUDENTS AND not make the boys disperse, al- N Athough the crowd was extremely MILITIA. good-humored. No one thou...…

November 13, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. t+O ist too late to receive his last STUDENTS' BOOKS. Words, the hearts of us all go out - E UY TOUR COLLEGE Published Dily (Sundays excepted) during in deepest symathy. TEXI 1 BOOTS. LgW ANDP MLDLOU L BO] the Cllee year, by . .._._,.,. ..___._ ti'ltlOlls.1'! UwasarretedNOTE BOOS, AT TE THE U. eOM, !NDEPEN[IENT kSOCIATION. SarTUPiUwDaretdENT' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. _____last evening by Colsa lie Joll Sconid-liaii1.d book...…

November 13, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO. SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, JUST ARRIVED -- See Youman's flat, Knox's Hat, Silverman's ha-lts and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS L .a-LaTZ. AIRAroStaiLllfiy VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WQfOR CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. IN-OPECsIAT R2ATES TO STUDENTS._ySE U ' fflce. 23 South Fourth Ave. SPALL /\mNLJSEUS Of Old UT. of M. should have a University...…

November 13, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…M. DAILY TH-E U OT CLOTHING HOUSE, YOIR C°y CLOTl111I1 G H/'\S AND AF'S, La~test Novelties Arrivinu Dail. NEW BOOK STORES, iBLAQI QIUFfS, the I~&etQae ~ ~.. SI0GT O:'F rTm 17" TA - fllHEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- 6 South Mairn Street. 44 South State Struet,G.H WID UNIVERS[TY TEXT-BOOKS, slw '7 _ Medical Books, Law Books, B <K Os, ALL KINDS, A All~Books used in City Schools. Styude t, Note Books and Pads, Draft- is showilng the Largest Stock of ...…

November 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…+ = q Y _ - '%.. -O- -Q ' . ' ' a. VOL. I. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1890. PaRICE t+;u i FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. CROEEDINGS OF THE CORO- NER'S INQUEST.--MANLY {S HUNG IN EFFIGY.-- 1= GRANGER'S ILLNESS.:. ig9ht of the Militiamen Arrested.-- Their Version of the Case. Ford Belford, Denison's room-mate, olil what lie and Denison did up till tii" of the fatal blow. Dr. Nancrede alloWed With the facts of his death. 1MLITIA ...…

November 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE.U. OF M. DAILY. weC of facts of the case are,that the comn- psymarched north along Di- Publishet ileiy(Sutndays excepited) ding svision till they camne to Libterty, the Colle~evee, bythen they turned -downs Liberty THlE U. OF M . INDEPENIDENT ANSOGIATION. on the rec.°/s sit-I of the street, hut 1proceedled west o~ili about Substeition iti Fe t-s A p;e yie, stit t-abl 1saf l hit-k l;whleste -r -d ins silsesee. lsilise i - eCents. tiOiIct . ...…

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